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FEditor Adv problem


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Hello, there.

I've been encountering a few problems wth FEditor Adv that I don't know how to fix.

First, I get the "PCA: Error writing animation being imported" for some reason. What could this be? I've had this happen a few times before, but it worked normally the first times I would import successfully.

Second- For some reason, when I open a ROM file in the editor, I can't even open the "Class Animation Manager", no matter how many times I click on it. The other tabs work fine.

Last - When I play using my custom animation, the games just crashes with a horrible beeping sound.

I've hacked a ROM file, and since I didn't want to go over the whole work on hacking I did, on Nightmare 2, I used the "Save as..." option to copy the hacked data and write it to another ROM.

My thoughts of the possible reason for the issues are:

- The animations I imported might have a few missing frames. It's strange, but it seems to be that the ROM itself just has them that way. 8/ I've thought of downloading the Japanese version of the game and export from there.

- FEditor could have some issues with Nightmare hacks. Yeah, I know, sounds crazy. But it turns out that on more than one ocassion I've had the game run perfectly on FEditor, and after running and hacking it on Nightmare, it would no longer work well with FEditor. Anyway, this is just my idea.


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Not sure about the PCA error but with regard to functions not working just open the ROM in FEditor, save it, close it, then open it again, and they should work. Something about checksums getting screwed up and then fixed whenever the ROM is saved with FEditor.

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