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Constable Reggie

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So who else watches this absolute gem of a tv show? The fourth season just recently premiered, and it's the first season without Dan Harmon, the original creator of the show. I have my own thoughts about the 4th season compared to the last three, but I'd rather see what you guys think about the show overall, and how the 4th season episode holds up compared to the Harmon episodes?

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I've seen relatively little of the show overall, particularly full episodes, but the bits I have managed to see, I assume from across the seasons, appealed to me in a way that reminds me of Scrubs, which possibly in part thanks to nostalgia enhancements remains my favorite show of all time. of all time! So yeah, looks like a good show IMO, has a prominent position on my backlog, would +1 or recommend in general.

Also Donald Glover is an attractive human being

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Gonna post my two cents and I'm sorry it's negative... I find this show pretty obnoxious and I thought the Pilot (and a couple subsequent episodes) wwere the only funny episode. Everyone annoyed me after a while because it became a bit too annoyingly cartoonish and everyone's personalities became caricature-like at some point, which was kind of irritating to watch. Overall, didn't really like the direction this show took after the first couple episodes...

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Wow, I would have thought at least one other person would have been an avid watcher.

I'm not sure I agree with your consensus that the characters become caricature-like. They do have some specific character traits that are used for comedy (like every other sitcom), but they still feel like real people. What makes Community so great in my opinion is that it finds comedy out of miserable people and situations, and that the plot stories and jokes have underlying dark tones to them. The satire, meta references, and parodies are extremely well done, yes, but there's also usually a reason behind it. You'd think that a cartoon-like stop-motion animated episode exploring the joys of Christmas with friends would be a wonderfully joyous and merry episode, but no, it's shown to be a mental escape for Abed who can't come to terms with the fact that his mother abandoned him. An episode where they find out Troy has just turned 21, so they're going to have some crazy fun time at a bar? Everyone ends up sad, miserable, and pathetic looking by the end. But it's still funny, and you still get the sense of feeling that these characters are growing from these experiences.

Coincidentally, that's the problem I have with the fourth season, in that it doesn't have that feeling of darkness to it. Dean Pelton creates a Hunger Games parody, but nothing really serious comes out of it, and it just feels like a parody for the sake of having a parody. Abed's meta Community show, while a really hilarious satire of the whole situation the show was put in (recasting Pierce is hilarious in so many ways), ends up with Abed coming to terms with something very major by himself, practically ignoring the rest of the cast. Come on, that's not Abed. It's still very funny, but it just doesn't have the same feeling as the first three seasons.

Also, they better bring back John Oliver.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Yeah I originally watched the show for John Oliver too which was a disappointment to me in the end. Didn't like the way they took his character either. But constable Reggie I'll watch a couple episodes of this show again for re-evaluation because I may not be looking at it the right way. I remember seeing the first episode of season four lately and not really enjoying it.

But then again the problem with me is that I am incredibly picky about comedy I watch. Only sitcoms I have really liked from the past decade or two were 90s Simpsons (and chunks of early 00s Simpsons), arrested development, The office seasons 2-4, and American dad.

I understand what you mean by everyone being run by their character trait is a comedy thing but I just don't find community's way of doing it funny. Having that said ill give it another shot and chime in when I have lol

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It's pretty hilarious how they handled him in Season 4. In the first episode, he's basically ignored by everyone else, and they even recast his character in Abed's mind version of Community.

Also, it's fine if you don't enjoy Community. It's pretty niche, since it relies heavily on pop culture jokes, parodies, and has a ton of jokes, winks and nods that can easily go over your head if you're not attentive.

However, the multiple timeline episode and the 8 bit episode are probably two of the best and most unique episodes from any sitcom ever.

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