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Can Someone Who Is Fluent With Chinese Help Me With Something?

Flying Shogi

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I want to make my really old laptop to have English as its default language for everything. Since I'm not fluent in Chinese, I can't do this by myself since I can't read the complicated stuff. And since that laptop is so old, I can't screen capture the things I need to show so I took pictures.









Edited by MagicLugh
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If you're talking about the buttons at the last picture the one on the left means OK, right means cancel. From what I can tell you've selected English, traditonal Chinese, Japanese and Korean as languages to transfer over via unicode. I'm not too sure what the first pic means though =/

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It turns out that I've also selected a lot of other things as well. They all have Chinese characters in them so I'm assuming they are included in the Chinese language package.

I forgot to add the things that would show if I click on the one with the "D" in the first picture. I think that may be Details but I'm not sure. I'll add them as I take their pictures.

Edited by MagicLugh
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See if this helps:


It won't help with the actual keyboard changes, but it should help you understand things like what the buttons say.

EDIT: Looks like it's a Chinese Windows XP, though. . .if so, then you're kinda out of luck.

Edited by eclipse
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I can't say that I can help you a great deal, but I'll try.

At the moment, you're changing the default language of the keyboard to be English instead of Chinese. Does it work in the sense that, when you open up Word or maybe even the internet, English is the first language available? Based on the screenshots and comparing it with my language setup, you've got the English down as the default when typing, not displaying.

If you want the entire operating system to be English, as in Start menus and that displayed in English, I think you need to get hold of an English version of Windows/Linux/whatever OS you're using. My mum has everything defaulted as Japanese, and she had to import Windows 7 from Japan.

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Yes; changing operation languages between different regions is no simple task in Windows (yours is apparently Asian/Chinese, whereas the ones with English available by default are American or European versions). If you're not a very technical person, the most you can do is change the language you type in, so my suggestion is to get a new Windows XP altogether. I suppose another possibility is to google about it; perhaps by now someone has made a hack to do a language switch between complete regions but I wouldn't expect much.

Of course, this problem only persists in commercial operating systems which want to enforce their prices between regions. You could always install a Linux distribution; with easy-to-get language packs most Linux-based operating systems can be any language around the globe. Fixing problems with Windows through a Linux dual-boot is possible as well, although I don't recall being able to change regions within Windows easily with the tools Linux distros have to offer, either. Unless you know enough Chinese to work with it, at least with Linux you could actually use the computer - it's also far more lightweight and customizable than Windows, so it should run faster than any Windows if you want it to.

Oh, and a disclaimer: I know my way around tech stuff, but language display settings isn't an area I have thoroughly investigated. I may have missed or don't know about something very specific, so take this info with a small grain of salt.

Edited by Piss Macho Macho Macho
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Wow, I didn't know this was this complicated. But I don't think this computer is a Chinese XP. When my dad first bought it it was in English. Since he thought I couldn't read English at the time, he got someone to change everything into Chinese. Then I got a virus and so I asked my cousin to change it into English after the data sweep/clean up. But then I got a virus again and since he's more fluent in Chinese, he didn't change it back after he fixed my computer.

Does anyone know if that screen sharing thing(someone else can control my computer if we connect) is available on XP's?

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