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Alright then, mercenary it is. I thought the loss of 3 RES when reclass would give him trouble against the mages in Chapter 6. I hope the Skill bonus would provide him crazy avoid to compensate that. Well, it's Miriel and Chrom time to shine.

A little question about Nowi: When she maxed out her level, is it best to reclassed her for extra skills or just reset her levels back as Manaketes?

Edited by Shengar
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The mages in Ch6 are highly inaccurate for the most part because of Dark magic, but giving Avatar a support with Sumia will go a long way to helping you there (gives both SPD and RES). Lissa or Maribelle would also be decent if you had an issue.

I always just reclass Nowi back into Manakete, for fastest leveling speed. There's nothing she wants in the Mage class set, and while +STR and Tantivy might be useful for her, she technically doesn't need them. It does help a little if you can put up with getting her 10 levels with E-rank Axes, but it's not a huge payoff or anything.

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They have about 50% hit against Fred with Nosferatu. About 60% with Elthunder. And I'm talking about level 6 Fred with Kellam pair up so nothing ridiculously good or bad.

And don't even think about dodging the wind mage.

And most of the time with Nowi, I reclass her to Griffon rider for 5 levels to get Deliverer. Of course you can choose not to do it, but I like high MOV.

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Or that^

If you do it, just make sure you have easy paralogues to train her in. Those 5 levels can be a pain sometimes.

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Gregor is her best partner, but any SPD support will do. Lon'qu is a decent choice, but she may need a temporary +SPD/DEF partner early to survive training, like a Cavalier.

Edited by Interceptor
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If you just want the DEF, you have better options than Gregor. A DM, Sorc, or Dark Knight will all give DEF/MAG and maybe another stat or two. I don't feel like Miriel needs a SPD support when she has a 7 base, 60% growth, and is available early. Henry is a great option if you can wait that long. Libra has some potential, after a reclass.

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Does anyone know of easier strategies for Chapter 6? By that point, I only ever have two units capable of combat (Chrom and FeMu), which isn't enough to protect Emmeryn. I've tried having Panne as the third unit and relying on dodging, but I dunno, she's a bit too frail. =/ Pair Panne with Freddy/Kellam maybe? I've done it twice before, but both times it required lots of luck. I don't want to use Frederick for combat since he leeches so much exp away from Chrommu, which makes it harder. Btw, this is no-grind (don't have DLC access), so I can't train up units outside of Chapters/Paralogues.

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Put one unit next to Marth, blocking off the door, and the other one blocking the western corridor that leads into the room. Hide your squishies with Emm. When Marth dies, the unit you put there will fight a lot of guys at once, so you probably want to use Avatar here with plenty of consumable heals.

Also, you can Rescue Marth into the western corridor, and have Chrom and Avatar stand side by side in front of the door. Keep Marth alive by chain-healing her. You can have Lissa adjacent to heal Marth back to full, and Maribelle next to Lissa (or whatever) to heal damage from 2-range attackers that fire overhead.

OR, do the same thing as #2, but have Frederick/Kellam tank the western corridor unequipped, with healers on standby.

It's just a matter of holding out and killing dudes at that point.

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If you have a unit block off the middle chokepoint, Marth can solo pretty much the whole right side until the Cavaliers (where she then has around a 40% chance of death, but it's fine if she dies). By that time there aren't many enemies left. The rest of your team can handle the west.

The unit that blocks the middle needs to be fairly strong, but in the past I've used a trained Lon'qu, or Sully (which are options in addition to the obvious Chrom, Avatar, Frederick. Stahl could also work) there before. Sword users are good to dodge the Axes and if avoid is good, also the Dark Magic. Note that it's fairly safe to have a healer behind this unit as the other 2 range enemies are Dark Mages which Lissa/Maribelle can take a hit from.

Though this assumes you've trained those units a bunch in Paralogue 1 and that they also fought in Chapter 5 (should level 10+, with a decent C support and tonic help). Just use Avatar or Chrom there in the middle if you need to.

Edited by XeKr
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So many of my unit apparently able gain many levels, thanks to my avatar manly enough to tank and blocking the land unit at chokepoint near starting point in Chapter 5(thanks to Kris Confect and Frederick support). Lissa, Miriel and Chrom are in level 10, while Lon'qu is level 8. I need suggestion whether or not I should reclass Chrom immideately to cavalier and promoting Miriel to Sage right away or have them level up higher for extra stat.

Edited by Shengar
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Reclass Chrom-> Yes. You miss out on rapiers, but by the time you get to the valm arc, he will most likely be able to use Beast killers.

Promote Miriel-> No. Early promoting in Lunatic is shooting yourself in the foot. Once mid Valm starts to kick in, early promoted won't stand a chance.

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YES ! I beat Lunatic + ! After chapter 12, it was less difficult and I restarted like two or three for skills.

But chapter 23 and 24 are just euagsehgodsjgzoejfgezpfjzefjezofjzeo especially 24 with these fucking dragons.

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So promoting is best done at the start of Valm where promoted enemy appeared right?

Since I got extra piece of second seals (which makes me really in tight financial situation), I wonder if I should use it to reclass Fred to Knight/Cavalier or use it on other/better unit?

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Don't reclass frederick to a lower class. Just don't. His internal levels will still be pretty high.Generally you should start promoting unreclassed units at either level 20 or at chapter 13 before it starts. That's when master seals are buyable and also when unpromoted/non children units won't cut it as much.

Reclassed units should be promoted at around the same time. Good targets for reclass are: Chrom-> Cavalier, Panne-> wyvern rider, Miriel-> Dark Mage, Gregor-> Barbarian, Sully->wyvern rider, Stahl -> Myrmidon. That's In my opinion, I've tested these in Lunatic, and they have all worked really well. When reclassing, just reclass when level 10.

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I actually prefer Sully to stay in the cav branch, since there is a lot Rexcalibur in Lunatic. I used Panne as a wyvern and she was still very good, but her use was more restricted by 70+ damage Rexcalibur fucks and it's a lot harder to dodge anything in Lunatic. Though I guess if you are not like me and don't use Panne and Sully together all the time and want a wyvern she's a solid choice for it.

I liked GK a lot for Lunatic. Tanky and fairly mobile and versatile with weapon choices. But mainly the tanky part. Luna is also pretty nice. I went 20cav->20Paladin->12 by endgame GK Sully was able to facetank a lot of things and do a lot of the heavy lifting even though she doesn't even have access to Sol.

But that's just my experience with it so~

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm at chapter 9 with the Anna paralogues unlocked right now. Chrom, MU and Lissa all just reached level 20, so I reclassed MU to dark mage (so I can use the Nosferatu I'm about to get). Now I only have 1 second seal left. Should I use it on Chrom or Lissa? My team is Chrom level 20, Lissa level 20, MU level 20/7, Cordelia level 8, Gregor level 10, Nowi level 7, Virion level 5, and Sully level 12.

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