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Support Conversations you've made up? Some Spoilers

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Well, I just started my second file, with a second well defined Avatar, and I thought: well, the support may be this, but I want it to go something like this instead.

So a little background for the first one, Phantom, the recalled Pseudonym for my female avatar, used to be a huge fan of the masked man himself, Gerome the wandering hero. She would follow his exploits across the land, hearing townsmen speak of him as they would gods themselves, each town raising her hopes, but trailing her further behind him. When she heard that he had traveled the river of time to continue his heroic deeds, she had no choice but to follow. Not knowing when and where, however, proved to be a rather large mistake, as she traveled too far back, ending up laying facedown in the field where Chrom found her, and began the story.

Phantom x Gerome C

Phantom: ...

Gerome: ...

Phantom: ...




Gerome: Huh?!

Phantom: After all those years of searching, I found you!

Gerome: What are you talking about?

P: You're Gerome, aren't you? You have to be, the mask, the armor, the Wyvern, it all fits.

Gerome: ...

P: Back in our timeline I tried to track you down, but I was always a step behind. Ohhh, but the stories drove me on, every villager sang your name in one way or another.

G: ...

P: Ahhh gods, I'm rambling. Phantom, you finally met your hero, and this is how you act?

G: Hero?

P: Wah!

G: Huh?!

P: Ah gods, I forgot you were there.

G: ...

P: I'm so sorry!

G: ...

Phantom x Gerome B

G: Phantom... Do you have a moment?

P: AH! Gerome the Hero! Of course.

G: That's actually what I wanted to talk about. You said the other day that the people called me a hero.

P: Well, they did. Every village I went to had stories of the Black Clad hero from Above.

G: I never did anything heroic, I don't deserve that praise.

P" I beg to differ, if even half of the stories I heard are half true, you would still be the greatest hero the people had.

G: But in the end I still couldn't protect them, that's why I'm here. I couldn't protect anyone. I'm no hero!

P: ... That's not the right way to think of it. Those villagers, all they had left was each other, and you showed up and protected them from the risen whenever you could.

G: But I couldn't protect them all, people still died everywhere.

P: But you protected everyone you could, wherever you went. That's the definition of a hero.

G: ...

P: See, you are the hero I always knew you were!

G: I'm no hero. I'm sorry for fooling you like that, goodbye.

Phantom x Gerome A

P: Gerome!

G: ... Yes?

P: I remembered what I wanted to tell you!

G: ... ~Sigh~ What is it?

P: I wanted to be your sidekick!

G: Gurk! What?!

P: Yes! I was following you all across the globe, trying to find you, so we could travel together, for great justice!

G: You can't be serious!

P: Absolutely! That's why I'm wearing this eyepatch! If I had found you we could have gone around, and called ourselves The Phantom Mask!

G: ...

P: You know, Because you wear that mask...


and my name is Phantom...


G: ...

P: ...

G: ... If you wanted to be the sidekick, why would your name go first?

P: Well, Phantom Mask sounded better than Mask Phantom...


P: We... we could still be The Phantom Mask...

G: Tch... I'll think about it.

And I'm not really sure where I would want to go with the S support, and ideas would be appreciated,

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Oh that was interesting! After considering possible scenes involving heroes and masks, I came up with this biggrin.gif

Phantom x Gerome S

G: Phantom! Are you OK?

P: Oh yeah!... Well not really...My eye patch's string was cut off by a Risen's blade! What should I do! We can't be The Phantom Mask anymore! My dream of being your sidekick...

G: I don't care about your stupid eye patch! Is your face alright? Any scars?!

P: Eh?! Gerome the Hero is touching my face ! Am I dreaming? Ouch!

G: Phew... No scars...

P: Gerome the Hero is worried about me! Ah I am so happy!

G: Don't call me that! I almost let that Risen scarred your face! I am no hero!

P: No! If you did not back me up ,my face would be scarred for sure! And for Gerome the Hero to save me like that...I feel I can die with no regrets now...

G:...Seeing your stupid face makes me feel I worried for nothing.

P: Hehe...Oh no! I can't die yet! I have not fulfill my dream of being your sidekick yet! What should I do...

G: ...Phantom.

P: Yes? !!! Gerome the Hero is taking off his mask! I am really dreaming!

G: No this is not a dream! Phantom, I do not want you to be my sidekick ...

P: I-is that a ring?!

G: But rather...Will you be my wife?

P: ...AH!?!

G: The reason I wore this mask was because I dreamt of being a Hero since young. You made me realise that I have made that dream come true but after that incident, I...just want to protect you...I just want...to be your Hero...


G: Phantom...

P: I got it! We can be 'Masks of Justice' together! You have spares of your mask right? Lend me one ! Oh this will be so cool!

Confession CG- P: Just one ok? Because I won't lend you another one, my love.

Ok that CG is kind of lame tongue.gif

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Hmmm, let's see what I can come up with...

Well, I'll start off with Pyrrha, default backstory, but character wise, she's competitive and a flirt, and also a Pegasus Rider/Falcoknight, which puts her at odds with Cordelia, as she's always trying to be better than her. She also physically resembles Cordelia somewhat, but chooses to tie her hair up in a bid to look a little different. She saw Cordelia's love for Chrom, and decided she was going to compete against Cordelia for his affections, out of her selfish need to be better than Cordelia at just one thing.

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom C]

Pyrrha: Oh don't you worry hun, I'm not going anywhere...Bye now...

...*sigh* Why are they all so boring...

Chrom: Ahh, Pyrrha. As popular as ever with the boys I see.

Pyrrha: Only about as popular as you are with the girls, boyo, haha!

Chrom: I-I don't know what you mean! Pyrrha, you shouldn't kid me...

Pyrrha: Wait a sec. You SERIOUSLY don't know?

Chrom: Know what...?

Pyrrha: (Hmmm...this is an opportunity...)

Chrom: Huh?

Pyrrha: Oh, never mind. Look, if you seriously don't know, I'm just gonna have to teach you. Better get ready for some tough lessons~

Chrom: Suddenly I feel weak...

Pyrrha: No excuses!

Chrom: I-I think I hear Frederick calling! *leaves*

Pyrrha: Heh. This calls for some research...

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom B]

Pyrrha: Sumia was a great source of information...I need to find a pie recipe...What was his favourite again? Hmm...*mumble mumble*

Chrom: Pyrrha? It's not often I see you here among the barracks.

Pyrrha: ACK! Chrom!

Chrom: Oh, I didn't mean to startle you.

Pyrrha: *sigh* You know Chrom, you probably took 10 years off my life then. You owe me.

Chrom: Um...

Pyrrha: You're going to teach me how to cook. Come on.

Chrom: Wait, Pyrrha- GODS, DON'T GRAB THERE!

Pyrrha: *giggle* Oh, sensitive, are we~? Oh, you're blushing too, hee hee! Just think of this as another lesson~

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom A]

Chrom: ...There, the pies should be about done. Let's get them off the fire.

Pyrrha: Wow...they actually smell...good!

Chrom: Well, you have improved since we began. Thank the gods Lissa and her staff were nearby in your first attempts...

Pyrrha: Aha..haha...hah...

Chrom: It seems even our tactician isn't immune to a blush, ha ha!

Pyrrha: I...what?! But I never blush! This isn't right!

Chrom: Haha, is this what I look like when I'm flustered? No wonder everyone seems to make me so.

Pyrrha: ...Even after all these lessons, you still haven't figured it out? They fluster you because they're in love with you!

Chrom: ... ... ... Frederick...is in love with me?!

Pyrrha: ...I mean the women.

Chrom: ...Oh.

Pyrrha: You're the prince, remember? Not only that, you're pretty easy on the eyes, and with a nice personality to boot. The girls are all but literally throwing themselves at you. But you're such a blockhead, you're never gonna see the princesses in front of you without someone telling you! So someone had to, and I made it me.

Chrom: Pyrrha...Thank you.

Pyrrha: Yeah yeah, just go find Princessy, *leaves*

Chrom: ...Did I make her mad?

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom S]

Pyrrha: Idiot! You weren't actually supposed to fall in love with him. Ugh, how am I supposed to do this war now? Maybe I should leave...I'm sure they need tacticians in another country...continent...world...

Chrom: ...You hate me so much you'd leave?

Pyrrha: Chrom! No, I just...

Chrom: Pyrrha, what did I do? You've been avoiding me, and every other man in camp. We're worried about you.

Pyrrha: You didn't do anything. The fault is my own. I'm just a fool.

Chrom: No Pyrrha, I'm a fool. For not taking your lessons to heart earlier. Here...

Pyrrha: Woahwoahwoahwoah. That's your ring. You can't seriously be...

Chrom: Yes, I want you to be my bride. And...if you taught me well...I think you want to be too.

Pyrrha: ...Maybe you're less of a blockhead than I thought...Yes, Chrom! I want to marry you. I admit, when we began, I was just playing, but...you won me over.

Chrom: Heh, I'm glad. Otherwise I wouldn't have my 'Princessy'.

Pyrrha: That sounds so weird when you say it...

CG: This is no game. I love you, my princess. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.

Edited by Wheels
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Ooh, this is interesting! Does it have to be supports with the Avatar though? What about supports between characters that didn't get any between one another? Like Chrom and Cordelia or something (not that I support the pair, it's just an example). And the DLC characters too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh that was interesting! After considering possible scenes involving heroes and masks, I came up with this biggrin.gif

Phantom x Gerome S

G: Phantom! Are you OK?

P: Oh yeah!... Well not really...My eye patch's string was cut off by a Risen's blade! What should I do! We can't be The Phantom Mask anymore! My dream of being your sidekick...

G: I don't care about your stupid eye patch! Is your face alright? Any scars?!

P: Eh?! Gerome the Hero is touching my face ! Am I dreaming? Ouch!

G: Phew... No scars...

P: Gerome the Hero is worried about me! Ah I am so happy!

G: Don't call me that! I almost let that Risen scarred your face! I am no hero!

P: No! If you did not back me up ,my face would be scarred for sure! And for Gerome the Hero to save me like that...I feel I can die with no regrets now...

G:...Seeing your stupid face makes me feel I worried for nothing.

P: Hehe...Oh no! I can't die yet! I have not fulfill my dream of being your sidekick yet! What should I do...

G: ...Phantom.

P: Yes? !!! Gerome the Hero is taking off his mask! I am really dreaming!

G: No this is not a dream! Phantom, I do not want you to be my sidekick ...

P: I-is that a ring?!

G: But rather...Will you be my wife?

P: ...AH!?!

G: The reason I wore this mask was because I dreamt of being a Hero since young. You made me realise that I have made that dream come true but after that incident, I...just want to protect you...I just want...to be your Hero...


G: Phantom...

P: I got it! We can be 'Masks of Justice' together! You have spares of your mask right? Lend me one ! Oh this will be so cool!

Confession CG- P: Just one ok? Because I won't lend you another one, my love.

Ok that CG is kind of lame tongue.gif

Haha, that one's cool, and it gives me an Idea for my own S support :)

Hmmm, let's see what I can come up with...

Well, I'll start off with Pyrrha, default backstory, but character wise, she's competitive and a flirt, and also a Pegasus Rider/Falcoknight, which puts her at odds with Cordelia, as she's always trying to be better than her. She also physically resembles Cordelia somewhat, but chooses to tie her hair up in a bid to look a little different. She saw Cordelia's love for Chrom, and decided she was going to compete against Cordelia for his affections, out of her selfish need to be better than Cordelia at just one thing.

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom C]

Pyrrha: Oh don't you worry hun, I'm not going anywhere...Bye now...

...*sigh* Why are they all so boring...

Chrom: Ahh, Pyrrha. As popular as ever with the boys I see.

Pyrrha: Only about as popular as you are with the girls, boyo, haha!

Chrom: I-I don't know what you mean! Pyrrha, you shouldn't kid me...

Pyrrha: Wait a sec. You SERIOUSLY don't know?

Chrom: Know what...?

Pyrrha: (Hmmm...this is an opportunity...)

Chrom: Huh?

Pyrrha: Oh, never mind. Look, if you seriously don't know, I'm just gonna have to teach you. Better get ready for some tough lessons~

Chrom: Suddenly I feel weak...

Pyrrha: No excuses!

Chrom: I-I think I hear Frederick calling! *leaves*

Pyrrha: Heh. This calls for some research...

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom B]

Pyrrha: Sumia was a great source of information...I need to find a pie recipe...What was his favourite again? Hmm...*mumble mumble*

Chrom: Pyrrha? It's not often I see you here among the barracks.

Pyrrha: ACK! Chrom!

Chrom: Oh, I didn't mean to startle you.

Pyrrha: *sigh* You know Chrom, you probably took 10 years off my life then. You owe me.

Chrom: Um...

Pyrrha: You're going to teach me how to cook. Come on.

Chrom: Wait, Pyrrha- GODS, DON'T GRAB THERE!

Pyrrha: *giggle* Oh, sensitive, are we~? Oh, you're blushing too, hee hee! Just think of this as another lesson~

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom A]

Chrom: ...There, the pies should be about done. Let's get them off the fire.

Pyrrha: Wow...they actually smell...good!

Chrom: Well, you have improved since we began. Thank the gods Lissa and her staff were nearby in your first attempts...

Pyrrha: Aha..haha...hah...

Chrom: It seems even our tactician isn't immune to a blush, ha ha!

Pyrrha: I...what?! But I never blush! This isn't right!

Chrom: Haha, is this what I look like when I'm flustered? No wonder everyone seems to make me so.

Pyrrha: ...Even after all these lessons, you still haven't figured it out? They fluster you because they're in love with you!

Chrom: ... ... ... Frederick...is in love with me?!

Pyrrha: ...I mean the women.

Chrom: ...Oh.

Pyrrha: You're the prince, remember? Not only that, you're pretty easy on the eyes, and with a nice personality to boot. The girls are all but literally throwing themselves at you. But you're such a blockhead, you're never gonna see the princesses in front of you without someone telling you! So someone had to, and I made it me.

Chrom: Pyrrha...Thank you.

Pyrrha: Yeah yeah, just go find Princessy, *leaves*

Chrom: ...Did I make her mad?

[spoiler=PyrrhaxChrom S]

Pyrrha: Idiot! You weren't actually supposed to fall in love with him. Ugh, how am I supposed to do this war now? Maybe I should leave...I'm sure they need tacticians in another country...continent...world...

Chrom: ...You hate me so much you'd leave?

Pyrrha: Chrom! No, I just...

Chrom: Pyrrha, what did I do? You've been avoiding me, and every other man in camp. We're worried about you.

Pyrrha: You didn't do anything. The fault is my own. I'm just a fool.

Chrom: No Pyrrha, I'm a fool. For not taking your lessons to heart earlier. Here...

Pyrrha: Woahwoahwoahwoah. That's your ring. You can't seriously be...

Chrom: Yes, I want you to be my bride. And...if you taught me well...I think you want to be too.

Pyrrha: ...Maybe you're less of a blockhead than I thought...Yes, Chrom! I want to marry you. I admit, when we began, I was just playing, but...you won me over.

Chrom: Heh, I'm glad. Otherwise I wouldn't have my 'Princessy'.

Pyrrha: That sounds so weird when you say it...

CG: This is no game. I love you, my princess. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.

Aww those are adorable.

Ooh, this is interesting! Does it have to be supports with the Avatar though? What about supports between characters that didn't get any between one another? Like Chrom and Cordelia or something (not that I support the pair, it's just an example). And the DLC characters too.

It doesn't have to be avatar, it can be anyone you thought should have had a support, or did but you wanted it different, no rules! Well, keep it tasteful, but that should be obvious, lol

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It doesn't have to be avatar, it can be anyone you thought should have had a support, or did but you wanted it different, no rules! Well, keep it tasteful, but that should be obvious, lol

Oh, neat! I think anyone can guess what support I'm doing. lol

Just give me a bit of time to write it up... lol

Edited by Anacybele
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My take on Phantom x Gerome S

G: Phantom! Are you okay?! That risen almost cut you in half!

P: Oh! Yes, I'm okay, but he almost got my eyepatch!

G: Gods you think that matters?

P: Well, without my eyepatch I'm not Phantom, and If I'm not Phantom, we can't be Phantom Mask!

G: You still want to be my sidekick?

P: Yes, of course!

G: ...


P: ?!

G: We can be Phantom Mask, under one condition.

P: Gods yes, anything, what is it, Gerome?!

G: Take this.

P: What is.. A RING?! Ah, it's beautiful, but what...?

G: Don't you see? I want you to be more than my sidekick, I want you to be my wife.

P: I... I... Why? Why me?

G: It's what you said before... about me being a hero. I've been thinking... You were right, It doesn't matter whether or not I can protect everyone, but who I protect and why.

P: Uh huh...

G: I want to protect you, for the rest of my life, because I love you. As long as you're by my side where I can protect you, I'll defend the world to my dying breath. What do you say?

P: Ahhh! Gerome! Yes, yes of course!

Confession: Well, it looks like we're Phantom Mask then, hah.

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Okay, okay, I know that I've put myself in Ylisse as the Avatar and married Chrom... but my other wish was to be a distant cousin to him, without ending up in a pairing! Also, this is not 100% me, it's how I perceive how I would be in FEA. Also, she's able to summon Einherjar.

Chrom & Melanie C

Melanie: *Chew chew chew chew*

Chrom: ...How do you do it?!

Melanie: Do what?

Chrom: Eat rhubarb like that?! You know well I hate it!

Melanie: You're missing out on healthy food, Chrom. *chew chew chew* Does explain whenever Mom makes her pie, you refuse them. It's got strawberries in it too, Chrom!

Chrom: Yes, well, her crusts weren't the best, either. Not to offend you, Mel, but I could go with a thicker size.

Melanie: Oh, so that's why you prefer Ol' Nan's pies! ...I could only handle a small slice of them, though! As good as they were, they filled you up pretty easily!

Chrom: Ha, having a bout of nostalgia there?

Melanie: Am I ever! Remember our last family reunion? All the sweets the royal cooks made were so delicious! And, haha, I think you were the only one in our group who was only served juice...

Chrom: I wasn't of age yet, and seeing all of you acting so unguarded and informal was... quite a shock.

Melanie: Alright, now you're making me feel old, and I'm younger than Emm! ...Well, not as much as you, of course. I still have seniority over you.

Chrom: Something you keep on reminding me... and yet you look as if you're the same age as Lissa!

Melanie: Oi, don't remind me of that, too, Chrom!

Chrom: H-hey! Don't attack me with that piece of rhubarb! Stop!

Chrom & Melanie B

Melanie: Ah, I could've sworn it was in my bag...

Chrom: Melanie.

Melanie: AAAAAYYYYIIIIIEEEEEE! Huff, huff... Chrom, what are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?!

Chrom: Ah, no, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!

Melanie: ...Okay, no problem. My real problem is this- I can't find a particular Einherjar of mine.

Chrom: Which one?

Melanie: It was a rare one of the Radiant Hero, Ike, at the beginning of his adventures.

Chrom: Ah, yes, the weakest one you've mentioned before. It was your very first one, wasn't it?

Melanie: Yes, and right now, I can't seem to find it...

Chrom: It wouldn't be this one, right?

Melanie: ...Ah! Yes, that's it! But... How did you get it?

Chrom: It slipped out of your pocket, and I picked it up. I thought perhaps it should've returned to its rightful owner.

Melanie: How kind of you! But really, how did you get it? It wasn't in my pocket, it should in my bag. I never, ever put an Einherjar in my pocket, too risky.

Chrom: Alright, then, it slipped out of your bag somehow. All I know was that Robin saw your card, and I picked it up.

Melanie: So you're saying you weren't planning on using him to boost your troops?

Chrom: Now, why would I do that to my cousin? Distant we may be, but you're dear to me, Melanie.

Melanie: Uhuhuhu... rhyming, are we? But no worries, I believe you. It's just this particular card was given to me by my grandmother, and, well, I really don't want to lose it!

Chrom: I don't blame you. The two of you are very close, I'm kinda envious.

Melanie: Hey, don't beat yourself up after everything that's happened to you. Some things are out of your control.

Chrom: ...If only my father was as kind and peaceful as Emmeryn was...

Melanie: Chrom...

Chrom & Melanie A

Melanie: Dance, dear, dance until you drop, dance until the world has begun to stop...

Chrom: It's not often I hear you sing that song.

Melanie: It's an old classic, said to originate from Tellius.

Chrom: Where the Radiant Hero is said to come, right?

Melanie: It was a popular song to dance at harvest festivals, they say. My ancestors on my mother's side brought it back from there.

Chrom: ...I didn't knew your ancestors was from there.

Melanie: You never? Hell, I checked my genealogy, and I can get as far as the time of Ike!

Chrom: Really? Whom do you descent from?

Melanie: No one in particular in the history books, just a prominent family in Crimean nobility who never went to war.

Chrom: You sound almost disappointed.

Melanie: I'm fine with being a member of House Ylisse's branch families, but it would have been great if it turned out I was related to Queen Elincia, or Empress Sanaki, or even Ike, you know? To be proudly able to say my foreign ancestors did something meaningful to an entire country or continent. I think that's why, besides it being from my grandmother, I really cherish that Einherjar of Ike's. Because at least I have an actual piece of Tellius in my hands.

Chrom: That certainly makes sense. It's a great way to think of something special to you.

Melanie: Yeah, but what's funny is that it's not even my favorite one. I hold an even rarer Einherjar that lacks combat compatibilities... an adorable sheep, if you'd use Shepherd terms.

Chrom: Why the need for that? Weren't they made for combat?

Melanie: Not always. There were study Einherjar that lack those skills to, well, study famous heroes. Why they did what they did, how they thought, how they became the person in history... I hold one very special card like that.

Chrom: I'd like to see it, if you wouldn't mind.

Melanie: Oh, of course! Let me see in my bag here, there's the study ones... Aha! Right at the end. A one of a kind Einherjar, this is perhaps one of the most interesting there is.

Chrom: It's Ike... as a child?! What in the- how can you have such a card?!

Melanie: While the first one was given to me by my grandmother, this one was brought back from Tellius itself. It's a rare glimpse at a hero, before everything that befell him, back when his family was whole. I've summoned him before... he reminded me so much of you at that age.

Chrom: I...

Melanie: So, Chrom, you shouldn't let what your father did trouble you anymore. You choose how to live your life from now on. Just like Ike, don't let your ancestors define you, be who you are and show it. Don't let your past drag you down- learn the lessons and aim for a bright future. Because I, for one, am not going to let anyone stand in my way for my future!

Chrom: Hahaha... of course, that's just like you, Mel. But thank you... for opening my eyes.

Melanie: No problem. I'm always here whenever you need to talk. And, hey, maybe I'll even summon a study Einherjar one of those days if you're looking for someone interesting to talk to!

Chrom: I'll probably do that, then!

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hmmm let's see how about this

Chrom x Archie/me C

Archie:Let's see the swords are hear and the lances are hear and ........................... mann i am hungry let's go cook me.

Chrom:man what is that good smell it's coming from the kitchen sees Archie cooking what are you cooking Archie?

Archie:A steak sandwich i am cooking the steak now.

Chrom:It smells good can i have some when your done?

Archie:Ya sure I don't mind just you have to do the laundry

Chrom:Ok I will do the laundry for you Archie.

Archie:Yay ........I am done let's eat!

Chrom:Taste good I like it how do you make it so good?

Archie:It's a secret recipe

Chrom:What is in the secret recipe?

Archie:It's a secret recipe I am not going to tell you that's why it is a secret you know

Chrom:Oh yeah that is why it is a secret

Archie:Idiot of course that is why kicks Chrome

Chrom:OWW that's hurts

Archie:I know it hurts i do not care

Chrom:You are a jerk sometimes you know that.

Chrom x Archie/me B

Archie:Hey ya Chrome how is your stomach from when i kicked it?

Chrom:I am trying to not think about that

Archie:Ok then we will not talk about that

Chrom:Thanks anyway for the food

Archie:No problem you did do the laundry for me and do you want some more food i was going to cook some pancakes with bacon sausage and french toast

Chrom:As long as you do not hit me again sure i will help to but pancakes in the afternoon?

Archie: Ok thanks and yes pancakes in the afternoon i like them so it's ok

Chrom:True pancakes are good any time

Archie:Ok let's go to the kitchen .............. it's done

Chrom:Taste good is there any thing you cannot make taste good?

Archie:Vegetables I do not like Vegetables at all

Chrom:Yup they do not taste good at all

Archie:Hey can you help me train i am not that good at using swords

Chrom:Really I think you are really good but sure if I can help you I will

Archie:Thanks Chrome trust me I am nowhere as good as you

Chrom:Will see will see

Chrom x Archie/me A

Archie:Haaa and haaah!

Chrom:See you are pretty good

Archie:No way you had no problem blocking my attacks!

Chrom:Yeah but nether did you

Archie:No it was hard now i am hungry now

Chrom:You to cause i am hungry as well

Archie:Then let's eat well what do you want to eat?

Chrom:Soup maybe Beef Stew?

Archie:Sounds good let's do it....done

Chrom:Better then last it's really good Archie

Archie:Thanks Chrome makes me happy knowing that someone likes my food

Chrom:Makes me happy eating it

Chrom x Archie/me S

Archie:Hey Chrome

Chrom:Yeah what's up

Archie:Let's go train

Chrom:Rite now?

Archie:Ya why not let's go

Chrom:Ok why not

Archie:......................Hahaahah your getting better Chrome

Chrom:You to Archie umm Archie


Chrom:I know this is a really odd place and time to do this but i still am Archie will you merry me?

Archie:This is for me?


Archie:Then I am sorry I can not accept this from you Chrome

Chrom:Why not do you not love me

Archie:No I love you but..

Chrom:Then accept it please!

Archie:But a noble like you marrying a random girl from the street what will they think of you and me?

Chrom:I do not care what they think all i know is that I love you and i want to be with you for my whole life for all i care Emm can disapprove of you and me marrying I will not let them stop us!

Archie:If that is the case then I will accept your heart and this ring.


Archie:No person can take my love from you My Love :Chrom:I am so happy that I met you My Love I will stay with you forever and more.

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-> Honestly doesn't think this is necroposting, may be wrong because I'm a bit thick

It's kind of a work in progress on the side, but Cordelia/Chrom (Stopping at A because I'm a sadistic bastard)

C Support:

Chrom: Cordelia?

Cordelia: Aah! Captain!

Chrom: Sorry! Did I startle you?

Cordelia: Yes-I mean, no. I was just distracted.

Chrom: I just wanted to check that you were okay. Everyone's worried about you.

Cordelia: Worried?

Chrom: Yeah, you seem to be distancing yourself.

Cordelia: ...I see. Thank you, Captain.

Chrom: Good. Talk to me if you have any more problems.

*Chrom Leaves*

Cordelia: ...damn it...

B Support:


A Support:

Only the ending of it finished to a point where I would put it online.

Chrom: There's this girl that's really important to me, and I have no clue how to tell her.

Cordelia: Excuse me?

Chrom: I was hoping, since we're such good friends now...could you help?

Cordelia: I...does she make you happy?

Chrom: More than you could imagine.

Cordelia: I...I see. Well, I guess you should just...talk to her.

Chrom: That easy, huh?

Cordelia: It's not as easy as you might think to tell someone you love them.

Chrom: ...right. Thank you, Cordelia.

*Chrom leaves*

Cordelia: ...ah...*Close eyes*...ahhh...C-captain...

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So, I've been having a bit of trouble with that support I mentioned I was working on earlier (though I did finish the C support), but I did come up with something else. :3

I would have added this to the end of the S support of Frederick and Female Avatar:

Avatar: Frederick, you are just so wonderful. I want to call you Freddy Bear again! Because you're so sweet and cute. But I know you hated that name.

Frederick: Heh, actually, I wouldn't mind that now. Just don't use it in public, okay?

Avatar: Oh, really? And of course, that would be silly. But you'll be my Freddy Bear forever and ever?

Frederick: Yes. Yes, I will. I'll be your Freddy Bear forever and always.

Cue Freddy Bear's confession. :3

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Meh, I'll toss some out.

My character is Metztli, a female mercenary with desire for battles. Often goes on a solo mission at all time to get dinner in her stomach. She has a blood toned hair let down to her breasts, with partial hanging over her neck.

The conversation will be between Metztli and Chrom. And instead of those MU(F) x Chrom conversation about clothings, I'll put in my own improvised chat.

[spoiler=Metztli x Chrom - C Support]

Chrom: Metztli? Where are you Metztli?

A small rustle noise from a nearby bush on the forest side. Metztli shows up exhausted and panting with sweats.

Metztli: Did you wants something, Chrom?

Chrom: I was wondering where you were off to. Are you alright? ...Is that blood on your shoulder pad?

The woman looks hastily at Chrom, and dismiss it.

Metztli: Nothing to worry over. Why do you wants to know where I am?

Chrom: I can't keep knowledge of where my comrades are? Surely you must know that.

The Bloodstained Warrior stands there staring at the commander, making a grim face knowing he is correct.

Chrom: Were you fighting someone?

A deathly silence lingers around Metztli.

Metztli: Yes. You're not getting the reason though, now if I may be on my way to my tent.

Chrom: Why won't you tell me the reasoning?

Metztli: ...

I don't trust you, nor your men. I'm only here for my own benefits.

Metztli leave Chrom standing idle with nothing but thoughts to listen to.

I'll post Support B,A,S later.

[spoiler=Metztli x Chrom - B Support]

A crimson haired woman leave her tent walking calmly toward the forest edge.

Chrom: Where do you think you're going?

Metztli gasps and turns around and see Prince Chrom directly ahead arm crossed.

Metztli: Nowhere. I'm just taking a nocturne breather.

The exalt's brother simply nods.

Chrom: In that case, I'll come along too. If you don't mind my companionship.

Awkward silence comes from Metztli, not knowing how to respond to that.

Metztli: I'm not very pleasant to take a walk with.

Successive excuse!

Chrom: Surely, you can't be all that bad to have a conversation. Beside, you can't order me to stay behind. I'm coming along whether you likes it or not.

Murderous intention emits from Metztli.

Metztli: Fine, but don't blame me if you were to disappears during it.

I am a sellsword after all, not a bodyguard.

Chrom: I'm not so weak to always need protection. Thanks for the warning, Metztli.

Metztli: You may wants to draw your sword when we reach the destination.

Some time later...

Metztli runs into the Shepherd encampment yelling for help.

Metztli: Someone helps Chrom!

Frederick rush in.

Frederick: What in the... What happened to Prince?!

Metztli: He got wounded protecting me from a brutal ambush!

Chrom: Easy there, Metztli... Not a big deal to worry over...

Metztli's eyes wells up with a grimace frown.

Metztli: Chrom, you idiot!

[spoiler= Metztli x Chrom - A Support]

Chrom: Metztli!

Metztli: Chrom?! S-Shouldn't you be resting?

Hasty laughter from the prince.

Chrom: If I didn't fight together with my comrades from the front line, I would be pitied on.


Metztli: Why did you protect me back then? I am capable of looking after myself you know.

Chrom: Ah...I don't know myself. Why did you donate what you received from your daily missions to our?

Eerie silence.

Metztli: ... I thought we might lose the war if I didn't.

Chrom: You didn't have to. They were not what we earned, but what you earned. You worked for it with your own blood and sweat alone. Getting rid of rogues, and barbarians at the villages nearby, that was all you, not us.

The room is quiet.

Metztli: Why did you protect me back there? Answer this with honesty.

Chrom: I didn't want to lose another fine soldier, especially one as strong as you.

Metztli blushes and runs off.

Chrom: Metzt-...!

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I've been working on two, mainly out of boredom.

Aria pretty much takes the place of Avatar, whose slightly scatterbrained when not on the battlefield or working on new strategies, she is the most likely to lose track of time in the army. She can S support with Henry, Lon'qu or Inigo. The only support I've gotten done is Aria x Chrom

[spoiler=Chrom x Aria C]

Aira: Hiyah! Yah!

Chrom: Still training, Aria?

Aira: Hah? Ah, Chrom, yes I am, after all I need wit as well as training on the battle field.

Chrom: I see... Mind a partner then?

Aria: Not particularly... I was planning to go eat lunch actually.

Chrom: What? Aria, you do realize it's PAST dinner right?

Aria: What? Oh no... Please excuse me!

Chrom: Ah, wait!


Chrom: She's gone, she'd headed the wrong way.

[spoiler=Chrom x Aria B]

Chrom: Hm... Aria.

Aria: Hah! O- oh hello Chrom.

Chrom: What are you doing?

Aria: I'm planning new strategies, the battles have just been becoming more difficult as time passes, I need to keep us ready for anything.

Chrom: That's good... When did you start?

Aria: Huh? What do you mean? I started with the rising su- Oh! When did it become so dark?

Chrom: It's good that you such things for us, but if your forgetting your needs to balance thi-

Aria: Yes, understood sir, now excuse me!

Chrom: Aria!... Sheesh, shes gone again... She's going to get in trouble one day because of this...

[spoiler=Chrom x Aria A]

Aria:... Ah... I feel faint and odd...

Chrom: Aria?!


Aria: Nngh...

Chrom: Good, your awake... That was close...

Aria: Eh? Where am I?

Chrom: In your tent, Lissa just left, she was quite angry you know. I can't believe you could forgot about such a large gash on yourself!

Aria: Really? I apologize for causing so much trouble... I hadn't realized...

Chrom: If you really want to apologize then take better care of yourself, I don't know what we'd do without you.

Aria:... I'm really sorry... I'm really troublesome aren't I?

Chrom:... I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, I really was worried. How about we watching each others backs then? After all I slip up sometimes too

Aria:... Alright, promise, though I don't believe you'd slip up that easily.

Chrom: Haha!

I guess it's okay for something I came up randomly in class.

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Enter Noctus, an assassin that came with Lucina from the future after her fathers death. Noctus was Lucinas bodyguard as well as closest friend as the two were insuperable. However when Noctus had followed Lucina the timestream had distorted and knocked him way off course, making him lose his memories as well and being found by Chrom and the group. He's calm, composed and is perceptive of the behaviors of others around him but is a bit of a joker at times but gets the job done. His main dream is to become a paladin one day so he can protect those close to him. Also I made the A support signify a little relationship before marriage happen so the S support doesn't feel outta place.

[spoiler=Lucina x Noctus C]

Noctus: Ah Lucina, It seems the gods smile upon me today. If you don't mind or have the time, I'd like to talk about something.

Lucina: What a coincidence here as well, I was just looking for you.

Noctus: Ne? Isn't that a surprise, well what did you need? A emergency strategy meeting, a private sparring session?

Lucina: Erm, no. I was just wondering about your memories, has anything returned to you since that night in Plegia?

Noctus: Hehe, sorry, theres still blanks occupying my mind as well as just bits and fragments of a few memories. Other than that I don't remember a thing even though there is something else that bothered me that night, it was when you had called me old friend in a whisper as if we've met before.

Lucina: Hm? You are mistaken, I remember saying no such thing.

Noctus: Hah, knew it! You're a terrible liar just like your father, except the only difference is that you tend to twitch your lips instead of mess around with the falchion. Spill it, what are you hiding?

Lucina: Hmph, as perceptive as you were back then, I'm glad that hadn't changed.

Noctus: You knew me in the future then?! What was I like, do i ever better myself with a sword, did I ever get married, do I ever grow?

Lucina: S-sorry, I can't answer your questions as of right now.

Noctus: More like you won't geez Lucina it's ok if you don't want to tell me and all but please don't lie about it to me.

Lucina: Apologies, I had hoped you wouldn't have caught on to that.

Noctus: No worries but tell you what, how about we spar? If my performance satisfies you or i win, then you have to tell me something each time until i heard enough. We have a deal?

Lucina:Those are agreeable terms just like always, I await the next time we can meet.

Noctus: Lucina...

[spoiler=Lucina x Noctus B]

Noctus: Hup!

Lucina: Ngh, too slow!

Noctus: Gah, careful! You almost took my head off there.

Lucina: Remember what I said when we began? "You'll get no sympathy from me."

Noctus: Yeah, yeah. Anyway let's go again, I'm not satisfied with the way I fought.

Lucina: Sorry but we'll have to rest, you can hardly stand after that last strike.

Noctus: Whatever happened to "no sympathies"?

Lucina: *giggle* Only because you weren't so beaten and broken, I only wish you had lost that stubbornness of yours. However it was your most defining trait back then.

Noctus: So I take it that you were satisfied with my performance with a sword then?

Lucina: *gasp* That slipped out, besides you're the same as ever in terms of sword skill. However it seems you've changed it up a bit, maybe you've been studying my movements?

Noctus: Not really, I just fought however came to mind. It's not really that impressive yet.

Lucina: I disagree, the way you moved made it harder to catch you and your sword swings were faster than anyone of your stature could provide.

Noctus: Thanks, tell me this one last thing Lucina. did I fight like this back in the future, or did I have my own defined style?

Lucina: Only after this you did.

Noctus: Hm? Ohhh I get it, you're telling me after this fight. Alright then, prepare yourself.

[spoiler= Lucina x Noctus A]

Noctus: Whew, I still can't keep up with her even after this long. She's different than what my memories are telling me though, maybe it's because that was a different me though.

Lucina: Is there something wrong Noctus, you were sitting here talking to yourself that I was worried spirits possessed you.

Noctus: BWAH! Stop doing that Lucina I've told you to...stop...sneaking...up on me?

Lucina: Hm? Now there is something wrong that you aren't telling me, did you perhaps remember anything?

Noctus: If you really must know then yeah, I remembered a whole ton of things but...

Lucina:...But what? Are they unsettling memories? If so than I must apologize for making you recall such dreadful memories.

Noctus: I never said that now did I Lucy? It's just the memories I regained were times with you, ones I'm sure weren't here but back at Ylsse.


Noctus: It's weird but thinking about it now I'm mad that I forgot about someone as important as you and the reason I wound up in this time.

Lucina: Noctus...

Noctus: Don't worry I'm sure glad this was bought on by the too many knocks to the head you gave me. I know now that I came back here with you Lucina, so that you wouldn't go through the pain of losing your father ever again. I promised you that so don't worry about a thing.

Lucina: Ah yes, I'm glad to have been of some help.

Noctus: Actually though, there was something else I remembered though.

Lucina: What would that be?

Noctus: Well lemme just say this, from now on even though I'm nowhere near where i want nor should be at to be as well a knight as Frederick was. I'm still going to defend you as I promised, I hope you'll accept me even though I'm a knave.

Lucina: Noctus...*smiles*Yes, I'd gladly take a knave with me into battle knowing he has my back then someone who has to look over me.

Noctus: Right! Let's ride onward!

[spoiler=Lucina x Noctus S]

Noctus: Alright, nice to see that I'm back into the fight.

Lucina: Remember to pace yourself, it does you no good to leave the enemy knowledge that you are tired.

Noctus: I know, I know, It's just great that i'm fighting alongside you again that I'm brimming with spirit.

Lucina: Hm, I'm glad to hear that. ?! Noctus careful!

Noctus: Huh?!

*An enemy risen comes to attack Noctus but Lucina blocks it while Noctus finishes it*

Noctus: Whoa, didn't expect that to happen...Ngh, Lucina you're hurt!

Lucina: Don't worry I'll live, it's merely a scratch.

Noctus: A scratch?! A scratch is all it takes to harm even the most hardiest of men. If I had lost you all thanks to a scratch then I don't know what I'd do then.

Lucina: Noctus?

Noctus: Nah! Now you've got me flustered and babbling like a love-stricken fool, not that it'd be that bad mind you.

Lucina: Love-stricken? You mean that you're in love with me?

Noctus: No! I mean yes I am but I'm just a lowly knave and marrying an heiress like you would put shame upon your families honor would it not?

Lucina: Honor shamed or not it does not matter, my father told me that when I found the one I loved then to not worry about such matters.

Noctus: But my promise! I still haven't kept it to you!

Lucina: Promise or not, you've had my heart all along! The times we've fought together on the field, the times we've played, we've spared...was there not a spark of feeling you felt?!

Noctus: Yes I admit that from those times I had developed feelings but I brushed them aside just so we could continue being like we were, I was afraid that if i told you....that if I told you then you'd leave me and we wouldn't be friends anymore. Thats why I hung on to that promise, to remind myself that I had a reason to stay by your side.

Lucina: Even without that promise I'd still want you by my side no matter what. Simply because I love you for you and not what you can become.

Noctus: Lucina....I....I love you too, there I said it. The words I've wanted to say to you ever since I remembered who you were to me and everything. In fact I have a gift for you, something I remembered was your favorite, sorry if they seem not perfect.

Lucina: These are?!

Noctus: Yes, they're the flowers that grew in the gardens of Ylsse when we planted them and helped to nurture them to health. I had found a grove of them and thought that they'd make the perfect gift for the woman I loved.

Lucina: They're so pretty, just like the ones we had specially picked.

Noctus: Yeah, I thought it'd be perfect.

Lucina: Perfect for what?

Noctus: Perfect to express that I'm honestly in love with you, enough to even ask this out loud.

*Noctus takes Lucinas hand*

Noctus: Lucina, will you do me the honor of becoming my bride?

Lucina: Huh?!

Noctus: Yes, marry me Lucina! So then I may continue to protect and serve you for as long as I live, I understand if you don't want me as a husband...

Lucina: Yes, a thousand times yes my friend-I mean, My husband.

Noctus: Lucina...Are you sure, once we go done this path, there's no going back.

Lucina: I know and thats why...

*Confession CG here*

(Lucina: I'll pledge my life to you as you've to mine, forever shall our love guide us no matter our fates or what the new future holds. I'll be glad as long as I can share it with you every moment.)

I hope that you all like it and I hope that Lucina doesn't seem too out of character/ at all since I kinda had trouble of making her seem respectable while talking to an old friend who didn't remember her. Also if anyone can tell me why the spoiler tags for Support B aren't working it'd be appreciated since they're the same as my other tags.

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I want to make a Avatar named Charlotte and character wise well she is a lady of swords she acts like part Maribelle part Say'ri and she is a Trickster so this is a support for her and her husband Lon'qu

Charlotte x Lon'qu C

Lon'qu:Hello Charlotte

Charlotte:Ahhh Lon'qu is that how you threat a lady?

Lon'qu:Charlotte can you come with me I want to train with Chrom?

Charlotte:Very well I will come i never miss a sword fight.

Lon'qu:Thank you...............ahh haa.

Charlotte:You won good job let me heal you now.

Lon'qu:No that was not a performance for a good job I should have done better i made so many mistakes he hit me when i should have dodged.

Charlotte:You still won and that is good or am I wrong sure you did not do the best in the world but it is better then losing no.

Lon'qu:No I must be the best if I am going to ever beat Basilio in a fight.

Charlotte:Yes maybe so but Chrom bested Marth who bested you you have be come better and beat Chrom that is good no.

Lon'qu:Yes but still I am not good enough.

Charlotte:Even so.

Lon'qu:Even so what?

Charlotte:That is not how to talk to a lady and Even so YOU one over Chorm

Charlotte x Lon'qu B

Charlotte:My God why will he not let me near him in battle but when I try to come near him in base is fine with it what in the heavens above this dose not make sense..................There you are!

Lon'qu:What?! oh Charlotte.

Charlotte:I have found you stay near me in battle.


Charlotte:You have been avoiding me in battle but not hear why?

Lon'qu:I am bad with women

Charlotte:Then don't think of me as a women or let me help you please.

Lon'qu:You can not do anything about it so no.

Charlotte:How do you know?

Lon'qu:It is my problem I know what it is.

Charlotte:I ask again how do you know maybe I can so let my try.

Lon'qu:I see you will not give up fine I will let you try and I will try to stay near you in battle.

Charlotte x Lon'qu A


Lon'qu:Hmm she is sleeping Charlotte wake up.

Charlotte:!...oh it's just you Lon'qu.

Lon'qu:Please take away your sword from my throat that would be nice.

Charlotte:Oh yes I should "takes away sword"

Lon'qu:Thanks I came to give you this.

Charlotte:This is a beautiful staff.

Lon'qu:It is from Chrom.

Charlotte:Tell him I said thanks.

Lon'qu:What's wrong you do not sound like you usually do

Charlotte:It's just that..

Lon'qu:It's just that what?

Charlotte:I wish that people would threat me like I am not a healer I really wanted to become a Swordmaster like you but my parents made me become a healer and i hated it i just wanted to use swords i love them.

Lon'qu:You said you wanted to become a Swordmaster not any more?

Charlotte:Yeah I wanted I just felt like using because all that work learning staffs i just said why not if I can use swords and staffs why not.

Lon'qu:You seem happy.

Charlotte:I am.

Charlotte x Lon'qu S

Lon'qu:Charlotte come with me please

Charlotte:Very well ok

Lon'qu:Charlotte this is for you

Charlotte:This is amazing thank you

Lon'qu:Charlotte will you marry me?

Charlotte:Wait what?!

Lon'qu:Will you marry me?

Charlotte:Yes oh yes I have always love you Lon'qu as soon as i saw you you are

my love.

Lon'qu:Thank you Charlotte and you aren't wondering wear is your ring?

Charlotte:Oh umm I thought sword was the ring

Lon'qu:You are not wrong I did not know how you would take it


Charlotte:Thank you this sword is means more then to me then any ring

Lon'qu:I may not be Chrom but I love you and will make you happy forever

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I'll try my hand at it.

Tiara, my Avatar, has some self-insert characteristics, such as drawing, praying to God like Japanese!Libra, and low self-esteem, always selling herself short in areas she's clearly good in. Tomes somehow make her feel uncomfortable, and goes the way of melee weapons. She hopes to be a War Cleric at some point in time.

The Tiara x Libra supports will follow the Japanese version, since it'll be very off otherwise. Sorry in advance if this isn't allowed.

So far, I've done only the C support. I think it needs a little polishing...

[spoiler=Tiara x Libra]

[spoiler=Tiara x Libra C]

[Tiara is alone with her eyes closed]

Tiara: (…I thank You, Father God, that You are with us.)

(May the army be blessed with heath and food, and their needs met.)

(I thank You for wisdom in the next conflict, and may everyone be protec--)

[Enter Libra]

Libra: Ah, Tiara. Pardon me. I didn't know you were praying.

[Tiara opens her eyes]

Tiara: Hm? Oh, hello, Libra. I was just finishing up.

Was there something you needed?

Libra: Ah, no. I was going to pray as well.

I was about to request the Lord for guidance on my next drawing…

Tiara: Ooh! You draw artwork?

Libra: Why, yes. Are you interested in looking at them?

Tiara: Of course!

I draw as well, but… I don’t know. It’s not the best in the world…

…Maybe we can exchange and critique them sometime?

Libra: I’ll be glad to.

Since we’re both here, shall we pray together?

Tiara: Alright.

But… my prayers seem silly when spoken aloud...

I'm sorry in advance if it sounds horrible...

Libra: Worry not about it.

Let us begin…

It's pretty fun to read everyone else's supports, I must say.

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Here's the last part of the supports.

Read C, B, A Supports before reading this one if you have yet to read them.

[spoiler=Metztli x Chrom - S Support]

Chrom: There you are, Metztli!

Metztli: C-Chrom?!

Metztli tries to get away from the middle child, but Chrom manages to grab her arm.

Chrom: Why are you avoiding me for the past week?

The bloodstain warrior usually so reserved, stammers in presence of the prince.

Metztli: I-I thought if you died doing the missions with m-m-m-me, the a-a-army would exile me away, leaving me p-p-payless...

I n-n-need food after all...

A finger is placed upon Metztli's lips hushing her.

Chrom: Just hear me out, Metztli...


Chrom: Metztli, despite the grim outcome of that one mission together, I enjoyed it.

Metztli: ...

Chrom: I don't know why, but being with you makes my blade less heavy.

Metztli: ...!

Chrom: I would likes to continue these kind of things with you. If you'll accept me...

Metztli: A-a-a-are you proposing to m-m-m-m-me?!

Chrom brings out a fine piece of jewelry designed for a finger.

Chrom: If you would spend a lifetime at my side, I would spend my life for you with my blade.

Metztli cups her hands over her mouth, tears welling up, and finally released.

Metztli: Chrom... Thank you...

Chrom: Our two blades together are one edge, Metztli...

That wasn't so loveydovey that I had in my head.

Oh well, not bad I guess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was thinking about starting a thread like that but since it already exist... I'll post mine here. It will involve my self-insert. Just so you know, she's not the Avatar at all, just a regular Mage/Sage who join the Shepherds if they help her save her village from bandits. Her name is Melanie, or Mel. She's kinda chubby but also with nice curves. Brown with copper higlights hair in a pixie cut. Dark brown (almost black) eyes. Light skin but blush easily. Rectangular glasses. Awakening-style Mage outfit in purple and silver-grey.She is the typical nice girl. She's friendly, fun to be around and she never "judge a book by it's cover". She is always ready to help others, though she hate asking for help if she need help herself. While she's not usually shy, she will become shy if she's alone with someone she like. She also believe in giving people second chances, so she'll probably be the first one to accept ex-bad guys and to try and befriend them. She's quite smart and a bookworm. She's usually laid-back, calm and extremely hard to anger but if somehow you do manage to anger her, you will wish to be dead... Though that if you say that you are sorry, she'll probably forgive you and go back to her usual friendly self. Because of her personality, she is the one with the second most possible supports (only the Robins have more supports than her) and the only one beside Robin to be able to romance some of the Spotpass characters and kid characters.

[spoiler=Mel/Gangrel supports]

[spoiler=C support]Mel: Hello Sir! Do you want me to show you around, since you just joined us? My name is Melanie, but you can call me Mel, if you want to.

Gangrel: ...

Mel: Sir?

Gangrel: Do you have any idea of who I am?

Mel: Of course I do. You are Gangrel, King... well, ex-King of Plegia. We fought you two years ago. Why are you asking?

Gangrel: If you know who I am, then why are you nice to me? You should hate and ignore me...

Mel: Why? You accepted to join us, so I consider that you deserve a second chance. So... Do you want me to show you around or what, Sir?

Gangrel: All right. Show me around. But don't call me Sir. Call me Gangrel

Mel: Yes Sir... I mean... Gangrel!

[spoiler=B support]Gangrel: What are you reading, Mel?

Mel: Eeeeek! Don't surprise me like that!

Gangrel: Gwahahah! You should have seen your face!

Mel: Hehehe! I think I almost got an heart attack! How can you be so silent when you walk?

Gangrel: Years of pratice! So... What are you reading?

Mel: Just a nice little story about an evil king who change his old ways because he fall in love. Yeah, cheesy, I know. I'm not fond of romance stories usually, but that one have something more interesting. Maybe because the main character remember me of a friend of mine.

Gangrel: Sound completely unrealistic, if you ask me... But somehow, it's also sound somewhat interesting. Could I read it after you?

Mel: Yeah, of course!

[spoiler=A support]Mel: So, what do you think of the book?

Gangrel: More interesting than I though it would be. I still can't believe that the king managed to get the girl at the end. I think he didn't deserve such a nice woman...

Mel: Why not? He changed his old ways and became a better man. I don't see why he couldn't get the girl.

Gangrel: He might've changed his old ways, he still did horrible things before. Such things can't be forgotten so easily.

Mel: Why not? The past is the past. Yes, he made mistakes, but everybody make mistakes at some parts of their life. Everybody deserve a second chance, a chance to start anew.

Gangrel: ... You really think so? Even if he killed and tortured innocent peoples and started wars, you still think that he deserved a second chance?

Mel: Yes, that's what I think.

Gangrel: You... are way too nice. People like him... like me... deserve nothing else than dying.

Mel: Gangrel...

Gangrel: What? W... Why are you hugging me?

Mel: Don't say that. You are changing. I know you are. And therefore, you deserve a second chance. Don't die on me, I don't want to loose one of my best friend.

Gangrel: Mel, I... Thank you. I think you are right. Maybe I am changing. Maybe I can be a better man, like the king of your book.

Mel: Yes! And I will help you *blush* like the girl from the book... Sorry, I have to go, I have a training session with Frederick in 5 minutes... See you later, Ganny!

*Mel leave*

Gangrel: Wait... Did she just compared herself to the girl from the book? Do that mean that she... Nah, I'm probably wrong! Wait... and did she called me Ganny?!

[spoiler=S support]Gangrel: Mel! Here you are!

Mel: *blush* Oh... hm... Hello Gangrel...

Gangrel: You seem to be quite distant recently. Is anything wrong?

Mel: ... hm... no... not at all...

Gangrel: Really? Because I had the feeling that you were avoiding me.

Mel: I... hm... actually... you see...

Gangrel: And since when are you so shy with me? Not only you are stuttering, but you are blushing. You know, we're friend, you can tell me what's wrong.

Mel:... I can't... I... I don't want to loose your friendship...

Gangrel: Seriously? What could you possibly have done that could make you loose my friendship? If you accepted me even with what I did before, I can't see how I could stop being your friend for anything you might have done. That would be simply ridiculous.

Mel: Gangrel... I... I think... I might've... ... ... ...

Gangrel: Sorry, I didn't quite catched that last part. Can you repeat a bit louder?

Mel: ... I think I love you!

Gangrel: Oh... So you really are like the girl from your book...

Mel: I'm sorry...

Gangrel: Wait, wait... You are sorry because you fell in love with me?

Mel: I don't want to loose your friendship. I know that you don't love me, please forget what I... ...

Gangrel: ...

Mel: Did you just... kissed... me?

Gangrel: You are usually clever than that. How could I not fall in love with you after what you did for me. You showed me the way to become a better man. You were nice with me even when knowing what I did before. And I need you by my side to make sure that I don't return to my old ways. I love you, I really do. Will you marry me?

Mel: Oh Ganny! Of course I will! I love you!

Gangrel: Can we kiss again, now?

[spoiler=Ending]After many years of hard work, Gangrel managed to become Plegias's king once again. Thanks to his wife, Melanie, he became a great king loved by all.

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I guess I'll try.

Elise is a sociable and humble Pegasus Knight who volunteers for the Shepherds. She's a best friend of Cordelia, and she helds a great respect for her. She likes drawing and reading books when she's not fighting. Eavesdrops the most in the army.

(Elise is actually somewhat based on me)

[spoiler=Elise/Cordelia©]E: Hmm, this to that...

C: What are you doing, Elise?

E: Oh, I'm sorting the weapons. But I'm still confused about these.

C: Well, let me help you.

E: But I don't want to bother you...

C: No, it's not bothering me at all. It was my duty to help others.

E: Oh...well, thanks then.

C: If you need any help, just ask me anything. I would gladly help you.

E: Yes, ma'am!

[spoiler=Elise/Cordelia(B)]E: What are you doing there, Cordelia?

C: Oh, I'm restocking the supplies. We'll never know what'll happen next, so it's better to be fully prepared.

E: I don't know that you're really this dedicated! There must be something that really drives you...

C: Well, you do hear the story, right? About how I escaped the raid?

E: Yes, I do. It was quite sad. And still, you endured that and stay strong.

C: Maybe you can say that's one of the reasons for that. But still, on that moment, I feel like I'm running away...

E: No way! They gave their life for you! That's something, you know!

C: Yes, and that's why I should do my best. It's for their sake.

E: Now that I've heard that from you, next time, I'm going to try my best too!

C: Ah, good for you then. I'm glad that you're being so determined.

[spoiler=Elise/Cordelia(A)]-If Cordelia is single-

C: You look really spirited these days, Elise.

E: Of course I do! Since that day, I promised to do my best.

C: That's a good thing, but don't push yourself too hard.

E: All right...and I've known that you had a long-time crush on Chrom.

C: ...How did you know?E: Oops! Sorry, I don't meant any offence!

C: That's OK. Besides, some people already know that...

E: Still though, I know that unrequited love hurts. If I were you I'd search for another man instead.

C: I know...maybe I'll just let it slip and as the time passes I would forget my love for him.

E: Well, that's settled then. And I'm glad I could give you an advice, since you're an inspiration to me.

C: Heh, I guess I'll take that as a compliment. And...thank you for your advice.

E: The pleasure is mine!

-If Cordelia is married-

C: You look really spirited these days, Elise.

E: Of course I do! Since that day, I promised to do my best.

C: That's a good thing, but don't push yourself too hard.

E: All right...and I've known that you had a long-time crush on Chrom.

C: Well, actually, I don't really have it anymore.

E: What? But from what I've heard I could confirm that it was true!

C: I'd say that you're right, but that's an old story. I've found a man of my match now.

E: Well, good for you then!

C: Yeah, and I'd say I'm quite happy with my current condition.

E: Hehe, guess I could say the Miss Perfect has found her perfect match!

C: Oh, stop it, Elise! You're embarassing me.

split the A support into 2, just because. =P

And this is quite fun to write actually.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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This is an edited version of Chrom X FeAvatar S support. This is actually what I thought Chrom was going to say at first lol! (Well, at least it's what I hoped he was going to say.)

Chrom: All right, deep breath... FHOOOOOO! ...Hold...and out... HAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Once more... FHOOOOOOOOO! Holding...holding...and out... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Right, I'm set now. Here goes. Prepare yourself, because I'm going to say it!

FeAvatar: ...Then say it already!


FeAvatar: ...Beg pardon?

Chrom: *Face turns red* No. Oh Gods no! That came out wrong! I didn't mean to say, oh gods! Forgive me, I did not mean.

FeAvatar: Pay it no mind. Still, it's clear as day you need another term in etiquette.

Chrom: Yes, I suppose so.

FeAvatar: What was it you wanted to say then?

Chrom: Oh, that. *Nervous face*

FeAvatar: Just spit it out already, it can't be as bad as what you already said!

Chrom: Very well. I love you FeAvatar. I always will and always have.

*Then it ends as it does in game*

I'll add more later, cause heck I enjoy writing from time to time lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another support I've made up for my OC Mel. (If you want infos on her, look at the first post of the second page of this thread)


[spoiler=C support]Mel: Hello Kellam!

Kellam: Oh, hello Melanie... Wait... You actually noticed me?

Mel: Hm, yes? Why wouln't I?

Kellam: But no one notice me usually!

Mel: Yeah, I've noticed that. It's like people ignore you on purpose. Kinda rude of them, actually...

Kellam: Oh no, it's not on purpose. Even the ennemies have a hard time noticing me. I guess you are the exeption confirming the rule!

Mel: If that's the case, I think it might be the sign of a great friendship beginning between us!

Kellam: *blush* That would be rather nice...

[spoiler=B support]Kellam: Hello Melanie! How are you today?

Mel: I'm fine, thank you! And you, how are you?

Kellam: I'm fine...

Mel: You don't sound really fine to me. Is anything wrong?

Kellam:... It's nothing important...

Mel: If you doesn't want to talk about it, it's fine. Just remember that if you change your mind, I'll be there to listen to you and help you the best I can. After all, that's what friends are for!

Kellam: Thank you... But how did you know there was something wrong?

Mel: I've always been great at noticing people's feelings. Their body language is a big giveaway.

Kellam: That's a useful talent you have here, Melanie!

Mel: You can call me Mel, if you want. And don't forget that I'm there for you if you change your mind.

[spoiler=A support]Kellam: Mel... Can I... talk to you?

Mel: Of course!

Kellam: It's about the other day... I would like your help...

Mel: I'll be happy to help you. What is your problem?

Kellam: *blush* You see... There's... There's that girl I'm quite fond of, but I don't know how to tell her...

Mel: Oh...romantic problem, eh? I'm afraid I'm not very good about these but I'll try to help anyway. Have you tried, you know, just telling her how you feel?

Kellam: The problem is that I can't bring myself to tell her. I'm scared that she'll turn me down...

Mel: Hmm... I understand. That's how I am too, when I like someone... Maybe you could start by giving her a gift? Look at what she like and find an appropriate gift for her. If she answer positively to the gift, that might mean that she like you, even so slightly. From there, maybe you'll be able to find the courage to tell her?

Kellam: That's... a great idea! Thank you very much! I'll go to town to find the perfect gift right now!!!

*Kellam leave*

Mel: I hope everything go well for him. He's such a nice guy, he deserve to be happy.

[spoiler=S support]Kellam: Mel? Can I talk to you?

Mel: Sure! So, did you gave her a gift?

Kellam:Well, actually... This is for you...

Mel: Hey, that's the mythology book I couldn't get last time, how did you... Wait... for me? But... *blush* do that mean... what I think it mean?

Kellam: I love you! I loved you ever since you noticed me so easily. Do... do you at least like me a little bit?

Mel: Kellam... I... Iove you too... *blush*

Kellam: Really? That's great! I have another gift for you...

Mel: Is that... A ring? Oh, Kellam! It's beautiful

Kellam: Mel, would you marry me? With you, I feel like I mean something. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone before.

Mel: Awwww,,,, Kellam, of course I will marry you! You are the nicest man I've ever met and I love you with all my heart.

Kellam: *blush* Would it be ok if I... kiss you?

Mel: *blush* Of course. I would love that...

[spoiler=Ending]After the war, Melanie returned to her village and opened a library, which eventually became one of the biggest of Ylisse. Her husband's name have been lost to history.

Man... I can't help but write cheesy stuff...Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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