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FE13 Efficiency Run

Ema Skye

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Thought this might be fun to try. Going to go for good turn counts that don't require a lot of abuse to get. Turns may be sacrificed if there are resources that would be skipped. So this isn't total LTC play.


- Hard, Classic Mode

- Female Avatar. +Spe, -Skl

- No Anna Shops

- No Skirmishes

- All Characters Recruited, with the exception of unused character's children

Planned Team


Avatar (F)














Prem: 2	Cha9: 	Ch14: 	Final:
Prol: 5	Par4: 	Ch15:
Ch.1: 3	Ch10: 	Ch16:
Ch.2: 4 Ch11: 	Ch18:
Ch.3: 	Ch12: 	Ch18:
Par1: 	Ch13: 	Pa17:
Ch.4: 	Par8: 	Ch19:
Ch.5: 	Par9: 	Ch20:
Par2: 	Pa10: 	Ch21:
Ch.6: 	Pa11: 	Ch22:
Ch.7: 	Pa12: 	Ch23:
Par3: 	Pa13: 	Ch24:
Ch.8: 	Pa14: 	Ch25:	



This is a very basic strategy. When paired up with Avatar, Chrom is able to ORKO Validar with his Silver Sword. Without pairing up, the lowest you can get is three turns because Validar doesn't attack.


Lissa needs to trade her Vulnerary to Avatar on the first turn here. It's needed for the next map. Frederick pairing up with avatar makes this chapter easy. Frederick pairs up with Avatar on the first turn, and Avatar then moves to the event tile and swaps with Fred. Chrom moves over by the Myrm and Barbarian. He'll take a hit from both on the enemy phase, but he can 2HKO them both over the course of turn 2. Lissa stays out of range.

On turn 2, Chrom kills the Myrm that attacked him. This lets Lissa get close enough on turn 3 to heal Chrom and get some EXP. If I attacked the barbarian instead, Lissa would be too far away. Frederick moves up, ignoring the wind mage, and switches with Avatar who attacks one of the Myrms with the Bronze Sword.

Lissa heals Chrom on turn 3. Avatar walks over to the boss and switches with Frederick. Frederick then kills the Thunder mage. Chrom lures out the wind mage. This isn't completely necessary, as Frederick can kill it next turn instead if Avatar activates a dual attack on the boss during the enemy phase.

Avatar kills the boss on turn 4. Lissa heals Chrom for some EXP, and then he attacks the wind mage. He kills it on the turn 5 player phase. Getting less than 5 turns is totally possible, but I find it requires more dual attacks. I've been able to get it in 3 turns with them. This 5 turn strategy nets Lissa some extra EXP, while also guaranteeing that Chrom gets a level.

Chapter 1

I start off with Chrom pairing up with Avatar, and then going to the far fort (the one that isn't the event tile). Frederick goes two tiles north of the other fort. Avatar can double most enemies on this map with Chrom's help.

On turn 2, Virion pairs up with Sully, and Sully sits on the other fort. Since Avatar was unable to kill the Merc last turn, Frederick hits one of the fighters down by Sully instead of the archer.

Frederick attacks the boss on turn 3. Avatar moves to the bushes and uses a Vulnerary. Only one fighter is left besides the boss, and Sully is able to finish it this turn. The boss attacks avatar, and gets doubled and KOed. Avatar hits D tomes here.

Edited by Doofina
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Not too worried about any pairings to be totally honest, since they aren't required to beat the game. Yarne's Paralogue does give a lot of good statboosters, and Morgan's Paralogue gives an amazing statbooster, so I'd like to visit both of them. I'll probably do Panne x Gaius since he gives good bonuses, but Panne is really self sufficient as is. Chrom x Avatar is obviously happening too.

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Alrighty, have some more chapters!

Chapter 2

My MU is unfortunately a bit magic-screwed, which is too bad because having strong Thunder is nice for this map. Though it's still a doable 4 turn. Avatar and Chrom pair up and attack the barbarian. Chrom activated a dual strike, but it doesn't save any turns. Vaike and Stahl pair up and attack the nearby Merc. Virion pairs up with Sully who then also attacks that Merc. Frederick fully goes up and Lissa waits around for Miriel. Avatar takes a lot of attacks on the enemy phase, but she's strong enough that she can take them. Sully almost gets killed by two soldiers, which is why Stahl stayed around to help her out.

Stahl is able to kill off one of those soldiers. Miriel pairs up with Lissa. Sully moves over to the west and kills a soldier that Avatar weakened on the enemy phase. Lissa full moves up and switches with Miriel. Miriel kills off another soldier that avatar weakened. Avatar switches with Chrom who kills off a barbarian who moved forward on the enemy phase. If Avatar had one more magic, she could've done it instead. Frederick full moves up over the bridge.

Stahl gets attacked by a soldier on the turn 2 enemy phase, but Sully is able to kill it off. Miriel goes up and attacks the Merc (he drops an iron sword). Chrom can't take two soldiers and a barbarian on the enemy phase, so Frederick has to kill one of the soldiers. The soldier attacks Miriel due to her lower defense, which saves Chrom's life in the end (since he couldn't take a soldier and the barbarian).

Miriel attacks the soldier that attacked her, and Sully finishes it off. Frederick attacks the boss, and the boss dies on the enemy phase. I drop avatar down into the boss range so that she can get the boss kill EXP.

Unit Stats

Chrom	3.40	Lord		22	8	1	9	10	7	7	1	Avatar - C
Avatar	7.45	Tactician	23	10	8	7	13	7	9	5	Chrom - C
Lissa	1.60	Cleric		BASE
Fred	1.92	Great Knight	BASE
Virion	2.0	Archer		BASE								Sully - C
Sully	3.60	Cavalier	21	7	2	9	9	7	7	2	Virion - C
Vaike	3.0	Fighter		BASE
Stahl	2.61	Cavalier	BASE
Miriel	1.63	Mage		BASE

Chapter 3

Deployment - Everyone but Viron

Virion's pair up bonuses aren't nearly as good as Vaike's, since Vaike is pairing up with Frederick to help contribute toward a boss kill. With Vaike in pair up, Frederick is able to ORKO Raimi with the Silver Lance.

Top Row of Slots: Avatar, Frederick, Stahl, Lissa (in that order). Bottom row of slots: Sully, Chrom, Vaike and Miriel (in that order).

Chrom pairs up with Avatar. Avatar attacks a soldier. Chrom activates dual strike which lets it be killed off. Vaike pairs up with Frederick, and Frederick heads left towards the door. The left route is safer to take since it avoids dealing with the Hammer fighter. Stahl pairs up with Sully and she heads left as well. Thanks to Cavalier pair up bonuses, she'll survive the two archers and the soldier on the enemy phase. Miriel pairs up with Lissa. Lissa goes full left and switches with Miriel to take an archer attack on the enemy phase. Sumia stays beside Miriel.

Sumia is able to kill the archer that Miriel lured out. Avatar attacks the door key archer. Chrom activates dual strike which lets it be killed off. Miriel attacks the soldier which lets Sully finish it off. Frederick moves two tiles below the door so that avatar can open it up next turn.

On Turn 3, Sumia takes Chrom from Avatar and drops him so that he can recruit Kellam next turn. Avatar opens the door and Frederick charges through. Lissa heals Sully for exp.

Chrom recruits Kellam on Turn 4, Lissa heals Avatar for more exp, and Frederick kills the boss.

Edited by Doofina
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