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MUxLucina causes a lot of underlying tension. Like, he's going to betray them in the bad future, yet she falls in love with him anyway type thing. oh god damn it i need to stop reading tragedies.

Though one could also say that her influence, which was not in the bad future's version of these events, aids the Avatar in keeping true to himself and his friends. The power of her love is more powerful than evil!

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Though one could also say that her influence, which was not in the bad future's version of these events, aids the Avatar in keeping true to himself and his friends. The power of her love is more powerful than evil!

You guys almost make me want to pair Chrom with Sumia and keep Lucina all to myself..

Decisions decisions.

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Here's what I am planning:

Avatar x Anna: Anna is awesome.

Lissa x Frederick: As soon as Lissa said something like "I hate you sometimes Frederick" in the demo, I knew that I had to pair them.

Maribelle x Gaius: I liked their supports, and Gaius!Brady.

Miriel x Vaike: Sounds promising to me.

Nowi x Ricken: Pair the children.

Olivia x Chrom: Late as possible paring for the win.

Cherche x Virion: I'm a sucker for cheesy servant x master romance.

Sumia x Henry: Great support, and Henry!Cynthia is awesome.

Cordelia x Stahl: Sweet support, and Cordelia needs someone like Stahl.

Sully x Gregor: Gregor doesn't get too much attention, so I'll throw him a bone and give him sassy Sully.

Tharja x Kellam: Invisible guy gets creepy girl.

Panne x Donnel: Chambray having a dad with a pot on his head as a role model is a must.

Singles: Lon'Qu and Libera.


Stahl!Serena x Gaius!Brady: Best Alliance ever.

Olivia!Lucina x Virion!Jerome: Mask x Mask indeed.

Gregor!Degel x Chrom!Azure: Azure gets maximum abuse with Degel.

Henry!Cynthia x Frederick!Eudes: A heroic couple.

Kellam!Noire x Donnel!Chambray: The weird couple.

Ricken!Nn x Vaike!Loran: Pair the squares.

Single: Anna!Morgan, because I will have an overprotective Avatar.

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Though one could also say that her influence, which was not in the bad future's version of these events, aids the Avatar in keeping true to himself and his friends. The power of her love is more powerful than evil!

Good point, actually.

Wait...So Grima Wormtongue is defeated by the power of love?

Just when you thought that FE13 couldn't get more animu...

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Here's my list:

Chrom x Avatar: Because in my world, there is no canon, only head canon. That, and they make the cutest and most powerful couple and kids. And the story twists...its so sad but beautiful...

Avatar x Tiki: Whoops, I forgot to add my Male Avatar too. Its sweet, and he can alleviate her loneliness and give her a kid. Who is an almighty asskicking Manakete who can class change into almost anything!

Lon'qu x Lissa: Bodyguard crush. And she gets him to open up in funny ways.

Frederick x Sumia: I like her a lot with the true knight in shining armor since she's like a stereotypical princess. As long as she's not stealing my husbando....

Gaius x Maribelle: Their shared history and cuz they look so sweet together. (no pun intended)

Vaike x Cordelia: I like the idea of Chrom's best friend and rival waiting for Chrom's (secret) admirer to look his way and helping her move on. And blonde Selena!

Kellam x Miriel: She is determined to keep him near and dear to study him. And so he'll never REALLY disappear.

Ricken x Nowi: Only way I could possibly pair Nowi. But their supports are cute!

Stahl x Sully: The red knight and the green knight. Together. What more could I ask? And the supports are nice.

Virion x Cherche: Shared history and she definitely will keep him in line, probably the best out of anyone.

Gregor x Panne: The two older looking, worldly, and more mature members of the group (I'm not quite sure about Gregor anymore however). I could see him trying to get her to crack a smile though.

Libera x Olivia: The gentle one and the shy one. I think they would make a lovely couple. It does make Azure coming out from those two look pretty funny; his dad IS a priest, but it does explain his looks.

Henry x Tharja: UNLEASH THE YANDERES!!! ....nuff said.

And Donnel is forever alone. Sorry dude, but even with that Good Growths skill you are not handsome enough to tempt me.

For the children:

Wood x Lucina: They're sweet in their supports. And Kissing Cousins is 1. Legal and 2. Perfectly okay genetically as long as you don't repeat it in subsequent generations.

Jerome x Cynthia: Like with Lon'qu and Lissa, I could easily see Cynthia being able to get him to open up and connect with others.

Brady x Degel: The gentle boy and the strong girl. And I agree, they remind me of Rhys and Titania. <3

Azure x Selena: As said before, the womanizer and the tsundere is a match that is written in the stars!

Loran x Noire: I think he's the only one who could possibly be calm and centered enough to stabilize her split personality.

Chambray x Nn: Rabbit and Dragon FTW!!!

And Morgan (both of them) is single. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll/she'll find love someday!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Avatar (M) - Tiki: I like the fact that Morgan can be any class...AND a Manatake!

Chrom - Maribelle: I like Maribelle, and I also think that it'd be cool to make Bredy royalty. Too bad he doesn't have too many physical class options, but w/e.

Sumia - Henry: Sumia's not with Chrom, so I want to see how this goes.

Lissa - Ricken: I was originally considering Gregor, but Ricken is much closer to Lissa's age...I like this pairing.

Sully - Frederick: I's funny, I hated Sully before her English voice actress was revealed...even then, I think this is a sensible pairing.

Miriel - Virion: Gotta give Virion to somebody, and I feel like Miriel would keep him in order. XD

Panne - Lon'qu: Lon'qu has girl problems already, so I figured it'd be funny to set him up with a girl who's not really human. XD. Plus, Chambray can be a Myrmidon now. :o

Cordelia - Stahl: Stahl's such a nice guy, so I figured I'd try to give Serena a nice dad, since she seems to hate her mom lol

Nowi - Gregor: Haha, I really like this for some reason. Gregor is huge...Nowi is tiny lmao

Tharja - Riviera: I like the "Dark/Light" mix going on here.

Olivia - Donny: Honestly, it's so Azure can get good growths. But it's a neat couple in it's own right, I think.

Cherche - Guire: Jerome HAS to be a thief, with that mask and everything.

Sorry, Vaike and Kellam!

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Oh yeah, gen two shipping...

Morgan(M)xNoire (This has more to do with FeMUxNoire than anything, she wants to adopt FeMU as her mother there, and I'm certainly more than happy to oblige~)


JeromexLucina (The masked duo)

NnxAzure (This support's freaking hilarious XD "AHHHH I'M GONNA GET EATEN BY MY GIRLFRIEND")

BredyxDegel (Same reasons as everyone else really XD)

SelenaxChambray (I'm sure she'd kick his cowardly bunny butt into line XD)

And Loran would be left alone

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Good point, actually.

Wait...So Grima Wormtongue is defeated by the power of love?

Just when you thought that FE13 couldn't get more animu...

Well, technically I believe he's defeated by the power of duping Validar with a fake Shield of Seals.

But as that only happened because of Lucina's interference in the past, you could very well say that Lucina was the primary reason Grima lost in this timeline.

And as Lucina is in love with the Avatar in this scenario the power of love was why Grima lost.

And while I probably prefer the 'Let Chrom kill Grima' Ending overall, there's something somewhat... fitting about telling Lucina you won't let her kill you and then sacrificing yourself to kill Grima. It feels like all along, the Avatar simply didn't want Lucina to have to bear the emotions of having killed him, but knew Grima had to be stopped completely.

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ChromxSumia(I don't really like the word "canon" too much here, so I will use "default" and also I like them as a pairing)



StahlxSully- The Cain and Abel archetypes

VaikexMiriel- I like this support couple and Miriel can help Vaike not misplace his things. :U

VirionxCherche- They have history together and I think they make a cute couple

GaiusxMaribelle- Same as VirionxCherche

KellamxPanne- I believe I read that those with animal-like senses like Taguels and Manaketes can detect Kellam. Let's give the poor guy a wife and son that will easily be able to detect him

Lon'quxTharja- I like their support conversation

HenryxOlivia- Their support conversation was really awesome. Olivia can really fill in the emptiness that lies in Henry's heart.

DonnelxNowi- Well, I want to get all the children in my first playthrough, so someone has to take the fall.

GregorxCordelia- Honestly, It was hard for me to pair Gregor with any girls(Maybe because of his age) but fortunately, Cordelia was available.

Libera and Ricken are forever alone.

WoodxSerena- I really want to see how their personalities class

JeromexCynthia- Same as WoodxSerena

ChambrayxNn- Rabbit + Dragon = awesome

AzurexNoire- I think they look cute together

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After a lot of thinking, I may have a secondary plan.

I think It would be fun to include all of the transforming characters in my family in some way.

Chrom X MU (My OTP, deal with it. I like this family.)

Frederick X Panne (Seriously, Fred's fear of her feral form is sooo endearing.)

Nowi X Vaike (Vaike actually has a soft side, and blonde Nn!)

Lucina X Chambray (Because I love Lucina and I love Chambray and my word is law.)

Morgan X Nn (Serious child X Morgan. 'Nuff said.)

Then when I recruit Tiki she can just hangout and support with Lucina, Nn, and my Avatar. (She may not get married, but three supports should leave her feeling less lonely.)

I actually like this idea a little better than my Ylissean royal family idea.

I've always liked the transformers..

What do you guys think?

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I haven't really sorted out all of my pairings yet, but I'm definitely doing Chrom x Sumia (most canon), Stahl x Lissa (they make a cute couple), Virion x Miriel (their personalities mesh well) and Lon'qu x Olivia (sounds like a heart-warming support).

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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First Gen:

Female Avatar X Chrom: My OTP, 4ever. I am also of the mind that there is no canon, only headcanon. (And I don't care for shipping him with any other girl, especially Sumia)

Sumia X Frederick: The clumsy girl and the knight in shining armor, there's something about this pairing that I like a lot. (and I refuse to pair her with Chrom)

Henry X Olivia: I like how Olivia gets Henry to smile for real.

Cordelia X Vaike: They both have one thing in common, Chrom. Cordelia had a crush on him and Vaike considers him his rival. And Blonde Selena also.

Virion X Tharja: The Avatar admirer and the womanizer, I want to see how Virion deals with Tharja.

Cherche X Liberia: Mostly for Wyvern Lord Jerome.

Lissa X Lon'qu: I really liked their supports. And also Lissa falls for her bodyguard.

Panne X Stahl: Mostly so Chambray can inherit Holy Shield

Miriel X Gregor: I thought this pairing would be interesting.

Nowi X Donnel: I also liked their supports, plus a purple haired Nn.

Maribelle X Kellam: The spoiled girl and the knight who is never noticed by anyone. Also reminds me a bit of SumiaXFrederick.

and Ricken is alone, I'm a little hesitant to pair him with anyone.

Second Gen:

Lucina X Jerome: I really liked their supports, and Mask X Mask.

Wood X Cynthia: Also loved their supports.

Azure X Selena: The flirt and the Tsundere, a funny pairing^^

Nn X Loran: I think they go together since Nn is mature for a half-dragon girl and Loran is the oldest of the children.

Noire X Brady: Let's see how Brady handles the split personality Noire.

Degel X Morgan(M): really liked their support.

And Chambray is single, next time I'll pair him with someone.

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I guess I'll list out my likely choices then

ChromxSumia. I like their supports. They obviously care about each other, even before the S support and it's nice to watch. Also, Main LordxPegasus Knight. it's practically a tradition at this point.

Male AvatarxLucina. Probably my OTP really. The time traveller falling in love with the man who, unwittingly, would serve as the unwilling vessel for the very force of destruction she sought to stop? It's just perfect.

FrederickxLissa. They just seem to fit pretty well, with the whole Noble Lady and Knight thing they've got going.

HenryxMiriel. Mad mage and less mad scientist mage? Sounds pretty good to me.

GaiusxMaribelle. Their supports are great.

And I don't really know about the rest. Too many decent choices for everyone. I'm not even sure about half the choices I've made.

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Also, Main LordxPegasus Knight. it's practically a tradition at this point.

Did I miss something or isn't that sort of limited to only Marth, with one option for Roy and multiple for Eliwood/Hector?

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Did I miss something or isn't that sort of limited to only Marth, with one option for Roy and multiple for Eliwood/Hector?

Also, Ephraim. But Marth's the main lord for four of the games, so he get's an edge.

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Also, Ephraim. But Marth's the main lord for four of the games, so he get's an edge.

And a choice for Ephraim, yeah. Forgot that. I guess Seliph technically has the choice of marrying Fee/mina, too.

Marth's only really the main lord for two games, though, and he's paired with the same gal for all four of them. It seems sort of silly to call "marth was canonically paired with caeda in four games" a tradition.

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And a choice for Ephraim, yeah. Forgot that. I guess Seliph technically has the choice of marrying Fee/mina, too.

Marth's only really the main lord for two games, though, and he's paired with the same gal for all four of them. It seems sort of silly to call "marth was canonically paired with caeda in four games" a tradition.

Well, no. The tradition is more personal really. I generally always pair the main lord with a pegasus knight if it's possible, with the occasional exception of characters like Lilina and Ninian beating me over the head with the idea that they should marry the main Lord.

Since Sumia fit's both the Pegasus Knight and 'beaten over the head' part, it's a perfect fit.

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Marth, Celice, Roy, Eliwood, Hector, Ephraim, Chrom...

Well that's 9 out 13, I think, where a Pegasus Knight is a possible bride. Or only bride in Marth and Caeda's case.

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Well, no. The tradition is more personal really.

That's totally fair and nothing I can argue with. I, uh, somehow thought you meant running FE tradition. Sorry about that.

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That's totally fair and nothing I can argue with. I, uh, somehow thought you meant running FE tradition. Sorry about that.

Not a prob. I mean, it is something of a tradition for a main Lord to have a Pegasus Knight as a potential love interest.

The fact that Chrom and Sumia are so heavily implied just fit well with that.

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Well, some of these are subject to change, but so far I have:

Chrom x Sumia (I'm fine with this pair)

Avatar x Gaius (I love that character to bits)

Lissa x Vaike (got the whole "marry your brother's best friend" thing going on)

Sully x Libera (Perfect)

Virion x Cherche (They're familiar with each other, plus blue haired Jerome looks cool)

Kellam x Panne

Maribelle x Donnel (They were destined from the start, opposites attract!)

Lon' qu x Olivia(With Azure as his son, there's bound to be a hilarious support)

Nowi x Ricken

Gregor x Miriel (It just fits for some reason)

Cordelia x Frederick

Tharja x Henry ( I liked their supports and Henry's support with Noire, sooo)

I still haven't decided on second gen pairings, yet.

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