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Who Is Your Avatar Going To Marry?


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What I have in mind:

Male Avatar: On first playthrough, it will be Cordelia. Later playthroughs it'll be Cherche, Anna, Say'ri, Miriel, and Lucina.

Female Avatar: First female playthrough, it will be Lon'qu. Later playthroughs, it'll be Gaius, and Basilio.

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Heh. Reminds me of Kent from the first localized Fire Emblem game. XD First time I shared my name with a video game character. And I also considered marrying Say'ri for my male avatar. Depends on which one I like more once I play the game.

Hah, yeah the first time any significant character ever shared my name was Anna from Tales of Symphonia. She was post humous, but important nonetheless. Oh boy, and all the jokes directed at me when a certain spoiler character was revealed to be connected with her.... XD

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In the first marriage thread, I said I was going to have my avatar marry Libra simply to defile/rid him of his innocence. Now, I am unsure of which character I'll have my avatar marry. If I don't "like" any of the characters in the game, I may just have my avatar marry Chrom, so I can get a super-strength Lucina.

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Yeah, I also considered Panne to marry for my second play through.

Also, I do apologize that I ended up making another marriage thread. ^^;

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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It's all right! The first one disappeared XD

Haha. Alright. I just feel a little bad for making a duplicate thread. And the only reason I made it because I couldn't find the last one.

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I can be a pretty hardcore completionist so..., everyone. After the harem run, for BOTH genders, either Cherche or Emmeryn for my male Avatar. The supports for Male Avatar and Emmeryn are so stupid sweet that the doctor told me I had to lose weight or he would have to cut off my foot.... For Female Avatar, it's gotta be Parion. It justs sucks that I'll have to wait weeks, possibly months, if the Japanese spotpass schedule is anything for NOA to go by, for them to be released via Spotpass

Edited by TheGreatBigBoss
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Going for Stahl on my female run because he's just adorable. I'll probably go for Emmeryn on my male run. After that I'll probably go with Chrom for the story changes at some point but he's not a priority yet.

Ooooh I forgot about Emmeryn. As soon as her spotpass chapter is released my ass is marrying her. I will keep a male avatar laying in wait just for it

Dear gods.

You already share my husbando and now you're talking my waifu? Madness. And amazing taste. A+.

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With any luck when I get the game I will make a beeline for marrying Tharja (I still prefer the name Sariya). At least for my main Avatar. If I can stomach it I would pick Tiamo as a second choice although I usually just stick to one character in this type of situation for a game.

I dunno what I'd do for a female Avatar but I'm sure I could figure out something.

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With any luck when I get the game I will make a beeline for marrying Tharja (I still prefer the name Sariya). At least for my main Avatar. If I can stomach it I would pick Tiamo as a second choice although I usually just stick to one character in this type of situation for a game.

I dunno what I'd do for a female Avatar but I'm sure I could figure out something.

I'm used to referring to Tharja as Sallya. I still don't even know how to properly pronounce Tharja...Same thing with Kjelle.

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I'm used to referring to Tharja as Sallya. I still don't even know how to properly pronounce Tharja...Same thing with Kjelle.

From what I heard it is pronounced

Thar ya.

Not Thar jah.

It is kinda close but I don't like the "Th" sound much since I don't think it is as nice a sound as her original name.

Sallya is acceptable.

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Going for Stahl on my female run because he's just adorable. I'll probably go for Emmeryn on my male run. After that I'll probably go with Chrom for the story changes at some point but he's not a priority yet.

Dear gods.

You already share my husbando and now you're talking my waifu? Madness. And amazing taste. A+.

You have amazing taste, A+ and all the awards

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I've settled on Panne for my first playthrough. Gotta repopulate the Taugel race after all. My other choice would be Tiki, as Tar is her only chance to have kids, which she kind of deserves after having lived so long. Incidently both are also the only ways to give Morgan classes they wouldn't normally have access to. (Well, Donnel gives Villager, but why would you want that? ...Walhart doesn't give Overlord, does he?)

Though Kjelle is kinda tempting me now too... but I should still probably go with my first choice.

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For the 1st 2 playthroughs, prolly gonna go Male MU x Tharja, and then Female MU x Chrom. After that, I'll prolly go M x Cordelia and F x Frederick. Personally, I just wanna go collect the support convos, and read them all.

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