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Early Release

Acacia Sgt

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Spending a lot of money on something you don't need and then savouring the combination of regret and satisfaction is an important part of being an adult. They should consider it a learning experience for you.

I'm getting the bundle because it's a collector's item and it was the only way I could get the art book. For some reason I had the US and EU releases mixed up so I didn't get around to pre-ordering the game until the physical copies were sold out and the bundle was announced. Definitely getting a physical copy too as soon as I can afford that (3DS is half paid for by my family as a birthday present).

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I can confirm that Canada has stopped selling it early. I just called EBgames and they said they can't sell it anymore.

But for those that did preorder it and missed the early release (like me), you can still get the bonus artbook on the 4th.

Right when I find out about it, they stop selling it... well I didn't really want to go on an EB games scavenger hunt anyway.

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One hour ago from Video Games Plus

"New Fire Emblem 3DS and Sly Cooper PS3/PSvita games Now shipping Early. Street date shipping policy in effect"


Looking at their Street date shipping policy for a previous release...

Street date shipping policy in effect (If your parcel usually takes 2 or more business days to arrive from us your order will ship today. If your parcel only takes 1 business day to arrive from us it will ship on Monday)


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I was sifting through gamefaqs and I found a topic saying that PA streetdate has been lifted in Gamestop (this was after the EBgames 'cease and desist' selling order). While I usually take what I learn there with a grain of salt, I'm trying to find any hope of getting this early. Does anyone who lives in PA know if this is true? Preferably western PA (I live in the suburbs near Pittsburgh). I'd call but I'm in school and can't access my phone at the moment.

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I'm curious, where is the source that says the street date has been reinstated? I've been reading conflicting information all day.

I've called an EBgames about my purchase and they said head office told them to stop selling it. You might as well call your closest EBgames and ask about it to double check but if head office said to stop selling it, it's most likely that all EBgames stopped this morning.

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I jelly T_T They haven't gotten their stock of the bundle in yet, so it hasn't been shipped. I was hoping I'd get it before I went back to school...

EDIT: And in answer to deuxhero

No, that line was changed to

Nah: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... Unless...you rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her-

Edited by Wheels
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GameStop usually sends a text if your preorder is in, at least my GameStop does. D8 I got no such text, and calling them told me they can't release it before the 4th. Oh, well.

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Spoke to an employee at my GameStop today. He said he hadn't heard anything about places breaking the street date, and then followed up with "it would be a very stupid idea anyway, since there's a $10,000 fine for each copy we sell before the street date".

And I've heard things about some places selling out of their entire stock already. Good luck to them.

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Has any one heard about/gotten it in PA yet---*gets shot*

But seriously, I've gotten such conflicting news and information everywhere! If they already broke the street date,what's the big deal about not letting stores with stock sell? Is there something magical about only selling after the 4th (5th) that I'm missing here?!

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Is there something magical about only selling after the 4th (5th) that I'm missing here?!

Well, they likely sign contracts with their distributors in order to get things to sell. Said contract would indicate that items are not to be sold before the specified date (this is to create a fair and level playing field for all those who deal with the distributor, and not give an unfair advantage to those who are close enough to receive shipments early). Thus, selling early would be a breach of that contract.

That being said, my Gamestop last night implied that, even if they get it when they expect (sometime between today and Sunday), they still won't sell it until the 5th because "that's what the computer says the street date is". Needless to say, if I find out they have it, I'm going to try to get it early, and if I can't, I'm going to try on the 4th. If they refuse to sell it on the release date, despite having it, hell shall be raised.

That or I'll swing by Best Buy or Target or something, buy a copy, play that, and then when I get the one from Gamestop, return that copy to one of the places (depending on whether Gamestop would bitch about the art book or not).

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Has any one heard about/gotten it in PA yet---*gets shot*

But seriously, I've gotten such conflicting news and information everywhere! If they already broke the street date,what's the big deal about not letting stores with stock sell? Is there something magical about only selling after the 4th (5th) that I'm missing here?!

There was a poster on GameFAQs that mentioned that their store (in PA) was getting copies in today, but I've yet to hear whether or not this person actually got the game or not.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Ah ok so its business stuff......I see why they wouldn't, but to me, that only applies to before all this shit happened with EBgames and Canada. That's exactly what the street date is supposed to prevent, right? So I don't think its fair that they screw up and sell it early to some of the population then stop and force the rest of us to suck it up until its meant to be released - heck, apparently they're still out there selling it off and on depending on the region...

I guess its kind of pointless to complain considering its days away now, but can you blame me? I really really REALLY want this game now; I can't express how much, and as much as I'd like to feel happy for those who have it now (and I do, especially if I had been in that position), I can't help but feel like I got jibbed for no good reason.....

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And now some guys in GameFaqs are commenting of the date being pushed back to the 8th. Seems there is some conflicting claims of being Canada-only or for both it and the US.

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Came to EBgames and asked them about the game being pushed back to the 8th and I got funny looks. They said they never heard of it being pushed back and if it does happen, they won't know til Monday.

Also, they said it might be a Tuesday pickup instead of Monday :(

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