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The "Holy Crap That Worked" Thread

Ike of Paris

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Ever had those brilliantly stupid ideas that work? Share them here. This is a bragging thread for everyone!

I'll start:

I beat chapter 19 in 4 turns. You know, the one with all the crazy reinforcements? I took my A supported MU and Morgan, charged up the center, and had her destroy Valhart. Her skill set was this:




And the other two Sorcerer abilities.

Needless to say, it was a massacre for Valhart and his men.

Something sort of happened on the last chapter. I attacked


with S Ranked (Merc) Severa and (Griffon Rider) Gerome Brave Weapons. They hit him 8 times and then MU finished him with Valflame. Once again, HOW DID THAT PLAN WORK.

I guess the fact all the units mentioned were on their second time around as their respective classes helped. NOSFERTANK MORGAN FTW

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I had to do that on Lunatic. Had two healers jump on horses, run up the sides, and grab MU and Olivia, both paired to have horses of their own; MU ran up, Olivia refreshed him, MU killed Walhart with a crit. Easy to rig those on the first turn.

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Haha... I have a crap ton of those, but I guess I'll mention the most memorable for me

In the chapter you first fight Valhart, I had my Mu, still a Dark flier at that point, fly to him to try and take him down, luckily, his 40%~ misses and she managed to take him down.

The chapter where you fight his generals and him, I had sent out separate teams to take care of the enemies on the side, It was the turn before the reinforcements came in, and Libra(paired up with Cordelia) was low on hp(they both were), so I attached the steel lance on Cordelia and the killer axe on him, and sent Morgan with Lucina towards them to try and reach them in time(to transfer so I could at least switch them about with characters with more hp) well, somehow Libra managed to take down the previous enemies and a few of the reinforcements, I was really shocked(He was under leveled)

During the final chapter, I beat it in three turns, Mu paired up with Lon'qu(S support), both criticalled the boss twice with 24% chances, steel weapons since I forgot to equip my silver weapons.

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Another blizare thing that happened on the same run was I had Morgan solo her joining chapter. Really not that weird but pretty stupid considering the entire army had full forges. I feel left out with no stupid endgame stories.

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Chapter 6, Validar has taken a chunk out of everyone around hims HP, and all I have left is Miriel, Vaike and MU. Miriel misses, and Vaike and MU can't take him out with separate attacks. So, as a last ditch effort, I stuck Vaike on MU and had her hack him with her bronze sword.

Although maybe that doesn't fit. I should learn to read.

Edited by Miscellany
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Just fought the two armies in the Yarne Paralogue, Hard/Classic. God, that was fun! Vaike basically soloed the right side of the map. This guy is beast!

If I ever get Yarne (I am waiting on DLC to start leveling my unused characters) I will need to try that with my Vaike x Cherche combo. Seriously, once they hit S support, all you hear is "LOOKS LIKE TEACH JUST GO TENURE" over and over.

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Alright, I dunno if this counts, but i'll give it a shot.

Chapter 9: I decided to equip my SSealed's Sumia with a log for shits and giggles, and then I just sent her out onto the map to have a free-for-all. 11 damage on that log, she's up against a Steel Axe Wyv (I think, I don't remember).. and she double crits him. With the fucking log.

Chapter 10: I pitched Libera up against Mustafa to get some much needed boss exp, and Libera just OHKO's him for no reason. Lolkillerweaponsyousosillywithyour30%.

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i tried to rush the endgame chapter with anna and avatar, the boss reduces avatar's health to one on player turn. i thought i was going to have to reset but when he attacked on the enemy turn, he missed the first, got double guarded the second, then my avatar kills him with Ignis+critical using the tree branch.

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I actually said that on the Ship chapter, but not on gameplay stuff...

Avatar has a strategy to burn half their fleet to destroy the valmese one.

Then when that is about to happen, he yells to everyone JUMP IN THE WATER. Yeah, everyone fully armored ( and most likely carrying 5 weapons too ) and they jump in the sea...''brilliant'' strategy, MU!

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Holy Crap... i was fighting the Ephraim team, when a Griffon Knight with Brave Axe attacked Tiki and Astra also activated and my Avatar dual guarded ALL the attacks of Astra... and yea i married her.

EDIT : Just happened now : I went to Nino spotpass team and ''Jaffar'' killed my Avatar with a 0 Dmg Lethality proc mellow.gif

Edited by Lanko
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Changing MU to Mercenary.


Idk what I was thinking, but MU became a complete rapeface as Merc it wasn't even funny. I was just experimenting around a bit with female mercenary and couldn't wait for Severa. (MU isn't married yet mind you, but DarkKnight! Tharja has A support with MU.)

I changed MU back to Tactician. I'm already regretting it. PURE SWORD [Didn't have the same animation as sword for axe :( but i do use it but E ranked axe is trashy.]] SUITS MU AFTER ALL NOT SWORD AND MAGIC! Seriously. With an iron sword, MU can kill a high defend knight in four to five hits. I'm about to go back and change MU back to mercenary and watch her stomp.

And the fun thing? Her blessed stats is defense, and worse luck. No physicals COULD hurt her, and with her spd and skl being naturally high, she dodgetank all of the magics. I think I broke my game.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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A smaller scale thing, but whenever I seem to place my dodgetanks on a forest (most of the time, Anna), they seem to start dodging stuff like 50s and even 60s in hit like they were single digits. And especially if the attack in question would two-shot them. Granted, it doesn't always happen, but it happens more often than not. Knocks the breath out of me every time.

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This is more of a "holy crap that worked" moment for my friend that I saw while he tried to recruit me on streetpass

He had a lvl 1 assasin avatar (by chapter 7, he got really lucky with the shops and powerleveled his guy a lot) who had to go against my lvl 15 grandmaster avatar with like >70 hp and 25ish defense. He had a good plan by standing just on the outer edge of my attack range and attacking me with a bow. After that, though, he ran in with a steel sword even though he couldn't kill me with it and my avatar could easily 2RKO him. Needless to say, he got an Ignis crit with a 7% crit chance and killed my avatar.

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I screwed up fighting Walmart in chapter 20 and had Maribelle in his range with no way of getting her out and no other characters around to kill him with. He could 1-shot her and would have had accuracy in the 90s.

So, I run my massively overlevelled Lon'qu up to partner with her. This gives her just enough Defence to allow her to live by 1HP and gives her enough Speed to double-attack him for the win.

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Just finished my second play through this one on hard mode so I thought what would be fun. Lets take on the last chapter all unprompted units. It sucked. I restarted like twenty times.

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Just finished my second play through this one on hard mode so I thought what would be fun. Lets take on the last chapter all unprompted units. It sucked. I restarted like twenty times.

Why would you ever do that?

Also, Morgan and Noire as sisters wiped the bottom half of Endgame clean because of the game breaking ability of Nosferatu. Little monster never hits below 50% health.

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