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Regarding Marriage - Any unsafe content for me?


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Hello, I am 15 years old and my parents are adamant for me to post on this forum to check if there is any unsafe content in this game. They know that there is a marriage option and there will be children involved >_< mellow.gif

I am only allowed to buy this game with their approval. I hope that there is nothing too extreme in this game.

Can anyone please confirm this for me?

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this is exactly why the ESRB's ratings exist

in short, no there's nothing beyond two or three low-cut tops and the occasional entendre

(seriously though, this is still happening to you at fifteen? though on the other hand, it's nice that there are actually parents who are taking responsibility as opposed to those who seem to think policing what their children read/watch/play is the government's burden or w/e. that's just so rare these days that it kind of makes up for this)

Edited by Rhinocerocket
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this is exactly why the ESRB's ratings exist

in short, no there's nothing beyond two or three low-cut tops and the occasional entendre

(seriously though, this is still happening to you at fifteen? though on the other hand, it's nice that there are actually parents who are taking responsibility as opposed to those who seem to think policing what their children read/watch/play is the government's burden or w/e. that's just so rare these days that it kind of makes up for this)

They are particularly worried by the fact that I can be in this game, the Avatar is me and I can create children. >_<

I guess I'll show these comments to them now.

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in theory, if FE13 actually did include graphic scenes of rigorous fucking, whether or not one of the people fucking was actually you really wouldn't make that much of a difference :P

(a serious response to this question would be pondering the philosophical elements of how much an in-game player avatar can really be construed as "you", but eh don't feel like it right now)

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The only thing that I'd say would be "questionable" would be Olivia's confession CG. Add in the high pitched voice in the Japanese track.


But again, there is nothing above "Teen" material.

It's just dating sim elements with the S supports. That's really it. Blatant and cheesy declarations of love in dialogue.

And children suddenly appear... No material of that nature. It's just like that.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The marriage in this game is very simple. You go through 3 conversations (Which are generally generic for both genders, so they aren't really all that romantic. They range from ) before doing the S-rank, which is when you confess your love, and ask them to marry you. No talk of sex, children, or anything other than just getting married happens. There's then a small art on screen, which is often nothing more than the character in a cutesy pose, blushing, while they have a fully voiced return confession of love. You're then married, and the game goes on. The only real change after you're married, is that in game your wife/husband will protect you/help you more often when you fight alongside them.

Basically, once you're married, nothing happens further between the two.

Now this part has spoilers, so I'll spoiler tag it.

Only one of the children in this game is born during the course of the game, and it's not yours. It's between the main lord and his wife, and happens after two years of marriage. Again, you don't get anything near a sex scene, you just get the main lord having his child handed to him. All of the children who can join your party, are children from an alternate future, where you failed the in game quest, and all of the parents were murdered. And specifically, your child is from yet another timeline. Basically, at some point, offscreen, after your marriage, after the events from the game AND in an alternate dimension, you have sex and a child/children. Nothing is shown in game about it at all.

As Rey said, the worst you get in the confession scenes are these two


Because you can half see her butt to the far right


Because she's shoving your face into her boobs.

Mostly, the arts are of people holding your hand.






And a quick point, as this may be something that worries your parents too. You can play as both a male and female avatar, which is why there are both male and female confession artworks. There are no homosexual relationships in this game.

EDIT: Oh I typed up all this for nothing then XD Glad you can get the game~

Edited by Wheels
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The marriage in this game is very simple. You go through 3 conversations (Which are generally generic for both genders, so they aren't really all that romantic. They range from ) before doing the S-rank, which is when you confess your love, and ask them to marry you. No talk of sex, children, or anything other than just getting married happens. There's then a small art on screen, which is often nothing more than the character in a cutesy pose, blushing, while they have a fully voiced return confession of love. You're then married, and the game goes on. The only real change after you're married, is that in game your wife/husband will protect you/help you more often when you fight alongside them.

Basically, once you're married, nothing happens further between the two.

Now this part has spoilers, so I'll spoiler tag it.

Only one of the children in this game is born during the course of the game, and it's not yours. It's between the main lord and his wife, and happens after two years of marriage. Again, you don't get anything near a sex scene, you just get the main lord having his child handed to him. All of the children who can join your party, are children from an alternate future, where you failed the in game quest, and all of the parents were murdered. And specifically, your child is from yet another timeline. Basically, at some point, offscreen, after your marriage, after the events from the game AND in an alternate dimension, you have sex and a child/children. Nothing is shown in game about it at all.

As Rey said, the worst you get in the confession scenes are these two


Because you can half see her butt to the far right


Because she's shoving your face into her boobs.

Mostly, the arts are of people holding your hand.






And a quick point, as this may be something that worries your parents too. You can play as both a male and female avatar, which is why there are both male and female confession artworks. There are no homosexual relationships in this game.

EDIT: Oh I typed up all this for nothing then XD Glad you can get the game~

Thanks so much! I knew this was a great forum with really great community members!

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Thanks so much! I knew this was a great forum with really great community members!

I'm pretty sure you're okay now, since you can get the game... but I have one of the confession supports recorded if your parents want to see the dating sim part of the game.

Just skip near the end.


...it's REALLY cheesy.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I enjoy seeing threads like this one in which community members help one another out, :).

And thanks, Rey! That's one of the S-ranks I won't be doing on my first playthrough, so I appreciate you putting it up.

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this is exactly why the ESRB's ratings exist

in short, no there's nothing beyond two or three low-cut tops and the occasional entendre

(seriously though, this is still happening to you at fifteen? though on the other hand, it's nice that there are actually parents who are taking responsibility as opposed to those who seem to think policing what their children read/watch/play is the government's burden or w/e. that's just so rare these days that it kind of makes up for this)

I love how two out of three of those quotes they labeled for suggestive themes went right over my head the first time around. lol

THE AWESOMENESS OF BEING OBLIVIOUS. I probably wouldn't have known they were suggestive had I not read that, haha. Not for a while anyway.


*moves along*

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this is exactly why the ESRB's ratings exist

in short, no there's nothing beyond two or three low-cut tops and the occasional entendre

(seriously though, this is still happening to you at fifteen? though on the other hand, it's nice that there are actually parents who are taking responsibility as opposed to those who seem to think policing what their children read/watch/play is the government's burden or w/e. that's just so rare these days that it kind of makes up for this)

'Arse' and 'piss off' appear in dialogue? Hell yeah, FE's growing up! :D

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I'm actually quite pleased to see some parents actually taking the time to look into what games their kid is playing. Though I think 15 may be a little too old to be worrying about. In two years, you'll be old enough to buy M-rated games yourself anyway.

My point is, I work at a Toys R Us, and I constantly see parents buying games like Black Ops II and Assassin's Creed 3 for such young children. No lie, more often than not, the kids getting Black Ops II have an age in the single digits.

That being said, this game is rated Teen, and there's not much to worry about here. Some mild language and non-realistic violence. As far as the marriage is concerned, it's not like in a certain game based off of Greek mythology where you just jump into a bed with two naked women; here, characters become close to each other through shared experiences, deepening their bond and eventually leading to love. It's actually often quite endearing. No actual depiction of THAT stuff.

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I haven't been able to get an M-rated game until I was 15, and although I was allowed to get T games, nothing with realistic guns or any blood until I was 13. When I was 9 or so, my mom freaked at the sight of Falco's gun in SSBM, and insisted I turned the sound off when playing. Thank god FIre Emblem and Legend of Zelda's lack of blood. Now if she knew all the content in Metal Gear Solid, I'd never be able to get another game in until my graduation.

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There are a couple of brutal rape scenes and a rap battle between Chrom and Ricken that contains 47 uses of the "F" word. other than that you should be sweet.

You forget the graphic sacrifices made to Satan while urinating at the church.

(we're joking in case someone gtes butthurt)

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Americans say arse to avoid saying ass, whereas in the UK, iirc, it's the opposite

Actually, "arse" is the original spelling for that which refers to your buttocks. "Ass" refers to a donkey. However, in the US, the way you pronounce "arse" ends up sounding more like "ass", so spelling has been adjusted accordingly. Much like "mum" and "mom".

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