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...The US children names

the only 2 bugging me are Kjelle(Degel in Japanese version) and Inigo(probably taken from indigo)

I'm probably going to end up calling Kjelle-> Jelly and Inigo-> Ichigo XD

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I have been told that Kjelle is to be pronounced as either "Shell" or "Shella" and as for Inigo...I'm still referring to him as Azure...

Also, I'm not a fan that they changed Chambray to Yarne...I understand that Severa is because there's already a Selena in the Fire Emblem series and Serena was too close to Selena apparently.

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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Kjelle will take some getting use to but I love Degal/Kjelle and I'll have to see how her name is pronounced when the I get the game. Inigo is actually well constructed in itself. NoA outdid themselves with this.

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I'm fine with Inigo because of Princess Bride.

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

I'll probably get used to Inigo, especially since I plan on marrying Olivia(feels weird probably because I got too comfortable with his Japanese name)

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Inigo is really clever in all sorts of different ways and it's a shame that I can't imagine it without thinking of Princess Bride. That's not NOA's fault, though, much like the effect Monsters Inc. had on Sully for a bit.

If there's one I'm not fond of, it's Yarne. I understand that Chambray is an actual word for a soft fabric, but yarn's a term most people who don't care about knitting would still be familiar with and it just irks me a bit. I'm sure I'll get over it. Otherwise, I'm pretty fine with all of them; I love Nah, and Kjelle's pretty alright considering that Degel is just weird. (I was thinking they'd pull something like "de Jaille", which just looks ridiculous on someone who isn't L'Arachel.)

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I'm actually quite pleased with most of the name changes. A few I questioned but when I looked up their meanings I was cool with it. Kjelle is a pretty badass name, Inigo I was ok with (the Princess Bride references are getting annoying though), and Yarne I was going to love either way laugh.gif

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I like all of their names. Because those are their names. That's what we'll all be calling them in six months. I can't really bring myself to dislike any of them because of this.

I feel I should mention :

Nah is the very best name for anyone, ever.

Inigo is great, since apparently he breaks the forth wall now, and a name that reminds people of someone as iconic as the other Inigo sort of fits with that idea. (The only thing that annoys me about his name is the people that started complaining about it before anybody really even made any references.)

Kjelle, as soon as I can stop pronouncing it the way it looks, will be much better. Still, it's unique, and that's nice.

Yarne is just plain cute.

Morgan is, well, it works. That's good enough. Plus, I like the name personally.

Gerome is like, the exact same name as Jerome, and it basically wasn't changed. So.

Severa, well, knowing the definition, it fits her perfectly. Plus, it sounds similar to severe and sever, and both of those also fit her.

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Let's see...

Yeah, Nah is the best name ever. I thought her name joke would be lost in translation, so props for actually finding such a hilarious name.You should be proud, Nah, most people don't have a name like that (or one that starts with the kana "n").

Inigo reminds me of the colour indigo. Kinda fits him, I guess...

I'm fine with Kjelle. I'm used to foreign-sounding words like this. (Which is why I can't stand Cherche, or Tiamo. Seriously, those are common words/expressions in rather common languages.)

I love Yarne. I love both his names. Same for Panne.

Morgan still reminds me of the financial institiute JP Morgan. Hate to see the loss of the Mark reference, but at the same time, it's also why I avoid using male MUs - it's a boy's name, come on.

Severa is awesome.

In overall, I'm fine with most names. Except Cherche's NA name and Tiamo's JP name.

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Hate to see the loss of the Mark reference

^This. That was really my only qualm with the children's names. I was overjoyed when I learned that NoA had kept Lucina, and as has been said, Nah is brilliant.

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I like all of them, probably better than the Japanese names. I think myself you get less worked up about name changes if you expect that the name'll be changed, as does happen XD Ultimately, I believe the name protesting will be shortlived, because once we've had the NoA game, we're going to look back at Wyck, Smia and Sort, and laugh at how silly they are (Yes, I'm using the NoJ names, because the fan names are just that, fan names)

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I intend to start banning people for making Inigo Montoya jokes at some point. Don't know when that'll be.

The name's still excellent and I'll probably just pretentiously call him Ignacio so as to not invite such behavior.

and Inigo-> Ichigo XD

or this. i sort of like this.

EDIT: As for the rest of them, 100% approval here. Gerome is the only odd one. Owain benefited from not being called Wood and Laurent benefited from the T making his name an actual boy's name.

Edited by Integrity
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I hate all the names except for all the ones that didn't change. Morgan is the exception. Seriously, Kjelle?

If you don't like the names so much then just play the Japanese version and stop whining, NoA localized these names the way they felt like and there is nothing you can do about it. So accept it or just play the Japanese version

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The Inigo Montoya jokes are the exact reason I dislike Azure's name. Kjelle's just bothers me because I'm not still entirely sure how to pronounce it yet. The rest of the kids don't really bug me.

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You know, I will say this, from what I have seen with Nintendo of America and the name changes for Fire Emblem: Awakening, at least the majority of the names' meanings stick close to the original meanings of the characters' names or that they fit the character. I give NoA for actually thinking about the names this time and at least they didn't just go with basic English names.

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You know, I will say this, from what I have seen with Nintendo of America and the name changes for Fire Emblem: Awakening, at least the majority of the names' meanings stick close to the original meanings of the characters' names or that they fit the character. I give NoA for actually thinking about the names this time and at least they didn't just go with basic English names.

Now that reminds me of the Soanevalcke --> Stefan change. And yeah, I have to agree, this time they actally thought about the names they assign to them, which is a good thing.

I noticed that for most names, they just ignored the romanized version of the Japanese names and decided the names based on the kana names alone. Either something is lost in communication or they decided the pronunciation of the names is more important than the spelling.

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Kjelle doesn't sound like Jelly at all. What kind of stuff are you smoking in America?

Well, let's look at the country of origin for Kjelle. It's the feminine version of the name Kjell from Norway, Finland and Sweden.

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