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You'll need a tanky MU (at least 13 or 14 on def and 23-24 HP), restart if there is too many luna+, especially on the left side and for the boss (if there is one of the four ennemies with Luna + on this side, I reset).

I killed the mercenaire on the left with MU x Chrom and Fred x Virion, Sully rush on the left near the forest and put Lissa on the forest, Stahl and Vaike stays on the middle (let them on the extrem left where they cannot get hit).

On the next turns, you must stay on the montain with your two tanks and use maybe some elixir meanwhile the useless units run for their lives. Their will be a lot of luck involved, so pick a god an pray.

For the another wave, I use MU x Fred and rush on the barbarian next to the fort with a bronze sword, I hope there aren't too much Luna for you...

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Thanks for the help at chapter 5, Interceptor.

I finished Chapter 6 and have to train for Chapter 7, so I´m on Sidequest 2. I beat all enemies except Victor and his group(they move only if I visit the village or if it is destroyed, correct?) and five bandits. Frederik stands at the village(not visiting it) and the five bandits surround him. Four do nothing, one attacks him. Does someone know more about the AI of those bandits? They obviosly want to destroy the village and because they can´t do that, one attacks Frederik from the south while the others are just standing near the village. Can I attack the bandits with my other units without risking an attack in the enemy phase? Or do they go aggressive if someone with low HP is in they range or if they get attacked?

Again, Luna+

Edited by Aircalipoor
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Thanks for the help at chapter 5, Interceptor.

Wasn't that Othin?

Regarding Paralogue 2, I'm not sure about the AI. I always let them destroy the village (don't care about Physic), and set up a blockade on the bridge for unit training. The village-tanking strategy is interesting, I've never heard of it before. AI response is worth testing, might be training a lot easier (myself, I peel them off one at a time by putting someone at the edge of their attack range).

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Okay... so how overleveled am I? >_>;

I mean I'm at a point where I can still have "fun" compared to the normal low-tier Lunatic+ goer instead of COMPLETELY trivializing the difficulty... but... yeah.

I almost feel a little guilty having a nearly level 20 MU by the end of this.

So here's the question. I REALLY hate reclassing. I'm a vanilla original classes only type of guy.

I pretty much hated Solo'ing with a Sorcerer Nosferatank MU on Lunatic Classic via Veteran. When I usually only grinded for skills post game and DIDN'T record anything on video until I reclassed them back to their original classes or a promoted version of their original classes.

But what would you suggest reclassing my MU to?

Because I'm thinking ---> Merc for Armsthrift ---> Hero (Sol) ---> Sorcerer. But going through Merc would mean losing his ranged ability against counter mooks for at least a little while. I was able to do it in Lunatic Classic because of the lack of counter >_>;

Suggestions from the higher tier veterans?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Okay... so how overleveled am I? >_>;

I mean I'm at a point where I can still have "fun" compared to the normal low-tier Lunatic+ goer instead of COMPLETELY trivializing the difficulty... but... yeah.

I don't feel like being over-leveled in Lunatic+ offers the same sort of advantages that it does in vanilla Lunatic. Higher is better in general, but because of Counter, you also ramp up one of the disadvantages of being a badass.

I hit level 20 Tactician by the end of Chapter 4 in my Luna+ playthrough. I reclassed into Merc, and eventually promoted into Bow Knight, where I stayed until switching to Sniper. Going to Hero -> Sorc path is also viable, although simultaneously overkill and insufficient because of the damage you're still taking from Counter.

You can get around the inability to deal with Counter guys by using Levin Swords (easily available via Spotpass teams). Avatar will have the WEXP to wield, and the MAG to make it hurt, from leveling up as a Tactician, so it works out. Armsthrift will keep your costs down.

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My bad. It was Othin.

I tested it. It is safe. Only the southern bandit attacks(and he will target only the unit on the village), the others won´t do a thing. You can just beat them slowly and without risks for exp. Maybe I can get Panne to level 10 :>

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After chapter 3 or 4, do you restart often ?

I restart like 50 times on paralogue 1 because I needed some ennemies without counter because I have only two units who can actually fight with long-ranged weapon (Fred and Virion, MU has reclassed into a Pegasus knight on lvl 17 and hasn't got to D-Rank yet) and some luck.

I'm on chapter 5 and I can't even survive the first turns because of counter...

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After chapter 3 or 4, do you restart often ?

I restart like 50 times on paralogue 1 because I needed some ennemies without counter because I have only two units who can actually fight with long-ranged weapon (Fred and Virion, MU has reclassed into a Pegasus knight on lvl 17 and hasn't got to D-Rank yet) and some luck.

I'm on chapter 5 and I can't even survive the first turns because of counter...

I restart a lot generally.

I did a little grinding for Fred though, but I paired him up with Kellam and did some unequipped tanking. Which doesn't do much if the mage hits AND the mook that goes for him has Luna+... that or all of them have Pass.

Doing this mode completely legit is way out of my league.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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EH. It gets easier after chapter 7. 9 and 11 spike up the difficulty and 12 is a huge brick wall.

But what do you mean by completely legit? You know what's completely legit? -DEF + LCK Avatar on Luna+.

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EH. It gets easier after chapter 7. 9 and 11 spike up the difficulty and 12 is a huge brick wall.

But what do you mean by completely legit? You know what's completely legit? -DEF + LCK Avatar on Luna+.

I don't even know what "legit" means on Lunatic+, the mode that shamelessly cheats and goes out of its way to poke you in the eye with a stick. Everyone should feel free to beat it however they please.

Even I don't know what's "legit" anymore.

I mean I'm sure I'm not as masochistic and/or good as the people who say that they've done Lunatic+ without grinding.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I got through Chapter 2! I might have lost a third of my army, but it was sure worth it!

why am I not playing on casual

well at least counter means there's gonna be less Luna+ from now on...

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...is it even possible to kill Lunatic Grima with unpromoted units only?

That guy has 53 defense and resistance; even Chrom with his Falchion does crap for damage with unpromoted strength caps, and let's not even talk about surviving the counter attacks or all the mooks that keep swarming you. lol

Anyway, after beating vanilla Lunatic, I'm now tackling Lunatic+, and am planning to play around with skillsets a bit on that file. However, to do so, I need a way to grind, which is an obvious problem.

Any ideas on how to grind on Lunatic+ with no DLC other than Marth's? Would it be possible to recruit a trained DLC Marth and use him to make the skirmishes humanly possible, or would a single strong unit obtained this way still not do the trick?

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Without EXPonential? I'd start looking for spare change under the couch before I tried to grind Skirmishes in Lunatic+. I was able to handle some of the later ones, but this was after I had already put together a fully trained team.

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The more battles you do, even on DLC, the stronger the skirmishes get so that's a no go. DLC all the way.

And max strength Lord Lucina with a Barbarian pair CAN technically damage Grima. And she has free aether.

Edited by 1% critted
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@Interceptor: Well, that sounds encouraging. xD

The more battles you do, even on DLC, the stronger the skirmishes get so that's a no go. DLC all the way.

And max strength Lord Lucina with a Barbarian pair CAN technically damage Grima. And she has free aether.

Wait, they actually do? I thought it was just my terrible luck that every skirmish after the first I did on vanilla Lunatic seemed ridiculously impossible.

Yeah, it's not damaging him that'd be the problem, it's actually killing him without getting your face torn off in return. I just can't imagine it. xD

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And the damage doesn't really matter, since a Physic Trickster will just heal it back. Srsly, such a bad class and it's the biggest troll in the final chapter.

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Wow, Lunatic+ is just stupid. Even on Casual mode it's just a huge RNG fest.

After barely beating chapter 2, chapter 3 saw fit to keep giving all enemies either Counter and Aegis+ or Hawkeye and Luna+. Repeatedly. Over and over again.

Screw this, I'm just gonna replay vanilla Lunatic.

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