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Do you have any in-jokes when you play any of the Fire Emblems?


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So, do you have any in-jokes which make you chuckle when X character appears on-screen? Or when X xharacter battles with a certain unit type?

I've got quite a few:

1. Pikachu is in Fire Emblem. (Joke from the Official Nintendo magazine review of Brawl. There's a sort of family tree and Pikachu's line goes through Ike's profile, so my friend said: "LOOK! PIKACHU'S IN FIRE EMBLEM!"

2. Nephenee is a lesbian. (This one's based on when I made Nephenee and Lyre have an A support. That's also what I based my NepheneexLyre fanfic on...)

3. Whenever you kill an enemy, they're kneeing down to propose to your character, not because they're dead.

4. Vika is a prostitute. (I don't actually know when we came up with this one, but we find it funny. X D)

5. Nolan likes gay sex. (Again, I don't know how I came up with this one. But I PISSED myself laughing when Nolan attacked my Arch Sage Ilyana, and I said "Look how stupid Nolan is. He is SCREWED." My friend shouts: "Nolan likes gay sex." I laughed and said; "Who with?" He said: "Boyd.")

6. Shinon is actually a woman.

7. Meg is the "Destroyer of Worlds." ( When both me and my friend played through FE: RD, we COULDN'T train up Meg. So we just take the piss out of her now.)

I think that's all of them...

Post yours here too, if you have any.

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It's not really a joke it's just a bit of irony. In FE9, Sothe in his support with Astrid is all like "DAIEN MUST DIE!!!" But in FE10 he was fighting for Daien until the very end... Well I think it's funny. I don't have any for now either but I will eventually... right? :unsure:

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Let's see, on my brother's first playthrough, he forgot to give Nolan Urvan for when Yune blessed the weapons. He and Ike were the only ones with Nihil, so I said to him, "Hey, Nolan has Nihil, why not use him to attack". My brother responded, "Perry, HE'S GOT A SUPER HAND AXE!!!" The tone of his voice was priceless. Needless to say, that mistake was never made again. So for now on, hand axes are super hand axes to us.

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I can't play Blazing Sword without thinking to myself HECTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! (Brad Pitt from "Troy")

I constantly crack jokes about knights/generals sucking. I'll be talking with my buddy on AIM and he'll be asking how my game is going and I'll be like "Pretty good, but wait Oswin is so slow the army left him three maps ago because he couldn't keep up."

Even though I live by myself, whenever I'm playing and someone's getting attack and they might be killed I usually scream out, "OH GOD (NAME), YOU GOTTA DODGE! MOOOOOOVE!!!" and if they die it's usually followed by a long "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" and a reset.

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I still think Ninian is a slut. Even though she's the most angsty character.

I randomly go "aaw" at my favorite support endings.

I yell at characters when they don't dodge hits or when they miss.

I call "HAX" on most enemies.

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When I use the Thunder Sword in Fire Emblem 3, I shout out, "THUNDER CATS, HOOOOOOOOOOO!"

When my units dodges, I shout out, "Can't touch this!"

When I say Geese's name, I say "GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!" (Anyone who gets the reference gets a cookie)

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Nobody cares about Boyd.

Ike throws his sword at archers.

Raven and Hawkeye are meatheads.

Soren talks bad about everyone behind their backs, and makes fun of them when they miss and try to walk through the sand.

Those are fighting words. Also, Muarim IS Ike's sister. Muarim is also Boyd's lover.

Edited by Knife
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Those are fighting words. Also, Muarim IS Ike's sister. Muarim is also Boyd's lover.


Seriously, I also thought Vika could have been a prostitute as well after reading her passage on the epilogue, but then I thought," Hmmmm, are there any laguz prostitutes in Tellius? We may never know......"

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Maurim is Ike's sis

Nephenee secretly like Heather

And I always thought how odd it was that Boyd is this huge guy and Mist a fragile little girl

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My brother and I try to make the most obnoxious or nonsensical things we can think of while naming our weapons in POR and RD.

My favorite weapon name, though, is my black axe, simply shortened to "Blaxe."

BLADE... LAZER.... ... ... BLAZER.

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My brother and I have this odd thing that Nolan is actually a superhero who uses the power of facial hair to attack.

I have no idea where the fuck we came up with this.

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I always refer Oswin to Oswin. (win getting more emphesis) I call him that due to his amazing amount of awesomeness. Great offense, best defense of all the characters in the game, amazing affinity, and a great support list, how can he let anyone down? His only weak point is speed, but who cares about that, considering he's in a game known for overall the slowest set of enemies. (besides Sacred Stones, known for it's overall weakest enemies)

Let's see, when refering to Oliver, I try to sound like a whacked out British man. Me and my siblings all refer to him being oh so beautiful!

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My brother and I try to make the most obnoxious or nonsensical things we can think of while naming our weapons in POR and RD.

My favorite weapon name, though, is my black axe, simply shortened to "Blaxe."

BLADE... LAZER.... ... ... BLAZER.

haha! Dodgeball ftw! (I should name a weapon Meshelle)

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Whenever Zihark is attacked, I say "You gon' be Krahizzled."

That's because I always forge a sword called Krahiz and make it purple. You get an ice cream cake if you figure out why.

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I think that Meg secretly knows a martial art called "The Iron Cow" And for some reason, I always support Ike and soren and they always get that ending... And when they do I always yell "GAY. SOREN'S THE WIFE IS TEH SECRET ENDING."

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I think that Meg secretly knows a martial art called "The Iron Cow" And for some reason, I always support Ike and soren and they always get that ending... And when they do I always yell "GAY. SOREN'S THE WIFE IS TEH SECRET ENDING."

Does it involve getting doubled by tigers? ( referring to Meg)

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