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  • Member Title
    Just another ordinary psycho

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  • Interests
    Baking, then Cooking
  • Location
    Inside of a Marble

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Someone else for sure. And by that I mean I will make the Avatar look ridiculous.
  2. Here's what I am planning: Avatar x Anna: Anna is awesome. Lissa x Frederick: As soon as Lissa said something like "I hate you sometimes Frederick" in the demo, I knew that I had to pair them. Maribelle x Gaius: I liked their supports, and Gaius!Brady. Miriel x Vaike: Sounds promising to me. Nowi x Ricken: Pair the children. Olivia x Chrom: Late as possible paring for the win. Cherche x Virion: I'm a sucker for cheesy servant x master romance. Sumia x Henry: Great support, and Henry!Cynthia is awesome. Cordelia x Stahl: Sweet support, and Cordelia needs someone like Stahl. Sully x Gregor: Gregor doesn't get too much attention, so I'll throw him a bone and give him sassy Sully. Tharja x Kellam: Invisible guy gets creepy girl. Panne x Donnel: Chambray having a dad with a pot on his head as a role model is a must. Singles: Lon'Qu and Libera. Children: Stahl!Serena x Gaius!Brady: Best Alliance ever. Olivia!Lucina x Virion!Jerome: Mask x Mask indeed. Gregor!Degel x Chrom!Azure: Azure gets maximum abuse with Degel. Henry!Cynthia x Frederick!Eudes: A heroic couple. Kellam!Noire x Donnel!Chambray: The weird couple. Ricken!Nn x Vaike!Loran: Pair the squares. Single: Anna!Morgan, because I will have an overprotective Avatar.
  3. FE7: Hector FE8: Lute FE9: (I'm only halfway through the game) Oscar so far. FE10: N/A (I have to beat FE9 before I play it.) FE11: Caeda FE13: Right now, Anna
  4. I always restart a chapter if someone gets killed. (Every.Last.Unit.Will.Have.A.Happy.Ending!)
  5. I voted for Gaia and Degel. I'll vote for Basilio and Anna tomorrow.
  6. You're not the only one who had Sacred Stones flashbacks! Mariabel is going to be the hardest female for me to pair. Originally I wanted her with Krom, but now this support (and her support with Ronku) are making me indecisive.
  7. Epic Fails: Failing to recruit Amelia in Eirika Route Chapter 9 by one turn. Vanessa nearly died three times in my first playthrough. (darn archers) Joshua was somehow killed by Marisa once. Epic Wins: Vanessa dodged four attacks after rescuing Ewan one time. (She made it to safety with 2 hp left.) Lute becoming the goddess of the RNG. L'Arachel surviving many attacks after I forgot about her once.
  8. These stories remind me of when my dad punched a huge hole in the wall after getting mad at his boss. Since my parents were (and still are) weird, they made me and my brother play a game to find the hole after we came home from school that day. I love my childhood memories!
  9. I voted for depends. I could care less about most things (for example, when I had to take Art when I was younger, I took many creative liberties), but when I bake or cook something it's serious business.
  10. I am currently watching FMA (just finished watching episode 22), and it is way better than Bleach and Naruto (which, I admit, are the only other animes I have watched.). I hope Brotherhood will live up to its standards! I may try Code Geass afterwards.
  11. My name is FrenziSpatula7 (but call me Frenzi or whatever nickname you like) Some fun facts for everyone: I found this site while looking for Awakening support translations a month or two ago. My hobbies are gaming,baking,cooking,being lazy, and of course, raising a puppy (That's actually a dog by now). I'm one of those creepy lurker types who eventually made a profile because why not. I've played Blazing Swords, Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon. In conclusion, hello!
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