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Awakening Localized Name Discovery Thread

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Btw, who's Sumia's?

I know, I'm blind, but I don't think I saw her on that list.

It's not quite full, there are a few names missing (Sumia, Lon'qu, Virion, and Lucina are all missing) but the guy transcribing them was doing it off his 3DS, so I'd say he did a pretty fine s\job XD

Edit: Sorry. SORRY. I AM BLIND.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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...Fred is played by Kamina. We need to give him a drill.

Owain is


Olivia and Anna is Aigis, Nanako and Izanami?! Oh, and Rouge the Bat.

Emmeryn's CHIE? ...I'll need to create a weapon called Fsteak in that case...

And I KNEW Donnel was Teddie! ...And Stahl as well?!

Flavia and Miriel... Raine Sage's obvious, but... HOLY SHIT THEY'RE ALSO MITSURU AND ELIZABETH.

Yen'fay... is King Moron. *rolls on the ground*

...Basilio is Ragna the Bloodedge


Edited by SPSEliwoodGabriel
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...Fred is played by Kamina. We need to give him a drill.

Owain is


Olivia and Anna is Aigis, Nanako and Izanami?! Oh, and Rouge the Bat.

Emmeryn's CHIE? ...I'll need to create a weapon called Fsteak in that case...

And I KNEW Donnel was Teddie! ...And Stahl as well?!

Flavia and Miriel... Raine Sage's obvious, but... HOLY SHIT THEY'RE ALSO MITSURU AND ELIZABETH.

Yen'fay... is King Moron. *rolls on the ground*

...Basilio is Ragna the Bloodedge


...So a bunch of VAs from the SMT series are voice acting in this game. This can't be a coincidence.

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Yeah, Basilio is Patrick Seitz XD

Excuse me. I'll just go cry in a corner now. I have thoroughly demonstrated in this thread today that I am MORE BLIND than anyone else.

Moving on...

Checking facts...

Basilio is Ragna the Bloodedge in English.

Chrom is Ragna the Bloodege in Japanese.


This is just ASKING for a misdub.

Chrom vs. Basilio (turn down your volume):

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Oh yeah, someone in the VA topic made a mention that the uncredited roles are probably union VAs who didn't want to get in trouble or some such.

It makes sense, as George C. Cole and...another guy, are both pseudonyms for Paul St. Peter and Todd Heckerthorn or something like that.

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Unless we ask who we think it is after the NDA comes off, and see if they say yes or no.

Like people have thought Danielle Judovits is Sumia's VA (Estelle from ToV) If she has a Twitter account/official FB account, you can ask, and she might respond with a yes or no.

Or, it might end up like Naoto from P4, where no one is entirely sure who her voice actor is. Or Tear Grants, who was only found out sometime after the 3DS release

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Well... we were totally off on the guesses for Chrom. XD

So yeah... kinda reluctant to declare it's English Estelle's voice actor.

Would have been SOOO funny to have Troy Baker as Chrom, Danielle Judovits as Sumia, and Michelle Ruff as a Female Avatar.

All of the freaking Vesperia references.

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Yeah, I haven't heard the game myself, so I can't really judge Sumia, other than I like her english VA from the snippets I've heard. XD

When the game finally comes out, we can start bugging VAs over Twitter and such for if they worked XD Until then, we just have our incomplete list.

I did make a bit of a lulzy list out of it though

Chrom is Leon Kennedy

Lissa is Pascal

Emmeryn is Chie

Frederick and Validar are Aizen, Gohan and Kamina

Flavia and Miriel are Mitsuru and EMeraude

Basilio is John Titor and Ragna the Bloodedge

Stahl and Donnel are Flynn Scifo

Kellam and Gerome are Arathorn

Gaius is Balthier

Cordelia and Severa are Boota, Karol and Tsubaki

Nowi is Porom

Gregor and Laurent are Xemnas (George C. Cole is a Paul St. Peter name)

Libra and Aversa are Labrys

Tharja and Kjelle are Orihime, Hinata, and Natalia Landalvear

Anna and Olivia are Kallen, Nanako, Aigis and Phi

Henry is Zidane and Asbel

Owain is Raymond Oswell

Inigo is Kain, Caius and Akihiko (This is more of a VA lol, but another role he has, Grimoire Weiss, tells a girl in his game to 'tell the truth, hussy!'. That girl? Voice acted by Bailey, who does Lucina, whi can be Inigo's brother/lover)

Morgan (M) is Death the Kid

Morgan (F) is Tear Grants

Walhart is Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

Yen'fay is Jade Curtiss

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Well... we were totally off on the guesses for Chrom. XD

So yeah... kinda reluctant to declare it's English Estelle's voice actor.

Would have been SOOO funny to have Troy Baker as Chrom, Danielle Judovits as Sumia, and Michelle Ruff as a Female Avatar.

All of the freaking Vesperia references.

Don't forget Julie Ann Taylor as Cordelia, and Sam Riegel as Stahl.

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Stahl and Donnel are Flynn Scifo

Don't forget Julie Ann Taylor as Cordelia, and Sam Riegel as Stahl.


FE13 could have easily been English Vesperia.

We mistook Yuri's VA for Chrom

Some think Estelle's VA is Sumia

Rita's VA is one of the Female MU/Avatars

Karol's VA is Tiamo/Cordelia

Flynn's VA is Donny/Donnel and Sol/Stahl


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Owain's personal weapon is Missiletainn.

Weak Beats Strong is now Underdog.

Mug is now Despoil.

Life Absorb is now Lifetaker.

Support Boost+ is now Dual Support+.

Royal Weapon is now Rightful King.

Also, Owain uses some past game names as battle cries... he's super amazing.

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Owain's personal weapon is Missiletainn.

Weak Beats Strong is now Underdog.

Mug is now Despoil.

Life Absorb is now Lifetaker.

Support Boost+ is now Dual Support+.

Royal Weapon is now Rightful King.

Also, Owain uses some past game names as battle cries... he's super amazing.

Could you post some quotes, please? I'm really curious to know his exact lines

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Could you post some quotes, please? I'm really curious to know his exact lines

Unfortunately I went through the script without transcribing anything but when you first meet him, one of his very first battle cries is RADIANT DAAAAAAAAWN. He's broken the 4th wall! His voice clips are truly amazing and perfect for the character.

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Owain's personal weapon is Missiletainn.

Weak Beats Strong is now Underdog.

Mug is now Despoil.

Life Absorb is now Lifetaker.

Support Boost+ is now Dual Support+.

Royal Weapon is now Rightful King.

Also, Owain uses some past game names as battle cries... he's super amazing.

Divine King was a terrible name change, did they forget that many children units (one being a girl) ALSO get that skill?

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Lucina is the only female character who can get the skill, and she cannot pass it down to a female Morgan either (nor can any other potential female children from Chrom because they will only have Aether). If you have Rightful King, you must be related to royalty somehow even though you could be as many as 2 generations down the line, and barring Lucina, they will all be male. I have a Chrom-fathered Inigo, and if you recruit him using Chrom, Inigo will make special mention that he has the Naga brand in his left eye.

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