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The WestBrick challenge for any soul that wants to challenge it is:

-No Veteran (de-equipped at Ch.3, MU cannot pair up before this point)
-No wireless features
-No Anna shops
-No Nosferatu
-No shiny tile items / weapons
-No Rally Spectrum
-No Sol / Aether

-No Dance abuse

It's basically the challenge that made WB rage :Kappa:

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So... I've overlevelled my Avatar a bit on Lunatic+ (+DEF/-RES) and now, at Chapter 9, he's kinda trivializing every map without some kind of secondary goal. For example, I got tired of trying to keep people alive in Chapter 7 and just deployed him and Chrom. and to my surprise it worked for both Chapter 7 and Paralogue 3 (couldn't save the villagers, but I think that's almost assumed on Lunatic+ anyway). He's going into Chapter 9 as like a level 11 Hero (Tactician -> Mercenary -> Hero), and with an Alm's Blade I found on a shining tile he's onehitting everything on the map that doesn't have Pavise+, except the boss.

At some point I figure he'll cap stats and the enemies will keep growing such that this is no longer possible; about how many chapters do you think I have of this silliness? I'm trying to feed other people kills where I can, but I don't think that's very possible on Chapter 9 since I have to rush to save Libra. (Can't feasibly rescue him since my level 14ish Cleric Lissa has around 7 Mag, +4 or 5 from a Miriel or Ricken pair-up for a Rescue range of 5-6)

Sorry if that kinda turned into a (shortish) ramble; just looking for feedback and advice.

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Well you will need to use the new units that will pop up then. Morgan is all sort of greatness so... Is it a female?

I'll have a female Morgan, I'm going MaleAvatar/Nowi to spread Galeforce (not like I expect Galeforce optimization to matter in-game, but I may want to try postgame with it, so may as well, right?) so Morgan will also have Manakete access.

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There's no prepromote spam like in other games, so unless you are intending on an Avatar Solo like KTT did, you'd better think about training pretty soon. Once the prepromotes show up, those OHKOs go away and you'll have to be pretty careful of Counter. You may run into trouble as soon as Ch12, honestly, since Valm throws some tanky dudes at you.

Your best training chapters are already behind you, so you'll have to put up with some degree of babying if you actually want to get anyone up to speed. Ch10 and Ch11 are not bad, due to fort access.

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There's no prepromote spam like in other games, so unless you are intending on an Avatar Solo like KTT did, you'd better think about training pretty soon. Once the prepromotes show up, those OHKOs go away and you'll have to be pretty careful of Counter. You may run into trouble as soon as Ch12, honestly, since Valm throws some tanky dudes at you.

Your best training chapters are already behind you, so you'll have to put up with some degree of babying if you actually want to get anyone up to speed. Ch10 and Ch11 are not bad, due to fort access.

I know I'll have at the very least a serviceable Nowi!Morgan and Avatar!Nah, plus availability of Stahl!Severa and Chrom!Cynthia (maybe Gregor!Laurent and someone!Yarne) as soon as child paralogues unlock. Lack of decent prepromotes might hurt a bit but I think I can squeeze by; Lissa, while Mag-screwed, can be promoted if I need her utility, and I've got some levels on Cordelia, Panne and Miriel as well (not -nearly- as many as the Miriel in your playthrough, but still functional; she can't take more than one hit, but she does double and ORKO quite a few of the enemies provided no Aegis+)

Odd question: has anyone tried using Avatar as a bow-wielding Warrior for Lunatic+? Doesn't get hit by Counter and, provided other damage is carefully managed, can probably clear a map by turtling with bows+Counter (+Sol for recovery). Maybe I'll reclass to Warrior once he hits 15 or 20 in Hero.

Edited by Skarthe
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Odd question: has anyone tried using Avatar as a bow-wielding Warrior for Lunatic+? Doesn't get hit by Counter and, provided other damage is mitigated, can probably clear a map by careful turtling with bows+Counter (+Sol for recovery). Maybe I'll reclass to Warrior once he hits 15 or 20 in Hero.

I prefer Femvatar, but I've done that with Morgan. My first Lunatic+ run was with nothing but bow users, and my second one (in progress, see sig) follows the same basic idea, just optimized a bit better.

The problem that you run into with a solo lategame, is that a lot of enemies have high HIT rates (due to the free +20 HIT), and your DEF as cap isn't sufficient. You'll go a long way with Sol, but being limited to Player Phase attacks can get kind of hairy if you aren't with a block of bow-users who can cover you.

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I prefer Femvatar, but I've done that with Morgan. My first Lunatic+ run was with nothing but bow users, and my second one (in progress, see sig) follows the same basic idea, just optimized a bit better.

The problem that you run into with a solo lategame, is that a lot of enemies have high HIT rates (due to the free +20 HIT), and your DEF as cap isn't sufficient. You'll go a long way with Sol, but being limited to Player Phase attacks can get kind of hairy if you aren't with a block of bow-users who can cover you.

I've read through a good deal of your in-progress playthrough - hence how I know how far ahead your Miriel was compared to mine at this point, haha. Mine's around Mage 17 and I just finished Paralogue 4; got her a few levels picking off kills, but it's nowhere near the Mage->Dark Mage->Troubadour that I think yours was at this point.

But yeah, I wasn't planning on doing an entirely solo lategame. I just know that, at least this early, Fort tanking is a good way to mass up units for others to pick off one-by-one; this is how I cleared a rather Counter-heavy (50%+ of enemies) roll of Chapter 5, by sitting Avatar+Chrom (not as overlevelled at that point, with just enough defense/avoid to only take real damage from stuff like Luna+ myrms and Hawkeye mages) unequipped on the fort to gather all of the enemies, then letting Frederick pull them one-by-one to the rest of the group. Was just wondering if the same concept can be applied later in the game in a similar manner, with a bit of added offense from Counter.

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I've read through a good deal of your in-progress playthrough - hence how I know how far ahead your Miriel was compared to mine at this point, haha. Mine's around Mage 17 and I just finished Paralogue 4; got her a few levels picking off kills, but it's nowhere near the Mage->Dark Mage->Troubadour that I think yours was at this point.

I have no idea how I blanked over the Miriel part.

But yeah, I wasn't planning on doing an entirely solo lategame. I just know that, at least this early, Fort tanking is a good way to mass up units for others to pick off one-by-one; this is how I cleared a rather Counter-heavy (50%+ of enemies) roll of Chapter 5, by sitting Avatar+Chrom (not as overlevelled at that point, with just enough defense/avoid to only take real damage from stuff like Luna+ myrms and Hawkeye mages) unequipped on the fort to gather all of the enemies, then letting Frederick pull them one-by-one to the rest of the group. Was just wondering if the same concept can be applied later in the game in a similar manner, with a bit of added offense from Counter.

This sort of works later, but the problem is that enemies get ridiculous and forts stop being available/convenient. By the time you're facing level 20 promoted enemies, for example, you are looking at 150-160+ HIT rates and/or people that can 4-5HKO even a max DEF Warrior. Magic is also going to be a problem for you because of -RES.

As an example for the forts: you have them available for easy use in Ch10/11/13, but then they vanish until Ch19 (which you can't use easily due to getting mobbed from every direction), and then by Ch24/25 the game is almost over anyway. Without the forts it can get hard to face-tank the enemies with their silly Lunatic skills and illegal forges. I've found that you want to have a self-sufficient crew by the middle of the Valm arc, because it gets increasingly more dififcult to baby people.

So the early experience doesn't really translate to lategame. One of the reasons that I am loading up on +avoid stuff in my PT, is to make dodging last a little bit longer (so that I only care about Hawkeye enemies), but even that has its limits. It's hard to get enough Enemy Phase avoid to shrug off the high-accuracy guys, although you can get close with maxed SPD/LCK and Patience/Demoiselle/Charm/Supports (but this is basically reserved for guys like Male Morgan).

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I kinda guessed I'd end up in lategame trouble trying stuff like that; the offense would just be too high. Hmmm...

Mechanics question. Does Dual Guard+ (Great Knight 15) work regardless of which unit in the pair is running the skill? If so, can it stack if both units have it? If it stacks I think I can get a Warrior (incidentally, I think Warrior has the highest Defense of any bow-wielding class) to like a 53% Dual Guard rate with Morgan or Nah, 43% if not (in which case I'd swap Morgan/Nah for Nowi, putting me around 45%) Hardly a reliable way to mitigate damage, but guarding one hit when I can be 4HKO'd means that I'd have to be attacked at range to be killed, at which point I'd be able to Sol back some health.

...Sounds ok in theory, but it's probably highly impractical: getting to Great Knight 15 would be a pain, especially since I'd have to class Morgan or Nah through it and back to Manakete (maybe stopping in Tactician along the way for Veteran, I dunno). I guess I'm just kinda aimlessly theorycrafting at this point, huh?

Edited by Skarthe
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Does Dual Guard+ (Great Knight 15) work regardless of which unit in the pair is running the skill?


If so, can it stack if both units have it?


getting to Great Knight 15 would be a pain

Considering this is L+.... GK were pretty amazing in L <_<

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The WestBrick challenge for any soul that wants to challenge it is:

-No Veteran (de-equipped at Ch.3, MU cannot pair up before this point)

-No wireless features

-No Anna shops

-No Nosferatu

-No shiny tile items / weapons

-No Rally Spectrum

-No Sol / Aether

-No Dance abuse

It's basically the challenge that made WB rage :Kappa:

Isn't this the very basic requirement for non-LTC Lunatic run you guys usually take?

EDIT: A little bit question out of curiosity. If skirmish Risen in Lunatic have some skills as addtion to their high stat, do skirmish Risen in Lunatic+ receive those L+ skills?

Edited by Shengar
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The WestBrick challenge for any soul that wants to challenge it is:

-No Veteran (de-equipped at Ch.3, MU cannot pair up before this point)

-No wireless features

-No Anna shops

-No Nosferatu

-No shiny tile items / weapons

-No Rally Spectrum

-No Sol / Aether

-No Dance abuse

It's basically the challenge that made WB rage :Kappa:

Ok I'll do this but without the avatar (I'll just use aether because I don't like Cavalier!Chrom and maybe anna shop + Shiny item)

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Isn't this the very basic requirement for non-LTC Lunatic run you guys usually take?

EDIT: A little bit question out of curiosity. If skirmish Risen in Lunatic have some skills as addtion to their high stat, do skirmish Risen in Lunatic+ receive those L+ skills?

Kinda, yes.

And yes they receive those L+ skills, but they are static. What I mean is that when a skirmish spawns, the skills are fixed on that skirmish, so every time you reset they will still have the same skills.

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Kinda, yes.

And yes they receive those L+ skills, but they are static. What I mean is that when a skirmish spawns, the skills are fixed on that skirmish, so every time you reset they will still have the same skills.

Good god. Could any 1st generation endgame (not postgame) team (barring avatar) take on that skirmishes?

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I kinda guessed I'd end up in lategame trouble trying stuff like that; the offense would just be too high. Hmmm...

Just to give you a ballpark, this is what you'll be looking at in Endgame. All of the forges here are +8mt and +20 HIT over the base values. So a 'zerker with capped STR and Axefaire has 74mt and 137 HIT at the high-damage end, with a Swordmaster rocking 62mt and 188 HIT on the "accuracy" end. Sage with a Bolg forge and Tomefaire has about 63mt (hitting RES, naturally) and 161 HIT. The enemies leading up to this point aren't much weaker, and in fact I've seen capped STR 'zerkers in Ch21 iirc.

You should be able to reach about 90-ish avoid with capped SPD and LCK, plus whatever you can get from other sources. This helps a lot against the 'zerkers, but Swordmasters and such are always going to be 50/50 on you at worst, so Luna+ suddenly becomes quite scary again.

Hardly a reliable way to mitigate damage, but guarding one hit when I can be 4HKO'd means that I'd have to be attacked at range to be killed, at which point I'd be able to Sol back some health.

Dual Guard actually helps quite a bit, it's one of the few things not countered by Lunatic+ skills. Not super-reliable, but it does assist you even though multiple DG+ skills won't stack. I tend to get a lot of them in lategame, and it's especially nice in maps like Ch23 where defensive tiles/positions are rather scarce and you're facing a Rout situation.

I never went for DG+ though, just rolled with the normal proc chance. Elixirs help a lot. ;)

Edited by Interceptor
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Good god. Could any 1st generation endgame (not postgame) team (barring avatar) take on that skirmishes?

Probably, depending on where it spawns. And how many battles you have completed throughout the story, since skirmish levels are determined by how many battles you have completed. If you have only completed story chapters and paralogues, you can complete an endgame skirmish, since compared to you actually, they will have weaker levels.

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Just Finished my first Lunatic run, so I decided to make a summary for each of them, my thoughts and whatnot. While many players have completed Lunatic and strip its secrets one by one, I believe me being a begginer in term of "skills" would be a pretty novel read for some.

Anyway, this is typical of my own runthrough, which means it involves unit that you usually seen in my playlog, and typical runthrough conditions which is:


No Random stuff(Anna Shop, Tiles)

No statboosters

No Renown

I do use low manning, and I stall some chapters to stall with Dance, however, Olivia never really take a damage in my run, note that this stalling is pretty significant because I used it to give some EXP to Maribelle who played a significant supporting role during mid game and late game

Theres a lot of lucky stuff on my run, mainly at Walhart and chapter 13

Premonition: 2/2

Prologue: 12/14

- Chrom goes west, and get some kills, MU help to chip some. Frederick neutralized every Mages with Silver Lance strikes, and he get the 2 Myrmiddon near the boss with pocket Chrom. I obviously feed my kills to Chrom because he is going to be my main unit(or so I thought)

Chapter 1: 9/23

- Simple stuff, Park Chrom with some Vulnerary and pocket Frederick on the top left fort and tank everything. Obviously this is very luck based to pull off. For the boss, I baited the boss to Virion, chip them some with Frederick, and feed the kill to Sully

Chapter 2: 12/35

- My strategy involves parking MU on the safe spot with Lissa. Vaike Paired with Stahl goes left and put inside the Fighter attack Range, Sully paired with Virion outside of the Fighter attack range, and near Stahl, while Frederick paired with Chrom moves forward and bait everything else, and move to the nearest for after the first part is done. Frederick's portion is obviously very luck based.

The key is, at turn 2, trade Sully to Stahl, and chip the fighter with Virion. Have Sully kill the fighter. So, we get a sweet spot, and Frederick cleans up. Clean the rest with Frederick

Chapter 3: 25/60

- Deploy: Sully + Stahl, Chrom, Frederick, Lissa

- I forget if I decided to deploy MU for some chips or not, but Miriel does fine I guess.

Recruit Kellam and trade Javelin around to Frederick. Fred is paired with Sumia parked on the left to tank everything and counter with Javelin, giving a huge opportunity to feed kills to unit who want them.

I finished the left side by 2 turn, and deal with the right side with the same method(Sumi + Fred Javelin). I choose the left side, and make sure nothing comes inside the archer range before that Archer is dead. I feed some kills for Sumia,.

Chapter 4: 9/69

- Deploy: Sully, Frederick, Sumia, Chrom, Lissa, Miriel

I decided to drop Stahl starting from now.

Its kinda hard to explain my strats >_>, basically theres a sweet spot on the middle of the peak of 2 fighter's attack range. Park Fred(lead) + Sully there with Bronze Sword on the left, and Chrom(lead) + Sumia on the right. Kill them with Sumia and Sully. After this, I split up a bit to deal with the enemies on the right. I handle Marth with Bronze Sword Frederick and force "her" to heal with Falchion and low health, giving me time to feed kills to Sumia and Sully in general

Par 1: 32/101

- Deploy: Sully + Frederick, Sumia + Chrom

Well, theres two chokepoints one having a forest to stand on. Block them with Falchion Chrom on the forest tile, and Bronze Axe Frederick. Turn 1 is Fred's job to weaken and kill, and Chrom get some kills while tanking almost everything.

After this, I decided to do the west part, get Rescue Staff and Killer Lance, and finally the center, again feeding some kills to Sumia and Sully on the way.

I was REALLY close to not have Donnel killed, but I brainfarted. Not like im gonna use him but eh

Anyway, I am confident I can recruit the nubfuck with boxing and chipping 2 Archers with Donnel

Chapter 5: 25/126

- Deploy: Lissa + Miriel, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

After Rescuing Maribelle, this is a surprisingly simple fairly luck based chapter, albeit one where I decided to take some risk to do. Frederick rush to the left, and kill the mage. Chrom Pair Up with Sumia and IIRC I went and kill one of the mages with Sumia turn 1(Sumia faces at best 67% hit rate from everything, so I decided to test my luck for a turn).

Turn 2, Frederick move to the forest near the left side Fort and switch to Sully. Tank there, and on the fort all day, while Chrom goes to the fort near him. Lissa, Maribelle, Miriel, Ricken, and Maribelle played cards until I decided to use some Mend with Maribelle, dropping Lissa in the process

Chapter 6: 9/135

- Deploy: RIcken + Maribelle, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

I decided to put Chrom on the center of the map, while Frederick on the right, and rely on Lucina quite a lot. Sully started to become fairly competent, so I send her below, and retreat with some support from Maribelle. Gaius is recruited turn 3, and immediately pair with Panne and choke the chokepoint.

After this, well kill everything, cover Emmeryn with Chrom and Sumia, and clean up the thief. Sumia's resistance is pretty useful during the whole run. As for Validar, he is extremely lazy and did not start his rush until very late. Simple

Par 2: 10/145

- Deploy: RIcken + Maribelle, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

I decided to do this first because Javelin. Frederick up, and equip Iron Swords on Sully. Sumia goes to the right and switch in Chrom to handle the Axe Man.

After Frederick cleans up the west, and Chrom cleans up everything near the chokepoint, have Frederick and Sully rush to Anna(who died. The Village does not give valuable Item either so why bother >_>) while Chrom on the south. Feed some kills to Sumia again

Chapter 7: 9/154

- Deploy: RIcken + Maribelle, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Again, Ricken and Maribelle might as well stay on the kitched, because all they do is go to safe spot and stay there until the field is clean. Park Sully on the forest with Swords because the Axe dude has massive hit rate to Javelin!Sully. Sumia flies to bait the 2 Wyvern Rider and attack them safely(50% ish hit rate, ORKO with Chrom Pocket Pair Up attack, and they have S Rank so....)

Turn 2, I put Chrom on a forest(in HM LTC, usually you can pair Fred with Sumia on a bottom right position and move a +1 Sumia who tags in Fred to the forest). Clean everything, feed kills yadda3x.

I park Cordelia on the mountain ranges, and move her away when the reinforcement come. Thanks to a brain fart, she get hit once >_>

Par 3: 15/169

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Bait the Pegasus Knight, while Frederick and Sully handle the Knights with a Javelin to intercept the Archer dudes. I need to do some creative mobilization to protect the villager, but THE key to this chapter is to kill the Merc + Fighter and the Top left dudes ASAP. Manage to get 1 Villager, Sully gets bosskill

Chapter 8: 23/192

- Deploy: RIcken + Maribelle, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Note that you can deploy some untrained dudes to get the item. Gregor durability is enough to 3RKO an Axe man, which is fairly promising to stall you the time. I have Sumia handle the majority of the map, while Sully gets to mobilize accordingly thanks to the plains.

After this, is where the real fun starts

Chapter 9: 21/213

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

My strategy: Have Sully kill a Soldier first turn, and rush forward with Sumia. Sully get focus fired, and level 20 is achieved this chapter turn 2. Chrom get his level 20 turn 2 as well.

Turn 2, move Sumia near Libra, and promote, equipping Bronze Lance in the process. Sully go back and Reclass to Wyvern Rider. Sully stay back and kill every Wyvern Rider reinforcement who does joke damage, while Chrom is parked on the upper fort near Libra. Killing tharja in the proccess because fuck her recruitment(she suicide on Chrom can't help it).

Chapter 10: 20/233

1 Second Seal, 2 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Lets be honest. The first time you played, you laughed when you realized your units can attack something above the montain ranges, and vice versa. Anyway, on the right, Hand Axe Sully ORKO a Thief, and cleans up everything else. Sumia chased a thief as well, and getting some risky kills in the proccess.

This chapter is very simple, simply kill every reinforcement ever. Sumia on a fort is sufficient at this point to murder a majority of them, and get to promote at this chapter

Chapter 11: 20/233

1 Second Seal, 2 Master Seal

- Deploy: Libra, Maribelle + Ricken, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

End of the Plegia Arc! And the boss is mediocre like no other

My first turn involves rescuing Olivia from the downright most side of the map, and have her Dance Sumia, who goes to the fort and Tags in Ward!Chrom with a Javelin. Sully goes to the left.

Sully maintained the enemy reinforcement on the left fort, while Chrom and Sumia is having a fun time soloing the southern enemies, Sumia with Tomes(mainly to dodge without WTD), Chrom with Lances. I get every loot other than the Icon, because lolicon

Chapter 12: 8/241

1 Second Seal, 2 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia

Sumia on the right, Sully on the left. Cherche hides on the safe spot, and Olivia give some dance support, paired with Cherche. Not much to say other than beware of the Bow Knight

Par 4: 48/289

1 Second Seal, 2 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia, Maribelle + Ricken

Make some safe spot to park Maribelle in there. Sumia murdered the majority of the map. I get every chest bar the Arms Scroll mainly due to brainfart and I was too conservative to make sure I don't clean up everything. Maribelle and Olivia spammed Rescue, Mend + Dance till level 20, which is why the TC is that kind of retarded.

How do I do this? well, first on a chokepoint near the boss, i left one Myrmiddon alive. Have the Myrmiddon chip at one of my unit(in my case, Chrom with no Pair Up) and heal

Chapter 13: 12/301

1 Second Seal, 2 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia, Maribelle

For Turn 1, after hiding Henry on Maribelle, I decided to clean up the Archers. Park Maribelle on the left. Sully handle the northern side with a Warrior, and clean them at turn 1. Do some Rescue Dance shenanigans with Sumia to murder the Sniper and Archer. Hopefully, this is done by turn 3 or so to intercept the Sniper reinforcement

Turn 2, Sully goes down and murder everything(Archers have joke hit rate against Sully who have Two Evasion ability). While Sumia continue the job of cleaning up the Archer squad with her flying traits

After everything is said and done, I park Maribelle + Olivia on the right and block the fort with Sumia. 3 Warrior, and 1 Longbow Sniper on the left appear, And thats the last wave of reinforcement in this chapter. Clean up, kill the boss, get Galeforce. Yes, I have 2 Galeforce from this point onwards. Sue me.

Also Sully finally promotes

Chapter 14: 17/318

1 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia, Maribelle + Henry, Lucina + Cherche, Anna

Feeding Lucina kills is fairly tricky. Lucina down, Sumia left, Sully right. Sully went down turn 2, and Sumia assisted Lucina's side because Lucy is a scrub

Chapter 15: 15/333

1 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia, Maribelle + Henry, Lucina + Cherche, Anna

Sumia kills nearby general, and move forward and switch to Chrom.

I figured out that I WANT DG+ on Sully, so I move Frederick west with some Dance asistance, and equip him with BK to kill the 2 Range weapon Cavs with a BK. And then Rescue Dance him to Hammer and kill the 2 range Knight, and the general. I rescued Say'ri(who refused to use her concotion) by like Turn 3 with Maribelle. Sumia reclassed into Great Knight and Bronze Axe her way out of this chapter, getting D Axe, while Chrom reclassed Paladin soon after at level 17 and 16 respectively

Chapter 16: 12/345

3 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Fuck deploying anything in this chapter

Sumia killed the left side thief turn 1 with Hand Axe, and move again to kill another. Sully killed the Warrior, and she generally goes up. I gambled a bit to dodge some Bow Knight who attacked Sully

After I cleans up everything, I go into Middle East Corner and waits up the Falco reinforcement with Frederick, who cleans up with BK, and get DG+.

Sumia singlehandedly laughed at the southern reinforcement with a Hand Axe, but not without using some Concotions and Elixirs

After this, difficulty spike incoming!

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There definitely is. Her flying utility is cool as fuck. Also its a 2 Pair Run, to be perfectly fair >_>

Although soon enough you will see why I decided to do a Sumia bias(one of them is because I am sceptical at how a Knight can Tank in late game Lunatic)

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There definitely is. Her flying utility is cool as fuck. Also its a 2 Pair Run, to be perfectly fair >_>

Although soon enough you will see why I decided to do a Sumia bias(one of them is because I am sceptical at how a Knight can Tank in late game Lunatic)

If early second seals weren't hard to come by with, I would do a weird reclass run. Thief Panne and Archer Chrom anyone? PRIEST AVATAR!

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