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English Class Reel


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Dinosaur Rider for FE14.

this is the greatest idea ever

The more I think about it, the more Dark Knight and Bow Knight confuse me.

Why were these names kept the same when there are already localized names for these classes?

Although Dark Knight isn't a bad name(and it is consistent with Dark Flier), I don't really like Bow Knight because they can use mainly swords if the player wanted.

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Dark Knight has a localized name?

Here's the deal with Bow Knight though- In FE8, they were "Forrest Knights" so it made sense to call them Rangers (even though we have FE9 Ike's class...) FE9/10 it was in the Paladin line. FE11/12 they were actually called horseman in the original, so it was localized as such. FE13, they were actually called Bow Knights.

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Dark Knight has a localized name?

Well, they're pretty much Mage Knights, but I guess it isn't really the same thing, but it just seems so obvious to name it that.

Here's the deal with Bow Knight though- In FE8, they were "Forrest Knights" so it made sense to call them Rangers (even though we have FE9 Ike's class...) FE9/10 it was in the Paladin line. FE11/12 they were actually called horseman in the original, so it was localized as such. FE13, they were actually called Bow Knights.

Ranger or Horseman still would've made more sense.(at least in my opinion)

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Dark Knights are meant to promote from Dark Mages but give the Mages a mounted option. They aren't Mage Knights so much as Dark Magician Knights.

How do the two make more sense? Horseman is a relic of a name, and the Archer in this game isn't implied to be some hunting archer or anything.

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I'm surprised they kept Dark Knight, because they, well, can't use Dark. It has caused enough confusion among early Japanese version players.

Sword-wielding Bow Knights, I just can't get over that.

You'll encounter a lot of Bow Knights without bows, either as enemies or StreetPass teams. Their map sprites still show bows, which annoyed me, considering that they did a lot of other things to make those little sprites look personalized.

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Because Dark Knights can't use Dark Magic. That's a huge fail right there.

Yeah but their design makes them look dark/mysterious/somewhat evil. Of course they're not going to let them use dark magic so mages can have a mounted/high defense option and so you have an incentive to go sorcerer. They also carry some interesting skills that I wouldn't say is in line with a Mage knight- life absorb comes to mind immediately, since it's analogous to lightning speed in the sense that you have to perform a kill to activate it. That's why it's dark knight and not FE8's Mage Knight (or even FE4/5's Mage Knight).

As for bow knight, Bows are mostly their primary weapon and they have access to Bowslayer. Granted, Gregor can promote to Bow Knight too, probably as a remnant of FE8 (since what else can a mercenary logically promote too? The design of most mercenaries doesn't point to Swordmaster as a choice, since it's armor and str/skill based offense vs samurai robes and skl/speed based offense. What's more str/skill based than a Bow using class?)

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I was kinda hoping Dark Knight would become Black Knight; the Black Knight character was even named "Dark Knight" in the Japanese version (though that could have been a reason against this change).

I didn't mention this before, but I'm happy Grandmaster stayed the same; it's one badass class name X D

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Fire Emblem: The Stone Age

We should trademark that, then IS and Nintendo can pay us royalties. Though they're probably good with Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.

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The only difference I really saw for Panne/Nowi's voices is that they're not modulated as obviously when in shifted form. To be honest, the modulation was kind of annoying to me because it sounds artificial. Like how some cheapo BBC creature would talk to sound "alien." If dragons and werebeasts can talk (and indeed they can), they may as well sound normalish. Plus we can't be absolutely certain they sound exactly like that when fighting as classes that don't shift.

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We should trademark that, then IS and Nintendo can pay us royalties. Though they're probably good with Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.

Mara Knight then...?

Also be careful if you need to Google Mara. Slightly very NSFW.

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We should trademark that, then IS and Nintendo can pay us royalties. Though they're probably good with Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.


"Hmmm... wait."


*Spits out beverage*


Can it be? Are my two most beloved series coming together into one superbly awesome behemoth?

...Oh, damnations, it's on the Wii U.

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- I'm actually okay with all the localized class names. I guess I'm pulling a Joachim: "Yeah, okay, sure!" I mean, War Cleric/Monk are pretty much the same thing as their Japanese names. At least, that's how I see it.

- Libera/Riviera doesn't sound too feminine, which I like.

- Olivia's voice sounds off, but it may not be as bad as it seems here, when the full game comes out. Lon'qu's isn't my cup of tea, either. The rest are good.

- I find it odd that Dark Mage and Sorcerer weren't shown.

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