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hello sereners, or er... forester? umm i don't know how or what to call it,,, >.<

so my name is pukuriripo,, an FE lover that never stop thinking about it (even on busy times), how i knew fire emblem? well, it start from a random video from youtube 2 years ago, that time i thought it was a kind of the "meh, typical Old games", till i look further and got interested a bit. And that's how i ended up i played my first FE game: Rekka no ken..

it was surprisingly amazing beyond what i think, sure, there's this "RNG decides everything" and "Permadeaths", but hey, that's the reason i like this series..

and as time moves on, right now i already finished the whole Elibe series, Judgral series, New mystery, and Radiant dawn.

my life? i'm a kind of otaku lovers that often look fanarts on internet (not sure telling the name of sites is allowed), Reading novels, getting asleep during study session and so on...

so yep, this is my second time joining a forum, i hope i can be a good new leaf here and have a good relationship with you all,

P.S:it's 1.55 AM now, gotta sleep now,, byeee.

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Welcome to the Forest, Pukuriripo. =) I think our demonym is "SFer" (at least that's what I've seen some people use).

It's so funny how you described Blazing Sword as an "old game." ^^; That does makes sense though. I'm several years older than you (*coughfour* >_>), and I played Blazing Sword when I was 11. I've never understood why the average SFer is 3-4 years younger; I think a lot of people here must have been like you, and discovered the series when they got a bit older.

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Welcome to the Forest, Pukuriripo. =) I think our demonym is "SFer" (at least that's what I've seen some people use).

It's so funny how you described Blazing Sword as an "old game." ^^; That does makes sense though. I'm several years older than you (*coughfour* >_>), and I played Blazing Sword when I was 11. I've never understood why the average SFer is 3-4 years younger; I think a lot of people here must have been like you, and discovered the series when they got a bit older.

stuff it whippersnapper, I played Blazing Sword in college

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