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Lucky me, I got four lvl up with MU Def + Lck - and got only +1 at defense (but +4 at speed) on my first Lunatic + file.

I need defense for chapter 1, not speed T_T

Don't restart. Your Avatar has 10 Spd, which is just enough to allow Fred to double the Ch 1 enemies when they are Paired. I only had +2 Def from base on my Avatar and got through Ch 2 just fine.

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Just finished Lunatic CLA earlier today. Was somewhat disappointed with the second half's difficulty, overall.

Mid game gets easier as your characters are somewhat getting stronger. The difficulty will catch on again towards the end.

The early game was tough (chapter 3 was the hardest in the game, by far), but after that, it started to get gradually easier. By about chapter 12, the game had become pretty easy - and then I got the children (except Nah) and began training them up. From about chapter 16 onwards things became a joke. Every character had the stats to basically tank physically and magically and dodge, as well as ORKO. Even forged silvers and +10 hit weren't enough to make it laughably easy. Even chapter 21, the chapter I was most dreading, was pretty straightforward.

It went a success once getting to that point with Avatar. =]

Probably my MVP was Morgan. Armed with Veteran, Ignis and all stats +2 (n.b. I did each of the 5 DLC maps available in Europe once, excluding Golden pack which I didn't do), he grew quickly, and by endgame, had capped everything except RES which he was 1-2 points off. He probably could have solo'd the final chapter, given enough time, but I sped it up with everyone else's support.

Especially after giving all of my characters Elite (Chapter 16 The game gets ridiculously alot easier from that point anyway.), so they get better faster has helped alot till Chapter 23.

Now to decide what to do next: Hard training every character and aiming to get most/all supports, or Lunatic+ NEW (I'm not insane enough to do Lunatic+ CLA)...

For a mode designed only for expert players, I'd like to practice on Casual first.

Not sure that you'll encounter much difficulty in Hard mode. If you didn't find Lunatic challenging, Hard mode is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Yeah, and loving the pleasure of picking on foes that are weaker than u. =D

Lunatic does have a nasty habit of surrounding you more than anything. -.-


I had to start the game over a few times because of overusing Freddie by mistake and that Chrom wasn't strong enough to handle Chapter 3. Thankfully, Chapter 4 got easier with the stat up items from renown and the Tiki's Tear. =]

Once Chrom got strong enough by Chapter 12, it went pretty easy from there till Chapter 23. Time to practice on Lunatic+.

Forges+Despoil/Elite either does the job nicely!

Edited by ポーラ
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Just posting to say that:

1) I just finished Lunatic+, no grind. Max forge Brave Bow Warrior Morgan with buffed to the teeth Lucina partner FTW. Take that, Grima.

2) Chapters 23 to 25 really, REALLY sucked.

That is all.

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Nicely done. What did you find difficult about C25, I wonder? Did you simply not have enough Mov/Rescue range to end it prematurely?

No usable fliers on my team, and everyone from third-best down the line fell behind stat-wise and couldn't handle heavy combat (Gregor because I didn't promote him early enough, Cordelia because I trained Gregor, Lon'qu because he sucks), so trying to brute force my way to the boss was an exercise in futility. I ended up retreating on top of the left-side mountains, and plinking enough things to death with Morgan and Sniper!Avatar that I could make my way to Aversa without getting overwhelmed.

It was less bad than Ch23-24, which was "pick a corner and pray".

EDIT: I did have a nice Rescue bot -- Lissa with 32 MAG -- but lacking flight I couldn't close the deal on the chapter without putting her at risk.

Edited by Interceptor
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Dear Lunatic Club,

I am interested in trying to LTC this, but as I said before, it really does seem to sway from it's apparent nature when it requires you to rig some growths.

At the very least, is it possible to have an effeciency approach towards it?

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I don't see why not (unless you are talking about Luna+, in which case you are insane), since Avatar is extremely strong in vanilla Lunatic. You just need to worry about things like training up secondary fighters to deal with Routs.

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I don't see why not (unless you are talking about Luna+, in which case you are insane), since Avatar is extremely strong in vanilla Lunatic. You just need to worry about things like training up secondary fighters to deal with Routs.

What's wrong with Lunatic+? I know enemies have skills and all, but...isn't that it? No stat-changes, right?

what stage are you on, and how low are you willing to go reliability-wise?

I got as far as Paralogue 1, Donny but I overwrote that file yesterday as a backup save for a draft. I don't know what lies beyond that, to be honest.

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What's wrong with Lunatic+? I know enemies have skills and all, but...isn't that it? No stat-changes, right?

The skills are a huge change. Makes a big difference with map clears, depending on who gets what. Lots of resetting in your future. Hard to plan.
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Assuming you have Lon'qu, Paralogue 1 is doable in seven turns (even if you recruit Donnel) at about a 50/50 rate. Often in the earlygame, taking an extra turn improves reliability by a lot; for example, Ch 5 requires two Spd points from Lon'qu in addition to timely Dual Strikes or crits in order to clear in five turns, but taking an extra turn obviates the need for a good Lon'qu. The midgame isn't as annoying since enemy growth rates slow down a bit. The endgame enemies are strong, but if you have Galeforce or Rally Spectrum, the only really dicey stage is Ch 20 (assuming a one-turn clear).

The minimum I've seen for Ch 2 is six turns, but it may be too unreliable for your liking. I cleared it in seven turns at about a 50/50 success rate.

Edited by Redwall
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What is the optimal TC for Ch.2? The best I could do is 8-turn it in LM.

That would be dependant on the skills enemies have, with a favorable skillset it should end up about the same.

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Non-LTC, no grinding / renown Lunatic is still a joke. My Avatar paired up with Frederick soloed all the earlygame chapters...

That's how I beat it as well... imposing challenges helped a bit...

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Ok, I need REALLY help for chapter 2 on lunatic + on classic mode (without anyone dying), MU has 22 HP, 7 str, 8 mag, 9 skl, 10 spd, 11 6 lck, 13 def and 7 res on level 8 and with def + lck -.

I restart until the 4 ennemies at the bottom left and the boss havn't luna and sometimes I attempt to kill the merc with MU x Fred (c support) with a dual attack or I attack the barbarian still on the left with MU X Chrom and the Merc with Fred x Virion... I was lucky sometimes but got killed with 2 or 3 ennemies left...

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I don't think you're fast enough to double the Barbarian with Avatar/Chrom. I chose to attack the Mercenary with Fred/Vaike and finish with Avatar/somebody. If the Mercenary has Luna+, then you should attack first with Avatar so that Fred doesn't have to lose any health.

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Let's see if I can beat Lunatic+ somewhat efficiently.

AHHHHHHH. My very first try at Lunatic+: Frederick got crit killed by a Luna+ barbarian on the first turn. >___________>

Edited by Olwen
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I don't think you're fast enough to double the Barbarian with Avatar/Chrom. I chose to attack the Mercenary with Fred/Vaike and finish with Avatar/somebody. If the Mercenary has Luna+, then you should attack first with Avatar so that Fred doesn't have to lose any health.

It was so obvious ! Now I can (maybe) survive the first wave easily, the second is a joke.

Edited by Missile
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Let's see if I can beat Lunatic+ somewhat efficiently.

AHHHHHHH. My very first try at Lunatic+: Frederick got crit killed by a Luna+ barbarian on the first turn. >___________>

Kinda similar to how when i tried Lunatic the very first time, A Barbarian Critted Chrom first turn on Prologue.

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