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Hey NoA. I think I found a bug.


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Sugita was speaking English.

I'm guessing this only happened to me?

This happened when I enabled Spotpass in the extras menu RIGHT after I enabled the Japanese voices.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think maybe its because they will still talk in english in cutscenes??? I swear I heard something about that recently but don't quote me on that....

Edit: Oh whoops I meant the little aside in dialogue and battle.....but you're right that is weird....

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Well no, I fixed it, like you said by repeatedly switching.

Geez, NoA. Come on. I know the game was hyped. But please... if you're going to appeal to the weeb the "purist" group as described by the game reviewers... debug a little better >_>;

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Rey. Chill. You got this game in Japanese.

That's all I have to say lol

I'm still maxing out everyone there. But the problem is.

I can't destroy anyone with that Japanese copy.

...Okay. Fine. I can compete with Annie's team if I ever Streetpass her IRL. But the chances of that are pretty slim.

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This is stupid. I backup my save by turning off the 3DS, taking out the cartridge, etc.

And it resets to English when I get the game again.

I mean sure, I love the English voices, but I want my damn options to stay what they're set to ._.

Edit: Are you serious? Simply soft-resetting triggers it too.

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This bug pleases me in ways bugs do not often please me. Take your English voices and enjoy them.

I mean sure, I love the English voices, but I want my damn options to stay what they're set to ._.

It irks the Computer Scientist in me as well.

Another interesting about the voices... Spotpass characters in the DLC and spotpass teams have voices now... which all sound awkward because they're all MU voices.

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lol. Man, there's yet ANOTHER bug when you switch to Japanese voices. Particularly on the DLC.

After actually taking a look, there are NO voices for the girls if you switch to it to English voices.

And if you switch to the Japanese track, it uses an Avatar voice for the girls. No voices for the guys.

And yet in the original Japanese version, no voices period.

Come on, Nintendo. If you're gonna give an option to use Japanese voices for the weeaboos, AT LEAST test and debug it.

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I've encountered the bug, too (a certain armor knight's voice made me switch back in, like, four seconds). If you reset the game, it'll appear. I think it happens if you suspend it, too, but I'm not sure (as I use my suspends to restart). If I run into it, I suspend the game, switch the voices, then proceed with the Japanese voices.

EDIT: I just read what I wrote, and I guess suspending it without rebooting it won't trigger it. Not sure what happens if you suspend, turn the game off, and go back into that state.

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lol. Man, there's yet ANOTHER bug when you switch to Japanese voices. Particularly on the DLC.

After actually taking a look, there are NO voices for the girls if you switch to it to English voices.

And if you switch to the Japanese track, it uses an Avatar voice for the girls. No voices for the guys.

And yet in the original Japanese version, no voices period.

Come on, Nintendo. If you're gonna give an option to use Japanese voices for the weeaboos, AT LEAST test and debug it.

I'm glad I went on to buy a Japanese 3DS when this game was out a year ago. I was thinking about buying the NA version if not for the super late announcement, but it seems that this is no FE10 (the only FE that I'd prefer the NA version over the JP one). Like FE8 and FE9, the Japanese version seems superior this time, although there's no gameplay difference like those games.

Not a fan of regional difference myself, but I guess having tried is better than not doing anything at all, in this case. If anything, I'm glad to see them stop ignoring Japanese game references (yes, they used to edit those away) and generally not hating Japanese-styled stuff these few years. Give them some time, I suppose.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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This bug pleases me in ways bugs do not often please me. Take your English voices and enjoy them.



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I accidentally Google Translated this into German. :D

Warum denken Sie, dass ich eifersüchtig bin? Ich habe keine Ahnung.

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Warum denken Sie, dass ich eifersüchtig bin? Ich habe keine Ahnung.



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Ah nein, Herr Agro. Sie verstehen mich nicht. Ich finde es ganz lustig, dass die Japanischesaudio nicht funktioniert, weil die Weebs immer bereit sind, sich zu beschweren. Ich ärgerte mich über die manche Leute, die mögen die Englischaudio nicht, obwohl sie die Englischesaudio nicht gehört haben, weil es "nicht wirklich" oder etwas anderes ist. Ich weiß auch gar nicht, warum es Japanischesaudio gibt. Würden Sie nicht die Japanischesspiel kaufen, wenn Sie Japanischesaudio möchten? Doch, wenn Sie die Englischesspiel kaufen, spielen Sie nicht auf Englisch?

le edit: Nicht Eifersucht, sondern Schadenfreude.

(can we just switch to using english now or something please)

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