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Nintendo's next handheld


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We've had the 3ds for a while and just got the xl version. What do you expect from the next handheld, if one at all? Do you think there will be any major changes, another gimmick, or something different?

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My guess is something a bit bigger with more focus on hardware specs, like resolution and other compatibility (not just a gaming system) they probably will drop the 3D too, just because it was kind of a gimmick.

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A 4DS with features such as scratch-and-sniff and time travel.

Honestly, I can't find much to improve upon with the 3ds. Sure, NNID-compatibility, better graphics and maybe a second analog and trigger buttons on the thing, but ultimately it's pretty much fine as it is.

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It can wait because it's only recently started improving with Fire Emblem amongst other recently released good games. Hell, the next gen of Pokemon isn't even released for it yet.

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Easy emulation/transfer capabilities for all past consoles possible, and all the third-party systems (sega etc) they can get their hands on would be nice. A relative daydream, for the basically-nothing I know about emulation and porting to handhelds, but nice.

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Easy emulation/transfer capabilities for all past consoles possible, and all the third-party systems (sega etc) they can get their hands on would be nice. A relative daydream, for the basically-nothing I know about emulation and porting to handhelds, but nice.

It'll have to be something "innovative", so that's a no-go. We have waggle and 3D, along with touch screen. It will have to be something that focuses on gameplay while also being able to be used by a majority of people.

I'd say sound (even though there's already a mic), but that alone sounds a bit eh. Perhaps a combination of it and facial controls? Something that uses tactile sensation (like the side of the handheld changes to a "leathery" feel if your character's gripping a sword)? It's about all I can think of at this point that hasn't been heavily used by now.

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I can't control Trauma Center with my face though, can I

...I mean...

..I don't think...


Also my actual seriously for-real pipe dream is literally to create or open the road to creating a device that simulates touch sensations please stop giving Nintendo my ideas Esau

..or maybe by the time I have degrees I can sell my soul to the devil so I can actually get a job where I work for Nintendo to actually make iohhhhhh man

Edited by Rehab
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The 3DS hasn't even been out that long, haha, I mean the DS was out FOREVER. We probably won't get a new handheld console for years to come.

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I can't control Trauma Center with my face though, can I

...I mean...

..I don't think...


I was thinking of it doing supplemental things. Like an exaggerated snarl-look would do this or that.

There's also that life sensor idea they had going for the Wii. Maybe something that gives different effects for how you control your heart rate or emotions or something. I don't know. >__>

Also my actual seriously for-real pipe dream is literally to create or open the road to creating a device that simulates touch sensations please stop giving Nintendo my ideas Esau

Well they do have some, some kind of mouse device for the PC that can change to different textures.

Just think of all the perverted applications of this tech. :drool:

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I think Nintendo will add a THIRD screen (for no particular reason), have it bake delicious pastries, add rocket launchers (to destroys those Nintendo haters... XD Haha, just kidding.), and add that dang "go-inside-the-game" feature that we've ALL wanted.

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