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Fire Emblem: The Film (or TV Series)?


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This is something I've always wondered about for a while, and I guess I might as well open it up to discussion. Do you think any of the Fire Emblem games could be adapted to the big screen or the small screen? If so, which, and how/why?

My personal answer is that any dramatic work based off a Fire Emblem game ought to be a TV series rather than a feature film, the better to focus on multiple possible plotlines between characters. I could see the Elibe series working well this way, though people might get put off by the inevitable dramatic cast change.

I could also see FE1/11 working pretty well as a standalone feature film, if you cut out unimportant characters and do a kind of distilled adaptation.

Either of those I think couldn't be pulled off live-action, thanks to hair colors...perhaps motion capture like with Avatar?

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Path of Radiance could be pulled off as a TV series (think Game of Thrones...), but honestly I think that you couldn't do it. As a film student, I think it'd be impossible to devote enough screen time to each character to make you care enough, and as an FE fan they'd have to stick to one set of pairings, which would cause mass fan outrage.

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Having thought about this before, I think that a Fire Emblem film could work really well, as long as it wasn't a direct adaptation. I think it'd only really work if they took some Fire Emblem tropes and world elements (like when FE goes to a new world e.g. FE7 to FE8) and wove a new story suitable for telling in ~2 hours. Adapting a game to a movie, you'd either have to tear out vast portions so you could have a reasonable running time or make a movie much longer than 2 hours (after all, games are much longer than 2 hours). Better to try and tell a new story IMO (I mean, look at Prince of Persia).

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Continue that Fire Emblem OVA. Pairings in Marth's games are pretty much set?

So the Archanaea series may be the best candidate after all. Especially given that many characters don't get much screen time there anyway, it could be very easy to cut it down some for a feature film. On the other hand, such an affair might end up feeling rushed.

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I once heard of a Fire Emblem anime which I believe was based off of FE3. I've never seen it so I don't know how faithful of an adaptation it is. There's also a manga adaptation of the first game, which I've read a few chapters of and is pretty good, though it does take a few liberties. That being said, I wouldn't mind if some plot points were changed or abridged in any sort of adaptation so long as the overall story is left intact. If something like this were to be done, it would have to be animated, either in an anime or Western style. I'd be fine with either so long as it's not terribly disproportioned. CGI might also work, but definitely not live action. Non-anime movies/ TV series and video games have never gotten along in my opinion. Yes, the Super Mario Bros movie was intended as a comedy from the start, so that has more of an excuse (though I still think it's terrible), but look at how awful the Street Fighter movies have been. Final Fantasy: Advent Children has mixed opinions, but personally I didn't find it to be so good.

Anywho, I think the Tellius games could make a great anime TV series, perhaps even with some movie-length specials or season finales. Blazing Sword might also work out as a trilogy of films if some of the events are abridged/ skipped and a few chapters and minor characters are cut out. The first film would be Lyn's story, perhaps giving Eliwood some sort of role in it outside of his little cameo so the transition to him later on isn't too jarring. Likewise, the second two movies would give Lyn and Hector expanded roles. It might also foreshadow Nergal's plot a little more, perhaps with an appearance or two from him, though without revealing too much. The second movie would begin with Eliwood's tale, and go up to the first visit to the Dread Isle and the death of Elbert. The final film might skip the desert arc, having Astos come to find Eliwood's group instead to cut down on time, and have them journey straight to Bern, then back to Valor for the final battle. It would end with a Lion-King style presentation of a newborn Roy to the public because would just look cool.

Edited by Firespark Faerie
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I honestly think that Fire Emblem should have had anime movie honestly. Like one for each game.

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Valkyria Chronicles had an anime series that totally unashamedly gave some of its characters the shaft IIRC, in that some of the characters that had actual personalities in the games were palette swapped and turned into nonspeaking redshirts in the anime (yes I'm bitter that this happened to VYSE of all people /shakefist). Not sure how that series was received, but I think I may have heard some people here implying they'd enjoyed it.

Many of individual entries in the fire emblem series have frameworks that I think would work well enough in anime, and some have already been done as manga. I just assume they'd all have to be reworked to have different plot focal points, probably to a degree that it'd be guaranteed to displease some fans.

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Valkyria Chronicles had an anime series that totally unashamedly gave some of its characters the shaft IIRC, in that some of the characters that had actual personalities in the games were palette swapped and turned into nonspeaking redshirts in the anime (yes I'm bitter that this happened to VYSE of all people /shakefist). Not sure how that series was received, but I think I may have heard some people here implying they'd enjoyed it.

From what I've read, they also tried to shoehorn a blatant crack pairing (particularly Faldio X Alicia) into the anime just for the sake of bringing about a love triangle. Nevermind the fact that the source material already had two love triangle candidates (Noce Wordsworth in Alicia's case and Juno Coren in Welkin's case) to work off of.

If I also remember reading correctly, they also threw in a plot twist that was never hinted at in the source material in the first place into the anime. What they were trying to accomplish there is beyond me.

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I would really love a Jugdral TV series or Anime, the amount of drama and romance mixed with plenty of violence and death, but the outrage when they decide the final pairings could cause the death of the producers. So if not Jugdral, FE1 and 3, but a TV series or anime, I don't want all those minor characters to be left out. And I don't want the armour knight left out either like in pretty much every FE manga, Doga needs screen time beyond five seconds. I like Awakening's story too, but for the same reason as Jugdral, it wouldn't work. Maybe they could let fans vote who would marry who in the case of Jugdral, given the closest canon options. (For example, Aidean to either Jamka, Azel, Midayle, or Dew)

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  • 2 years later...

I've had an idea for a CGI movie similar to Final Fantasy VII Advent Children for a while. The move should look like the FMV of the Tellius cutscenes.

Lehran informs Ashunera that it's been 1200 years since the end of Radiant Dawn. And Ashunera and Lehran mention how strife is continuing again among the species.

And since Ashunera was confident she could stop this conflict, now that she's learned of her grave mistake, Lehran persuades her to revive Ike and the Greil Mercenaries as his argument would be that Ike was the hero who was able to unite the Beorce and Laguz together and he was loved all across Tellius and he thinks Ike would be the best solution to prevent a war.

And Ike should be shown being so strong he's beating entire armies at once and showing mad skill.

Ashunera revives Ike and the Greil Mercenaries. As the Greil Mercenaries confront the situation, war has already happened and there would be a main villain in the film that believes that in order to bring peace to Tellius, he would have to wipe out life and recreate all life as the same as he believes the Goddess made a mistake in creating differences in life which he believes caused the racism.

Somewhere down the line, the main antagonist somehow(Haven't thought of it) steals some of Ashunera's powers and he revives he Black Knight to help him achieve his goal. And Ashunera lost too much power to intervene in the conflict.

Some time later in the Film Ike and the Black Knight encounter each other and Ike wonders how he is alive, but then stops thinking about it and decides to attack the Black Knight.

The Black Knight stops him and tells him Ike will have to team up with him in order to defeat the main antagonist as the antagonist grown too powerful for Ike to defeat alone.

Ike gives the Black Knight his Alondite back and the Black Knight explains that he was revived and he was set out to slow down Ike but went against his master as he refuses to be used as a pawn.

So Ike, the Black Knight and everyone else joins the fight against the Antagonist, and at first, Ike tries to persuade him to change his mind but he doesn't thus he has to be killed, and after he is defeated, the Black Knight reveals he wants to fight Ike one last time. Ike tells everyone not to interfere and the fight commences. Ike and BK seem to be fighting on an even playing field as they are fighting near a castle, their sword swings slicing through thick castle walls. Ike starts to wonder how BK can fight on his level when he defeated him the last time he met and BK reveals that before the Antagonist died, BK absorbed a portion of his energy before he faded and thus BK got a small boost in power. After an epic fight Ike wins and BK praises Ike for allowing him to experience an even better experience he had hen they fought in the Tower of Guidance. After his death, he is buried and Alondite is placed on his grave. Then after Ashunera's power is returned, Ashunera thanks Ike for saving the world once again and tells him she can always count on him, and Ashunera causes Ike and the Greil Mercenaries to disappear since they are in the wrong era. The end.

This of course is just a summary and I know this will never happen.

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