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Jugdral Romanization Overhaul



60 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about thr new names?

    • WAY better and more accurate
    • Meh, I'm indifferent.
    • WTF Intelligent Systems?!
    • I've never played FE4 or FE5.

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Raging over translations is funny. Personally, I like the translations, Yewfelle and Seliph standing out to me the most.

I just wonder what Skasaha's/Skasaher's translated name will be.

Edited by ZeeEmm456
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Judging by NoA getting the other references correct, it will probably be Scathach.

And Yewfelle isn't completely random. Real life bows made from Yew trees and they are supposedly the best for making bows. Not sure about the '-felle' part. Google translate says it means fierce.

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As long as Alvis doesn't become Elvis i'm mostly okay with the names. Seliph is a major improvement since Celice sounded way too feminine and I always pronounced it Seles to make it sound more male anyway. Lachesis should stay as it is since its a correct reference to mythology already. Leaf -> Leif is a nonissue since Jugdral is all about the Norse naming.

Not sure how I feel about Falaflame -> Valflame, does that mean its not Fala anymore but Vala? Helswath for Swanchika is awesome, Mjolnir for Thorhammer is better, no issue with Forseti as that's a connection to Norse mythology again, not sure about Ichivaal's name change and they should be keeping Tyrfing, Balmung, Gae Bolg and Gugnir the same. Mystletainn could end up as Mistleteen, Mystletain, Mystletainn, Mistletain, Mistoltain or other spellings as i've seen pretty much every different localization for that in games other than Fire Emblem.

Julia/Julius isn't huge for me even though i've been going with Yuria/Yurius. Eltshan will be interesting to see since i've seen fan romanizations name him Eltshan, Eltosian and Eltoshan.

Also interested in what they're gonna romanize "Seisen no Kiefu" as. Wondering if it'll be like how they went for "The Binding Blade" for "Fuuin no Tsurugi" even though that had been fan translated to "Sealed Sword" or if they'll stick with "Genealogy of the Holy War", although I doubt they'll go with the Nintendo Power romanization of "The Genealogy of Jihad" for obvious reasons.

Edited by Leonhardt
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so what you're saying is that an Engrishy name is better than the actual name of which, in all likelihood, the Engrish is a corruption?


say what you will about "Serlis", but "Scathach" was a massive improvement

Because it still sounds incredibly stupid. There's a reason why they changed Soanvalcke (a name with an important reference) to Stefan, or Kilroy (if wiki's translation notes is to be believed, a fitting name for the priest) to Rhys, for example.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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As long as Alvis doesn't become Elvis. . .

What are you talking about? That'd be awesome. Then, not only would he be Holy Emperor, but he'd also be The King.

Anyway, Zofia's a bit odd, as is Kris. I know Kris is a real name, but it still seems odd.

I'm not sure how I feel about Seliph, but that's probably just because I got used to Celice. Like Iridium said, it's also way to similar to Celica.

I'm a bit disappointed by Helswath. I like it, but I really liked how Swanchika sounded. It was so fun to say.

I feel about Forseti and Orsin the same as I do Seliph. Also, Orsin is a bit too similar to Orson, IMO.

Aside from those, my opinion ranges from don't care to love. I'm so glad they went with Julia. Yuria just sounded weird. Same for Tyrfing/Tailfang. I'm in love with Yewfelle, like I want to have its children. Mjolnir still seems a bit odd being a spell as it was a hammer, but it sounds much better than Thorhammer and is also more fitting given the mythological reference.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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I think it's been leaked that Mystletainn is still Mystletainn. Probably because calling a sword "Mistletoe" would be just silly, myth be damned.

I think I've had it explained to me elsewhere that "Yewfelle" more or less means the same thing as "Ichivial". (and is infinitely better than Ichii-bal. Oh IS and your silly romanizations)

Seliph and Helswath are great, I don't care what you say.

I am actually hoping for Scathach and Luchtaine btw.

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I used to be kind of peeved about name changes since I nearly always played the Japanese versions first, but these days I'm not too bothered as a fan. The only time it bothers me is when I have to update almost a hundred pages on the site X D

Nowadays, I just laugh at people who get *too* fussed over name changes. I know I'm a bad person, sorry! ^^;;;

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I used to be kind of peeved about name changes since I nearly always played the Japanese versions first, but these days I'm not too bothered as a fan. The only time it bothers me is when I have to update almost a hundred pages on the site X D

Nowadays, I just laugh at people who get *too* fussed over name changes. I know I'm a bad person, sorry! ^^;;;

...why are you and me in the same boat? XD

I think a big problem was that some people were expecting you to update the mainsite with the official NoJ names when we found them out. AND THEN update it again when the NoA names came out. I gotta say that's just a pain considering the amount of time you invest on the pages and the amount of stuff to properly sort through.

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The names in the FE4/5 section should probably just match up with the most popular patch anyway, unless we really get those games overseas, or if someone changes the patch to match the new translations.

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I'm liking the new names.

The one I like most is Julia. I have always hated 'Yuria' and 'Yurius' as names for the Alvis/Deirdre spawn, and it seems now we can finally do away with them.

As for some of the other ones, I think Seliph is just fine, and I really like the new weapon names. Leif is good, as one would say.

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Sweet, a translation! I'm not going to nitpick over WHAT it is, I'm just glad it exists!

I'm gonna have to agree with this, I was almost afraid that they'd take the legacy characters out in the English version: it's good that they've got some official recognition.

What are you talking about? That'd be awesome. Then, not only would he be Holy Emperor, but he'd also be The King.

That... I... wow... I'd put it in my sig if I knew how to nest quotes, I haven't laughed so hard since... this morning actually, but that was more of a deranged laugh of frustration.

Edited by Byte2222
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  • 3 weeks later...

For the most part, the names work. They wouldn't seem strange if we weren't already so accustomed to the fan names. I mean, most of us weren't fans until at least after FE7 came out in the west, so we weren't bothered by the fact that Ruthea became Lucius. Hell, I didn't even know it for years! It's all a matter of familiarity.

Ulster's a bit left-field, but it took the fans so long to realize Skasher might be a reference to the mythological Scathach that I can't blame NoA for not bothering. The only one that really is hard for me to digest is Quan. It's a totally legit romanization, but it just seems out of place in FE.

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Give me my FE4 Remake, and I'll start using them in no time !

That's always like that. At first, I'm a little skeptical, but when I play the game and see the new names all the time, I become used to them.

And honestly, it's pretty much better or equal in every way, if I let my biased view apart.

Quan seems a little strange. Yewfelle is also strange. Helswath chnge a lot, but sounds pretty cool in fact.

Ulster is the more surprising change, but at least it's easier to pronounce...

Just for Mjolnir and Forseti, this translation.

Besides, we didn't agree really with the Fan name...

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Mjolinir makes so much sense I don't know why I didn't see it before.

The thing I dislike the most though is Ced. I mean, Sety's supposed to have his name related to Holsety, both the tome, blood, and Crusader. So that's just weird for me when the tome is called Forseti.

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The thing I dislike the most though is Ced. I mean, Sety's supposed to have his name related to Holsety, both the tome, blood, and Crusader. So that's just weird for me when the tome is called Forseti.

I can actually see why they changed Sety’s name: most straight-up variations of it (Set, Sety, Seti) are probably too easy to get confused with FE8’s Seth, who’s also in FE13 (admittedly it could be argued that that’s inconsistent with how the kept Arthur’s name when it’s easy to get him confused with FE8’s Artur, but Artur isn’t in FE13 so idk). I'll readily admit that it's easily the only new name I still can't get used to (the others are, in hindsight, all pretty neat), and I honestly can't seee where Ced even came from in the first place, but oh well.

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I can actually see why they changed Sety's name: most straight-up variations of it (Set, Sety, Seti) are probably too easy to get confused with FE8's Seth, who's also in FE13 (admittedly it could be argued that that's inconsistent with how the kept Arthur's name when it's easy to get him confused with FE8's Artur, but Artur isn't in FE13 so idk). I'll readily admit that it's easily the only new name I still can't get used to (the others are, in hindsight, all pretty neat), and I honestly can't see where Ced even came from in the first place, but oh well.

Honestly, though, what else could they have called Arthur? Ausser? Athah? Arthur is just about the only sensible translation in the context of a name, I think. Of course, they always could've gone the Dub Name Change route...

As for Ced, it seems odd to me, too, and I haven't even played any Jugdral games. Considering his name's connection to the spell Forseti and the fact that Arthur was allowed to remain as-is despite similarities to Artur, he really should've been called Seti. Ced is just weird. I mean, it's the official translation, so I'll use it, but...

I think the other names are generally fine. Seliph is definitely an improvement over Celice or Serlis, considering it makes his name more distinct from Celica's and slightly closer to his father's. From what I understand, Lachesis is an actual mythological figure, so I can't really say I support their decision to use the Engrishy Raquesis over the intended reference. Other than that, I am not really that familiar with the katakana spellings of these characters' names, nor the myths from which they originate, so I can't give much commentary in terms of accuracy. I can say, though, that from what I've seen, almost all the names work just fine for the characters they're attached to.

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Is there a list of these anywhere? The only ones I know of are the ones I've caught in discussion on the forums.

Some of them seem pretty good to me. Seliph in particular wins for elegantly handling the whole Celice/Serlis problem. The ones that bug me are Ced (I feel like he's gonna stay Sety for a while, just like how I still read "Caeda" as "Sheeda"), Silesse (Sety of Silesia had such a nice ring to it... although I'm pretty sure I was pronouncing Silesia wrong, anyways) and Leonster. I mean, you have Connacht, Munster, Leinster, Ulster - you know, Ireland. Why pull Leonster out of nowhere? It doesn't help that I can't help but read it as Lee-on-ster, although this is English, where any pair of vowels can make any sound ever. Oh, and Raquesis. Like Leinster, they're abandoning the obvious reference and leaving us with a comparatively bad-sounding name, IMO. I personally like Holsety more than Forseti, too, but given the mythological reference...

Edit: Is Quan Cuan? Isn't the romaji Kyuan? Quan definitely makes me want to say Kwan...

Edited by Rewjeo
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Is there a list of these anywhere? The only ones I know of are the ones I've caught in discussion on the forums.

Some of them seem pretty good to me. Seliph in particular wins for elegantly handling the whole Celice/Serlis problem. The ones that bug me are Ced (I feel like he's gonna stay Sety for a while, just like how I still read "Caeda" as "Sheeda"), Silesse (Sety of Silesia had such a nice ring to it... although I'm pretty sure I was pronouncing Silesia wrong, anyways) and Leonster. I mean, you have Connacht, Munster, Leinster, Ulster - you know, Ireland. Why pull Leonster out of nowhere? It doesn't help that I can't help but read it as Lee-on-ster, although this is English, where any pair of vowels can make any sound ever. Oh, and Raquesis. Like Leinster, they're abandoning the obvious reference and leaving us with a comparatively bad-sounding name, IMO. I personally like Holsety more than Forseti, too, but given the mythological reference...

Edit: Is Quan Cuan? Isn't the romaji Kyuan? Quan definitely makes me want to say Kwan...

The full list (by which I mean we still haven't got names for Eltshan, Ishtar or Trabant) is over here.

Leonster is pretty much just Lenster with an O, so it's pretty forgivable; its pronounciation does kind of trip me up, but let's face it, when am I ever going to need to pronounce it? :P Same deal with Quan - I know that the "Qu" construct is pretty similar to the usual "kyu" in pronunciation, but I just can't help but constantly default to thinking of it as being Chinese in its pronunciation.

My main concern about Leonster is what its unusual O means for the rest of the Manster district - what, are we gonna get Aolster, Moanster and Coonote?

also Silesse may actually be my favourite Jugdral name to come out of FE13; it just sounds really nice

Honestly, though, what else could they have called Arthur? Ausser? Athah? Arthur is just about the only sensible translation in the context of a name, I think. Of course, they always could've gone the Dub Name Change route...

suddenly I really want to use "Ausser" in something

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I do like Silesse, but I miss Silesia. Although, Silesse is closer to the kana (in fact, Google translate says that Silesia in Japanese is Shurejien, not Shirezia).

Those districts are just such painfully obvious references that it bugs me to see them mess them up.

I'm kind of confused about Rebin->Lewyn. Looking at it, I can guess that it comes from the British Isles. Is that a mythological reference we missed as a fandom?

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I'm kind of confused about Rebin->Lewyn. Looking at it, I can guess that it comes from the British Isles. Is that a mythological reference we missed as a fandom?

Levin is a Jewish surname indicating descent from the tribe of Levi (or, in the case of the Levin Sword, an archaic name for lightning). On the other hand, a quick search turns up multiple uses of "Lewyn" as a relatively uncommon name/surname which does sound Welsh in origin, but I'm not adequately schooled in the world of name etymologies to know for use. I was just assuming it was a mere alteration of Levin, tweaking it so it's still fairly recognisable while looking very different from "Levin"; if they hadn't gone with "Levin Sword" for the Thunder Sword in FE11, maybe they'd have just kept Levin.

Where is this list getting its info? I know some of these names are in Awakening but some of them like location name I don't recognize.

All of these names are from FE13. As I understand it, in your StreetPass profile you get to choose among a pool of FE locations which it says you're from, hence all the Valentia and Jugdral locations. Others, like Nordion, are mentioned in battle dialogue (in this case, by Raquesis).

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