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Class you want to see make a return


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True about them being Mercenaries with Axes, although that's probably why I find them so interesting.

And seeing classes like the Master Knight return would be so awesome, but I personally have no clue how to make them balanced unless whoever becomes one of those classes are given as an Est.

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I'd rather see them stay as overpowered classes. Master Knights could very well fit a mounted boss that likes to use its movement like Reinhart, Ursula or Selena, but could also be an interesting (and fitting) class to give to someone like Percival or Duessel. Barons could add another depth to the typical General boss by giving them staves of various kinds while making them tough to kill, unless an Armorslayer is in sight of course.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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Soldiers/Halberdiers on the player's side.

Nomads/Bow Knights as an unpromoted class, give me a reason to actually use Archers before promotions.

Mounted Bow using first tier units would obsolete archers before promotion.

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People still use Rebecca even though Rath exists, just because Rebecca is your first archer (disregarding Lyn's route), and Rath cannot use ballistae. Given enough perks like early join time and weapon exclusivity, or buffing the early archer's stats, or making chip more valuable, I don't see why 1st tier bow-locked mounts would break the game, because Sue, Shin, and Rath certainly didn't set the world on fire.

Personally playable soldiers/halberdiers top my wishlist. They still exist as enemy units, after all.

Edited by Samias
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I vote nomads as well. Mageknights were pretty cool too.

Mage Knights already made a comeback though. :/:

Add another vote to unpromoted mounted archers. Also, Bishops (as long as they're not redundant like in FEs 11 & 12), Master Knights, Soldiers/Halberdiers, and Barons. I would like for the concept behind Freelancers to come back too. Sure I'd like to see the class. But maybe I too like their ability as a sort of skill. Probably for Manaketes or some sort of class that has the traits of Manaketes and another class such as Tactician. (I doubt such a skill or composite class will exist in FE though.)

Edited by Little Al
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All of the third-tier classes from Radiant Dawn (Marshall, Trueblade, Reaver etc).

Yes, this! :D

I loved the third tiers, they were all so cool! Especially the Reaver and Ike's Vanguard class. Such epicness. <3

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Soldiers/Halberdiers on the player's side.

Nomads/Bow Knights as an unpromoted class, give me a reason to actually use Archers before promotions.

These I loved the halberdiers in fe10 it'd be nice to see them get something other than spears later on maybe but they'd be a nice addition again and I absolutely loved rath so I'd be very happy to see nomads come back

Edited by braiel
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Soldiers should return as playable classes,with sentinels as upgrade(helbardier never made much sense to me since the actual ingame helbard is an axe)

bishop and monk should also return(maybe monk-bishop could exist alongside priest-battle monk(with new name)?)

I would also like unpromoted riding archers return,if there aren't branched promotion trees at least.

Likewise I would also like to see some classes who are normally exclusive to games with branched promotions return,like great knights(maybe as promotion for axe-cavalery?)

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Nomads and Nomad Troopers from Sword of Seals and Blazing Sword. I know that Bow Knights and Rangers are more or less the same thing, but I always though Nomads to be more unique in appearance. Rath was a fun character to use, and I always though that nomadic tribes added more cultural diversity to the series, white Bow Knights were just European-styled horseman trained in archery, but coming from the same background as Cavaliers.

Edited by Firespark Faerie
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or mage knights with staves

you disappointed me there awakening

Yeag I'd also like summoners to return.

Dunno what you mean with mage knights,but aren't the valkyries like this?They have access to anima magic and staffs and are a mounted unit.

Speaking of valkyries,I would like them to be more similar to their FE8/9/10 incarnations,being able to wield swords and light magic instead of anima.

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Dunno what you mean with mage knights, but aren't the valkyries like this? They have access to anima magic and staffs and are a mounted unit.
He meant the class you see in FE8. Which, admittedly, wasn't as close to the FE4 class of the same name like Dark Knights were. But I think the reason for that was because of the fact that Valkyries could use Light Magic in FE8.
Speaking of valkyries, I would like them to be more similar to their FE8/9/10 incarnations, being able to wield swords and light magic instead of anima.

An FE4!Female Paladin that trades Lances for Light Magic? How would that work? Edited by Little Al
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Having staff-using Mage Knights and Valkyries in the same game would be pointless, though, since they'd be almost the exact same class. If male availability is what you're after, Mage Knights can take Valkyries' place, but there's no reason to have two different horseriding Tome/Staff-using classes in one game, unless one is a character-specific class.

Anyway, I was about to say Troubadours, but they kind of just did make a comeback.

I also love you FE13.

With Troubadours already back in action, I'd like to jump on the Nomad train, as well. Maybe they could balance them with Archers by giving Archers better skills to compensate for Nomads' superior movement and speed?

Also jumping on the Soldier train. Love those guys, despite their incredible incompetence as enemies. they're like the goombas of fire emblem

Edited by Starlight36
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