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Grandjackal, Blindly Stumbling Around Tear Ring Saga!


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So, my emulator's moodiness is really effecting my ability to want to play this. Just did chapter 17, and the game locked my buttons on the world map because fuck me apparently. Seems whenever the emulator slows down, it just keeps me from doing stuff and on the world map, that is a permalock so I'm pretty much boned to restart a chapter if the game just decides to do that.

That being said, chapter 17. Mintz can pretty much charge the throne and then literally use Charge on the guy on the throne with a Needle Spear. So, you could probably send Zeke/Narron across the river to pry the tome off the lord guy's hands. Those are some lovely +Growths you get out of it. Could also probably get the Hero Crest off one of the soldiers escourting him. That being said, Mintz can also go right to take care of the Duke along with Raffin, because Charge with an Iron Sword or a slim lance lets him remove his annoying Steel Shield, so Raffin can swoop in and smoke him.

You have 5 turns to spare (Ronin is lacking 1 move to make it 4), and not a lot to mow through.

I dunno why you'd use Renee when you have Raquiel, especially since she can't actually damage anything in this chapter. You could easily get by with not reruiting her if you really wanted.

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Yeah Mintz is pretty badass. He's a bit like a better Roger who's late for the party, though Roger may beat him later thanks to his skillset.

Careful with her name. There's an actual Renee later on who's a very good staff user. This said, Rennie grows amazingly fast since she gets Elite as soon as level 9 and doesn't mind killing human enemies. She also has Charge, which makes her offense a lot better. The next chapter has a lot of Harpies and she's a very good unit to use against them, considering they fly, are really fragile have only have 2 range. She can easily get a few levels there and the chapter after that one, which also has annoying Gargoyles.

I'll admit she's not that interesting in her joining chapter though. She also has a fairly high 10% movement growth if you're into that.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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So, Chapter 18 beaten basically out of luck. You could technically do it in like...4-5 turns, if you abuse the shit out of the shit out of the RNG like you were Chris Brown. The sheer amount of bullshit this chapter is full of is insane. I basically have to pray that the Stonehenges don't hit me ever. By the way, Stonehenge is now anti air? That is fucking obnoxious.

Also, Barbarosa is a gigantic dick. Even worse is that I could have the chapter beat. Then, the game locks me up on the world map and it makes me mad as hell.

Also, Julia has hit level 12. No strength yet...Only good thing I could see with her is that she can still pick up a Steel Claymore from Billford and still be fast with like 6 speed (if promoted). But even then, that brings her offense to a fair par, and is not putting it to better use than in hte hands of someone like Sasha (except maybe accuracy, but Julia can't fly). I don't really like the myrms of this game outside of Shigen.

2 levels fro Renie or whatever without really trying. In the least, her growths are good and she comes in time with the growth tome, levels decently fast from level difference..Suppose I'll have her for a bit, see how she goes. Looking to dispel a bunch of awful characters from my team anyways. Guys like...

Kreiss. Holy shit Kreiss is awful. It makes me realize how similar Arkis and Kreiss are to the FE4 cavs Alec and Noishe. At least Estelle gets skills, and stops being garbage after promo.

Chapter 18 needs to calm down. Goddamn, man.

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Funny that chapter 18 is such a pain in the dick, and yet chapter 19 is a really braindead easy 2 turn. I think with proper deployment you can recruit Lothar in those 2 turns, which case Mainstar would cost you two turns (helps if Sasha's a wyvern, so there's a good reason to train her). I hung around for Mainstar though. Figured I'd give Ronin a mummy kill, cause I have this fear that this game is gonna pull an FE12 on me. Dunno why. Oh well, ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure.

Shiro died. Lothar needed the room anyways. Don't have much thoughts on Shiro, other than blandness.

Renie got a point in move! Hooray!

Ok, back to Holmes's chapters, which are fun. Whoa, well shit, suddenly 3 monster encounters. Suppose I go there? Or there someplace I should go first?

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Amusingly for the Mummy encounter before chapter 20's entire mess (I'm kinda confused as to what's going on), Sun can be danced into the swathes of Mummies with a Scimitar and you can still complete it in the same timeframe as doing it with almost anyone else with low enough defense. For Holmes, that is pretty much Sun, Frau, and Mahter (No one else has the movement, mummies ignore Roger's defense). Basically count the mummies, and that's how many levels she gets. She gets Elite right out of this encounter. Good thing too, she is awful beforehand. This, and maybe the WpLvl+ on top of it will have saved her ass. Had the good fortune of about 8 mummies. Not sure if more or less can show up, as I assume it's an encounter.

Is waiting for level 20 to promote for Awareness later worth it? I assume the game will be over before she hits it, and even if she did you probably don't need a lot of Awareness people.

Pity though. Wanted to get Samson to 20 so I could promote him already.

As a note, the fort here has two important Fighter skills, Frontier and Mountain. A whole bunch of maps are about to be just those, so if you have someone you want ahead of the pack, I would get those. I would suggest Barts, since he has a lot of skillslots he's not using and might as well get Frontier, and as for Mountain...Perhaps Samson so they can wreck faces together.

Or Mahter. She's actually the obvious choice, unless a bunch of these chapters are also indoors. Also Vega...If you're into that sort of thing.

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Sun probably won't hit 40, even with Elite, especially since a good bunch of the latter chapters can be Warpskipped. And even if she does, it'll be in a portion of the game where she won't be as useful. I'd go ahead and promote her as soon as you can, as her promo gains are pretty good, if not Narron level.

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Yup. Promotion pretty much fixed her up. That being said, she's not perfect. Good speed, great accuracy and has wtf Charge. This allows me to hit and run a lot with any throwable weapons, or a Thunder Sword since her magic is actually pretty good. She's not perfect, but she's what I need: a great player phase unit. Lot of Holmes's units run together a bit.

Chapter 20 annoyed me to no end, because I thought like any other encounter in a cave I just nab the treasure and it's done. I wasn't aware I had to visit the really obscure ruins to the west. Because of this, I wasted a lot of time and basically farmed all the gargoyles on accident. Oh well. Didn't really change much, other than bringing Sun up to speed after promotion. With 16 and 20 in mind, I think I need to say this. Since Maerhen can traverse 2 spaces on shitty terrain like the bogs, you pretty much have to bring his dumb ass in both those chapters (or at least I believe it's so, if yaymarsha's channel wasn't lying with chapter 16), cause without him you aren't clearing either of these chapters with any realistic speed (well, you can with 20, but I want that Save Staff. This emulator is garbage, and I need all the saves I can get). Unless there are chest keys I missed, or other lockpickers that can ignore bogs, thems the breaks.

So chapter 21 may be my favorite chapter ever. Thematically epic, scenario-wise it's mind-bogglingly insane. I thought having my own invincible dragon was awesome, but oh lo and behold I have to fight one! Except I can't fight what's invincible! So, Shigen decided it was time to become a man (promotion time, forgot he only had to be level 18) and charged in alone with Dullahan. Then all hell breaks loose as the army of satan shows up with witches teleporting into my ranks to nearly kill Holmes (1 HP!!), then the 12crusaders from FE4 (I might be miscounting) show up and crush everything (Not before Samson gets a Master Axe though). Then I get Dolharken (Wow, Samson got spoiled. Speaking of which, he's promoted now). Chaos ensues, freaking 1-3 range mages...I adore just how absurd this chapter it. Even moreso, it's because of all of this that this map is a great challenge. All one has to do is get the chests, but getting these in any sort of sane way is damn near impossible. I have to say that for now, this chapter is the first one to have me stumped in a long time.

So. Character thoughts.

Vega-While my thoughts on him haven't changed, I can say that you don't need to train him to be godlike on monster maps. At base can ORKO Dragon Zombies and Golems, one shots anything less, perfect accuracy doing it along with decent dodge and a fantastic shield. I mean, I have him at promotion level after all this, so I could still use him if I really wanted to.

Samson-He's at the point where he's better than Barts. Noticeably faster, accuracy is there, more durable (though not by much). Only win Barts has is that he has more Strength. However, Samson now makes up for it in weapon rank, and now that I have 2 amazing axes dropped into my lap, Samson pretty much has Barts outclassed. That being said, Barts is still good for now.

Alicia and Marj: They'd be great, if they didn't have awful move. It never seems like they can get anywhere, and they don't feel necessary when I have beefcakes like Barts and Samson, or when I have Shigen who is literally invincible until Dullahan breaks. For the most part, Holmes does the job well enough. I have two copies of Sylpheed now, which is hilarious.

Holmes: He learned Rising Dragon? <_>

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So, I have gone through Holmes's last chapters. Zachariah's chapter and Rishel's chapter aren't really hard, and not much to say about them. Zach looks ok, but that move is blurgh. Leonhart is pretty good I guess. Helps that he's a mounted bow user with swords that also isn't completely mediocre like Shiro was.

Sierra will be joining sooner rather than later. Trying to get Marj to 19 for that skill before I promote him. Funny enough, I never really found the mages in need of a promotion. That, and Alicia doesn't level too fast for some reason. Oh well, maybe Rishel can fix that, since he's already level 8 and has a super bitchin' tome.

Speaking of which, Rishel costs a ton of turns. Like I'm pretty positive you could beat his chapter in 5 turns, but to get to him you need to spend an extra 5 because Bud starts clear across the map. Samson further manned by charging to the right to take care of Lance wielding Pegasi, only taking like 8 damage from them despite the ludicrously powerful weapons they were using.

Mahter's now level 20. When's the next Dragon Flute? Also, a flying unit one rounding armors at range? Mahter's amazing.

Funny fact: Before he died, Shigen barely managed to get level 21 and learned Arena Fighter. I lol'd. Are there even any arenas at this point?

One last note: I had accidentally hit the gambling parlor in Zach's chapter, forgetting that was a bad place to visit. Was scared because my emulator tends to lock up if I'm around text boxes for too long. Was trying to get out, trying to hit ummmm, not realizing that's not how I exit the parlor so I was mashing thinking it locked up, and I did this twice on accident....I won twice on unintentional bets. I got 4K gold for no reason. Speaking of which, this is kinda abusable. You could just save outside of Brahd and keep going in for winning bets, reloading when you lose one.

Holmes is pretty much level 20 while Ronin's still not even level 10. I guess that's the difference between a good stats bowman who has slay maps as opposed to an ok swordie who has to seize all the time.

So. Another route split. Any important things I should note?

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Holmes: He learned Rising Dragon? <_>

He gets swords later. It's indeed questionable that he can get it before he even promotes.

Mahter's now level 20. When's the next Dragon Flute? Also, a flying unit one rounding armors at range? Mahter's amazing.

Funny fact: Before he died, Shigen barely managed to get level 21 and learned Arena Fighter. I lol'd. Are there even any arenas at this point?

Holmes is pretty much level 20 while Ronin's still not even level 10. I guess that's the difference between a good stats bowman who has slay maps as opposed to an ok swordie who has to seize all the time.

So. Another route split. Any important things I should note?

Right before the third division on Holmes' team. You'll need to have Bud with Holmes.

Pretty sure there's 2 : one in chapter 29 and one in chapter 35. The latter can't be used for long since it's on a kill boss map, said boss moves and there's reinforcement NPCs.

Runan usually has all the mounted units with him too and doesn't fight Mummies like Holmes can.

With Runan : Rishel, Meriah (Meriah gets Aura Rain from Rishel), Vega (he can get the Rukuud from Renshien in chapter 26), Kreiss (recruiting Rina...if you really want).

With Holmes : Most of them only give out supports, but Plum, Leonhart, Attrom, Julia, Bud, Yuni, Krisheen and Lyria. Julia gets Dragon Saint (Astra) right when you complete chapter 30 and both thieves get an item (Dragon Flute and a Move Again scroll). Krisheen must be with Holmes if you want to do the Krisheen glitch. If you don't do it, she'll end up stealing the Dakruon and flee to the Morse tower anyway. I'm not sure what happens if she's with Runan instead though.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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Thanks man, you the best.

So, Rishel is a boss and a half. For Great River Reeve, I actually found leading with him initially instead of Narron to be a good call, because even though he has a lot less HP, he's not so vulnerable to everything thanks to his tome boosting him up to wtf 16 Def. This lets only certain units target him, then immediately turn 2 he can go and destroy a tank (I fucking hate woodshooters), and then my cavalry and flying troops can just barrel through. The stonehenge siegeline is infuriatingly stupid, as it makes this chapter another luck based operation since you need to expose Ronin to multiple ones and his Defense absolutely blows. If you ever got the Steel Shield, give it to him for this map. Goddamn. But, with your cavalry quick enough, you can storm the line along with Rishel thanks to Meteor. Aura Rain also makes this map less stressful cause really...Fuck all these Stonehenges.

Having a lot of speed or good defense helps a lot here, which is funny cause a good majority of my cavaliers do not have this. Narron is well rounded so he gets a pass, as does Sun who has fun amounts of speed. Lothar is decently durable but kinda slow, but it's hard keeping Mintz's ass alive this map. He is absurdly slow, really unlucky and not all that durable.

Should have sent Renie and Raquel to Holmes's route...The hell was I thinking?

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What was Mintz's equipped weapon? Did he gain a lot of levels too? I'm aware he's by far more fit to offense with his two skills but he's not exactly squishy either.

Raquel is typically a better fit with Holmes now since he fights most of the monsters you face. Rennie might be useful in the upcoming two chapters.

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Holy shit, the desert

What an interesting map, as it gives shit for your cavaliers to do. Those Dracoknights are assholes, by the way, but I found a genius way around them.

Raffin, Sasha and Frau can be brought here. Raffin goes to get Frontier Fighter (he's not getting much else in skills anyways), Sasha just goes to move into position while Frau goes to recruit Rebecca, who will move towards Narcus while summoning (she will summon 3 waves overall). Next turn, a space below Narcus she summons more Golems in order to pull them turn 4. While you're doing this, have Rishel move across the desert, as he will be intercepting them. So? When turn 5 comes? They're in position...Drop Aura Rain on their ass, where Rishel will assassinate one (thank you accurate godlike Sunfire) preferrably Simon, then Raffin with the Needle Spear+Sasha if necessary can kill another. Those that got hit by the rain but not killed will retreat to heal, and those that didn't will stay and flail at Golems (Rebecca should FLEE the player phase they're pulled in). With the few isolated/rendered stupid, you can pick them off at your leisure since Rishel is fucking godlike. Promoted him this chapter. Now a 6 move 1-3-5 range 18 defense mage? How could you possibly say no to this man?

I dunno if you can do it sooner, but if going the bottom fort, you have 12 turns, of which Narcus could probably grab HP, Pow and Agi+ at minimum. +Def lacking is a bit sad, but by then all the enemies are off the map. Might as well have Narcus finish up. Hell, you went through all the trouble of recruiting his dumb ass, might as well put him to work. Either way, Raffin will be so happy to have that Agi+. You will need others to nab the other things, but for the most part, Narcus alone can get the essentials.

As a note, I spent most of my fortune on restocking on Steel and Silver weapons, since most of my shit was starting to break. No big deal, as I got 2 stat boosters to sell that aren't doing me any good, and Narcus returned the 8K he stole from me. Also bought Door Keys. I'm not a fool, I know how Kaza works.

So, I had to redo chapter 24 (what fun that was...), and I figure I might as well give a bit of character update.

Lothar: That Silver Axe is his, and the only way anyone is taking it from him is to pry it from his cold dead hands. Most footsoldiers, if they have no shield he will smite them in one shot. Barring that, he could have the super megaslammin' axe from the dragon chapter. Not sure if that's more effective in any way, but the Silver Axe does well enough. Helped me greatly in 24, and it lets him smash doors in 25. 7 move makes me sad in pants for a horseman, but that's like my only issue with him.

Mintz: So, I didn't get an good early start for Estelle, so I only promoted her chapter 24...I like her more than Mintz already. They are almost similar in stats, but Mintz trades just about all his Luck and a bit of speed for Charge. I'm more than happy to take Estelle, because Mintz's luck has gotten his dumb ass killed, along with more speed being better in 24 because every bit of speed makes a major difference against the Stonehenges (they actually like to target Mintz if some paperthin unit like Mehriah isn't in the way). She levels faster, has better growths...If I gave Estelle a better start, I wouldn't even give Mintz a second thought. Also, just noticed, his WpLvl is ass.

Julia: I find it hilarious that I have her at 15. STILL NO STRENGTH GAIN. Yet, I still find her handy. Suppose it's a "what are the odds" thing. In 24, just having speed and the Thunder Sword has helped in clearing out the initial clusterfuck of shield toting bastards (I really hate chapter 24), and in 25 she can freely pass through the stairwells that block many cavaliers, and with her good move and the Steel Claymore can ORKO the snipers that fill the place (yeah, with base Str and Promotion), removing plenty of that annoying 2-5 range. Her durability is meh, but it's good enough when coupled with her pretty good evade. However, I also got unlucky with Luck as well, cause enemies were having crit on her...But In the least I can say you can freely send her Ronin's route so that Vega can continue to slay monsters with Shram in Holmes's. I just need 1 STR to beam that smarmy prince in 26 with this trusty claymore...BUT I HAVEN'T GOTTEN IT YET.

Mehriah: Aura Rain is a nice icing, but Starlight is so strong that she's still one shotting fools with it. The evasion boost also works wonders in 24 and 25, since in 25 it helps keep her alive, and in 24 lets her pull a Stonehenge while being (relatively) safe. 4 move continues to make me cry, but she's finding ways around her issues in Ronin's route.

Rishel: Oh my god, Rishel. Anyone who says we aren't getting him needs to shut up. Rishel is too good to just skip. He makes 24 a walk, and makes killing the wyverns of 25 not migraine inducing. Also, come on. 6 move. 1-3 range along with 1-5. +10 Def tome. He costs a lot of turns, but I don't care. I'm getting him every time.

EDIT: What's it matter what he was eqiupped with? The dude was still getting 3 shotted at like 60s acc from the Stonehenges. The guy's not exactly packing survivability.

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The megaslammin' axe could boost Loffaru's durability up a notch since users of it take halved damage just like Vega with Shramm. It's also effective vs. monsters, but it is really really heavy. If you happened to watch YayMarsha's videos, you may also notice that Loffaru and this axe are the only thing that can kill a dragon, though he'll need capped strength just to do 3 damage per hit. If you find his mobility disappointing, consider a Remove scroll on him since he doesn't learn the skill himself.

Mintz is pretty decent but will typically pale in comparaison to other trained mounted units. Narron and Raphin are fairly obvious, but since you dedicated a lot of time and energies on Estelle, it's pretty normal that Mintz feels obsolete in comparaison. Estelle even gets Gale/Hurricane/Ambush later to combine with Life or Death and good 1-2 range. I think you can see where this is going.

I'm a bit surprised Julia's still with Runan though. She needed to be with Holmes to learn Dragon Saint, and aside from the tower of Morse, Holmes doesn't fight that many monsters this time around. You even get Renee, who comes with her trusty Anti-Evil staff just for that.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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32 HP/10 defence is a pretty decent durability for a prepromote that's given to you without any need for training. Sun needs to be promoted and reach lv. 11 to catch up to him in defence, and lv. 17 in HP. Besides, who's NOT 3HKO'd by those ballistae? Probably just guys like Narron and Loffaru, as well as Rishuel with his broken ass tome.

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The megaslammin' axe could boost Loffaru's durability up a notch since users of it take halved damage just like Vega with Shramm. It's also effective vs. monsters, but it is really really heavy. If you happened to watch YayMarsha's videos, you may also notice that Loffaru and this axe are the only thing that can kill a dragon, though he'll need capped strength just to do 3 damage per hit. If you find his mobility disappointing, consider a Remove scroll on him since he doesn't learn the skill himself.

Will definitely be giving him this new scroll for it.

I'm a bit surprised Julia's still with Runan though. She needed to be with Holmes to learn Dragon Saint, and aside from the tower of Morse, Holmes doesn't fight that many monsters this time around. You even get Renee, who comes with her trusty Anti-Evil staff just for that.

Well, that was my mistake then, but in the least she's still gonna be able to make herself useful as I found out. Oh well. Her strength at this point is so ass, I doubt she'll be useful anymore by the time I learn it. Just have an unfortunately epically screwed Julia. Like I even had bad luck with her Luck stat. Level 15, only 7.

32 HP/10 defence is a pretty decent durability for a prepromote that's given to you without any need for training. Sun needs to be promoted and reach lv. 11 to catch up to him in defence, and lv. 17 in HP. Besides, who's NOT 3HKO'd by those ballistae? Probably just guys like Narron and Loffaru, as well as Rishuel with his broken ass tome.

Most usually also have decent evasion paired up with it, Mintz having the evasion of a brick. Doesn't help when against any form of attack he faces crit since his luck is disgustingly awful.

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Well, that was my mistake then, but in the least she's still gonna be able to make herself useful as I found out. Oh well. Her strength at this point is so ass, I doubt she'll be useful anymore by the time I learn it. Just have an unfortunately epically screwed Julia. Like I even had bad luck with her Luck stat. Level 15, only 7.

Most usually also have decent evasion paired up with it, Mintz having the evasion of a brick. Doesn't help when against any form of attack he faces crit since his luck is disgustingly awful.

That luck stat is actually only 1 under par.

What weapons are you using with him? Considering his offensive skills, he probably wouldn't mind being reduced to Slim Swords/Spears at 1 range and Pilum for 2 range.

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That luck stat is actually only 1 under par.

What weapons are you using with him? Considering his offensive skills, he probably wouldn't mind being reduced to Slim Swords/Spears at 1 range and Pilum for 2 range.

Just 1? Ok, so there's one problem I have with Julia.

As for what weapons I'm having Mintz use, a Pilum and generally light melee because he's not too particularly fast so it works better with his charge. He has one particular strong weapon in case he needs 2 strong punches with charge instead of bumrushing with 4 (again, he's pretty damn slow).

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Just 1? Ok, so there's one problem I have with Julia.

As for what weapons I'm having Mintz use, a Pilum and generally light melee because he's not too particularly fast so it works better with his charge. He has one particular strong weapon in case he needs 2 strong punches with charge instead of bumrushing with 4 (again, he's pretty damn slow).

More like 1.5, but yeah. Her luck growth is only 25%.

Do you get him to low enough life so that Life or Death becomes any significant? I know he might still have issues with Woodshooters and maybe even Armors, but I can't really picture his offense, or at least his player phase offense, to be under average.

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There is Rina.

They put all of her base stats in that 18 luck. And topped it off with a 60% growth.

And we're talking about a late joining Cavalier with 3 strength and 10% growth.

As for Barts he just happens to excel in the key stats to kill things and survive long enough. Everything else is indeed not exactly high with 15-18% across the board.

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Growths are generally rather low in this game, and even Narron is not at all unlikely to cap his stats assuming he goes all the way to lv. 40 (strength and weapon level are usually capped before everything else). So I guess units with Elite compensate for being able to grow twice as fast?

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The only units who really have good growths in this game are Zeek, Sennet, and Tia, one of whom betrays you and two of whom come in the last chapter. And I guess Rennie has decent growths too. Everyone who's good does it off their class, skills, bases, or weapons. It also helps that enemies as a whole are not that strong in this game.

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Espinosa, you stop with your sass about Barts. I will not tolerate it.

So, much has been done. I basically restarted from the start of the route split since apparently Julia is needed for more than just learning Dragon Saint. I was unaware she got a Luna Sword, or that she was needed to recruit Yoda the Master Jedi. That, and I just had a lot of other silly things, like I had Yuni when all I really need is Narcus. Two thieves is not necessary, but in the event you really are dying for one, you always have Maerhen. He's not doing much else.

So I sent Vega this route, infuriated that I can't transfer items off of Holmes and can only one way it off Ronin (damned freeloader), but it's fine. Shram's shield lets him be ignored by the stonehenges so he can walk around with more impunity. I fed him the Pow+, because I had no hero crest to give him, and really a Pow+ lets him go on well enough. If Vega has a strength, is that you don't really need to give him much. He's going to be useful when you need him either way.

As for the other boosters, I gave Remove to Lothar, Pow+ to Vega, Def and HP+ to Ronin, Mag+ to Mehrial (Strawnk Aura Rain, and make her super nuke even more lasting. Lol, 32 magic might), +Luck and Agi to Raffin, and I'mma sell the +Skill.

Yaaay, Ronin promotes. Those were bonuses he needed. 11 Def and 42 HP with Mainstar? Come get some.

I used my Steel Shield for chapter 27, so that Rishel could simply blast his way past Duke Smarmypants's bodyguard (That dude is dangerous). Bit overkill? Perhaps. But I didn't want to risk a very possible crit (I ran out of save staff, used the last bit in the desert. Kinda stupid, since Rishel easymodes the dracos). In fact, that's kinda the story on how amazing Rishel is. In his initial chapter in the timeframe I actually got him to 10 so I could promote him. 6 move in the desert let his first two real actions be to Meteor a sniper from the desert, then Sunflame one further forwards, as with his 6 move and being uninhibited by the desert allowed him probably the second best mobility on my team next to anyone flying. 1-3 range with that kinda mobility along with perfect accuracy against the best buddies wyverns let Sasha or Raffin pick them off at their leisure. I had him basically lead in both these maps, and it didn't change for 27. He is literally afraid of nothing.

In fact, if anyone's played version B of this map, note that there are many Thief Sword wielding guys that are highly annoying. Well, I found that if you one shot them in return, they do not steal. They will attack Rishel despite not being able to do damage, and he one shots in return so he makes them a non factor. What an obnoxious chapter. Here, have this untargettable group of 2 arbenrest archers, a gatling bowman and a guy with motherfucking Tornado of all things blasting away at you, have fun. Well in the least, the Gatling bowman is easy to deal with. Just have Raffin park himself up against the wall with a Pilum, problem solved. Guy can't do any good amount of damage on Raffin, that is if Raffin doesn't Galecrit. From there, Raffin and Mehria just kinda hung back, waiting to shoot over the walls at the dark knight reinforcements along with drop Rain (those guys are seriously beefy). A rain lets Raffin finish with a Pilum, Ronin finish with Mainstar, and Narron finish with any dumbshit weapon he can find. Used a doorkey to storm that center room cause I wanted Narcus to get the +Move safely along with just generally being tired with their nonsense. Estelle's starting to get some levels again, and Sun I realize learns Geomancy and is superbly close to it (a level away).

Chapter 25 is 8 turns I think, or 7. 26 is 12 if you go B route, notwithstanding getting treasures if you bother to stick around. 27 takes about 11-12.

Cleared fort Ligria of it's zombie dragon problem, but now I don't actually know where to go. Uhhh, what does Holmes want to do? Also, did not realize Renie got Charge. Got Xeno a level in the arena, since no one could target a zombie mauling the face of one of the snipers for a bit. Sad thing is, I don't have the weapon level to use my Dragon Arrow still, so I'm missing my Longbow already...Yeah, I restarted entirely for a weapon I can't even use still. fml.

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