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The Great Naval War of FE Awakening


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Fire Emblem's Support/Pairing system has always been a boon/bane for the Ship-to-Ship Combat/Die For Our Ship/Ship Sinking activities of the fanbase. However, I believe, that with the released of Fire Emblem: Awakening, shipping activities will reach a critical mass, and we'll have the biggest, most insane, and most dangerous shipping war that the Fire Emblem, nay, ANY fanbase has ever seen.

Why? Just look at the raw facts. Each of the characters in the game can be paired up with almost every character of the opposite gender for romantic pairings. Not only will that create a ton of shipping war fodder, but now shipping is further given in-game importance, as shipping will literally give you the chance to have second-gen units later in the game, with their stats and qualities defined by which pairing you decided to ship. And then there's the Avatar, who is, literally, a self-insert of the player in the world, who can go and pair up with any character of the opposite gender that he/she please. And let's not get into the Ho Yay/Les Yay/Foe Yay side of things...

In other words, Nintendo has unleashed a shipping JUGGERNAUT into the world.

But be not afraid, my friends. Remember to keep conversation civil, and to respect each others' opinion.... pppfftttt, yeah, right. But At least for a good number of FE fans, what FE: Awakening presents with its dangerous gift is that we'll have a lot more people become attracted and interested in the series, if only for the staggeringly large amount of shipping material we have. So, I welcome this war. It is a war that we deserve, and a war that we need.

Let battle be joined.

Edited by Keiya
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Well, if you want it to be canon, it's probably possible to do so in your game file so I doubt there would be much shipping debates.

Besides, nothing will ever get close to the great shipping war from the early days of Pokemon. They had alliances, they had treaties, non-aggression pacts, dissenters, they declared war on each other, there were civil wars, militant shippers with mod powers were involved. It was probably crazy.

Look at this article: http://bulbapedia.bu...%A9mon_shipping

It's like an article on World War 2 or something.I mean, goddamn.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Y'know I went into topic this thinking it had to do with localization and the fact that apparently there are issues with shipping copies of the game. I'm kind of ashamed of myself for not immediately catching onto this.

But anyway, in a way, the fact that the characters have such open-ended options theoretically removes one of the biggest points of heated contention - canon. Instead of arguing about which couples were or were not intended by developpers and it being wielded as a weapon in that battle, couples are generally pretty solidly defined as possible, without an obvious preference for one-over-another. Hopefully that actually leads to a more peaceful environment, but... *shrug*

and of course this will likely still come back up with alternative couplings (the Ho Yay/Les Yay as mentioned) but... eh what can you do

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Lots of shippng opportunity, yes. Shipping wars? Probably nowhere as intense as FE4 when the game itself deliberately avoids official pairings, save for Chrom and Sumia.

Let's say, for me, having played the game for almost a year, my shippng preference is pretty much fixed. Let's say it's a mix of story and gameplay considerations. I don't know what good would it do to simply list them out, so here're a few highlights:

- Virion x Libra. The fact that Libra is male seems to make Virion feel even floatier.

- Yarne and Nah. I want to pair them up, but it means no more +17 Morgan... But then, a +14 Morgan without beast (or dragon, but I always use a female MU) weaknesses may be a better choice, after all..

- Kjelle should stay single. She's into Severa, who in my headcanon is into Brady.

Now to think about it, maybe we should name certain pairings like the Golden Sun fans did.

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Yeah, let's not bring up whatshisface (really need some confirmation on his name DX). That would save everyone a lot of trouble.

Jeez, aside from Virion x Libra, I don't really have any concrete ships. They're just all too good. c:

Edited by Kon
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I don't think it will be that bad, the more open something is to actually allowing shipping like this the less arguments happen.

I think the more closed and unvisited(for good reason in the case of Pokémon) it is the piece of media is the far more ridiculous/stupid/vicious the shipping becomes.

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But anyway, in a way, the fact that the characters have such open-ended options theoretically removes one of the biggest points of heated contention - canon. Instead of arguing about which couples were or were not intended by developpers and it being wielded as a weapon in that battle, couples are generally pretty solidly defined as possible, without an obvious preference for one-over-another. Hopefully that actually leads to a more peaceful environment, but... *shrug*

But you can say the same for most other Fire Emblems. There's some canon items involved, but that doesn't stop the fact that people tend to have shipping wars over who gets to end up with Priscilla. Or maybe can we kill Priscilla and have Guy and Matthew end up together? But wait, isn't Matthew and Jaffar Ho/Foe Yay personified? And the list goes on.

Not to mention that because shipping -does- strongly affect gameplay elements, I'm sure that there's gonna be the camp that wants to ship characters specifically for breeding the ultimate 2nd-gen characters. I'm reiterating what I said, but to at least the point of canon, I present you one counterargument: the order by which Chrom will shack up with ladies in the event of equal support values.

Moreover, if my previous experience in watching various fanbases explode over shipping does not fail, the fact that pairings are a lot more developed actually invites for greater arguments. Also, shipping does get very visceral when people are -very- attached to characters. I mean, look at Ike/Soren. Give this game some time, and I'm sure you'll end up with something similar.

... wait, am I actually having a shipping argument about shipping!? FE13, you are DANGEROUS indeed!

Edited by Keiya
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Am I the only one who doesn't ship any characters based on fandom preferences? I think I may just ship my avatar with someone who will create the post powerful offspring D: .

I ship characters in other series, but not in FE. I don't think the characters in this game have believable enough bonds to actually envision romantic situations between them.

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Male Avatar x Harem 4 lyfe

Seriously though, I can't see it getting too bad. With the exception of ChromxSumia, there aren't really any implied pairings and most people know that they can run with whatever ships they like.

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Because shipping wars are apparently very different from regular flame wars.

I say let them have at it.

I also try to discourage threads that are blatant not-shipping flame wars, but thanks for your opinion.

How can this thread end any way but badly?

EDIT: I mean, seriously. This thread is literally about talking about shipping wars.

Edited by Integrity
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I also try to discourage threads that are blatant not-shipping flame wars, but thanks for your opinion.

How can this thread end any way but badly?

EDIT: I mean, seriously. This thread is literally about talking about shipping wars.

Ah, but that's the key point! It's talking about shipping wars, rather than being a shipping war itself.

Consider this thread a commentary.

no dont that would be stupid this will end in tears

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But you can say the same for most other Fire Emblems. There's some canon items involved, but that doesn't stop the fact that people tend to have shipping wars over who gets to end up with Priscilla. Or maybe can we kill Priscilla and have Guy and Matthew end up together? But wait, isn't Matthew and Jaffar Ho/Foe Yay personified? And the list goes on.

At the same time, that's just it. There are hints, and leads, and bits and pieces but they don't actually go anywhere in other FE games generally. Whereas in FE13, the fact that the majority of options are Schrodinger's Canon erases the need for argument about which is "most" canon or "what the developpers intended" or anything of the sort. That kind of thing - "My pairing is what was supposed to happen mine's more genuine neener neener" - is one of the most common sticking points that causes fights to break out.

I generally find that in games in which there is meaningful freedom to pair up characters, the shipping wars actually are far less intense; as opposed to games which leave things with a lack of resolution on matters even by player's hands.

Of course, again, as I stated before this breaks when you start discussing romance that goes outside of the S ranks (Anything Ho Yay/etc) and is ultimately more about personal exposure to shipping wars (to which I'm happy to say I've very rarely actually witnessed vitriol on the subject) but... yeah.

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