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How Old Are FE13 Players? Will you ever "Quit"?



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19 and counting. Gamed since 7!

And I won't stop anytime soon~ Gaming helps develop problem solving skills sooo I'll probably raise my kids to be dorks just like me! (in moderation of course, balance is key)

+ Video games is like a movie or a book, except its immersive and interacting beyond the realms of using your imagination. (Which is why if they want to censor videogames because recent of gun violenc... they should censor books, TV shows, movies, and any other form of entertainment too)

Edited by SlayeZ
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Considering that I started playing games with Tomb Raider III and Lara is pretty much legendary for her sexualisation, I beg to differ.

Among other things, I also played a lot WarCraft 3, which has a whole faction of women dressed in their underwear.

Have you seen the new Tomb Raider? Saying that "the industry doesn't really act as if it wants gaming to be taken seriously." and "the industry only cares about targeting horny teenage males" is just flat out ignorant and incorrect.

Mass Effect

Far Cry


Assassin's Creed

These were 4 of the biggest, if not the biggest, games from last year and you can't tell me that these game developers didn't want to be taken seriously or were trying to target horny teenage males.

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Why would a person in this situation base their entire opinion of the video game culture off of a singular video game? That's like seeing a pornographic picture somewhere and basing their entire opinion of art off that. Or, even better, watching a single R rated movie and deciding that all movies must obviously be like that.

Perhaps I'm reading your post wrong but if not, this isn't the kind of person you'd trust to make a sound judgement off anything anyway.

Because that's what people do. The first impression is called the most important one for a reason. And with video gams, it's not just the first impression that is bad. Publishers present their games at conventions accompanied by scantly clad women. Followed by this, Sex is used in the trailers, ads and covers.

You actually have to give the subject enough benefit of doubt to spend enough cast to buy a console and games for it. And why would people who don't see anything appealing about it care enough to go that far?

Of course, Nintendo did do a good job of brining a different image of video games into the public consciousness, thanks to the Wii.

Have you seen the new Tomb Raider? Saying that "the industry doesn't really act as if it wants gaming to be taken seriously." and "the industry only cares about targeting horny teenage males" is just flat out ignorant and incorrect.

Mass Effect

Far Cry


Assassin's Creed

These were 4 of the biggest, if not the biggest, games from last year and you can't tell me that these game developers didn't want to be taken seriously or were trying to target horny teenage males.

Maybe the developers but not the publishers. And those things are great and all but it only really shows when you actually get far enough to play them.

Hitman is an particular awful example. Remember the trailer where the protagonist killed the sexed-up nun assassins? That's exactly the kind of stuff that I'm talking about.

Edited by BrightBow
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But Hitman is an awful example. Remember the trailer where the protagonist killed the sexed-up nun assassins. That's exactly the kind of stuff that I'm talking about?

I'll give you that one. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but to generalise the whole gaming industry in that way is incorrect.

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I think that Escapist vid someone here linked me back explains my thoughts on the subject


"yes our games have -isms, but you don't -have- to dislike the full game just because your favourite game has those -isms. We're not going to take your games away, so it's time we started having mature discussions about it, rather just knee jerk reactions one way or another"

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I'll give you that one. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but to generalise the whole gaming industry in that way is incorrect.

Sure. Bioware in particular is kinda cool. But I would still say that they are more the exception rather then the rule.

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I'm hitting 25 this year and I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

My dad likes playing video games but not as frequent like I do. My mom, on the hand, don't like to play but she loves to watch us play. :D

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Sure. Bioware in particular is kinda cool. But I would still say that they are more the exception rather then the rule.

Much as Sw33t suggests, I have reason to believe that you are prone to making grand sweeping generalizations about things. An exception rather than a rule? If you'd like, I can gather up hordes of video games that do nothing to portray sexuality, scantily clad women, or anything of the sort nor do they advertise as such. In this case you seem to be assuming that people are not intelligent enough to look beyond a surface level analysis to truly gauge exactly what makes a video game, well, a video game. Those who are dissuaded with this much ease, likely never had a very high opinion of video games to begin with and were not likely to ever change that thought process regardless of what information they were presented with. Once again, these are hardly the opinion's you'd want to be listening to in the first place, regarding pretty much anything.

I'll humor you for a bit though. Let's imagine that videogames are as you say and advertise scantily clad women and sex in everything they do. Would they really be so different from any other form of entertainment? Namely, movies or tv shows? Honestly, look at the recent string of movie trailers for some of the harder hitting movies and tell me that they aren't sexualized as you suggest. Do people form entire opinions off of those alone? No, they don't because it's been proven time and again that even if said movies do contain said elements, they are but a singular aspect of an entire experience and often, a very tiny portion of it. If we're going to begin this everything is overly sexualized march, we may as well target the entire world while we're at it.

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That's the angle NoA is pushing for at least though. The "avatar" name, the "you" description in the official site... I don't know if the original pushed that idea so strongly, but it's certainly what NoA is going for.

You'd think that if NoJ wanted this to be pushed in the first place, they'd have given you a fuckton more customization options and a hair palette that isn't mostly freaky animu colours.

Anyway. 31 here. Not going anywhere.

Who's the 36+ person in the poll?

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I'm thirty and still going strong. Don't allow the soft restrictions of society to constrain you--emancipate yourself and be willing to continue engaging in what you love for as long as you continue to love it. The idea that games are for children is likely just a social construction designed by those in power who need of a dedicated, single-minded workforce in order to maintain their power. A single-minded workforce you are not fully a part of for so long as you engage in undesirable and unproductive leisure, privileges which should only be afforded to the elite according to the world paradigm!

Slight hyperbole, so take that with a grain of salt, but never compromise your own freedom to choose.

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I'm 26, started at age 10 to my parent's dismay. If it was up to them I'd never have gotten a Gameboy, fortunately I have an awesome grandpa! As long as there's games I want to play, I'll keep gaming, unless I go blind or something.

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I'm 18, started playing pretty much since I could pick up a controller, and most of my family plays video games - and if they don't then they at least play musical instruments, so I have a very vibrant family. xD

My mom & older brother play video games a lot (though mom less now), and even my grandma would join in for a game of Mario Kart. So yeah. Very happy times in my fam from video games. We've been Nintendo junkies since the NES age. xD

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I may have less time available in the future, but I shall never quit.

It just means I'll have to restrict myself to less games.

Actually this is a true concern I wrestle with a lot. Also the reason why, while I first protested the dwindling play-times required to complete a game, I eventually came to appreciate how more games took much less time to finish. Every now and then, though, I sit down and let myself have at one of those long-to-the-ending games, rare as they.

What I miss most, though? Game time during commute--school bus, dad driving, public transit. It's frustrating how I can't play Nintendo and drive my car at the same time... especially since all I really do is sit in traffic and inch forward slowly :|

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I'm 19 (almost 20 in March) and started playing when I was 5. I'll never forget it; my first experience was after watching my older sister playing the Pokemon Yellow that she got for her birthday (my mom has regretted it ever since). It also culminated into my first act of thievery; one day when she put it down, I started a new game for myself when she wasn't looking. She was so mad later; but she helped me through the first couple gyms cuz she's nice like that. Ahh good times!

I've always believed that if you truly love and find value in doing something, you should never let it go. I may have less time in the future, like when I get a career, get married or have children, but I'll never stop playing. And if someone really cares about you and knows you find value in something even if they don't, they would never tell you to stop. That's why my mom never told us to stop playing; she likes to act like she disapproves, but every once in a while she actually pays attention, such as taking interest and commenting on the story and characters when my siblings and I are playing a Tales game.

Video games bring stuff out of people, even if they won't admit it. And that's why its awesome!!!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I'm turning 25 this year, but I feel like I'm been stuck as maybe a 17 years old for years now. Personally, the "me" in FE:A is somewhat younger, around 18 or so, because that's when I really started to enjoy Fire Emblem as a franchise, I'd say.

I don't think I'll ever quit, so to say. This series has been one of the most entertaining series ever, and through it I've met amazing people online. And this game... is pure amazing.

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18, and no. I don't plan to stop gaming unless I really don't have time for it in the future, but of all kinds of games, portable strategy titles are easily the most suitable for adults (especially since Fire Emblem is so similar in concept to chess), so there's no problem in terms of 'outgrowing' it. Of all series, I genuinely think Fire Emblem is the one most likely to stay with me until I die (or the series itself dies). That's including Pokémon, Zelda, Smash Bros...all my favourites. Even though I can't say I like it any more than those three series, Fire Emblem will win.

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Goodness, I was expecting the 30+ crowd to be a bit larger than 10% or so.

I find myself playing a lot fewer RPGs than I once did, mainly because such incredibly long games take too much time away from other stuff I enjoy and I work for a living now. However I don't see myself ever not gaming, just playing games that are in usually-shorter genres (shooters which I've always also been fond of, indie games, platformers) or easier to compartmentalize (Pokemon and Fire Emblem). That said I can still marathon a Paradox strategy game.

So I don't see myself quitting FE specifically, as the map structure is perfect for gradual play.

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Almost 21, working and going to university. I still find the time squeezing in hours of gaming every so often. It's a lot less frequent but by the time I'm done this semester, I'll go hardcore gaming with work on the side

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