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Army of MUs! (Opinions and suggestions appreciated!)


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Submitting Mu to this as well ^^

Name: Noctus

Gender: Male

Asset: Def

Flaw: Magic

Class Set: Tactiction >Grandmaster> Assassin >Swordmaster>Demon fighter

Skills: Quick Slash, Astra, Sword Expert, Pass, Lethality.

Appearance: Neck length blond hair with bangs covering his left eye. Has a pale complexion and wears a white headband over his forehead.

Clothing: Edited Demon Fighter Outfit with a tattered coat around the waist that conceals a fox mask. His top half of the outfit is different as the right arm is covered with various armor plates-think Great lord Chrom-. His left arm has a gauntlet with bandages going up to the shoulder. Wears a black funnel collar shirt over a one sleeved black shirt.

Personality: Calm, composed and teasing. Noctus is a joker who surprisingly has quite the wit or strategy. He's always quick to answer with either a joke, riddle or serious answer and knows when to stop the jokes or pranks and knows how to make others smile. Friendship-wise He gets along well with other people but has trouble talking to certain females at times. In battle Noctus can straighten up long enough to either see the battle through or at least turn the tide.

Edited to match reference pic a bit. Also added in bits that I felt were missing.

Edited by Noctus-Kai
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@WHeels YOU LOST YOUR HAIR? That and I was planning on doing a Let's play with an Army of MU's (for lunatic maybe, depending on how the skill Dual Support+ works...) Thought I also am too poor of a college student to get a capture card :( Maybe if I get these pictures done and we all plan this out as a team we could all have our input on the characters and the rules and such and THEN later on in the unforeseeable future raise our banners and gather money for ZE CAPTURE CARDERU...but Ill stick to my crappy 5 year old camera...for now. Oh lol, I may be a scholar, but derp like this keeps me ALIVE!! Everything to THE EXTREME. SQUARED.

@Ground: I'll try to work something out! and I'm gonna fix myself, it's more of a Daichi than a katana (basically a 2handed katana, lol)

@Intrier: 800 words and stuck :( If it was on pursuasion or something like that this would be cake. I have to write about 2 debates that I didnt participate in...needless to say I didn't pay attention to most of the debaters in class (no emotion in them!) /badstudentrant


@Chidokyo Shotas get all the ladies. And thanks! /procrastinationx100




Awwwww Yes. The Sexy.

Just kidding. C:


You should stay Grandmaster lol, but with all that detail, will crank something out ;) Dat Magic Knight.

@Eberict: If only I was a good guy :C but alas, the world has jaded me, my hopes in humanity lay faded, and as time goes by, my mind become evermore persuaded. Okay I'll stop rhyming now ;-;

TBH though, if we ever had an indepth conversation, I'd probably sound cynical, sarcastic, and downright pessimistic on many things about life/society/etc. Sooo I would consider myself a Jerk. With a heart of Gold of course.





Plis no rip my heart out ;-;

Oh and...

As for your origins, that's REALLY boss. How is the Philippines? and are you planning on giving your grandfather's staff to your children? PASS ON DAT TORCH.

And yeah, most of the swords were cool, they were mostly status piece though (like how the military had rapiers mostly for show of status), most of the knives were modern, and most of the guns...man my uncle had too much testosterone in him. :P Sadly I don't remember as much as I would like :(

If I could choose a career to go into, it'd probably be history...and maybe economics. But as fate would have it, I will be another stereotypical Asian Doctor. Nurse. Computer Programmer. Computer Programming Nurse Doctor? thats hot. I feel that media literacy will be met with a bunch of opposition. I'm for your idea, and also steadfast believe that a majority of the world's population are so easily subdued by the mainstream media. Especially in these times, so many strings are being pulled, yet no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Off-topic but I'd love to discuss more on this!

@Asura: BRODETTE DON'T WORRY I'M INVINCIBLE. Just kidding. :( Thanks for the warning, and I actually have been in danger of killing myself before :( When I was more ambitious, I was moving rapidly up weight brackets...Uhh, how do I explain this? Gimme a sec! (Now you see that I type as I think, which means...LOTS OF GUTTERTRASH.)

Completely skippable:

So in any type of training or condition, the best possible way would be to slowly and steadily raise the difficulty as you go.A year ago my friend and I (we were pretty fit at the time, and we're young so of course we'd bite off more than we can chew) Made this deal to get to 200lb benching from 135lb (We do other things, as benching is not a true test of strength (it only works about 3 main muscles)..but it's the thing most gymoholics ask other gymoholics..."BRO HOW MUCH DO YOU BENCH?") within a month...And within a week we got to about 180lbs. By a week...I mean 3 days. with the increased weight in a short amount of time, your reps (usually) would decrease...but I was stubborn, I kept doing the same amount (8 reps, 3 sets) and rapidly increasing the weight because...I was deadset on that goal.

One day I went in alone and increased the pounds to 190 (only 10lb difference, but man it made a difference) and did the same amount. after 1 set I went to do pushups, and...my left arm (I'm left handed btw) gave out on me. Literally, I collapsed and couldnt move my left arm. the whole time i was thinking...if i had benched a couple more, I could have been seriously injured or dead. Turns out, I tore or injured my elbow ligament (Tissue that connects a bone to another bone, very hard to heal...usually takes about 6 months or more, very important for movement)...the week to follow was one of the worst weeks in recent history ;-; I did other things not involving the arms, but whenever I was in the gym I kept thinking back on that goal I made, and it stung not to be able to do it...

But because I'm incredibly awesome and full of asianness, I forced the wound to heal in that 1 week then went back full force the next week. Got to that goal, and now my new goal is that I'll be benching 400lbs when im a grandpa. Inspire my grandkids not to mess with UNCLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

tl;dr I hurt myself by being stupid ;-;

Wait you actually have a scar on your eyebrow? Gurrrl you are already too badass for me. Stopperu. Making me look bad :(

Lol I wasn't serious with the whole pegi sister trope. You can be whatever you like! Maybe I'll draw you a a bowcific Warrior. (unless you love axes!) That would actually be unique now that I think about it...and viable in this game from a technical standpoint. and lol, exactly! its so hard to objectify yourself!

lol dat teen angst.

@RayDavid: Sounds like da asian hair!

@Tarquin: My grade suffers regardless haha, either I do productive things for other people, or I end up watching countless Youtube videos :( but thanks! I'll definitely do my best. Lol I just found out I literally need a 55% on the paper to get a B in the class...basically I'm sitting at a high A. Go macro-economics, the least wasteful yet easiest correge class i've ever taken. Good to be on a full ride 8D. Thank you! I love pencil drawing, though it really sucks most the time for a lefty like me to use pencil. Makes it very easy to smudge. There's ways to avoid it, but it gets really tedious D: /angstyrant


If individuality is your thing, then you could:

Be my bride.


Here, as a gentlemen, I'll even let you be the conversation director for the Support conversations! You start the general topic, then we'll go back and forth.

Conversation C:



Conversation B:



Conversation A:



Conversation S:




IM SO SORRY I JUST HAD TO. You can be the pants in this relationship but plis no kill me :( I is allergic to dying.

@Noct Gotcha.


Demon Fighter or Pally is fine with me, just let me know!

As for the whole DemonFighter/ Mercenary's vibe thing, I could see that too, but ill go with Eberict and just use my swagger as an excuse. I guess I'd probably stand out too much to even be an assassin haha XD but no one needs to know that. :D

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Yeah, it's part of my immune thing XD Luckily, I look pretty damn nice bald so it's sort of win win XD Yeah, I'm too poor here myself to buy it, and the shipping over to the US to get it installed, and even then, I have to decide whether I want my 3DS to have one installed (My 3DS is the Zelda bundle one, and my soon-to-be US 3DS will be the FE one...) On the plus side, my webcam isn't all that bad when recording 3DS footage, so if I just grabbed a audio in cord, I reckon I'd be good [spoiler=Video related]

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@SlayeZ (quoting takes up too much space) - Hah, I've been down that road (well, not that EXACT road, but you get what I mean). Glad to hear you healed up quickly. One mooore thing! - you'll be a cool grandpa. 8D

Yeah, I really do have a scar there. Courtesy of a sparring match with a certain someone gone a little too enthusiastic. It's not that noticeable, though. Also, you're an assassin; that automatically makes you at least an 8 on the badass scale. You've got nothing to fear from me; I'm not that great~

Also, you COULD give me a bow, I guess, but my aim is bad. Like, A-Team bad. I've been to a shooting range a few times, and I never got within six inches of the target (on purpose). And I'm pretty much the worst person to have on your team for drinking darts. An axe is.... probably best.

K, it's comments like that which have given you a reputation for being a hyperviolent psycho. And yeah, switch to Sorcerer. Dark magic suits you better anyway, and we don't need 3 DK's. Though, yours WAS first...

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@SlayeZ (quoting takes up too much space) - Hah, I've been down that road (well, not that EXACT road, but you get what I mean). Glad to hear you healed up quickly. One mooore thing! - you'll be a cool grandpa. 8D

Yeah, I really do have a scar there. Courtesy of a sparring match with a certain someone gone a little too enthusiastic. It's not that noticeable, though. Also, you're an assassin; that automatically makes you at least an 8 on the badass scale. You've got nothing to fear from me; I'm not that great~

Also, you COULD give me a bow, I guess, but my aim is bad. Like, A-Team bad. I've been to a shooting range a few times, and I never got within six inches of the target (on purpose). And I'm pretty much the worst person to have on your team for drinking darts. An axe is.... probably best.

K, it's comments like that which have given you a reputation for being a hyperviolent psycho. And yeah, switch to Sorcerer. Dark magic suits you better anyway, and we don't need 3 DK's. Though, yours WAS first...

I gotta hear this story about your scar! and about your obsessive goalreaching. :DDDD

AND WE ARE NOW FRIENDS. Finally someone else who've seen that show ;-;

Psssh, I'm changing my job. I will now be a male dancer. Fulfilling Azure's dreams! I know, I completely Broke the Badass Scale. I am now on a scale entirely different. The Manly Scale.

and Psssh, not that great? Lady I dont even know you, but you can't be that had, your sister seems to think otherwise.

Which brings me to the second point:

Since you can't find a second job;

Be my second bride.


BTW that joke I made for your sister, was actually meant for you (The character he was talking to is named Ashley...and I'm guessing thats your name since your sis called you Ash...unless you're Ash Ketchum. Then it just got weird)

What...do you even do with your life!? (Aka What do you enjoy doing?) Maybe we can go from there. From what your sister implies, you like to fight?

@Wheels Me thinks it's time for a Group LP!

EDIT:WHile I'm not done with my essay, I think I'll start cranking out some of these drawings now! As soon as my hands warm up. Been out in dat snow all day 8D

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Awwwww Yes. The Sexy.

Just kidding. C:



... Wha-


... Why me? :'(

And I shall not be a GM. I want my equinivorous horsey.

That could be the best game in the world. And the best idea I've ever had.

And nooobody listened to me. I'm so alone. I'm so unwanted.

You know, SlayeZ, I'm not too bad at drawing either (though I don't think I'm better than you); maybe it'd be fun for me to draw my own idea of my Avatar, and with your permission to use your thread like this, we could see how well our two interpretations of him match up? I'll race you!

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Demon Fighter is a must. I just love the class. Plus I favor Alondite because it isn't a personal blade, Ragnell is solely Ikes/Paris. I also love it because it's like a holy blade. PS. It's yellow too :P

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@Murdok: LOL I'm kidding bro! And I got a better Idea. Draw me your image of what you want, and I'll put my spin on it. (Think FE past Heroes DLC!) And I do agree in having a way to personalize FE and have a team of you and your friends WOULD BE AWESOME. I think they do that at FEplanet, though its not a full game. Thats one of the reason why I think Nintendo needs to step their game up, their Online department...not so good. KI:U was good, but the online had so much unused potential :( They could do something with the 3DS, with coordinated strategy. Putting FE in an MMO would be really weird honestly. With a DLC or the next game, I hope they give the ability to AT LEAST trade your MU over Spotpass. Better if we could do 2v2 challenges like in ADVANCED WARS.

@melossage: It's kinda like YOU WANT ME TO BUTCHER YOU. But I wont. Because I love you. you havent given me enough information to go off of ;-;

Oh and as to what kinda dancer I'd be... you know, the seductive kind :)

I wish I could do this haha, I just need to increase flexibility :D



I played FE 9 and 10 to death XD


@Ray: I kinda get what you're saying, btw is your hair curly or straight? If it's alittle longer I could definitely do that.

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@SlayeZ: Hey, I've watched A-Team as well! And MacGuyver. This is not meant as an indicator of my age.

Hah! If you sound cynical, sarcastic, and downright pessimistic on the many topics of life/society/etc, I'd say you sound just like a history teacher! Man, if you're going into medical, that's a long road. Right now, competition in medicine is so steep that you have to really push yourself into the top 5% to get a good placement. Why are you all professions at once! That really is Asian, cough. As an educator, I'll tell you that, in the end, the profession you will do best at is the one you find the most joy in doing.

Also Good Guys != Nice Guys, thankfully. Too much stigma attached to 'nice guy' these days; it's become synonymous with 'passive aggressive jerk.'

I'm getting used to the Philippines, slowly. Only been here for about five years; I spent my childhood living elsewhere, all around the world. I miss the cold weather, but being close enough to Japan to visit it during New Year is a pretty good trade-off. Got our share of problems out here, but hey, who doesn't, right? As for the staff, I intend to learn how to use it to find water first--and if I end up using it a lot in my old age, I'll pass it down if I ever get kids, :).

Ah, officer weapons! I wonder where your uncle procured most of it, though in the post-war era a lot of colonial officers hawked their swords to collectors for cash. My grandfather briefly had access to a Japanese ancestral set--long and short sword--because his neighbour, a Japanese officer, got picked up by the secret police and vanished. The swords--some of the few to not get melted into bullets--were supposed to go back to the family in Japan after the war, but during the retaking of Manila, the Americans shelled our house and the blades were lost, :(.

The good news about media literacy is that the US and Canada are receptive to implementing it into the curriculum. The bad news is that the curriculum is so impacted and geared towards standardised testing that there is little room for media literacy beyond lip service... and so much emphasis on test taking that the critical thinking skills requisite to truly grasp the material are woefully absent. Critical thinking is the crux, and unfortunately you have places like Texas seeking to, by law, ban the teaching of critical thinking in order to protect Christianity. (wat) It's a sad state because, ideally, critical thinking is supposed to augment religion, not undermine it, but with the way religious leaders are now conducting themselves improperly, they're afraid of losing control, etc, yadda, sad state of society, so on so forth. That's a long discussion with far too much interconnection to get into here.

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@melossage: It's kinda like YOU WANT ME TO BUTCHER YOU. But I wont. Because I love you. you havent given me enough information to go off of ;-;

take his kind of style(lose the hat keep the glasses), this robe, and add kinda spiky/messy black hair


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@Tarquin: My grade suffers regardless haha, either I do productive things for other people, or I end up watching countless Youtube videos :( but thanks! I'll definitely do my best. Lol I just found out I literally need a 55% on the paper to get a B in the class...basically I'm sitting at a high A. Go macro-economics, the least wasteful yet easiest correge class i've ever taken. Good to be on a full ride 8D. Thank you! I love pencil drawing, though it really sucks most the time for a lefty like me to use pencil. Makes it very easy to smudge. There's ways to avoid it, but it gets really tedious D: /angstyrant


If individuality is your thing, then you could:

Be my bride.


Here, as a gentlemen, I'll even let you be the conversation director for the Support conversations! You start the general topic, then we'll go back and forth.

Conversation C:



Conversation B:



Conversation A:



Conversation S:




IM SO SORRY I JUST HAD TO. You can be the pants in this relationship but plis no kill me :( I is allergic to dying.

Why is drawing with a pencil more difficult for left-handed people as opposed to right-handed? huh.gif

Anyway, congratulations on doing so well in your class thus far. Even if you'd literally have to try to fail, word hard on that essay. You must do reeeseaaarch! (I can do it too!)

If it's alright to make a change, I'd like to request that you make me a sorcerer instead. Just no see-through/slutty clothing, please. :)

Damn Shepard. I'd just recently managed to purge that image from my mind.

Well, of all the proposals I've had, this is certainly the most... abrupt, but perhaps I will con- *reads what you wrote to Ash* -demn you to hell! You two-timing degenerate! You'd best hope we never meet in reality, reprobate whore!

Edited by Tarquin
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Why is drawing with a pencil more difficult for left-handed people as opposed to right-handed? huh.gif

Anyway, congratulations on doing so well in your class thus far. Even if you'd literally have to try to fail, word hard on that essay. You must do reeeseaaarch! (I can do it too!)

If it's alright to make a change, I'd like to request that you make me a sorcerer instead. Just no see-through/slutty clothing, please. :)

Damn Shepard. I'd just recently managed to purge that image from my mind.

Well, of all the proposals I've had, this is certainly the most... abrupt, but perhaps I will con- *reads what you wrote to Ash* -demn you to hell! You two-timing degenerate! You'd best hope we never meet in reality, reprobate whore!

Don't mind me as I quietly buff your magic and accuracy...

I feel safer already, :)

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... Hey, is it possible to join in? Not that good with descriptions, but I'll try:

Name: Folt

Gender: Male

Asset: Speed

Flaw: HP

Class: Sorcerer

Skills: Quick Slash, Vengeance, Counter, Weapon Saver, Limit Breaker.

Biography: A mercenary sorcerer, skilled in the dark arts. Not a lot of people hire him because of his uncanny appearance and personality, but he apparently used to have more customers. His quiet front masks a theatrical personality.

Appearance: Neck length dark-green hair, which almost covers his eyes, though he grooms it to the side most of the time. Has light brown skin (more on the light side than the brown side) and has a goatee & moustache (similiar to Harima Kenji from School Rumble if you know who that is). Has bags under his eyes, as if he hasn't slept much and is quite lean for his size (tall, but not overly tall). Wears glasses that are oval (think Nozomu Itoshiki from Zetsubou Sensei) in design, and his eye color is brown.

Clothing: Wears a formal suit, with dark green pants and a dark green vest over a black shirt, missing only a jacket, and wears a hat adorned with feathers. Though they're somewhat formal wear, it's clear from this that he's not really a stylish person, or has any experience with fashion at all. Further hints to this come from the fact that he's quite willing to go like that on the battlefield like he's overcompensating for something. He also wears black boots. He carries four magic tomes with him at all times, either a Nosferatu Tome (I was actually gonna go with a forged Inverse's Darkness), an Il Tome, a Slime Tome, and an Arcthunder Tome. He also carries an Elixir.

Personality: Quiet. Doesn't talk much, and he may be brooding at times, though when he does talk to others, he can be quite loud and theatrical, even overly so. He never talks about his past, nor of how he learnt of his dark magic. He loves using his magic and will jump on any excuse to do so. Showing off to others might be partly the reason for this. His biggest dream is to become a noble, and he longs to be called a "baron", though he may have the wrong impression of how nobility live their lives. He is steadfast and loyal to his friends, but he can hold grudges for a long time, which can cloud his judgment.

He shows knowledge about magic and the dark arts,. He also researches and studies ancient places whenever he can, and desires to find more knowledge and more magic power, whether legal or forbidden. It is hinted that in his past, he used to fight a lot with an axe, as he can give sound advice to axe users on how to use their axes.

You can point and laugh now.

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Our composition so far below the cut. Mainly infantry of all shades, a light mounted force, and a single pegasus. No heavy armour, no archers. The MU Army's greatest threat--fliers!

I'd become a Dark Flier, but kind of thematically need the staff. Also the word "Dark Flier" is slowly growing on me.

Pure Melee Infantry

1 Dancer Assassin

2 Sword Master

2 Fighter/Merc/Warrior

1 Berserker

1 Trickster

Hybrid Infantry

2 Demon Fighter

2 Battle Cleric

Pure Magic Infantry

3 Sage

2 Sorceror

Hybrid Mounted

2 Dark Knight

1 Paladin

Magic Mounted

1 Valkyrie

Melee Air

1 Pegasus Knight

Edited by Eberict
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SlayeZ, here's my version of Heavyhoof and her rider:


(You don't have to draw Heavyhoof if you don't like drawing horses; I know how annoying that can be -_-)

Our composition so far below the cut. Mainly infantry of all shades, a light mounted force, and a single pegasus. No heavy armour, no archers. The MU Army's greatest threat--fliers!

I'd become a Dark Flier, but kind of thematically need the staff. Also the word "Dark Flier" is slowly growing on me.

Pure Melee Infantry

1 Dancer Assassin

2 Sword Master

2 Fighter/Merc/Warrior

1 Berserker

1 Trickster

Hybrid Infantry

2 Demon Fighter

2 Battle Cleric

Pure Magic Infantry

3 Sage

2 Sorceror

Hybrid Mounted

2 Dark Knight

1 Paladin

Magic Mounted

1 Valkyrie

Melee Air

1 Pegasus Knight

Why are certain things in bold on there?

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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Why are certain things in bold on there?

Not by my doing. Can't figure it out, but sometimes when I post in the spoiler tag, things randomly bold... but the editor won't show them to me. Can't figure it out, can't edit it out manually... so I've learned to just live with it and inflict you with the weirdness. That said, nothing in there is bold by design, so ignore the bolding, haha.

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@Eberict: SUPER LATE REPLY but Yeah I do have a deviantArt, thought I barely ever use it! And The references that Ash and K keep throwing at me is

! Haha I've tried a variety of fields, and none of them sat with me as something joyest. I might just shave my head and join the military under navy or airforce. I've got the brains, and boot camp should be ezpz...thought I'm thinking about it. Yeah being a history professor is cool, but I'm not sure if that's my thing. I love the topic, I just may not prefer the job in the field. D:

Yeah most of the world's ideology is backwards thinking. Some governments would hate people questioning the media, since it's a means of control...I hope it goes well! Wait you traveled a lot as a child? That's cool, but I can imagine it being kinda sucky :(

Sorry tangent, lol. Yeah we'll talk about this elsewhere, It's a rather interesting topic, although someone controversial at times.

ALSO, I CAN USE A BOW. :D In RL too, my favorite would be a Recurve bow, because they're sooo hard to use!

@Wheels: YOU IS ONLY ALLOWED TO HEAL ME WHEN I IS AT 1 HP. A fighter's true potential is shown in the heat of battle. Dat Adrenaline <3 :)


@Tarquin: Well, you know how they teach english by writing left to right? That carries over into drawing too (for the most part, I retaught myself how to draw right to left.) So like I have to be extra careful. Eh, all the picture you're about to see would be super smudgey if I didn't use a program to brighten the image while darkening the visible lines! (Picasa)

And I worked hard on that essay! it's all finished, and you get cool points just because you said that ^^

and alright, Sorcerer it is!

but...but...BUTTS....Q-Q...Slutty See-Through Clothing is THE BESTTTTTT.


HONEY, RECONSIDER BEING MY BRIDE INSTEAD!!! Look I'm sorry I cheated on you. IT WAS ONLY TWICE ONE TIME, I PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN...for awhile at least. :C besides, I WAS ONLY HITTING ON YOUR SISTER and your best friend, I'm sure her attractive self would understand!!

and I only told your sister that because I was insecure :( and She has a nice butt.


Everytime we touch, I get this feeelinng~

and every time we kiss...I swear I could fly!

Can't you feel my heart beat fast? I Want this to lasttt~

Need you by my sideeee ;)

So let's start over kay?

End Angsty Boyfriend

First Batch of Drawings are done!

Here's some music as you browse:



He ended up looking more like a Hero D; Let me know if you want a redraw.



I drew the fire in your hands too lightly D:



Dat Sex Appeal



I hybrid'ed the strategist's clothing with the pegi clothing, hope you dont mind!



Dat hat.


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:O Those are awesome! All the little details, like folds in the clothing, are hard for me to get right in my drawings -_- Can't wait to see my guy...

I especially like melossage's. He looks like a complete sorcerous badass.

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