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Coffee and High school


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I start school around 7:15am, my first class lasts two periods and is my favorite one, Ap biology. Every morning, I consume a cup of coffee to get me going in the morning. The more awake I am, the better I can perform. At the moment, I'm one of the 3 students in the class who has higher than a 90 in the class. Its because of this alertness that I have gotten this high. I can take in more knowledge than some of the sleepier students.

I'm 5"6, supposedly that's average for a junior but most of my friends are taller. I have a feeling that the coffee's actually having a negative affect on my body. First, I dont take it with anything in the morning and its been starting to make my teeth yellow. I'm reluctant to energy drinks because they usually cost more (I only have 20$ to spend every week) and they still have caffeine in them. Thats when I learned that apples can be an alternative. I searched it up and received mixed responses. While I know its not as strong as caffeine, I've heard it can be used as an alternative.

So I dont know what to do? I really want to give up coffee but I dont know what to use in its place. I was wondering if anyone knew of an alternative that provided the same boost as coffee does but without the caffeine.

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My vote would be just giving up coffee and not replacing it. Do some light exercise in the morning or something if you find you're honestly having trouble staying awake.

I slept through most of higher level bio and it was in the afternoon. Too boring.

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For some reasons green tea works well for me despite a much smaller caffeine content, and I'm very tolerant to caffeine. Sleeping early might help too, though I'm not one to talk since I spent all of high school drinking coffee and now my tolerance is ridiculously high now and it no longer works and you'll need it more in college than high school imo.

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My vote would be just giving up coffee and not replacing it. Do some light exercise in the morning or something if you find you're honestly having trouble staying awake.

Caffiene withdrawal is a thing. Depending on how bad it is you may want to decrease your intake over time instead of just giving up on caffiene all at once. My friend recently didn't have coffee or tea over a period of about 4 days ((she's been having it pretty much daily since grade 8, we're seniors in high shcool now)) and she found herself completely unable to function due to no caffiene.

As for the topic: I really can't help you in a search for alternatives. I detest the taste of coffee ((though it smells nice!!)) and have never, personally, had to deal with issues surrounding caffiene intake.

Edited by Darros
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Coffee is pretty great and i don't think its affecting your growth. While i know may people believe this its actually a myth. Coffee does have its drawbacks as well as its benefits though.

http://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/edible-innovations/coffee-stunt-growth.htm (It also has some other stuff about coffee)

(The thing about the enlightenment isn't probably true, but the rest of the video is pretty great.)

There is more stuff on the benefits and harms of coffee if you google it.

Also, be aware that as Darros said, if you have been drinking it for a while you might get some withdrawal symptoms like headaches, fatigue and irritability. Source: personal experience and what happens when there is no coffee in my house [my family just wants to rip each other apart].

Edited by SlayerX
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Withdrawal actually depends on the person. During the school year I drink much stronger stuff than coffee (you'd think I was a caffeine addict last semester) to live through extremely early college classes but the second I hit break I stop drinking anything caffeinated since I actually have time to sleep and I'm pretty much the same as usual. So I wouldn't say people WILL get it, but I wouldn't take chances either.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Stay the fuck away from energy drinks. Trust me. It's false energy, you *WILL* crash, and the sugar and other additives in those things will kill you faster than any coffee.

You have a few alternatives.

* Switch to tea. Some will say green tea or breakfast tea; I prefer oolong. This will also mitigate any withdrawal headaches you get.

* Drop caffeine altogether, get past the headaches you're going to get, and drink more water.

* Get more sleep at night.

That's really about it. Everything else is a quick fix that will open up more problems than they solve.

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If you claim your teeth get yellow, try to brush your teeth more often too. You may as well also try whitening toothpaste if it's not good enough.

Perhaps eating a breakfast would help too. Even a fruit like an apple, an orange or a banana would be a start, but a bowl of cereal or eggs would probably be better. You might want to wake up earlier, which in turn might want to go to sleep earlier, but at the end of the day you should feel better and your grades might even get higher than they already are.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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On the topic of teeth whitening, do those Whitestrips things actually work? The ones that you put on your teeth at night and they dissolve or something IIRC. Also there are other teeth whitening methods that you could look into, you could ask your dentist about that.

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