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Lann shrugged. "I'll help you as best I can, but as a sellsword they only trusted me so much. Apparently for good reason." Picking up the blade he'd borrowed from Nelon, he spun it so the hilt was facing the other man. "Here you go. As for me," he shrugged, "this sword's been keeping me alive for the last five years. No reason to start using a new one now. Not until this one breaks."

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"That's... worrying." Whatever the hell was in the prison sounded dangerous, and Felix just hoped they could avoid it, even if it didn't seem likely. Still, there was no use dwelling on it. Felix decided to check on Xenah, while they had the time.

"You were the last person I expected to see here. Good to see you made it back safety, but how did you get out? And how did you know where to find us?"

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Standing up, Lann stretched slightly and frowned. "How long did he say he'd be gone for? Seems like it's been a while..." Shrugging, he walked over to the rest of the group. Sitting back down, he extended a hand to the female mage. "My name's Lann. And yours is?"

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Elaine had finished having a good reunion with Xenah and was a tad startled at the newcomers sudden introduction

"E-elaine" she quickly said grasping the swordfighters hand in a small shake. "Thank you for your assistance in the fight.. Although I am curious as to what made you join us."

Elaine also glanced at Felix, she had seen the 2 interact during the fight but was unsure exactly how they knew one another

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"Ack, yes?" Xenah turned to Felix, having left for a moment and just arriving back, she didn't expect to be addressed first thing.

"Oh... Elaine asked me the same thing. I...Perhaps one would call it luck, or unfortunate, that they worried more about guarding Rapha, as they were taking us through the ridge. I was only guarded by one of the knights at a time, and one of them was kind... or just naive. I had to take advantage of that to escape in the end... I couldn't save Rapha, or anything, for my regret. I was without any gear or food somewhere in the ridge." She closed her eyes, but braced herself quickly. "I had run all the way through it, somehow. Even without the swiftsoles Ruby and Miron gave me, I still could travel easily, as if the power was now my own. I reached a fishing town in Grado, and, thanks to the local priest, managed to get treatment from the wounds from that battle in the fort. I got some food with his help, and left for Frelia by walking around Fort Rigwald. When I got in Frelia, however, I found a Frelian encampment shortly past the border, and, well, I found out how much they knew about us there. They were aware we were coming with the princess, and where it would be most likely, with some of my help." Xenah takes a breath, calming down from the much information she just disclosed. "They offered me help in the form of the three pegasus sisters I rode with from here... and the rest is history."

"It... has been a long travel, that it has."

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Lann shrugged. "Felix convinced me I was better off alive and without the honor I had, than dead and with the honor a sellsword gains by keeping his contract."

Elaine was a little worried about having a sellsword around but.. Maybe he was like Rapha in a way

"You like a good pal of Felix then I assume" Elaine said but then had a sudden thought

"Do you require any extra supplies? Being a sellsword must be rough on your blades"

Elaine then points to Miron "That mage there is named Miron and he is a merchant, if you need any supplies talk to him"

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"Yeah, he and I worked together for a while back when he was in Grado's army. I guess..." he sighed and shrugged. "I'm looking for someone. I can't let myself die before I find them. And, well, Felix knew about that. So now I've given up my honor to join this group. Heck, I barely even know anything about you all besides that Felix is a part of you and trusts you all apparently. So I guess that's good enough for me." At the mention of weapons, he shrugged. "Eh, this one's served me just fine through the years. Figure that I'll keep using it til it breaks on me." He grinned slightly, but then turned back to a more serious face. "Look, I know you probably don't trust me. I did just try and kill one of your friends after all but... I won't betray Felix. If it comes to a point where I think that continuing to fight with you would result in my death, I'll leave. I won't turn against him. I swear."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo, guys! It's been awhile since I've gotten anything done here. There's been some issues getting everything done--first me being lazy, then me starting uni. I'm hoping to boot Chapter 6: Difficulty Rising this Saturday, so stay tuned!

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It was about time for the siege to begin, as Seth had timed. Despite the conversation with Felix, Xenah still had some business to do before approaching the group. It's as if she was bothered.

"M-milady, we are all getting ready, and nothing seems to have left the castle. You can come." She rose her hand, having rushed ahead just to scout as she saw the rest of the group. Upon her calling, the cloaked girl followed.

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Seth returns! He arrives with a Great Knight and... Prince Innes?!

"Listen up, everyone! We're tearing down this gate, then popping the doors and getting in there! We've got... to..."

He turns, noticing the woman with the cowl.

"Figure out a way to get into the courtyard. I have a few words for someone here."

He grabs the cowled woman by the arm, dragging her off. It's... the Princess! What's she doing on the battlefield?

Prince Innes taps Xenah on the shoulder, taking her off to the side with the Great Knight for what's presumably a bit of planning. How would y'all break down an iron portcullis quickly? Figure it out, then put a plan into motion. Your data is below. The gate is incredibly strong--100 HP and impervious to most attacks, but with peculiar weaknesses due to it being architecture, not a person. Go go!

[spoiler=Player Data (10)][spoiler=Elaine]Level 9.12

18/23 HP (54+5%) [Temp Max 18]

0 Str (15%)

12 Mag (55%)

11 Skl (40%)

11 Spe (65%)

10 Lck (50%)

7 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 97 ©

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Xenah B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Miron C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

19 Atk

107 Hit

5 Crt

32 Avo

11 AS

10+5 CEV


Flux (38/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Devil Axe (30/30)

Bandage (30/30)

F rank staff, 1-range, heals (1+Mag/2) floored, backfire chance of -(WEXP + Skl + Lck), floor 0. 8 EXP, 2 WEXP



B 33

W 15

L 2

[spoiler=Nelon]Level 10.31

27/27 HP (80%)

10 Str (45%)

0 Mag (5%)

6 Skl (35%)

8 Spe (40%)

8 Lck (30+5%)

12 Def (40%)

1 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 42 (D)

Lance EXP: 66 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Oatmeal S (+4 Atk, +4 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Xenah C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Felix B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

18 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

22 Avo

7 AS



Vulnerary (1/3)

Iron Lance (42/45)

Javelin (14/20)

Steel Sword (30/30)*

20 G


Iron Sword (31/46)

Oatmeal Spoon (1/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

Steel Lance (19/30)

Devil Lance (22/30)

B 52

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Felix]Level 9.95

37/37 HP (80%)

9 Str (55%)

0 Mag (2%)

13 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

7 Lck (50%)

8 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 74 ©

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: Nelon B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Rapha C (+2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)

16 Atk

89 Hit

6 Crt

25 Avo

9 AS



Iron Axe (43/45)

Augmented Halberd (15/15)

[-2 Wt]

Hand Axe (17/20)*

Pure Water (3/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Axe (14/45)

Steel Axe (26/30)

Fetid Vial

B 37

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Miron (NPC)]Level 8.91

25/25 HP (60%)

2 Str (25+5%)

9 Mag (40-5%)

12 Skl (40%)

6 Spe (25%)

7 Lck (40%)

1 Def (10%)

4 Res (25%)

5 Mov

4 Con

3 Aid

Sword EXP: 73 ©

Anima EXP: 181 (A)

Staff EXP: 98 ©

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Ruby S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Not Active)

Elaine C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

19 Atk

107 Hit

11 Crt

19 Avo

6 AS

7+5 CEV


Augmented Thunder (+2 Mt) (28/29)*

Fimbulvetr (17/20)

Killing Edge (19/20)

Mend (12/20)

Elixir (2/3)

1000 G


Aircalibur (18/20)

B: 4

W: 2

L: 0

[spoiler=Ruby (NPC)]Level 7.32

25/25 HP (60%)

3 Str (20%)

0 Mag (15%)

4 Skl (25%)

10 Spe (40%)

16 Lck (80%)

1 Def (15%)

8 Res (35%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Sword EXP: 31 (D)

Sp: Dance, Thief

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Miron S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Not Active)

Xenah C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

36 Avo

10 AS

16 CEV


Shamshir (20/20)

Augmented Armorslayer (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (7/7)

Augmented Zanbato (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (6/7)

Elixir (3/3)

1000 G

B 1

W 0

L 0

[spoiler=Xenah]Level 10.09

25/25 HP (64%)

5 Str (30%)

7 Mag (35%)

6 Skl (30%)

11 Spe (40%)

15 Lck (60%)

5 Def (25+5%)

5 Res (32%)

5+2 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 49 (D)

Light EXP: 37 (D)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: Nelon C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Elaine B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Ruby C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

12 Atk

114 Hit

8 Crt

37 Avo

11 AS

15 CEV


Lightning (31/35)*
Steel Bow (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Fatigue Elixir (3/3)
Fatigue Elixir (3/3)

620 G

Elva's Ruin (14/20)
[Dark B, 6 Mt, 65 Hit, 50 Crt, 11 Wt, 14/20 DUR: A tome specially crafted by a druid too old for hard fighting.]

Nosferatu (20/20)

Shine (30/30)

Pure Water (3/3)

B 33

W 11

L 1

[spoiler=Vampa (NPC)]Level 8.28

17/17 HP (40%)

5 Str (40%)

0 Mag (0%)

11 Skl (60%)

8 Spe (25%)

6 Lck (10%)

4 Def (25%)

4 Res (25%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Eliu + Fetra]

Affinity: Light

Supports: Eliu B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

9 Atk

110 Hit

10 Crt

22 Avo

8 AS



Slim Lance (26/30)*

Silver Lance (20/20)

Javelin (18/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)



Killer Lance (30/30)

B: 4

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Eliu (NPC) ]Level 7.44

26/26 HP (67%)

8 Str (30%)

0 Mag (0%)

8 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (60%)

7 Lck (30%)

4+1 Def (10%)

4+1 Res (15%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 48 (D)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Fetra]

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Vampa B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

17 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

13 Avo

3 AS



Slim Lance (30/30)

Heavy Spear (13/16)*

Horseslayer (15/16)

Javelin (19/20)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Lance (45/45)

B: 5

W: 4

L: 0

[spoiler=Fetra (NPC)]Level 3.97

15/15 HP (40%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (50%)

10 Spe (70%)

0 Lck (0%)

5 Def (35%)

6 Res (40%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 27 (E)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Eliu]

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Vampa B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Eliu B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

11 Atk

99 Hit

8 Crt

20 Avo

10 AS



Slim Lance (30/30)*

Iron Lance (45/45)

Javelin (13/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B: 4

W: 3

L: 0

[spoiler=Lann (5,11)]Level 10.25

28/28 HP
9 Str

0 Mag

15 Skl

17 Spe

7 Lck

6 Def

6 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Sword EXP: 75 ©

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

18 Atk

108 Hit

37 Crt

41 Avo

17 AS


Killing Edge (19/20)

Armorslayer (16/18)*

Red Gem

700 G

B: 2

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Other Data (4)][spoiler=General Seth]Level 6.28

33/34 HP (90%)

13 Str (50%)

3 Mag (2%)

17 Skl (45%)

16 Spe (45%)

15 Lck (25%)

13 Def (40%)

8 Res (30%)

8 Mov

11 Con

9 Aid

Sword EXP: 222 (A)

Lance EXP: 251 (S)

Sp: Horse, Canto, Expert Spacing, Savior

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Eirika C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)

22 Atk

116 Hit

13 Crt

45 Avo

15 AS

15 CEV


Short Spear (10/18)

Heavy Spear (15/16)*

Steel Sword (5/30)

Elixir (1/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)

6560 G


Silver Sword (20/20)

Silver Lance (3/20)

Silver Lance (20/20)

Iron Lance (41/45)

Short Spear (18/18)

Short Spear (18/18)

Lancereaver (15/15)

Dragonspear (30/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Steel Sword (30/30)

Master Seal (1/1)

B: 28

W: 20

L: 0

[spoiler=Princess Eirika]Level 4.27

19 HP (70%)
5 Str (40%)
0 Mag (5%)
10 Skl (60%)
10 Spe (60%)
7 Lck (60%)
3 Def (30%)
1 Res (30%)
5 Mov
5 Con
4 Aid
Sword EXP: 57 (D)
Affinity: Light
Supports: Seth C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)
10 Atk
113 Hit
5 Crt
27 Avo
10 AS
Rapier (13/40)
Iron Sword (46/46)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
Elixir (3/3)
Vulnerary (3/3)
25000 G
B: 0
W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Prince Innes]Level 1.93

31/31 HP (75%)

14 Str (40%)

3 Mag (5%)

13 Skl (40%)

15 Spe (45%)

14+10 Lck (45%)

10 Def (25%)

9 Res (20%)

6 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

Sp: Deadeye, Sure Strike

Bow EXP: 251 (S)

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

32 Atk

143 Hit

26 Crt

54 Avo

15 AS

24 CEV


Nidhogg (--/--)*

Innes' Shortbow (+3 Mt) (9/16)

Elixir (1/3)

5000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=General Cesar]Level 1.16

25/25 HP (77%)

11 Str (37%)

1 Mag (1%)

9 Skl (36%)

7 Spe (23%)

3 Lck (27%)

15 Def (20%)

5 Res (9%)

6 Mov

13 Con

5 Aid

Sp: Horse, Armor, Nihil

Sword EXP: 181 (A)

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Axe EXP: 84 ©

22 Atk

84 Hit

4 Crt

17 Avo

7 AS



Steel Axe (24/30)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

Steel Lance (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

1000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Convoy (Not on Map)]Iron Sword (38/46)

Devil Lance (23/30)

Iron Axe (33/45)

Heal (21/30)

Heal (30/30)

Mend (20/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)

2020 G

...not to mention Miron and Ruby's inventory and capital.

Edited by Terrador
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Lann sat up and grinned. "Look, I've been stuck behind that gate for a while now. You guys have a Fimbulvetr, right? So, deep freeze the gate. Aim especially for joint, cracks, anywhere that might be weakened. Then, either blast it with Flux or hack at it with some Armorslayers, like the one I gave back to, uh, Nelon, right? You could also use the flux to destroy the stonework that it's stored in, could help it fall more easily. But, you know," he shrugged, "Just my thoughts."

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Returning from the conversation with Prince Innes, Xenah looked at the group a bit more apprehensive. Giving a glance at Seth and Eirika, she whispered something under her breath and gestured a small prayer.

Turning back to the group after hearing part of what the mercenary had to say, Xenah spoke up herself. "Weaken the gate with magic is probably the better idea with our force and resources. Hitting that kind of gate with a spear would certainly be inefficient, but maybe a heavy spear could break the stonework on impact if it is also frozen." She turned to the merchants halfway through her speech. "Miron, would you attest that such spell is powerful enough to sap the heat of these?"

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Miron turns to Xenah, pocketing the coin he turned over and over in his hand.

"Well... I've never tried it personally, but I've heard many accounts of it working, and the idea seems sound. We need to be quick about it, though--we want the gate to crumple before they realize we're battering at it."

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Xenah nods at the man's words, and returns to her pondering. "Then we'd probably need to launch a joined strike as soon as the gates are frozen? I know we have a heavy spear at ready, I brought one." She glances at the pegasus knight sisters for a moment, and returned to her speech. "If we have another, maybe we'd try them against the stonework. But the gate should be assaulted by those that can carry Armorslayers. We have one with Nelon, and... Ruby." She turned to the merchants again. "If it wouldn't be asking too much... It's augmented, so I wouldn't be surprised if it could cleave through frozen metal with ease." Speaking that, Xenah fixed her posture, and looked at the gate once more. "And lastly, we could use dark magic, such as Elaine's, to weaken the gate as well. Though, I don't know if thunder would be fine as well, after it is frozen, because of the metal and the noise."

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Miron shakes his head in response to the last remark.

"If we had another caster, maybe. But it'll take all of my and Ruby's attention to ensure this thing gets frozen properly in any reasonable frame of time--and even then, really only in a specific patch."


Innes crouches in the back after whispering to General Cesar, arrow drawn and aimed towards the top of the structure. What... does he think he's doing?


Assuming confirmation and SHREDDING THE GATE

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Our heroes assemble before the gate, ready to strike! Miron and Ruby open up, freezing the metal bars around the outside with Fimbulvetr. Nelon, Seth, and Lann hack away, making short work of the sides of the gate. Then... what seems like a beam of light crashes into the masonry above! One, two, then shouts to "Clear a path!" General Cesar, with his heavy warhorse, charges in, and...


The gate falls down in mostly one grand piece, on the back of the poor general to boot. However, with a bit of assistance from Miron, he's ready for battle once again.



Ruby turns to all of you, waving a small knife tantalizingly. "Ah can get us in; let's get in formation and go!"

[spoiler=Player Data (10)][spoiler=Elaine]Level 9.12

18/23 HP (54+5%) [Temp Max 18]

0 Str (15%)

12 Mag (55%)

11 Skl (40%)

11 Spe (65%)

10 Lck (50%)

7 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 97 ©

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Xenah B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Miron C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

19 Atk

107 Hit

5 Crt

32 Avo

11 AS

10+5 CEV


Flux (38/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Devil Axe (30/30)

Bandage (30/30)

F rank staff, 1-range, heals (1+Mag/2) floored, backfire chance of -(WEXP + Skl + Lck), floor 0. 8 EXP, 2 WEXP



B 33

W 15

L 2

[spoiler=Nelon]Level 10.31

27/27 HP (80%)

10 Str (45%)

0 Mag (5%)

6 Skl (35%)

8 Spe (40%)

8 Lck (30+5%)

12 Def (40%)

1 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 42 (D)

Lance EXP: 66 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Oatmeal S (+4 Atk, +4 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Xenah C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Felix B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

18 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

22 Avo

7 AS



Vulnerary (1/3)

Iron Lance (42/45)

Javelin (14/20)

Steel Sword (30/30)*

20 G


Iron Sword (31/46)

Oatmeal Spoon (1/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

Steel Lance (19/30)

Devil Lance (22/30)

B 52

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Felix]Level 9.95

37/37 HP (80%)

9 Str (55%)

0 Mag (2%)

13 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

7 Lck (50%)

8 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 74 ©

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: Nelon B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Rapha C (+2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)

16 Atk

89 Hit

6 Crt

25 Avo

9 AS



Iron Axe (43/45)

Augmented Halberd (15/15)

[-2 Wt]

Hand Axe (17/20)*

Pure Water (3/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Axe (14/45)

Steel Axe (26/30)

Fetid Vial

B 37

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Miron (NPC)]Level 8.91

25/25 HP (60%)

2 Str (25+5%)

9 Mag (40-5%)

12 Skl (40%)

6 Spe (25%)

7 Lck (40%)

1 Def (10%)

4 Res (25%)

5 Mov

4 Con

3 Aid

Sword EXP: 73 ©

Anima EXP: 181 (A)

Staff EXP: 98 ©

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Ruby S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Not Active)

Elaine C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

19 Atk

107 Hit

11 Crt

19 Avo

6 AS

7+5 CEV


Augmented Thunder (+2 Mt) (28/29)*

Fimbulvetr (17/20)

Killing Edge (19/20)

Mend (12/20)

Elixir (2/3)

1000 G


Aircalibur (18/20)

B: 4

W: 2

L: 0

[spoiler=Ruby (NPC)]Level 7.32

25/25 HP (60%)

3 Str (20%)

0 Mag (15%)

4 Skl (25%)

10 Spe (40%)

16 Lck (80%)

1 Def (15%)

8 Res (35%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Sword EXP: 31 (D)

Sp: Dance, Thief

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Miron S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Not Active)

Xenah C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

36 Avo

10 AS

16 CEV


Shamshir (20/20)

Augmented Armorslayer (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (7/7)

Augmented Zanbato (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (6/7)

Elixir (3/3)

1000 G

B 1

W 0

L 0

[spoiler=Xenah]Level 10.09

25/25 HP (64%)

5 Str (30%)

7 Mag (35%)

6 Skl (30%)

11 Spe (40%)

15 Lck (60%)

5 Def (25+5%)

5 Res (32%)

5+2 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 49 (D)

Light EXP: 37 (D)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: Nelon C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Elaine B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Ruby C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

12 Atk

114 Hit

8 Crt

37 Avo

11 AS

15 CEV


Lightning (31/35)*
Steel Bow (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Fatigue Elixir (3/3)
Fatigue Elixir (3/3)

620 G

Elva's Ruin (14/20)
[Dark B, 6 Mt, 65 Hit, 50 Crt, 11 Wt, 14/20 DUR: A tome specially crafted by a druid too old for hard fighting.]

Nosferatu (20/20)

Shine (30/30)

Pure Water (3/3)

Innes' Shortbow (+3 Mt) (9/16)

B 33

W 11

L 1

[spoiler=Vampa (NPC)]Level 8.28

17/17 HP (40%)

5 Str (40%)

0 Mag (0%)

11 Skl (60%)

8 Spe (25%)

6 Lck (10%)

4 Def (25%)

4 Res (25%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Eliu + Fetra]

Affinity: Light

Supports: Eliu B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Not Active)

9 Atk

110 Hit

10 Crt

22 Avo

8 AS



Slim Lance (26/30)*

Silver Lance (20/20)

Javelin (18/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)



Killer Lance (30/30)

B: 4

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Eliu (NPC) ]Level 7.44

26/26 HP (67%)

8 Str (30%)

0 Mag (0%)

8 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (60%)

7 Lck (30%)

4+1 Def (10%)

4+1 Res (15%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 48 (D)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Fetra]

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Vampa B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

17 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

13 Avo

3 AS



Slim Lance (30/30)

Heavy Spear (13/16)*

Horseslayer (15/16)

Javelin (19/20)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Lance (45/45)

B: 5

W: 4

L: 0

[spoiler=Fetra (NPC)]Level 3.97

15/15 HP (40%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (50%)

10 Spe (70%)

0 Lck (0%)

5 Def (35%)

6 Res (40%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 27 (E)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Eliu]

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Vampa B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Eliu B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

11 Atk

99 Hit

8 Crt

20 Avo

10 AS



Slim Lance (30/30)*

Iron Lance (45/45)

Javelin (13/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B: 4

W: 3

L: 0

[spoiler=Lann (5,11)]Level 10.25

28/28 HP
9 Str

0 Mag

15 Skl

17 Spe

7 Lck

6 Def

6 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Sword EXP: 75 ©

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

18 Atk

108 Hit

37 Crt

41 Avo

17 AS


Killing Edge (19/20)

Armorslayer (16/18)*

Red Gem

700 G

B: 2

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Other Data (4)][spoiler=General Seth]Level 6.28

33/34 HP (90%)

13 Str (50%)

3 Mag (2%)

17 Skl (45%)

16 Spe (45%)

15 Lck (25%)

13 Def (40%)

8 Res (30%)

8 Mov

11 Con

9 Aid

Sword EXP: 222 (A)

Lance EXP: 251 (S)

Sp: Horse, Canto, Expert Spacing, Savior

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Eirika C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)

22 Atk

116 Hit

13 Crt

45 Avo

15 AS

15 CEV


Short Spear (10/18)

Heavy Spear (15/16)*

Steel Sword (5/30)

Elixir (1/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)

6560 G


Silver Sword (20/20)

Silver Lance (3/20)

Silver Lance (20/20)

Iron Lance (41/45)

Short Spear (18/18)

Short Spear (18/18)

Lancereaver (15/15)

Dragonspear (30/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Steel Sword (30/30)

Master Seal (1/1)

B: 28

W: 20

L: 0

[spoiler=Princess Eirika]Level 4.27

19 HP (70%)
5 Str (40%)
0 Mag (5%)
10 Skl (60%)
10 Spe (60%)
7 Lck (60%)
3 Def (30%)
1 Res (30%)
5 Mov
5 Con
4 Aid
Sword EXP: 57 (D)
Affinity: Light
Supports: Seth C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)
10 Atk
113 Hit
5 Crt
27 Avo
10 AS
Rapier (13/40)
Iron Sword (46/46)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
Elixir (3/3)
Vulnerary (3/3)
25000 G
B: 0
W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Prince Innes]Level 1.93

31/31 HP (75%)

14 Str (40%)

3 Mag (5%)

13 Skl (40%)

15 Spe (45%)

14+10 Lck (45%)

10 Def (25%)

9 Res (20%)

6 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

Sp: Deadeye, Sure Strike

Bow EXP: 251 (S)

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

32 Atk

143 Hit

26 Crt

54 Avo

15 AS

24 CEV


Nidhogg (--/--)*

Elixir (1/3)

5000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=General Cesar]Level 1.16

25/25 HP (77%)

11 Str (37%)

1 Mag (1%)

9 Skl (36%)

7 Spe (23%)

3 Lck (27%)

15 Def (20%)

5 Res (9%)

6 Mov

13 Con

5 Aid

Sp: Horse, Armor, Nihil

Sword EXP: 181 (A)

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Axe EXP: 84 ©

22 Atk

84 Hit

4 Crt

17 Avo

7 AS



Steel Axe (24/30)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

Steel Lance (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

1000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Convoy (Not on Map)]Iron Sword (38/46)

Devil Lance (23/30)

Iron Axe (33/45)

Heal (21/30)

Heal (30/30)

Mend (20/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)

2020 G

...not to mention Miron and Ruby's inventory and capital.

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With a grin at Ruby, Lann bowed. "After you then. Shall we get into positions?"


ruby: 10-8, felix: 9-8, pegs: 8-8,8-7,8-6, lann: 11-8, elaine: 9-7, xenah: 10-7, miron: 11-7, seth: 7-9, nelon: 7-10, cesear: 7-11

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With everyone in position, Ruby's deft lockpicking springs the door, granting our heroes access to Fort Mulan itself.
Prince Innes turns to the assembled fighters with some last-minute tactical advice.

"All right, listen up! The first door on the right is a short passageway, typically used for hit-and run attacks, ambushes, servicing traps, and other such chicanery in the event of a siege. Be on your guard. The rest of the rooms tend to contain supplies and passages deeper into the castle, particularly as you get closer to the throne room. Watch your step, use the chokes well, and leave a few for me to feather!"


[spoiler=Player Data (10)][spoiler=Elaine (9,7)]Level 9.12

18/23 HP (54+5%) [Temp Max 18]

0 Str (15%)

12 Mag (55%)

11 Skl (40%)

11 Spe (65%)

10 Lck (50%)

7+1 Def (40%)

7+1 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 97 ©

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Xenah B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

Miron C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

19+1 Atk

107+15 Hit

5+10 Crt

32+2 Avo

11 AS

10+15 CEV


Flux (38/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Devil Axe (30/30)

Bandage (30/30)

F rank staff, 1-range, heals (1+Mag/2) floored, backfire chance of -(WEXP + Skl + Lck), floor 0. 8 EXP, 2 WEXP



B 33

W 15

L 2

[spoiler=Nelon (9,6)]Level 10.31

27/27 HP (80%)

10 Str (45%)

0 Mag (5%)

6 Skl (35%)

8 Spe (40%)

8 Lck (30+5%)

12+3 Def (40%)

1+3 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 42 (D)

Lance EXP: 66 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Oatmeal S (+4 Atk, +4 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Not Active)

Xenah C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Active)

Felix B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

18+1 Atk

91+2 Hit

3+5 Crt

22+15 Avo

7 AS

8+15 CEV


Vulnerary (1/3)

Iron Lance (42/45)

Javelin (14/20)

Steel Sword (30/30)*

Armorslayer (16/18)

20 G


Iron Sword (31/46)

Oatmeal Spoon (1/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

Steel Lance (19/30)

Devil Lance (22/30)

B 52

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Felix (9,8)]Level 9.95

37/37 HP (80%)

9 Str (55%)

0 Mag (2%)

13 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

7 Lck (50%)

8+2 Def (45%)

2+2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 74 ©

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: Nelon B (+1 Atk, +2 Def, +10 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

Rapha C (+2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +2 CEV) (Not Active)

16+1 Atk

89 Hit

6+5 Crt

25+10 Avo

9 AS

7+10 CEV


Iron Axe (43/45)

Augmented Halberd (15/15)

[-2 Wt]

Hand Axe (17/20)*

Pure Water (3/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Axe (14/45)

Steel Axe (26/30)

Fetid Vial

B 37

W 19

L 1

[spoiler=Miron (NPC) (11,7)]Level 8.91

25/25 HP (60%)

2 Str (25+5%)

9 Mag (40-5%)

12 Skl (40%)

6 Spe (25%)

7 Lck (40%)

1 Def (10%)

4 Res (25%)

5 Mov

4 Con

3 Aid

Sword EXP: 73 ©

Anima EXP: 181 (A)

Staff EXP: 98 ©

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Ruby S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Active)

Elaine C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +5 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

19+2 Atk

107+25 Hit

11+25 Crt

19+12 Avo

6 AS

7+25 CEV


Augmented Thunder (+2 Mt) (28/29)*

Fimbulvetr (17/20)

Killing Edge (19/20)

Mend (12/20)

Elixir (2/3)

1000 G


Aircalibur (18/20)

B: 4

W: 2

L: 0

[spoiler=Ruby (NPC) (10,8) (Already Moved)]Level 7.32

25/25 HP (60%)

3 Str (20%)

0 Mag (15%)

4 Skl (25%)

10 Spe (40%)

16 Lck (80%)

1 Def (15%)

8 Res (35%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Sword EXP: 31 (D)

Sp: Dance, Thief

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Miron S (+2 Atk, +20 Acc, +10 Avo, +20 Crt, +20 CEV) (Active)

Xenah C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

36+12 Avo

10 AS

16+25 CEV


Shamshir (20/20)

Augmented Armorslayer (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (7/7)

Augmented Zanbato (+4 Mt, -3 Wt) (6/7)

Elixir (3/3)

1000 G

B 1

W 0

L 0

[spoiler=Xenah (10,7)]Level 10.09

25/25 HP (64%)

5 Str (30%)

7 Mag (35%)

6 Skl (30%)

11 Spe (40%)

15 Lck (60%)

5+2 Def (25+5%)

5+2 Res (32%)

5+2 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 49 (D)

Light EXP: 37 (D)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: Nelon C (+1 Def, +2 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 CEV) (Active)

Elaine B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +5 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

Ruby C (+5 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

11+1 Atk

114+17 Hit

8+7 Crt

37+12 Avo

11 AS

15+20 CEV


Lightning (31/35)*
Steel Bow (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Innes' Shortbow (+3 Mt) (9/16)
Fatigue Elixir (3/3)

620 G

Elva's Ruin (14/20)
[Dark B, 6 Mt, 65 Hit, 50 Crt, 11 Wt, 14/20 DUR: A tome specially crafted by a druid too old for hard fighting.]

Nosferatu (20/20)

Shine (30/30)

Pure Water (3/3)

Fatigue Elixir (3/3)

B 33

W 11

L 1

[spoiler=Vampa (NPC) (8,8)]Level 8.28

17/17 HP (40%)

5 Str (40%)

0 Mag (0%)

11 Skl (60%)

8 Spe (25%)

6 Lck (10%)

4+2 Def (25%)

4+2 Res (25%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Eliu + Fetra]

Affinity: Light

Supports: Eliu B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

9+3 Atk

110+20 Hit

10+20 Crt

22+5 Avo

8 AS

6+10 CEV


Slim Lance (26/30)*

Silver Lance (20/20)

Javelin (18/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)



Killer Lance (30/30)

B: 4

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Eliu (NPC) (8,7)]Level 7.44

26/26 HP (67%)

8 Str (30%)

0 Mag (0%)

8 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (60%)

7 Lck (30%)

4+1 Def (10%)

4+1 Res (15%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 48 (D)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Fetra]

Affinity: Wind

Supports: Vampa B (+2 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Fetra B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

17+3 Atk

89+20 Hit

3+20 Crt

13+5 Avo

3 AS

7+15 CEV


Slim Lance (30/30)

Heavy Spear (13/16)*

Horseslayer (15/16)

Javelin (19/20)

Vulnerary (3/3)



Iron Lance (45/45)

B: 5

W: 4

L: 0

[spoiler=Fetra (NPC) (8,6)]Level 3.97

15/15 HP (40%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (50%)

10 Spe (70%)

0 Lck (0%)

5+1 Def (35%)

6+1 Res (40%)

7 Mov

6 Con

9 Aid

Lance EXP: 27 (E)

Sp: Pegasus, Triangle Attack [Vampa + Eliu]

Affinity: Dark

Supports: Vampa B (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +5 CEV) (Active)

Eliu B (+1 Atk, +10 Acc, +5 Avo, +10 Crt, +10 CEV) (Active)

11+2 Atk

99+20 Hit

8+20 Crt

20+10 Avo

10 AS

0+15 CEV


Slim Lance (30/30)*

Iron Lance (45/45)

Javelin (13/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B: 4

W: 3

L: 0

[spoiler=Lann (11,8)]Level 10.25

28/28 HP
9 Str

0 Mag

15 Skl

17 Spe

7 Lck

6 Def

6 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Sword EXP: 75 ©

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

18 Atk

108 Hit

37 Crt

41 Avo

17 AS


Killing Edge (19/20)*

Red Gem

700 G

B: 2

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Other Data (13)][spoiler=General Seth (10,6)]Level 6.28

34/34 HP (90%)

13 Str (50%)

3 Mag (2%)

17 Skl (45%)

16 Spe (45%)

15 Lck (25%)

13+1 Def (40%)

8+1 Res (30%)

8 Mov

11 Con

9 Aid

Sword EXP: 222 (A)

Lance EXP: 251 (S)

Sp: Horse, Canto, Expert Spacing, Savior

Affinity: Anima

Supports: Eirika C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Active)

22 Atk

116+2 Hit

13+2 Crt

45+2 Avo

15 AS

15+2 CEV


Short Spear (10/18)

Heavy Spear (15/16)*

Steel Sword (5/30)

Elixir (1/3)

Vulnerary (3/3)

6560 G


Silver Sword (20/20)

Silver Lance (3/20)

Silver Lance (20/20)

Iron Lance (41/45)

Short Spear (18/18)

Short Spear (18/18)

Lancereaver (15/15)

Dragonspear (30/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Vulnerary (3/3)

Steel Sword (30/30)

Master Seal (1/1)

B: 28

W: 20

L: 0

[spoiler=Princess Eirika (10,5)]Level 4.27

19 HP (70%)
5 Str (40%)
0 Mag (5%)
10 Skl (60%)
10 Spe (60%)
7 Lck (60%)
3+1 Def (30%)
1+1 Res (30%)
5 Mov
5 Con
4 Aid
Sword EXP: 57 (D)
Affinity: Light
Supports: Seth C (+1 Atk, +1 Def, +2 Acc, +2 Avo, +2 Crt, +2 CEV) (Active)
10+1 Atk
113+2 Hit
5+2 Crt
27+2 Avo
10 AS
7+2 CEV
Rapier (13/40)
Iron Sword (46/46)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
Elixir (3/3)
Vulnerary (3/3)
25000 G
B: 0
W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Prince Innes (12,8)]Level 1.93

31/31 HP (75%)

14 Str (40%)

3 Mag (5%)

13 Skl (40%)

15 Spe (45%)

14+10 Lck (45%)

10 Def (25%)

9 Res (20%)

6 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

Sp: Deadeye, Sure Strike

Bow EXP: 251 (S)

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

32 Atk

143 Hit

26 Crt

54 Avo

15 AS

24 CEV


Nidhogg (--/--)*

-Serpent Bow of Frelia, which bestows luck upon its wielder and annihilates demons.

Elixir (1/3)

5000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=General Cesar (11,6)]Level 1.16

25/25 HP (77%)

11 Str (37%)

1 Mag (1%)

9 Skl (36%)

7 Spe (23%)

3 Lck (27%)

15 Def (20%)

5 Res (9%)

6 Mov

13 Con

4 Aid

Sp: Horse, Armor, Nihil

Sword EXP: 181 (A)

Lance EXP: 181 (A)

Axe EXP: 84 ©

22 Atk

84 Hit

4 Crt

17 Avo

7 AS



Steel Axe (24/30)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

Steel Lance (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)

1000 G

B: 0

W: 0

L: 0

[spoiler=Children (23,33) through (25,35), 9x]Con: 4 for males, 3 for females

Carrying: no money no items

4 Move [Foot type]

Phase: between Player and Enemy. Ain't I a stinker?

Always gets hit, always gets one-shotted. They're children, for Christ's sake. Save them!

[spoiler=Convoy (Not on Map)]Iron Sword (38/46)

Devil Lance (23/30)

Iron Axe (33/45)

Heal (21/30)

Heal (30/30)

Mend (20/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)

2020 G

...not to mention Miron and Ruby's inventory and capital.

[spoiler=Enemy Data (??)]
[spoiler=Armor Knight #1 (8,15)]
Level 15
34/34 HP
14 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
4 Spe
4 Lck
14 Def
2 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
20 Atk
81+5 Hit
3 Crt
12+5 Avo
4 AS
Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #2 (9,15)]
Level 15
34/34 HP
9 Str
0 Mag
7 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
17 Def
4 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
19 Atk
85+5 Hit
3 Crt
9+5 Avo
3 AS
Steel Lance (30/30)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #3 (11,15)]
Level 15
34/34 HP
11 Str
0 Mag
10 Skl
2 Spe
4 Lck
10 Def
2 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
21 Atk
92+5 Hit
5 Crt
8+5 Avo
2 AS
Steel Lance (30/30)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #4 (12,15)]
Level 15
31/31 HP
15 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
2 Spe
4 Lck
14 Def
5 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
21 Atk
73+5 Hit
1 Crt
8+5 Avo
2 AS
Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=Archer #1 (9,16)]
Level 11
25/25 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
11 Skl
5 Spe
3 Lck
4+1 Def
2 Res
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
C Bow
16 Atk
98+5 Hit
35 Crt
13+25 Avo
5 AS
Killer Bow (30/30)*

[spoiler=Archer #2 (11,16)]
Level 11
26/26 HP
9 Str
2 Mag
9 Skl
8 Spe
6 Lck
6+1 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
5 Con
5 Aid
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
C Bow
18 Atk
96+5 Hit
34 Crt
18+25 Avo
6 AS
Killer Bow (20/20)*

[spoiler=General #1 (10,16]
Level 2
39/39 HP
18 Str
1 Mag
11 Skl
4 Spe
7 Lck
18 Def
6 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Leadership 1
Cd: Morale Feeback (1-Star)
D Sword
D Lance
A Axe
33 Atk
95+5 Hit
5 Crt
15+5 Avo
4 AS
Silver Axe (20/20)*
Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Mercenary #1 (10,19)]
Level 7
27/27 HP
12 Str
0 Mag
14 Skl
13 Spe
1 Lck
7+1 Def
2 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
C Sword
20 Atk
103 Hit
7 Crt
25+20 Avo
12 AS
Steel Sword (30/30)*

[spoiler=Mercenary #2 (9,22)]
Level 7
27/27 HP
9 Str
0 Mag
14 Skl
11 Spe
4 Lck
6+1 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
C Sword
17 Atk
105 Hit
7 Crt
24+20 Avo
10 AS
Steel Sword (30/30)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #5 (8,27)]
Level 15
34/34 HP
13 Str
0 Mag
8 Skl
6 Spe
5 Lck
12 Def
6 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
22 Atk
88+5 Crt
4 Crt
17+5 Avo
6 AS
5 AS
Heavy Spear (16/16)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #6 (9,26)]
Level 15
33/33 HP
13 Str
0 Mag
9 Skl
1 Spe
3 Lck
17 Def
2 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
20 Atk
89+5 Hit
4 Crt
5+5 Avo
1 AS
Horseslayer (16/16)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #7 (10,25)]
Level 15
30/30 HP
14 Str
0 Mag
9 Skl
5 Spe
5 Lck
12 Def
3 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
24 Atk
90+5 Hit
9 Crt
15+5 Avo
5 AS
Axereaver (15/15)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #8 (11,26)]
Level 15
33/33 HP
8 Str
0 Mag
7 Skl
1 Spe
6 Lck
14 Def
5 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
15 Atk
87+5 Hit
3 Crt
8+5 Avo
1 AS
Horseslayer (16/16)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight #9 (12,27)]
Level 15
31/31 HP
12 Str
0 Mag
4 Skl
2 Spe
7 Lck
17 Def
4 Res
4 Mov
13 Con
16 Wt
9 Aid
Sp: Armor
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
B Lance
21 Atk
81+5 Hit
2 Crt
11+5 Avo
2 AS
Heavy Spear (16/16)*

[spoiler=Mage #1 (9,27)]
Level 11
26/26 HP
4 Str
9 Mag
11 Skl
8 Spe
1 Lck
4+1 Def
6 Res
5 Mov
5 Con
4 Aid
C Anima
17 Atk
107+5 Hit
10 Crt
17+25 Avo
8 AS
Thunder (35/35)*

[spoiler=Mage #2 (11,27)]
Level 11
23/23 HP
3 Str
10 Mag
8 Skl
9 Spe
5 Lck
3+1 Def
11 Res
5 Mov
5 Con
4 Aid
C Anima
18 Atk
98+5 Hit
8 Crt
23+25 Avo
9 AS
Thunder (35/35)*

[spoiler=General #2 (9,29)]
Level 1
39/39 HP
13 Str
1 Mag
9 Skl
5 Spe
5 Lck
20 Def
8 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Greatshield
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
E Sword
A Lance
D Axe
27 Atk
95+5 Hit
4 Crt
15+5 Avo
5 AS
Silver Lance (20/20)*

[spoiler=General #3 (11,29)]
Level 1
36/36 HP
17 Str
1 Mag
12 Skl
5 Spe
3 Lck
17 Def
7 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Greatshield
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
E Sword
A Lance
D Axe
31 Atk
100+5 Hit
6 Crt
13+5 Avo
5 AS
Silver Lance (20/20)*

[spoiler=General #4 (10,28)]
Level 6
39/39 HP
18 Str
2 Mag
10 Skl
4 Spe
3 Lck
20 Def
12 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Leadership (1-Star)
Cd: Morale Feedback (1-Star)
D Sword
S Lance
D Axe
30 Atk
96+5 Hit
15 Crt
11+5 Avo
4 AS
Spear (15/15)*
Augmented Steel Sword (+10 Hit) (27/27)

[spoiler=Soldier #1 (20,33)]
Level 1
25/25 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
1 Spe
1 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
E Lance
14 Atk
84 Hit
1 Crt
1 Avo
0 AS
Iron Lance (45/45)*
!!Door Key!!

[spoiler=Fighter #1 (26,35)]
Level 7
30/30 HP
11 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
8 Spe
0 Lck
5 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
11 Con
10 Aid
C Axe
22 Atk
77 Hit
33 Crt
16 Avo
8 AS
Killer Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Fighter #2 (26,33)]
Level 7
30/30 HP
10 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
3 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
11 Con
10 Aid
C Axe
21 Atk
75 Hit
32 Crt
13 Avo
6 AS
Killer Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=General #5 (26,34)]
Level 1
38/38 HP
17 Str
1 Mag
14 Skl
4 Spe
4 Lck
21 Def
12 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
D Sword
B Lance
D Axe
29 Atk
105 Hit
12 Crt
12 Avo
4 AS
Spear (15/15)*
Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Soldier #2 (32,33)]
Level 1
23/23 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
2 Spe
1 Lck
2 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
E Lance
14 Atk
76 Hit
1 Crt
3 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (46/46)*

[spoiler=Soldier #3 (38,22)]
Level 1
22/22 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
2 Spe
0 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
11 Atk
74 Hit
1 Crt
2 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (46/46)*
!!Door Key!!

[spoiler=Sage #1 (39,30)]
Level 1
31/31 HP
8 Str
21 Mag
10 Skl
11 Spe
3 Lck
7 Def
13 Res
6 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Sp: Desertwalk, Rewarp
B Anima
D Light
D Staff
31 Atk
106 Hit
5 Crt
23 Avo
10 AS
Elfire (30/30)*
Bolting (5/5)
Mend (18/20)

[spoiler=Soldier #4 (32,6)]
Level 1
23/23 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
3 Spe
0 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
E Lance
11 Atk
84 Hit
1 Crt
4 Avo
2 AS
Iron Lance (46/46)*

[spoiler=General #6 (25,10)]
Level 5
46/46 HP
17 Str
1 Mag
15 Skl
7 Spe
1 Lck
20 Def
15 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Greatshield
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
A Sword
C Lance
E Axe
30 Atk
110+5 Hit
7 Crt
15+5 Avo
7 AS
Silver Sword (20/20)*

[spoiler=General #7 (27,10)]
Level 5
44/44 HP
23 Str
0 Mag
9 Skl
8 Spe
5 Lck
16 Def
7 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Greatshield
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
E Sword
C Lance
A Axe
38 Atk
90+5 Hit
4 Crt
21+5 Avo
8 AS
Silver Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Sniper #1 (25,11)]
Level 1
39/39 HP
18 Str
1 Mag
13 Skl
19 Spe
8 Lck
8 Def
6 Res
6 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Sp: Deadeye, Sure Strike
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
A Bow
23 Atk
111+5 Hit
21 Crt
42+5 Avo
17 AS
Longbow (20/20)*

[spoiler=Sniper #2 (27,11)]
Level 1
40/40 HP
15 Str
1 Mag
25 Skl
9 Spe
7 Lck
8 Def
7 Res
6 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Sp: Deadeye, Sure Strike
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
A Bow
20 Atk
138+5 Hit
27 Crt
21+5 Avo
7 AS
Longbow (20/20)*

[spoiler=Sage #2 (26,12)]
Level 1
32/32 HP
6 Str
8 Mag
9 Skl
9 Spe
7 Lck
3 Def
18 Res
6 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
Sp: Desertwalk, Rewarp
Cd: Morale Boost (1-Star)
16 Atk
101+5 Hit
9 Crt
25+5 Avo
9 AS
Thunder (35/35)*
Physic (15/15)

[spoiler=General #8 (26,9)]
Level 10
50/50 HP
15 Str
0 Mag
13 Skl
7 Spe
7 Lck
21 Def
13 Res
5 Mov
15 Con
18 Wt
11 Aid
Sp: Armor, Leadership (1-Star)
Cd: Morale Feedback (1-Star)
D Sword
S Lance
D Axe
29 Atk
109+5 Hit
11 Crt
21+5 Avo
7 AS
Silver Lance (20/20)*

Edited by Terrador
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"Tch." Though Xenah kept herself thinking again and again about how they should advance, her distress was pretty clear, and with reason-- there was much to rush before the enemy could charge, drats.

Though she feared he'd be about as puzzled, Xenah turned to Cesar in possible search of enlightenment. "I... don't think we can just charge as is, we should gain some ground and let them come first, that's what I feel would be safer for now. I understand it's not the most intuitive at first... but it might be the better off for now. What do you think, yourself?"

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Cesar tests the edge of his axe, clearly apprehensive of the situation.

"I don't think we can convince the Prince to rest on his laurels--he knows we can strike now, and succeed, so there can be no persuading him. If only we could defeat that General, and draw just a handful of foes from the Prince, we could gain a crucial victory here..."

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Xenah put her hand over her head for a moment, eyes closed on thought. No doubt she wasn't happy with this predicament at all... but if the prince wanted to take the general on his own, maybe they did have a chance.

"Very well." Xenah said, eyes open again, posture returning to normal. "If he wishes so... I think there might be a way to reduce backfires." The seer said, looking back at her comrades for a moment. "Nelon, Felix. You two follow ahead, ready your throwing weapons... but don't bother fighting the nearest knight if his armor is too strong. Vampa, you and your sisters can advance slowly... position yourselves behind Felix." She then turned to Seth, a bit worried that he'd pay more attention to the princess than the battle. "Seth, I'll need you to reach for Innes. If he truly wants to break their leadership, he'll be sitting in harm's way. Tell him to re-equip the Nidhogg, and move to the side, to block their path along Nelon. Ready your short spear as well, if you may."

Saying these, she walks towards Innes, offering the short bow back. "Seems you'll want this more than me after all, correct?" Turning back, she calls for more of her companions. "Elaine... Sir mercenary." She gestures for them to come over. "Somebody would want a shove. Miron, let's clear a path as well. Princess... don't move too far just yet. Cesar... join the others in surviving the enemy, or do as you see fit."

[Xenah moves to (12,7) and trades her Augmented Shortbow (+3mt) to Innes.]


Xenah moves to (12,7), gives Innes the Shortbow (+ 3mt);

Lann moves to (13,8), shoves Innes left;

Miron moves to (10,9) close to his waifu or something;

Elaine moves to (11,7), shoves Innes up;

Innes moves to (10,14), shortbows the General to his explosion;

Felix moves to (9,12), equips hand axe;

Nelon moves to (9,13), equips javelin;

Seth moves to (10,13), outfits Innes with his Nidhogg, and equips a short spear himself, cantos to (11,13);

Fetra, Eliu and Vampa move to (9,10), (10,10), and (11,10) respectively;

Cesar moves to (10,12);

Eirika goes to (9,9) or something;

If Cesar can't be guaranteed to comply, we're making Felix move to (10,12) instead.

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With a grin, Lann drew his blade, ready for combat, moving around, he allowed the Prince to get into a better position to help finish off the enemies as quickly as possible.


Lann moves to 13-8 and shoves Innes left

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