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MUs Story

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Welp as the title suggest, this is for posting what your MU's backstory will be just in case you have a headcanon-which we all do-for when you play awakening. You can also post who they marry through the course of their journey as well as other tidbits you feel will flesh them out which can include rivalries with other characters. Also I'd like to apologize in advance if this topic already exist or if it is the wrong place to post, admins feel free to delete this if it violates any of the rules.

I'll post my Mu as soon as I can find out where I hid his stuff ^^.

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I can pretty much tell you that I'll have Aurica (My Avatar) marry Chrom (Yeah, I know, not that big of a shocker, but hey, I think marrying him will make the story more intense), but that's about it. There are certain parts I'd probably add to her personality, but if I were to type it out, it'd sound like I was typing a fan fiction lol

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Considering I'm working with a "Mirror" MU, he'll probably come from an alternate future/ reality as his female counterpart and has to adjust to the circumstances he's in as of yet (That being the "normal" FE 13 world). But that's about it for right now. i'll have to wait until I can grab the game brefore make any adjustments.

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I had a super serious backstory about my Avatar's adventures, including travelling to alternate timelines, fighting pirates and saving the multiverse.

But that was long and would be annoying to type out, so here's a possible truncated version for an MU I might play at some point, but certainly not the first time I play the proper game.

Got high. Got drunk. Woke up next to the road with two people he doesn't know on either side of him and no memories. Average Friday night.

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I have short bios on each of my currently planned MUs, and how they would fall in love with each of their husbands/wives


Laoni, Grandmaster, Res+/Lck-, Virion for husband. Me

Carlin, Trickster, Mag+/Def-, Henry for husband. She's a healer at heart, but with some prowess with a sword to protect herself, but there's not much physically to her, so it's easy to knock her down, if you can hit her. She'd fall in love with Henry over time, first by looking out for him, and then through trying to teach him moral things, much like in the existing supports. She'd probably spend time trying to get him to give up curses, but she'd soon realise that the curses were a part of him, and while she never would be able to stop them, she could help channel them to where they could be useful. She'll spend most of her time from the point of their marriage doubled with him loyally, making sure that even the tiniest scratch is healed right away

Pyrrha, Falcoknight, Str+/HP-, Chrom for husband. A competitive flirt who has a love/hate relationship with her pegasus. She physically resembles Cordelia, and when she realises Cordelia is trying to catch Chrom's eye, her competitive side kicks in, and she decides to make Chrom her own, finally beating Cordelia at something. She doesn't really see the damage this would cause to Cordelia as a problem, basically figuring Cordelia'll get over it, or try and beat her. Ultimately, while the idea started out as selfish, she does actually fall for Chrom, and her flirting ways would slowly cease.

Astrid, Wyvern Lord, Str+/Skl-, Azure for husband, an angry youth with a soft spot for animals, and an irrational fear of cacti. She finds Chrom to be like 'family' after waking in the field, and will sacrifice everything and anything of hers to save him and his family. She'd refuse to interact with anyone else in the army, unless it had to do with army management or tactics, and then her responses would be short and curt, and if you asked what she deemed to be a stupid question, she'd simply walk away and go back to ignoring them. This is less because she hates everyone, and more because she refuses to form bonds with anyone, in case they die through her decisions on the battlefield. SHe'd first consider Azure to be the bane of her existence, with his flirting persistance, but his persistance would pay off, and she'd start to soften up to him, until she realises she's in love with him. She'd then avoid him like the plague, trying to get rid of her feelings, but just one conversation would be enough for her to admit her feelings. Azure would then help her open up to the rest of the army, and despite always being an angry sort of person, her feelings of 'family' she had for Chrom, would slowly spread to the rest of the army


Rowan, Grandmaster, Mag+/Str-, Lucina for husband, Male me

Jasper, Sniper, Spd+/Mag-, Sully for wife. An incessantly cheerful, silly, somewhat stupid guy, who is lax about everything, and not really the type you'd expect to see on the battlefield. But, he was trained with a bow since he was young, and is surprisingly skilled at it, even if he's chatting amicably to the enemies while he sticks em through with arrows. He ends up with Sully through a combination of him teasing her for her boyish looks, and her trying to get his derpy ass in line. From then, he'd always be supporting her from afar, even if she doesn't want him to be, and acting like a gentleman whenever she's near, which would probably earn him some time on the couch XD

Marc, Demon Fighter, HP+/-Skl, Cordelia for wife. A responsible young man, who feels the weight of being Ylisse's tactician heavily, and spends many a sleepless night assuring everything is ready, and that everyone is safe on the battlefield. Even if his decisions aren't popular, he'll stick to them, and bear the brunt of the army's rage. Over time, I think Cordelia would help him out, with her being the perfectionist she is, and they'd bond providing for the army together. However, he'd be acutely aware of her love for Chrom, and would hold off on his proposal until after Chrom's wedding, while being there to support her after Chrom's wedding breaks her heart.

Raias, Paladin, Lck+/Str-, Sumia for wife, A cheerful man who's previous injury to his lance arm still troubles him to this day, but he doesn't let it get him down. Has a surprising amount of insight despite how cheerful he always acts, and is good for advice. Sumia and he would bond over their care for Chrom behind the scenes, and he'd fall for her before she fell for him. He wouldn't propose until he knew she returned his feelings, but once they were married, they'd compliment each other well.

Edited by Wheels
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I had a super serious backstory about my Avatar's adventures, including travelling to alternate timelines, fighting pirates and saving the multiverse.

But that was long and would be annoying to type out, so here's a possible truncated version for an MU I might play at some point, but certainly not the first time I play the proper game.

Got high. Got drunk. Woke up next to the road with two people he doesn't know on either side of him and no memories. Average Friday night.

Structure it as a Fight Club flashback and you're golden.

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I've had a major MU/Avatar head canon backstory that I worked out with the random details I've picked up on MU and their parentage. And when the DLC Lyn question made itself known, I thought, why not link it to my FE7 head canon? Its actually sorta embarrassing in my opinion that I had it worked out before I even played the game (I'm just waiting for the game to point out plot contradictions now).

Long story short (aka unnecessarily long story), Seraph and Aramis, my male and female tacticians from FE7 (who are their own separate characters from each other), got together after the events of the game and had twins. The boy, Raem, would go on to become Roy's made up Tactician in FE6, while the girl, Raet, would wander through the Dragon's Gate (Elibe's version of the Otherworld/Out realm Gate) in search of adventure. She'd wind up in Archanea/Iris/Ylisse (whatever the world is called now) and be unable to return home. She eventually ends up in Plegia, meets and falls in love with Validar, has his children (twins, again) and essentially finds out about and gets caught up in Grima's Awakening ritual which requires one of the twins, who were both born with the Mark of Grima. Raet escapes with the children but is hunted by and eventually killed by Validar after nine years of being on the run; the twins, a girl named Seraphina (my Female Avatar), and a boy named Micah (my Male Avatar), manage to flee and evade the Grima Cult but become separated in the process. They both wander the continent for ten years, using their inherited talent for strategy as tacticians to work for mercenary groups until the day they suddenly faint on the side of the road and are found by the Prince of Ylisse and his entourage (Seraphina is found first, and Micah is found soon after). This kicks Awakening into motion........only in my head..........

And all of this wrote itself out after I asked myself: Why would Lyn recognize the Avatar as the Tactician from Elibe? My head canon answer: Seraphina looks exactly like her grandmother and Micah looks exactly like his grandfather. Oh, and don't ask why I have so many fraternal twins running around. Like I said, it made sense in my head, but my head is certainly not reality......

Well, I hoped you enjoyed that unnecessary journey into my head canon! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Edit: Spoilered just in case.

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My Avatar is based on my novel's character, he's a prince from a far off land, who's also a brilliant strategist and fencer (works well with his class). Tamer of dragons, slayer of the undead, brave but naive, warrior of red. The way I fit him into the story is that he was fighting the villain, and a dark magic is cast on him that sends him to another world, giving him amnesia as well. Somewhere in the game, he will find his personal sword (a forged swordslayer or Alm's Blade).

EDIT: I should say "novel in progress"

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OK this is my back story of my avatar Arch

she is someone from a different world and she is part serpent but can not transform because she had a curse put on her so she would go crazy if she used her power to transform to a serpent and will kill

any person anywhere near her. she had gotten into something she never thought she would get into when she escaped from the castle for you see she is a princess and hated it when she escaped she

went into a forest with some friends and got into a fight and got hurt and passed out some guy named Ken found her and her friends on the ground and took her to his hose and when she woken up she found him looking at her and her and her friends stayed there and in that time she and Ken fell in love with each other after that they went on a adventure together and the king made his knights look for her and they found her and then to try escape she made a portal to a another world and went in it and then she wiped her memory of her life and the Chrome and lissa found her with amnesia and all she knew was Chrome's name. and she fell in love with Chrome and he fell in love with her but then she found Ken looking for her but had no memory of him and he loved her but did not want to get in the way of her and Chrome.

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Not sure about creating a backstory for MU (you can but) the MU without spoiling ALREADY has a backstory in the game... Revealed in later chapters.... So maybe any back stories should be consistent with the Mu's story in game? There IS a reason why the MU has amnesia and WHY he remembers Chrom's name.

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Not sure about creating a backstory for MU (you can but) the MU without spoiling ALREADY has a backstory in the game... Revealed in later chapters.... So maybe any back stories should be consistent with the Mu's story in game? There IS a reason why the MU has amnesia and WHY he remembers Chrom's name.

It's just fun making random backstory for people you make in games thats why we make them

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Not sure about creating a backstory for MU (you can but) the MU without spoiling ALREADY has a backstory in the game... Revealed in later chapters.... So maybe any back stories should be consistent with the Mu's story in game? There IS a reason why the MU has amnesia and WHY he remembers Chrom's name.

Well the point of this topic was just for fun in case you made a Headcanon-emphasis on this part-for your Mu and anted to post them. I'm aware Mu has a story, a well-crafted one at that, but some people may not have liked that he already had one so they instead made their own.

Another note: Geez sorry I have not been on this topic, I forgot to watch but anyway thanks to Wheels, Silver Lightning Arch Sage and Knight for posting their Mus story.

If anyones interested I found mine.

Mu: 1(or 2 depending)-Noctus

A wondering Tactiction that serves the shepherds after he was saved saved from just starving to death on the road. As soon as he joined he made fast friends with everyone especially with people that supported them, however he's always alone as he's busy studying an old text for strategies or scanning over a book to read. His tactical abilities are top notch and he's always willing to help so no one questions it as he's always at meals as well as talking to people but other than that he's always alone, until Tharja came along. At first her stalking didn't bother him since he was sure it was just a harmless crush that'll go away, progressively he began to question why she would even want to watch someone like him but left it alone. Eventually he confronted her about why she was so insistent on following him and supporting him in battle, to which she replied it was because she loved him. A bit bothered by her words Noctus avoided her-much to his dismay he couldn't-in order to sort out his feelings for her as well. After fighting together he realized that he wanted her by his side, not for her power or looks but because he felt the same about her. Finally after getting the courage to tell her Noctus admitted to her that he "needed her by his side" to which overjoyed Tharja.

Thats what I found, this is actually pretty old so I'll possibly edit it when I can but bear with my horrible Backstory XD.

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And some more stories I got done.

Echo, Spd+/Def-, Sage, Libra for husband. A frank, distant young girl who never really forms true bonds with anyone. Unbeknownst to the rest of the army, she's quite an adept liar, and tells people what they want to hear, not what she truly feels. She feels closest to those involved in the arts, namely Olivia and Libra, and has made it a point to never lie to them. Libra would be aware of her lying, but he wouldn't ever confront her about it, as he feels he's doing the same thing to the rest of the army about his past. Libra and her would bond slowly over their shared love of the arts, her music, and him drawing/painting, and would often spend time together doing their respective loves, never actually speaking to one another, and the love would grow between them, not showing itself until Libra presents her with her portrait, and the proposal happens.

Holla, Str+/Lck-, Dark Knight, Gaius for husband. Ditzy but unintentionally blunt, she's mastered the arts of swordfighting, magic and horseriding, and rolled them all into one, being about equally skilled at them all. She wouldn't really care for silly things like 'male only' areas. and would easily walk in on a number of guys bathing, and catch a certain someone trying to bust in to the girl's bath. SHe'd e friendly to everyone, but her unintentional bluntness and subsequent offending alienates her some from people. Gaius wouldn't be one of those people, at least after she stopped bugging him about why he was branded as a serious criminal. His request andreward system would appeal to her, although she would try to keep it just to intangible things, rather than possessions, and they'd quickly fall in love after he got used to her XD

Syn, Res+/Spd-, Sorcerer, Lon'qu for husband. Long story short? Massive troll. And that's what draws her to Lon'qu. He's afraid of women, she likes messing with people? Match made in heaven in her eyes. So her goal in life would be to get Lon'qu as flustered/frustrated as she possibly could. She'd fall for him long before he fell for her, and she'd stop doing the worst pranks, and only doing smaller ones, enough to catch his attention, as well as surprise tackles every now and then, to try and help with his women issue. Eventually he'd get sick of it, and really snap at her, she'd reveal her feelings, and probably run away, genuinely upset, which would cause him to think back, end up missing her pranks, and pursuing her.

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And some more stories I got done.

Echo, Spd+/Def-, Sage, Libra for husband. A frank, distant young girl who never really forms true bonds with anyone. Unbeknownst to the rest of the army, she's quite an adept liar, and tells people what they want to hear, not what she truly feels. She feels closest to those involved in the arts, namely Olivia and Libra, and has made it a point to never lie to them. Libra would be aware of her lying, but he wouldn't ever confront her about it, as he feels he's doing the same thing to the rest of the army about his past. Libra and her would bond slowly over their shared love of the arts, her music, and him drawing/painting, and would often spend time together doing their respective loves, never actually speaking to one another, and the love would grow between them, not showing itself until Libra presents her with her portrait, and the proposal happens.

Holla, Str+/Lck-, Dark Knight, Gaius for husband. Ditzy but unintentionally blunt, she's mastered the arts of swordfighting, magic and horseriding, and rolled them all into one, being about equally skilled at them all. She wouldn't really care for silly things like 'male only' areas. and would easily walk in on a number of guys bathing, and catch a certain someone trying to bust in to the girl's bath. SHe'd e friendly to everyone, but her unintentional bluntness and subsequent offending alienates her some from people. Gaius wouldn't be one of those people, at least after she stopped bugging him about why he was branded as a serious criminal. His request andreward system would appeal to her, although she would try to keep it just to intangible things, rather than possessions, and they'd quickly fall in love after he got used to her XD

Syn, Res+/Spd-, Sorcerer, Lon'qu for husband. Long story short? Massive troll. And that's what draws her to Lon'qu. He's afraid of women, she likes messing with people? Match made in heaven in her eyes. So her goal in life would be to get Lon'qu as flustered/frustrated as she possibly could. She'd fall for him long before he fell for her, and she'd stop doing the worst pranks, and only doing smaller ones, enough to catch his attention, as well as surprise tackles every now and then, to try and help with his women issue. Eventually he'd get sick of it, and really snap at her, she'd reveal her feelings, and probably run away, genuinely upset, which would cause him to think back, end up missing her pranks, and pursuing her.

did you get the last story from Lissa X Avatar?

well any way this is one more from me

Kal Luk+/Res- and if you want to know the class Bow Knight by the way Kal is the shame as Cal

Kal he has a funny power to him he has the power to change the flow of his luck and it just happens he can not control it any way he was out hunting once and ran into some risen out of no where and their was a portal to Chrome's world and he went in it and all of a sudden he could not control his body and was in the intro chapter and then he just came to looking into Chrome's and Lissa's faces and with amnesia and then the adventure starts and in the adventure he found the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and that she was a divine dragon and one of the most powerful dragons to named Tiki he instantly fell in love with her but thought he could never be with her but it turns out that she loves her to and they married and had a daughter end of bio

Edited by Arch Sage
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Gender: Male

Name: Lapin

Birthday: 06/21

Asset: SPD: Skl +2, Spd +4, Lck +2

Flaw: DEF: Lck -1, Def -3, Res -1

Lapin is a compassionate young man who harbors many talents. In his younger days, Lapin was an incredibly studious child. During the time spent with his mother, Lapin could always be found reading some form of literature, be it a fresh scroll to an old tome, it seemed like Lapin could never satiate his endless curiosity. One day while reading an old scripture that he had borrowed from the local library, Lapin had discovered a subject that piqued his interest to new heights: The Taguel. An interesting race of beings with animal-like features. Taguels possessed phenomenal agility, as well as the ability to transform into a beast of great strength. Lapin couldn't maintain his excitement, he dropped all of his previous projects and began obsessively researching anything and everything he could find about the Taguel race. Many days did pass, and Lapin had eventually come to the sad realization that he could never truly come in contact with a Taguel, as the race was a thing of the past. Discouraged, Lapin gave up on his research, and began studying new things, such as war. One day, Lapin and his mother were ambushed by a group of bandits. Fearing for the safety of her child, Lapin's mother distracted the ruffians, giving her son time to escape. Unfortunately, Lapin's mother was slain in the process. Traumatized from the death of his beloved mother, Lapin learned how to wield a sword so that he could set out on a journey to locate the bandits who had killed his mother, and exact his revenge. After becoming the tactician for Chrom and his Sheperds, Lapin was excited to finally put all of his knowledge to good use. One day while battling with the Grimleal, a religious cult situated in Plegia, Lapin had come across something he never thought he would never lay his eyes on: a Taguel. Her name was Panne, and she was positively gorgeous. Lapin had decided he would become close with her, at first out of curiosity from his previous studies, but that soon became more. She was a strong confident woman, who didn't let much bother her, despite being the last member of her race. As Lapin grew closer to Panne, he found that he could relate strongly with her. He saw her as more than just a Taguel, he saw her as the woman who he had fallen in love with. Eventually, Lapin proposed to Panne, vowing that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Panne was overjoyed, and confessed to Lapin that before she had met him, she was alone in the world. Their love flourished, and the two could never be happier. Panne gave birth to two children: Yarne and Morgan. Lapin was blessed with a healthy family of Taguels. Not only was his research fulfilled first hand, his heart was filled with the desire to protect those around him. His family.

Yeah yeah, I'm totally lame.

Lapin is french for Bunny.

I'm so clever.

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I've got a backstory for my first Avatar set up.

Name : Robin

Gender : Male

Birthday : 01/01

Asset : Health

Flaw : Luck

Robin's family were farmers. Robin himself was also a farmer. One day, his parents sent him to the local village to buy some stuff. On the way there, weird plot stuff happened, and he passed out. When he woke up, he had no memory of him farmer family, and he never saw them again. Oh, and the village he was going to randomly got set on fire by some bandits.

I never said it was good.

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I've got a backstory for my first Avatar set up.

Name : Robin

Gender : Male

Birthday : 01/01

Asset : Health

Flaw : Luck

Robin's family were farmers. Robin himself was also a farmer. One day, his parents sent him to the local village to buy some stuff. On the way there, weird plot stuff happened, and he passed out. When he woke up, he had no memory of him farmer family, and he never saw them again. Oh, and the village he was going to randomly got set on fire by some bandits.

I never said it was good.

I laughed more than is socially acceptable.

All you're missing is "And he met his friend Chrom and wife Village girl chan."


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It was inspired from LissaxAvatar, but Syn herself is a character I've used elsewhere, all of my MUs will be, just adapted for FE.

Syn in her original incarnation was a lot more heartless, was going out of her way to destroy her rival's life, and had reality warping powers that really didn't help stem her trolling tendancies

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yes i though so and thanks for answering anyway just because my friend wants me to put up her story of her FE13 Avatar so i am

Arclychell by the way you pronounce it Arc-L-I-chell and her class is Falcon Knight +Skill/-Magic

Arclychell is an ace hunter and mercenary yes a Falcon knight that's mercenary do not ask please anyway she was on a job and she when she was sleeping the people that hired her wanted to take her to sell because she is very beautiful as well as her pegasus so they attacked her and she woke up as soon as they tried to attacked her and she got on her pegasus and killed them all yes she killed them all and when she did a portal in the sky appeared and the risen came out she and no matter how much she killed more came and came and then masked marth came out of the portal and saved her and the monsters stop coming and then he made a portal to teleport himself out of there she went in after him and then when she woke up looking up at Chrome and Lissa and remembered nothing and then the adventure starts and in the adventure she ran into Henry a dark mage from Plegia they fell in love with each other and married and had a son end of bio

more from me that i just came up with

Charlotte class Trickster +Str/-HP

she is a healer in her town with a love of sleep and swords yes swords and she is a healer anyway she really wants to be a Swordmaster but her parents are healers and they made her be a healer herself but they could not stop her love of sword play so she secretly trained and trained at night over and over again again one day she way sleeping but woke up to yelling and took her staff and sword under her robes and went out of her hose and came to a seen where zombies invaded her town and then she took her sword from her robes and at the same time her parents said how dare you have a sword but she did not care at all and started killing all the zombies and the zombes are Risen by the way anyway after she killed all of them her parents threw her out cause she was not a pure healer alone and that's it even if she was they would of all died she went to the woods and went to sleep on a pile of leaves she somehow came to looking at Chrome and Lissa faces and not remembered nothing and then the adventure starts on the adventure she met a Swordmaster named Lon'qu and she loved him as soon as she looked at him eventually he came to love her to end of bio

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