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Dai's Sprites Folder


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So, yeah. I started doing this shtick on and off since late 2006. I'd like to think I've improved. I don't have my ancient stuff, so I can't exactly prove that, but I do have some of my more recent works. Criticize however you like. I like to do this for fun(or because I have a character I really want to make), but I will accept criticism. These aren't going to be posted in any particular order, so don't expect me to be organized.


This was supposed to be for a hack on some forum, merely some druid that was likely to be fought as a boss. However, I really like her design, simple as it is. As for the grey hair, well...I dunno, I thought white would just stand out way too much.


This is one of my first(And probably only that I at least completed) Radiant Dawn splices/recolors. It's simple as can be, I know, but I really like it. And I like the compliment especially. She's a cutie in my opinion.


This particular lass holds a special place in my heart because she is the oldest character that I have made(that I can remember making). She's gone through a few redesigns over the years, but this is more or less her final look. She's also fairly simple.


I think I made this guy for a contest at some point. My favorite part about him is that armor, because holy smokes, it is amazing. Like, seriously. At least I think so. And that's supposed to be an earring of sorts on his left ear, not me derping on pixels.


I have no idea why I made her. I just remember her being fairly well-received, in spite of how simple she is. I like her, even if her colors are kinda blendish.


Okay, despite how simple this may seem, it was a lot harder to make than it looks. However, I love this particular mug, because who doesn't like a shriveled, evil old badass? Lookit that grin. You just know he's got all kinds of bad things in store.


This one's a little more complex. I kinda like this one, 'cuz she's pretty cute, but she's also got a bit of a sassy look about her. She's probably the most exposed of anyone I've ever sprited, however...well, save for maybe one person.


This was also made for a hack, and, as you might be able to tell by my avatar, it's made to represent myself. I may not actually be strong in real life, but I kinda pictured myself as a fighter. Although, if we took real life into account, this guy would suck badly. And I doubt he'd be nearly as handsome as he is here. Fun fact: He used to look like a regular old villager.


This, too, was made for a hack. She was based off of a friend of mine, but I've come to like this sprite so much that I'm not doubting that I'll find another use for her and character for her to become. She was also originally styled after a villager, AND she was a mage. Now she's a cavalier.


This guy also holds a soft spot in my heart because he's also and older character of mine. He, however, has changed quite drastically from his original look, and this look has become quite iconic of him amongst a certain circle of friends I have. Oh yeah. Those eye frames? They weren't made by me. Just throwing that out there.


I just wanted to make a bald berserker one day. :\ I think he was going to be used in that same hack, too.


This...I just wanted to make, like, the freakiest bandit ever based on that one running gag of the series. Just...look at this man. I named him Jean, by the way. He was gonna be a boss in the hack, too.


This is the guy that's the most exposed after my dancer. This guy...I love him a lot. He just looks badass to me. I mean, seriously. What a bruiser. And he was pretty darn hard to make, FYI.


Yet another character that I'm quite fond of. She's a little younger than the other two, and aside from one major change in terms of coloration and disposition, she's changed relatively little outside of her hair growing out longer. Her hair's pretty frikkin' complex if you ask me.


I make statsheets, too. I can't remember how I decided the stats...probably tweaked Nergal's. Yeah, he's pretty much OP as balls. I just like his design. He has a name, by the way. ;D I just kept it like this for mystery.


Here's one for myself. Do I suck? Probably. I think I tweaked someone else's stats as well for this one. Whatever. As for the hammer...I just love hammers.


This would be that one dude in the red coat if he lived in Tellius. This also is the second version that I can remember of my first Path of Radiance-style mugshot.


Not transparent 'cuz of laziness. I'm not sure why I created her...but I think she's pretty enough.

Edited by Dai
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Something about your work strikes me as extremely familar. Did you by chance post on the ancient, now defunct FE World forums?

Anyway, you have some very clean and very nice splices there, mate! The Serra splice's (our right) arm is pretty pillowy though. The Farina/Karla splice one is nice, but her collar has some chunkiness on it.

Overall, wiggy! I like! Have you ever tried full customing?

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Oh heck no. XD I couldn't custom for the life of me.

Anyway, if by FEWorld, you mean the forum that effectively died pretty much a few months after I joined(And I think the uber Admin there was called Reaver)...yes. My name is in fact just about the exact same as it was on the first forum I joined, sans three letters.

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For somewhat simple splices, I really like your concepts (especially bald berzerker's baldness) and your execution is clean. Also, the putting the battle sprite under the weapon levels for the character sheets is cool.

Edited by deranger
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These are pretty solid, man.

Do you think I might be able to use this sprite for a character in my game, with credit to you?:


I think that's probably your best mug, by far.

And would you mind if I used the idea to display the battle sprite under the weapon levels? I'd still have to find a way to code it in effectively but I think it's a pretty sweet addition to the character sheets.

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You wanna use Auberon? I...guess that's okay. (Unused to the idea of someone actually asking to do that.) Sure, go ahead. I wanna see what he's being used for though, out of curiosity.

Also, I really don't care if you use the battle sprite idea. XD

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Yeah, do so. I'm really quite curious, 'cuz thus far, he sounds a bit different than what I originally wrote him as. Granted, as of late I've been giving my own characters different uses, so.

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Oh heck no. XD I couldn't custom for the life of me.

Anyway, if by FEWorld, you mean the forum that effectively died pretty much a few months after I joined(And I think the uber Admin there was called Reaver)...yes. My name is in fact just about the exact same as it was on the first forum I joined, sans three letters.

Yes! I knew you and your stuff was familiar! Im not crazy! :o:

(i was Florina there.)

And i know how you feel when it comes to customing. im actually working on and off on a full custom and its very slow going. Like...snails hanging out in molasses in January slow. I dont have a tablet and its like, ack. How those guys do it with just a mouse...the mind..it boggles.

One thing i would try since you are at a decent level, is splicing faces and making them look like entirely new characters. Sorta like what you did with Mr Baldzerker. Breathe some new life in the splices! Since you've been at it the same amount of time i have (more or less), it should be pretty easy for ya!

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Nice to see you again! Though I don't think we spoke all that much. XD;


I'd had this guy earlier, but didn't put him up. I had given this guy had a headband earlier, but I decided to remove it 'cuz it was ugly. This guy's my biggest splice to date(No, literally, he won't fit in the hackbox). Aside from being obviously based on Morva, he's pretty much designed to be a dragon.


Oh yeah, and I decided to try my hand at maps, but with something simple, first. Mostly to get a feel with wall links and shadows. I don't exactly have a good tileset, though. I use Mappy, and some of you may know that, to get the tiles to work properly, they have to not have a single pixel of space between them when you import them.

Fun fact, that map is based off of one of the treasure rooms you could find in the Traveler's Gates in Dragon Warrior Monsters. =D

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Oh yeah, and I decided to try my hand at maps, but with something simple, first. Mostly to get a feel with wall links and shadows. I don't exactly have a good tileset, though. I use Mappy, and some of you may know that, to get the tiles to work properly, they have to not have a single pixel of space between them when you import them.

You should check out this thread, since it has a ton of tilesets (the ones used in the GBA games) for Mappy.

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Nice to see you again! Though I don't think we spoke all that much. XD;


I'd had this guy earlier, but didn't put him up. I had given this guy had a headband earlier, but I decided to remove it 'cuz it was ugly. This guy's my biggest splice to date(No, literally, he won't fit in the hackbox). Aside from being obviously based on Morva, he's pretty much designed to be a dragon.

O_O i really like that one! Like, a lot!! Beware, Elphin's hair is a pain in the ass to work with, omg. So the front most chunk of hair looks a little chunky.

And yeah, i dont recall chatting with you back in the day, but i do remember you having a sprite thread there hella days ago! Hah!

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Yeah, I had a lot of problems working with that particular hairstyle. Just namely setting it ON his bloody head so it'd look marginally like it was growing from his head. I'm afraid I don't entirely understand the 'chunky' comment, though. =<

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Double-posting 'cuz I don't care~ :awesome:


I think the warrior sprite is badass, but I don't like the armor. I like the berserker sprite, but I don't like the armor. Thus, since I am a fighter, I am now promoting to a Warrior with this sprite. 'Cuz why not. Spliced from Berserker, Warrior, and Fighter.


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Anyway, if by FEWorld, you mean the forum that effectively died pretty much a few months after I joined(And I think the uber Admin there was called Reaver)...yes. My name is in fact just about the exact same as it was on the first forum I joined, sans three letters.

dah dah oh my god people from feworld still exist holy shit I thought we were an extinct species! Athos101 at your service xP

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His left (right OPV) forearm. Where is it? (His upper arm looks pretty big, move the elbow (and the tricept) up.

Looks like the warrior's arm is not very good for this thing. I'll have to get back to you on that one, 'cuz customizing isn't my best thing.

That shirt looks really skin tight.../shudders

Pecs, man. It's all dat muscle. I'll try to make it less tight, though.

This is cute.This is cuter.ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE MY HEAD EXPLODEangry_dark_stare_meme_face_postcard-p239030377919530072en8ki_210.jpg

Quite possibly.

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dah dah oh my god people from feworld still exist holy shit I thought we were an extinct species! Athos101 at your service xP

Nope. We just evolved!!!

Dai, nice Zerker guy. Pecs.....

deranger has a point about the bigness of that dudes arm...

I'm afraid I don't entirely understand the 'chunky' comment, though. =<

Oh, more like thickness of the shading and stuff.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow...one whole year. I am awful. I thought I'd be using this a little more than that.


Female Knoll contest, I think? I repurposed it. I can't remember. I like it, though. In fact, it's kind of inspired me to reimagine an old character of mine.

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