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Grandjackal, Blindly Stumbling Around Tear Ring Saga!


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Also, you cannot repair Prf weapons. Vega is still one of the best foot units out there easily.

I'm pretty sure they can be repaired, but they require the Hammerne staff.

I'm not a fan of Shigen's sword. The revive is there because he'll miss so often that things might kill him in the end. I'd rather use Katri to summon zombies for that map.

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Dullahan has its uses I find. I found it useful in some places in my draft run when I had like nobody with good combat on my Holmes team and there were some bosses I was trying to LTC whom nobody could really kill well. I just sent in Shigen as a suicide unit. Not the greatest strategy, but I decided to send all my mounts/good units with Runan because Holmes has a lot of indoor maps.

Julia's Continue is nice but personally I like Heaven Saint/Sol more. Shrug, I get the feeling that either you're getting lucky with her or that I got unlucky with her when I used her in my first playthrough.

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Barts has promoted, and has learned Charge. It is time for Maerhen to die a violent death. I also don't think it's possible for Barts to die at this point of the game. He just kicks too much ass.

Xeno continues to be a boss, and is now packing the most Str of any sword wielding footsoldier, though Shigen still has Silver. Xeno's not the fastest, but I'm giving him Swordshield. Vega doesn't need it, and in the worst situations I can just trade-equip Shigen to hold the Dullahan.


DAMMIT I didn't know Harpies used bows! Ok, getting that staff is now 10x more annoying.

I just realized that Xeno is like 3 levels away from Blazing Wind. That's going to be fun.

Lionel seems to be doing good so far. He's not the greatest, but he's pretty ok. He's basically Roger without a mount. The main issue with him is that spears for the most part are so damn heavy and I don't just wanna burn Pilum for every single thing he does. I'm sure promotion will be super nice to him.

Attrom strikes me as awful. He's basically Vega with less everything, and for me, Vega's setting the bar kinda low. As it stands, Xeno is stronger, and Shigen's not dependent on his weapon to be good/already stronger and stays that way.

How does Steal work in this game? I notice I don't have an option to just use. Is it a combat thing, or can I just not steal Shields?

Can I just say Krishnu has the dumbest conditions ever? "pray you evade these hard asses (one guy can just straight one shot her), and hope you don't waste these pendants, and that luck is on your side overall".

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How does Steal work in this game? I notice I don't have an option to just use. Is it a combat thing, or can I just not steal Shields?

Can I just say Krishnu has the dumbest conditions ever? "pray you evade these hard asses (one guy can just straight one shot her), and hope you don't waste these pendants, and that luck is on your side overall".

Skl + Agi % chance to steal an item on hit. I'm pretty sure it can steal shields, but I mostly saw it steal weapons.

She's a pretty meh unit in general. Her main niche is to use the duplication glitch. She'd be pretty cool if she actually had some strength.

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Promoted Shigen and Xeno. Xeno's now the best blade on the team as he's the strongest on top of being the most durable. Could have probably waited to promote Samson, but whatever.

So, how do I forge? I have items for the guy, but he won't touch any of my stuff. Do I need to have an inventory space open?

Also, what the hell does this girl that Attrom recruited do? She sings, but what does that do?

Also, I got a Pow+ and Def+. Was gonna give them to Mahter, but she's pretty fine for the mo. Should I use Frau and/or Sun? Cause if they get good quick, I might just give them to them.

Frau flies, so that's good enough. Sun also gets Elite very quick, and has some pretty good growths behind her along with being a female cav so her promotion bonuses are awesome. Might just use her and ditch some punk like Vega.

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Frau has better growths than Mahter, but other than growths and flight, she's not amazing. I like her, but I'd recommend Sun over her. You don't particularly need three fliers if you're using Raffin and Mahter, and Sun is much easier to raise and gets Charge upon promo, as well as Geomancy/Luna at level 25. Frau gets Continue and Anti-Evil instead.

Lyria's singing restores HP and gives a small chance to let her target move again. Her range with it also increases to around 3 or 4 as you progress. And then she's a Priest so she can just use regular staves as well.

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So, how do I forge? I have items for the guy, but he won't touch any of my stuff. Do I need to have an inventory space open?

Also, what the hell does this girl that Attrom recruited do? She sings, but what does that do?

Also, I got a Pow+ and Def+. Was gonna give them to Mahter, but she's pretty fine for the mo. Should I use Frau and/or Sun? Cause if they get good quick, I might just give them to them.

Frau flies, so that's good enough. Sun also gets Elite very quick, and has some pretty good growths behind her along with being a female cav so her promotion bonuses are awesome. Might just use her and ditch some punk like Vega.

You can only forge each item once and you must go in order. For example, the forge in Blood requires the Estoc and the Silver Shield to make a Shield Sword. You won't be able to create the Dragon Arrow yet for example.

Heals a bit of health in a radius that grows the more you sing (iirc it's 2-4). The more you sing, the higher % of chance it can cause a move again. Somewhat related, but the more you dance with Plum, the more often you can get a stat up that lasts for a chapter. Basically a free Power/Magic/Defense staff use. I think it has something to do with Plum's clothing color when she dances, but I'm not sure of the exact specifics.

Sun is very good and gets Elite at level 5. Frau's not that interesting, but I find she's a good shopkeeper in Ligria. A forced encounter right before chapter 20 has a bunch of Mummies that Sun can easily kill to put herself to a decent level if you don't want to train her just yet.

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I'd rather get Elite sooner rather than later. 3 levels doesn't sound painful.

Aw. I totally could get a Dragon Arrow too...Good thing I made sure to kill Maerhen without breaking his shield. Will at least get a Swordshield. Only deal is I didn't know about this during hte route split so I didn't send the Shieldbreaker Holmes's way, and will have to wait till they meet up again, or I find another Swordbreaker.

Sing and Dance is ore interesting in this game, that's for sure.

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I'd rather get Elite sooner rather than later. 3 levels doesn't sound painful.

Aw. I totally could get a Dragon Arrow too...Good thing I made sure to kill Maerhen without breaking his shield. Will at least get a Swordshield. Only deal is I didn't know about this during hte route split so I didn't send the Shieldbreaker Holmes's way, and will have to wait till they meet up again, or I find another Swordbreaker.

Sing and Dance is ore interesting in this game, that's for sure.

Perhaps you could train another weakling such as Attrom then. Mummies should give close to a level for him at base level.

It's fine, you'll know next time if you wish to play again.

Definitely, though LTC/efficient play will see little use of the side bonuses they give. On the other hand, arena abusers/mummy grinders could get those skill up in a single chapter.

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So I went by the fort, and I think I missed something. Again, I don't really know what I was doing. This place important I recall? Cause it seems useless. Also, the guy who did the forging there did not request an Estoc and Iron Shield, instead requesting a couple stat boosters (he can go to hell). The eyeball things died so quick though I couldn't get anywhere.

As for the cave...WOW are those eyeball things annoying. However, they stand no chance to Bartz, or anyone with evasion. Xeno jumped up like 5 levels this chapter so now he's level 15 promoted, and Barts is now 20. Lionel now also promoted, and to my surprise grew a point of move so now he's a 7 move spear wielding foot soldier. I can suddenly see why people like this guy, cause beforehand he just seemed exceedingly average.

As for the map itself, you need surprisingly few fighters. Really it's lockpickers you want, since getting all the chests is what wins the map quick. So yes, this would include Maerhen. I'd send Yuni or Holmes to the northwest chest.

As for the weird ass boss thing, I can't imagine a better answer than Barst. He can Charge it with Iron, and granted a dodge (I know), he can actually ORKO it and get rid of it's Elixer in one go. A Farheal staff later, and Barts can easily kill that thing on it's own. Supports are also welcome.

Also, I just realized that Blazing Wind for Xeno is BEFORE promotion...fml. It's like the one time I have to actually notice it. I think that's his biggest selling point too, and I missed it.

Sun is unfortunately useless here, cause she gets ORKOd by these things, and if I whiff an attack, she's gone.

As for Attrom...I don't like the look of him. He looks like Xeno if he joined at a much worse time, learned Blazing Wind way later, and only had Heaven Saint until then which just makes him a shittier Vega since he lacks Vega's Sword. He'd probably have a strength lead lategame, but it's just like...Use Xeno.

Hmmm...Might restart. I feel like I'm just missing everything, and I fucked up my promotion of Xeno, and I mucked up the forging I think? This second time around, I might pick Ezekiel first. Plan being I'm going to try and get him to learn Sea Fighter for when he goes with Holmes, and level him diligently to get his many terrain abilities. Like if I can get him to 12 before Holmes route? He would have a pretty consistent 7 move for most of it. Though how does Blazing Wind work? Does it proc automatically? Cause serenes says it's not. If it does automatically, I'm thinking I could probably not give him the +Agi since he would just hulksmash things.

I forget, what's the other way to get Leteena? Cause I can't imagine a Silence Staff being useless. Don't I just have Ezekiel? Cause if so, I probably won't bother training Kreiss seriously. He's a tad underwhelming.

Have not really used the Defense Staff ever from Lee, so I don't think I'll really miss it. I'll miss more Farheal though...Think maybe I should get him instead of Lionel? Cause Move growth is cool and all, but his start is so unimpressively dull. Having staffs sounds more useful in the end.

So, I think I have a good idea on this game now, so I guess I'm no longer blind. I'm going to restart most likely. Dio, your enemy data guide has been fantastic, but there are some things not quite mentioned. Anything I should keep in mind, namely about characters going different routes, or how to best time the forges? Cause I'd love to get to forge things immediately.

Probably still gonna use Estelle (post promotion she's awesome. Those that say Roger's the same, note that Roger goes with Holmes for a nifty staff (Mag=Res in this game, right? Whoever fights the weird cave boss with Godhand would like that cause that is a skeet ton of damage that thing dishes out. Barts is beefy and he was still getting 2HKOd without the staff). Might use Sasha as people like this time (though 2 base Str doesn't sound fun to work with). Dunno if I wanna go Ezekiel, Barts AND Samson, since that sounds like a lot of axes, but it sounds better than a lot of random people I could think of.

Also, I'm realizing that leveling speed in this game seems to be that it almost never goes below 20 a kill. It's weird, cause even promoted guys are still getting like 20 a kill. Perhaps it's just that promotion is different. In a way, I REALLY like this because it doesn't make promotion so important. Cool that you can, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.

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I also missed Xeno's skill first time I promoted him. It's kinda easy to get confused.

Blazing Wind's activation rate is (User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%. Not very high, but enemy skill is generally low so it'll proc every once in a while.

Kreiss needs to be powerful enough to KO a bulky dracoknight with high crit and shields on him, so if you want Leteena, you better train him.

Res = Mag / 2, so the Magic staff is firstly an offensive buff and only then a semi-Barrier staff.

EXP gain is pretty crazy, yeah, but you also have more levels to accumulate so it makes sense. Guys like Narron cap their level really fast (especially Narron recruited on Runan route).

I wouldn't advise Ezekiel at all, but you're welcome to try and see what he's capable of. Lionel KOs enemies so much better, knowing how crits work in this game (I believe the MT is tripled before the enemy defence). Hell, it might be the same formula as in FE5.

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I wouldn't advise Ezekiel at all, but you're welcome to try and see what he's capable of. Lionel KOs enemies so much better, knowing how crits work in this game (I believe the MT is tripled before the enemy defence). Hell, it might be the same formula as in FE5.

Well, don't you need Ezekiel for Leteena? Does the Silence Staff help at all?

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You need him to keep her in the party for long enough apparently. The Silence staff isn't such a huge deal when you have rewarp Sierra and Warp Renee. Even if it may be useful, it's not as useful as having either Narron or Lee in the party.

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You need him to keep her in the party for long enough apparently. The Silence staff isn't such a huge deal when you have rewarp Sierra and Warp Renee. Even if it may be useful, it's not as useful as having either Narron or Lee in the party.

Ehhhh, yeah agreed. I guess it was a way to make recruiting Ezekiel relevant lategame, cause his growths aren't too hot.

So, I'm probably gonna recruit Lee second now that I've decided to pick Narron. Lionel is ok, but he's not Lee good. Move growth is cute, but good base combat+staffs I feel trumps Lionel's lategame cause I'm sure I'll have plenty good lategame units by then. Hell, Barts whips so much ass it makes me wonder why people don't like him. Charge on that tanky monster is too good. He even makes those eyeball enemies a joke since unlike most he can just tank em. With an Iron Axe and his 17-18 spd by then (had him level 20 promoted), he's not even doubled despite their speed and axe heaviness.

88 uses is also fun, especially when he can get so many kills stacked on his axe during the eyeball encounter.

Which reminds me, there's a sort of killcount thing isn't there? Like if you get a cetain amount of kills on an enemy type or on certain terrain you get a bonus? Could someone run that by me?

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Promoted Vega/Shigen/Xeno should actually double the opuses though, so they operate more effectively. Xeno also benefits from his Yuno support, who is likely to be around to get some chests. I don't know how you even managed to level Barst to such an absurd level this early.

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Promoted Vega/Shigen/Xeno should actually double the opuses though, so they operate more effectively. Xeno also benefits from his Yuno support, who is likely to be around to get some chests. I don't know how you even managed to level Barst to such an absurd level this early.

Shigen requires me to waste possible Dullahan uses while missing cause I leave him to risk to die (something Barts does not suffer), and Shram is better used on bigger things since there's no need to waste Shram uses defending these little creeps when I could be mauling a more dangerous target. Xeno has no safety net.

As for how I got him to such an absurd level this early, as it turns out when you have 6 move, can possibly one shot things with a steel axe and have the best durability next to Raffin (and when you promote and go Holmes's route, you HAVE the best durabiliy), you tend to be pretty awesome. Charge is icing on the cake. I guess my question is how are you NOT getting him to such absurd levels this early? I wasn't even trying and eventually I noticed that Barts was in fact Lord Humongous. Maybe it was that I promoted him first of all my hero units. Having 16 speed with axes as early as possible tends to be pretty tasty.

Or maybe I wasn't feeding fools like Vega, I dunno.

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They don't require anything because the opuses have terrible hit. You use steels for better offence and irons for better hit rates/AS/avoid. Dullahan has an excellent application in that chapter by letting Shigen take on the challenging boss, and Shramm has so many units that you shouldn't conserve it (but Vega shouldn't be dying anyway). I don't think I ever did take Vega along with Holmes though, but I forget what reason I had for it. Mobility is also a huge deal, as units like unpromoted Alicia and all of your healers can't even travel west with the rest of your party.

Barts also has 6 skill with a 15% growth and has the least accurate weapons (Scissor Axe fixes that though), while Samson has 10 base skill and a 35% growth. Samson also has the better skills of the two. I don't see why you'd give Samson's Scissor Axe to Barts.

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They don't require anything because the opuses have terrible hit. You use steels for better offence and irons for better hit rates/AS/avoid. Dullahan has an excellent application in that chapter by letting Shigen take on the challenging boss, and Shramm has so many units that you shouldn't conserve it (but Vega shouldn't be dying anyway). I don't think I ever did take Vega along with Holmes though, but I forget what reason I had for it. Mobility is also a huge deal, as units like unpromoted Alicia and all of your healers can't even travel west with the rest of your party.

Barts also has 6 skill with a 15% growth and has the least accurate weapons (Scissor Axe fixes that though), while Samson has 10 base skill and a 35% growth. Samson also has the better skills of the two. I don't see why you'd give Samson's Scissor Axe to Barts.

Naturally you give Samson's Scissor Axe to Barts so that Barts can Charge the boss with it, cause 18 speed+Charge lets you do that. I have no idea how crits work, but between tripling damage and tripling weapon might, a crit from him would do in the neighborhood of 48-52 damage. Adding a 16 is greater than 55, so he would kill with a crit. Even then, with Charge he can land 4 hits and kill (16, 32, 48, 64>55). So yeah, cool that Samson has Gale and (eventually) Awareness later, but that desn't help me ORKO the boss. So, I would say Samson's skillset being "better" is objective, cause in the present it's just Gale, a kinda silly ability considering Barts is not dying at this point in time.

The only other realistic one is Vega since his sword is apparently a devilslayer along with halving damage, but that's one enemy type vs Barts's everything. By the way, Barts has 7 move. Samson only has 5 base move, so Frontier Fighter doesn't even matter. In fact, none of the other options you've mentioned have Frontier Fighter. So, technically Barts is your most mobile answer as well.

Also consider that you could have 2 less strength and a lot less speed, Barts could still pull this off. He doesn't need to be level 20, but it helps.

Edited by grandjackal
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Barts has 5 move; he only has 6 on certain maps including the starting one, so he's definitely not getting to the boss first, maybe on some of the indoors maps (and you have better options there). We should fix the error on the main site which displays it as 6. Not very high compared to Narron, Raffin, the Black Knights and Paladins (so I guess Estelle isn't that bad if trained) who get 8 and better weapon choices. Halberd/Hammer are pretty unreliable ways of dealing with enemy types they're effective against. Zeek does it well because he has the skill/luck (Barts has 1 luck...). Also, Mountain Fighter + Charge is a pretty mediocre skillset compared to some others you get, Samson's included.

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Barts has 5 move; he only has 6 on certain maps including the starting one, so he's definitely not getting to the boss first, maybe on some of the indoors maps (and you have better options there). We should fix the error on the main site which displays it as 6. Not very high compared to Narron, Raffin, the Black Knights and Paladins (so I guess Estelle isn't that bad if trained) who get 8 and better weapon choices. Halberd/Hammer are pretty unreliable ways of dealing with enemy types they're effective against. Zeek does it well because he has the skill/luck (Barts has 1 luck...). Also, Mountain Fighter + Charge is a pretty mediocre skillset compared to some others you get, Samson's included.

Fine, he has 5 move, was an error. Does this stop Barts fro being the best at taking out this particular boss? Secondly yes, his accuracy isn't perfect but he's not blind. He's also the perfect cantidate for the Luck+. As for Hammers, why bother? With Iron, he's generally as good as Ronin with his Rapier against them (sans Ronin's acc). To hell with hammers and their lol 32 acc. Zeke technically can make everyone irrelevant so I don't see why Barts is singled out over it. Past chapter 3 (where all the cavaliers are so weighed down he doesn't even need to bother with the pole axe), there are no cavaliers until the route split (Where Barts wants Samson's route anyways), and the few armors that are there are slow enough for him to double normally, dealing about 18 damage (so around the power of Ronin with his Rapier).

Though speaking of Samson's route, a Steel Axe allows him to OHKO bandit archers, something Samson cannot replicate.

Yes, Estelle and the like ride horses, but they're also not helpful on Holmes's route. Lots of maps are either indoors or so small it doesn't matter. Estelle also has mundo worse bases, to the point she can't ORKO anything,a problem that does not plague Barts ever. Narron is slightly similar, though his problem vanishes the moment he puts on a Knight Proof, but Narron's not a problem since Barts and Narron shouldn't be on the same route.

Really, it should only be compared to people on their route, cause I can't compare Barts in an area he doesn't have to be/shouldn't be, and vice versa. So with that in mind, he only really has to contend with guys like Shigen, Vega, Samson and Xeno, in which case he smokes all of them.

P.S. Levle 13 promotion with a Luck+ gives Barts very similar acc to Samson, so no, he's not actually having acc problems. Not at this point in the game at least.

In other news, Chapter 3 is 5 turnable, possibly 4 if you can get Raffin in range of the boss. However, this misses a gold bag, and would mean all the exp goes to foot soldiers as your cavs would otherwise have to go north to retrieve items. Quite positive that Narron should promote next chapter, if not after it. Kinda ridiculous how fast this guy grows. Funny thing is, his weapon level makes me want to use him over Arkiss because at base, he can use a Javelin while Arkiss can't. God, Arkiss blows.

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Which specific boss is Barts good at taking down exactly with his horrid accuracy and average move? Even on Holmes route I don't see him making much difference. On Holmes route for example (since we do want Plum back as a Dancer). Do tell me.

Ryunan is generally pretty bad at dealing with armoured enemies, so saying Barts is as good isn't saying a whole lot. If Ryunan engages an AK, it's probably because he's rushing to seize and there's nobody to timely dispose of said AK for Ryunan to be safer. Good chip though.

Narron might as well go with Holmes actually. The notorious map with the eyeballs has a part in which he can mount his horse and go to town, dealing with the boss and being nigh invincible. Maps like Maechen's are also made easier by having mounted units. You probably have Roger and Mahter, so Narron could help out too. He doesn't mind losing the support bonus with Ryunan, especially when Raffin and Zeek make his absence nearly unnoticeable. Holmes's party is the one that needs Narron the most during the first split.

Also, Luck+ is the perfect candidate for increasing our funds, so I disagree with your dissection of subject/object there.

Also might as well remember how wanted Barts is during the early chapters of the game before the split. Not at all really - if you switch him out, you can use better units. He's good in his join chapter to prevent Enteh from being smashed, but that's about it. Lances are slightly lighter, way more accurate and come on far better characters to boot. I think your inflated level (and the blasphemy that is taking a promotion item from Xeno/Vega and later Shigen/Samson) is a lot like that old joke debate post about Dorcas beating Raven that assumes Dorcas is like 20/5 when Raven joins and deals more damage then base level when both double / neither is doubling, or Dorcas fails to double but still outdamages Raven. That's about how well Barts does in comparison to the uber sword fighters you get (minus Julia who could use more strength).

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Which specific boss is Barts good at taking down exactly with his horrid accuracy and average move? Even on Holmes route I don't see him making much difference. On Holmes route for example (since we do want Plum back as a Dancer). Do tell me.

The boss in the caves, that brain thing. I mentioned it some time back. Also the spear seargent of Brahd, I mean I could probably drop a name and it would be correct. Your gripe seems to be with acc and average move (What is good move in a Holmes map?).

Ryunan is generally pretty bad at dealing with armoured enemies, so saying Barts is as good isn't saying a whole lot. If Ryunan engages an AK, it's probably because he's rushing to seize and there's nobody to timely dispose of said AK for Ryunan to be safer. Good chip though.

Well hey, not everyone can be Raffin or magical.

Narron might as well go with Holmes actually. The notorious map with the eyeballs has a part in which he can mount his horse and go to town, dealing with the boss and being nigh invincible. Maps like Maechen's are also made easier by having mounted units. You probably have Roger and Mahter, so Narron could help out too. He doesn't mind losing the support bonus with Ryunan, especially when Raffin and Zeek make his absence nearly unnoticeable. Holmes's party is the one that needs Narron the most during the first split.

I have not missed having mounts in Holmes's maps so far. Roger alone is enough if we're so needing a mount on such a tiny tiny maps.

Also, Luck+ is the perfect candidate for increasing our funds, so I disagree with your dissection of subject/object there.

We might as well have infinity money with how much the game gives us and how little of it we actually need to spend. Who gives a damn?

Also might as well remember how wanted Barts is during the early chapters of the game before the split. Not at all really - if you switch him out, you can use better units.

Name enough that would make me take that idea seriously.

He's good in his join chapter to prevent Enteh from being smashed, but that's about it. Lances are slightly lighter, way more accurate and come on far better characters to boot.

Yes, I get it, Zeke and Narron can solo the game if they wanted to. Totally makes Barts pointless and guys like Vega valid.

I think your inflated level (and the blasphemy that is taking a promotion item from Xeno/Vega and later Shigen/Samson)

Shigen got his, he didn't mind the 5 second wait, as did Xeno. Hell, Xeno wants to wait for Blazing Wind anyways.

is a lot like that old joke debate post about Dorcas beating Raven that assumes Dorcas is like 20/5 when Raven joins and deals more damage then base level when both double / neither is doubling, or Dorcas fails to double but still outdamages Raven. That's about how well Barts does in comparison to the uber sword fighters you get (minus Julia who could use more strength).

See, now I'm just thinking you hate Barts on a personal level. I'm sorry if he killed your mother, but explain to me how Vega is uber, or how Samson is better when he shows up with almost the exact same stats as base Barts? Does he not get levels cause Zeke is ruining fun for no reason? I get it, there are two broken units you get real early, but how is Samson or Vega or anyone immune to this but Barts isn't? Other than that maybe you're biased perhaps.

I mean, take a breath for a moment and think. Xeno shows up a single chapter before your first crest and isn't Narron or Zeke. He can't possibly make use of the first crest because he can't possibly be at promotion, and is also not Narron or Zeke. Samson just showed up at level 6. Once again, can't possibly use it, and is not Zeke or Narron. Julia. Probably last in line, is not Narron or Zeke. Vega. You're arguing between a guy who tanks and kills things and a guy who kills and tanks things granted he's using one weapon and is proccing crits, is also not Zeke or Narron. Shigen. Probably the only competition since he shows up high enough base that the promotion is realistic at all, though again he's not Zeke or Narron.

Lastly, you're bugging out about what is like a single battle wait, and then we suddenly get 2, to which can go to Shigen and Xeno (or Vega, if you're into that sort of thing). Chill.

P.S. I get it, there are 3 lance using cavs that are ridiculous and make everyone irrelevent, stop bringing them up. As you can see above, kinda kills all conversation.

EDIT: Also, you mentioned inflated numbers. I believe I mentioned how he cold be 2 less strength and still kill the boss, meaning he could be 5 levels off (where he'd hit Charge anyways), he'd still be capable.

Edited by grandjackal
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Anyways Espinosa, as I said I'm redoing my run cause I like to improve bit by bt rather than go through a whole run and just struggle cause I didn't know what I was getting into (the entire reason I didn't like FE5 at first). I will have a fresh perspective, so if I find out I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. It's my first time playing after all.

So, Narron can promote at Vega's chapter, as shown in YayMarsha's mock run, even with a team. I missed an attack at the last second though, so I had to promote at the bridge. Yeah, if I had to make a suggestion, get Narron promoted BEFORE you enter this map.

So in my first run I entirely missed Raquiel, because I thought only Luka could recruit her. I didn't know Sasha could do the same (I didn't have Sasha deployed first time around so I didn't get the memo cause she mentions it if you have her out. Doesn't help that with my emulator, any dialogue boxes are potential lockups and thus force me to restart so I have to skip them immediately). Damn is Raquiel good. A master class sniper who leaves all human targets in killable range. Early on at least when I can have like one or two guys carry me, she's great for anyone that needs training (Sasha especially). She's like the only one who can actually do significant damage to Dagon at the temple of Mars (dude has good defense and unequipped speed, he's kind of annoying) thanks to her Master Bow, and that same talent lets her nail down the chapter 7 boss so Raffin can go in for hte kill with his Needle Spear and get the Swordbreaker with no uses wasted...Not sure why I care though, not sure how often I'd use this before I forged it for a Thief Sword, something that sounds infinitely more useful. Still, it's there if a sworduser is pissing you off.

I believe you can 5 or 4 turn chapter 6, mostly your efforts requiring to clear a path for Narron or Zeke to bumrush the boss with an Estoc, though I think Marju with Wundergust deployed in one of the spots near the boss at the ballista could also manage (though requires luck, or lots of pendant uses). I think someone muscular like Barts and/or Vega teamed up could muscle their way through to the boss as well. Mahter's also a star player here cause depending on who you want to send in (Narron, Zeke, Maru, whoever) to go after the boss, she can fly over and assist by cutting down enemies to clear the way. An Iron Lance (you get one for free chapter 3) lets her ORKO most enemies on the map since she has 14 mt to their 22 HP and 3 Def. This map is annoying, but cool at the same time.

Though, with the right side of that map, basically anyone that can kill the Ballista and then tough it out against the minimal threats there can be there. Grouped with Ronin, probably only need Narron and/or Zeke with Raffin, one of the helping with Norton if you so choose to recruit him. Though ugh...3 move? I mean, at least swords lightweightedness gives him SOME slight amount of speed, but 3 move? Really? Armor Knights weren't immobile enough? What is with this game designer and thinking that armors are so overpowered they need to be limited with terrible mobility and no one caring to attack them? I mean, fuck man.

Again, chapter 7 is easy enough to 6 turn with Raffin, much less Narron or Zeke the destroyers of all ass. Everyone else wasn't doing much until the armors, mage and wood shooter, but they're easy enough to deal with. Helps that Raffin is gigantically huge. Raffin's the guy I pretty much give boss kills to. Narron has Elite and is insane after promotion so he never has to worry, I don't like using Zeke for anything, and anyone else is either not competent enough or don't have the move. Besides, Raffin being huge is a good thing, especially with his promotion in mind. Incidentally, it also means that Roger costs like 5 turns. Hilariously enough I had Sasha get Arena Fighter and go in to train. Was going well if you face inaccurate enemies like anyone with an axe. otherwise, not really sure who I should bother giving that arena time to if I'm gonna bother with Roger. Even without Roger, that person gets like a good 3-4 good shots in the arena. Who you think would make a good gladiator, guys?

EDIT: Screw it, giving Sasha some arena time. Now, you do this chapter in 6 turns, but unless properly placed, she's going to only have 4-5 shots at this (has to spend a turn getting Arena Fighter, and if that's the case she can't reach the arena that turn so she gets the Bridge Key). You will need to get her a Steel Sword to have her be somewhat competent, and with Arena Fighter she'll help earn back the money you spent for a Steel Sword in 3-4 fights. She gets a level every 2 fights due to how she levels (above 50 exp a kill), meaning she gets 2 levels for every 1 anyone else would be getting.

If we're recruiting Roger, that's basically an extra 4 turns and thus an extra 2 levels. If you've been feeding her up to this point, you could easily assume level 8 for Gale after this. Anyone else would probably get you more money, but would only get 2 levels overall. The arena here is a lot like GBA arenas in which you can pretty much choose your opponent at your leisure. Any axe using enemy facing off against an Arena Fighter pretty much stands no chance of ever hitting you, so always fight axe opponents. Sword users and magicians you will want to avoid most (who the fuck let Swordbreakers and Shield Swords into the arena?).

Not sure how people would feel about using the arena, but you have turns to spare and you hardly need your whole army to completely destroy this map. You might as well. It's kinda like Port Warren in FE1/3 where Ceasar and Raddy are doing jack shit so you might as well have them earn you arena cash, except this is simpler since you know your opponent before entering.

I'd imagine Estelle or Julia could also make use of the arena, Julia because she's already so close to Continue, and Estelle for the levels to promote sooner. Vega I imagine would tear the arena up and get you sweet cash along with levels he would love so much.

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So, I found out how my Barts was so high leveled so fast: Xeno's chapter there are mummy reinforcements and I had him and another unit help tae care of them while Yuni went and got all the chests, of which some of them are probably not worth it (the Thunder Shield comes to mind). That in mind, he'd probably be more around level 9 or 10 on Samson's chapter.

That being said? I'd still would promote him first. +2 Skill is basically +6 acc, and generally fixes any issue he had with hitting, and is generally beefy enough to never care about anything ever when it comes to durability. Anything he can't double (very few with 15-16 speed), he could probably hulksmash with steel, or even just iron. Samson still has levels to get before he can promote, Xeno wants to wait/probably still needs levels anyways, Shigen can wait and Vega can just have a boatload of exp dumped on him in the eyeball monster chapter since Shram lets him laugh at that chapter anyways.

Mahter having access to the Thunder Sword is godlike, thank you Espinosa for suggesting the Wplvl+ on her.

Fun fact about Shigen: He actually can hit level 10 for the first hero crest as well. He needs the bosskill, but he can hit the level.

*Gets Sylpheed* Daaaaaaamn, Marj I already thought you were pretty cool with Wundergust! Now you just have this 24 magic might fuck the world tome.

So, chapter 11 is obnoxious and is about as fun as unclogging a toilet, but I found a simple way around it: Have Katri become a dragon and blow the shit out of everything. By the time you get to the exit of that narrow path upside hte boss's chamber, the reinforcements pretty much choke you out. That is fixed with a Large Breath. Speaking of which, busting the door down to the boss's room, then delivering a Large Breath to that punk AND his bodyguard is delicious, meaning I pretty much got that Silver Sword without a single use wasted. Katri makes everything so easy, and Shigen thanks her for the sword fully intact.

Samson just on the nature of his starting point is going to get 2 levels in his opening chapter, bringing him to level 8. Definitely a cool dude.

I know I already talked about these chapters, just kinda improving things for now, trying to grind down to find proper answers to my weird playthrough (namely with Barts the Why You So High Leveled conundrum). In other news, I let Mintz go to the castle and all that. Don't really see any reason not to at least. Nothing really in your way by the time he starts moving out.

Probably gonna drop Estelle this time around. Narron and Raffin's presence combined is just too much, and she's not getting the scraps she needs.Though I also might drop Kreiss. A promotion can at least save Estelle's ass. Kreiss is just super bland forever.

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Well, I'm just about back to where I was, with the added benefit of forging since I remembered to send the Swordbreaker! You can get Dragon Arrow indeed...But it does some odd things I suppose. Namely it goes with the 5 item chests you can choose the chapter prior to the forging and fort Ligria.

-You need a WpLvl Plus in order to make the Def Plus so that you can get the Silver Shield, which also in turn sacrifices the Silver Sword. However, if while you were dealing with Maerhen, there's a chance one of his forces had a guy that drops a Samshir. If you have this, you won't mind the loss of the Silver Sword. The bigger deal is hte WpLvl+. Saving the early one means Mahter can't become uber badass immediately (and may even deny you the Harpy Staff), so we're not saving that. Thus, it comes to the 5 item bonus, which many people probably aren't going to like. Also, Sun might like that WpLvl+. However, it does become a Def+ which is basically a permanent Leather Shield so the sacrifice of a used up one won't be that big a deal. Mahter likes Def+, and Mahter outranks Sun, so...

-You do get the Holy Sword as well. Magic Shield only has 4 uses, while the Sword has 16. Since it's probably used more as a defensive equip, that's quadruple the amount of uses. Sounds like a good deal to me.

-You also get another Shield Sword out of it, and those weapons are pretty awesome. You sacrifice quite a bit, and trading the Silver Sword for it might be questionable as it's trading offense for defense, but I'm sure there's a good use for an item that can randomly give you 20 Def.

-You can also get a Repair Staff out of this, and at the expense of not much. Considering you get another in the next chapter, that's basically 6 Hammerne uses. So yeah, I guess Shramm and Dullahan have nothing to really worry about.

-Not sure how useful a Saint's Proof is. Mages are good, but I dunno if I'd take one of the 5 items for a Saint's Proof. Like, to me it doesn't seem like mages really need to promote since the game just seems to give them ridiculous spells. I mean, a stat+ item also sounds pretty nice...

Thoughts on forging and hte 5 item picks? Good news though, I'm basically back to where I was already, so I will be going back in blind. This time around though, I had picked Narron first and Lee second. Holmes doesn't have a lot of healing power (Plum is usually busy dancing), and while Lionel is good in his own right, I wouldn't say he's Narron good, nor is he as useful as Lee.

So far, the only opinion that's changed for me is that Mahter is a monster thanks to that WpLvl+. Early flying Killer Edge and being the best user of the Thunder Sword and +1 crit Iron Lance is pretty awesome. Narron really does dumb down the game, and he almost has what I would call an overkill amount of firepower. You don't need him to short turn (and in cases where you need a godmoder, the game just freehands you Zeke), but he does make the game significantly easier, not that it's that hard so far.

I'mma see how effective a...basically base level Vega does in the eyeball chapter, cause he could probably get a lot out of this chapter with great ease.

EDIT: Bwahahahahaha, you can totally get Vega from 5 to 10 here without even really trying. There's so much exp here.

That being said, Mahter speeds things up a good amount, since when she gets on her mount in the lava pool (why can I mount there?), she can fly around and clear the pool get to the left edge, hop off and pick off any eyeballs from over the wall into the room with the last chest while other guys are getting up there. Since she's dismounted I guess it acts like she's a trainee class, so she gets absurd exp doing this. Your slayer of the boss of choice probably would prefer to sit back and get to him around the same time you're starting to clear the upper left side. Whoever needs the exp more should head to the upper left. Yes, there's more exp there than the boss gives.

Edited by grandjackal
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