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Early Release

Acacia Sgt

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I wonder if it depends on the store. Apparently, one of my friends pre-ordered at a different Gamestop from me (that's still close by) and was told they're not getting/selling it till the 4th. However, the Gamestop I pre-ordered at on my University (I got the bundle) said that they MAY be getting it in tomorrow and if so, they can sell it since there's no street date. I just have to call and see if the shipment came in. The one who helped me was the manager.

I'm in FL btw.

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Well I called my gamestop after getting concerned and they said the release date was pretty much broken and basically, they'll start selling copies the moment the shipments are finally done. So if anything, my area (SC) should get them by the 8th, but I'm hoping it'll be sooner than that.

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Well I called my gamestop after getting concerned and they said the release date was pretty much broken and basically, they'll start selling copies the moment the shipments are finally done. So if anything, my area (SC) should get them by the 8th, but I'm hoping it'll be sooner than that.

I just called my Gamestop and I was told my preorder would be in on the 8th. I hope it comes in sooner than that. 4th or 5th cuz I can't wait.

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When I checked with my GameStop on Monday, I was informed that I'd have to wait until the 5th to get my copy. I might call them and see what's the update with it. If I don't get a straight answer from them, I'll still go to GameStop on the 4th to attempt to get my game, though....Eirika.gif

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They better not push that date back to the 8th. I will be flipping mad if I have to wait three more days to get my 3DS. T_T

I'd find it a bit ridiculous if they postpone it until the 8th...

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I just got some odd news...Apparently, when a friend of mine tried to see if Gamestop Incorporate (the higher ups I guess), they said they were told on the phone that the whole pushing back to the 8th only applies to the stores in Canada and the US will just sell their copies when they get them...At this point, I really just don't know and I'll wait and see what happens.

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They better not push that date back to the 8th. I will be flipping mad if I have to wait three more days to get my 3DS. T_T

Yee, you are getting than dashing 3DS, too?! What are you going to name yours? I already have a name in mind for mine gee_wiz_emoticon.gif .

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I just got some odd news...Apparently, when a friend of mine tried to see if Gamestop Incorporate (the higher ups I guess), they said they were told on the phone that the whole pushing back to the 8th only applies to the stores in Canada and the US will just sell their copies when they get them...At this point, I really just don't know and I'll wait and see what happens.


I will kill over if I have to wait until the 8th....

...Damn it all, Canada!! Look at what you've done; breaking the street date like that.... Gaaah!! /rage flips computer desk.

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I called three local GameStops and two of them were aware of the street date being lifted and said they expect shipments to arrive on the 8th, while the other said the 4th. I called Best Buy as well and they told me the 4th. The GameStop that I pre-ordered my bundle at told me they'll give me call if they get it in early. =\

(Northeastern TN)

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