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nothin but Nightmare


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ummm,hi,i have never hacked before,but i'm doing a nightmare hack (lame isn't it?) and i wanted to know,from experienced hackers and hack players alike,do people even play nightmare hacks?and if they do,what do people generally look for?it's based around FE8 (i'm most familiar with it) and i've done some stupid stuff so far (like making the guard for the fort in chapt 1 acutally fight back,even though the game event still kills him off) and is that something ya'll would like to see more of? (fighting game events) and you recruit a few more people without acutal portraits (a hero in chapt 1 with some nice weapons but generic hero stats and a rausten portrait) so,yeah,if anybody plays nightmare hacks anymore what do ya'll want?

and because i'm already on here and too lazy to go find and comment of,Blazer!TLP was fricken awesome!!!

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it does doesnt it?i'll fix that then,but keep in mind it's a terrible hero with generic stats,Seth is a Dragon master with capped strength at lvl 1 xD i havnt quite mastered the base to final stat thing yet

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That'd be because it adds the base strength for both the character and the class. You need to cross reference and adjust accordingly.

Also having a prepremote flyer is incredibly overpowered, though less so in FE8 since I don't believe there's as much possibility for abuse.

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i could demote him,i want Seth as a dragon flyer because i like seth and i hate the peg knight,cept for Tana,and if you think thats bad my first nightmare editor had the bright lance locked to ephraim,with infinate uses,55 crit,3 wt,1-3 range,and 32 power,my first test was a overkill though,and now i feel stupid,thanks!

oh and any specific recruits you want to see more?or classes?i could make a Soldier a class,and allow it to promote to Gen or Great knight (like a knight)



Don't double post, it's against the rules.


Edited by eCut
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i know :'( but i have no idea how to do it,and honestly,every time ive tried to learn how to do it,ive failed miserably

that just means you need to sit down and not try harder(well maybe) but to try for longer it help to sit down and just work fe hacking and only fe hacking for a few hours and focus on one thing

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well now im experiencing a new problem,im trying to get Feditor advanced,but all im getting is like one file,and thanks.if i ever get the event editor (any recommendations?) then i'll sit and learn

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well now im experiencing a new problem,im trying to get Feditor advanced,but all im getting is like one file,and thanks.if i ever get the event editor (any recommendations?) then i'll sit and learn

if? its a free download

also what is the file type

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yes if,i want to go one at a time and do reasonable testing,so when i get the text editor,i'll do testing to make sure im doing it right,if something comes up that keeps me from learning,and its a 7z file

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ummm,hi,i have never hacked before,but i'm doing a nightmare hack (lame isn't it?) and i wanted to know,from experienced hackers and hack players alike,do people even play nightmare hacks?

Nobody cares what you use to do the hacking, they care what you hack.

That said, Nightmare can't get you very far beyond a reskin, and... what Marky said.

what do ya'll want?

Worry about how to make a game first before you worry about what people want in it, and worry about practicing your skills hacking together individual pieces of things before you try to make a game. Yes things like "balance" are important for making an enjoyable hack but a tech demo >>>>>>>>>> nothing at all.

and because i'm already on here and too lazy to go find and comment of,Blazer!TLP was fricken awesome!!!

You're not going to get very far in hacking with that attitude towards doing stuff in general. Also generic "that was awesome" comments don't really add very much.

its a 7z file

That's an archive file. You need to unzip it. 7-zip is recommended; WinRAR should also work.

After that you are going to need to make sure you have Java properly installed and set up, and read the documentation files to understand how to actually run the program and what you can do with it. (Also there are a bunch of tutorials in sticky threads around here)

If that isn't enough information for you then you need to learn more about how computers work before you try to learn hacking.

Really accomplished hackers have been at this for years. I was able to pick things up a lot more quickly than most, but that's because I already had about 20 years of assorted computer programming experience under my belt.

Edited by zahlman
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thanks,and what was i supposed to do go find his post on it and post that as a reply?and i wasn't trying to do anything with the comment,just let it be known i thought it was cool,and thanks,atleast i know how to get my files now,and yeah i know hackers take years,i suck at hacking,which is why im trying to learn

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Hacking takes commitment, and the will to work past your mistakes. Nightmare has its uses, and it's quite handy to have around. What you can do is go into the Hacking Resources subforum, and unearth every single tutorial that's relevant to FE8/Event Assembler (because if you want to do anything more complicated that redoing someone's portrait and stats, you WILL need this). Depending on how much you want to change, you may need a hex editor, too.

If you want to get your feet wet, why not make something really simple, like mess with everyone's growths, and play through that?

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one thing i need kind of defined here,i never saw anything wrong with balance,or do you mean making enemies harder to kill?and as kind of a primary test for myself,once i get the hang of the text editor and the event editor i'm gonna make Fado recruitable,maybe in chapter 16?but i'll do it somehow

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