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Feed everything to Avatar up until then and then solo it with Avatar x Frederick while everyone else escapes to the left and kills the ~2 guys that come after them. Once the bottom is clear, heal up. Don't be afraid to use Virion's Elixir. If you're on Casual, you might want to suicide Sully and Stahl to draw fire away from Avatar on turn 1.

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You're doing Lunatic+, right?

Start by walking Chrom out to Kellam, recruiting him, pairing up with him, and then having Kellam run them back out of enemy range. Pair up and have your team get ready to rush the LHS. Everyone can help here, Cht.2 is over and it's no longer critical to give your Avatar everything. Rush them on turn 2 (or bait someone on turn 1 EP if it's safe), kill everyone with player phase offense, and get ready to tank the dudes from the RHS. Your two options are to hole up in the corridor and do your best to facetank unequipped with Avatar and Frederick, or to open the door and kill the Knight (it won't aggro the others on the top) and get more room for a tighter choke. Once you're done, aggro the top side and kite them as long as you need to; the level is a giant circle and they have no units with more than 5 mov.

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Cleared ch3 luna+, only with virion not-so-dying-due-to-plot-armor but leaving the party anyways (not that I would need to use him later anyways) kiting them so MU could double boss with thunder during enemy phase (freddie DSing once with Silver Lance) and Chrom finishing the boss off (so that if he failed MU could always take the kill). And since Virion dying does not prevent Cherche from joining the party, I have no regrets. It was the only way. His whole life was about unlimited L+Ch3 works (F/SN fans will get it)

Update: Cleared Ch4 in 6 turns, MU and Freddie soloed the whole thing. Celica's Gale on MU+Sigurd's Lance and Gáe Bolg. Luci didn't get to attack once.

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You might want to go a little light on those wireless items until you know you really need them. Celica's Gales are effectively 10-use due to striking twice, and your money will vanish in an instant if you start buying more. As for high-mt stuff like the Gae Bolg, those are best for OHKOing counter goons and overpowering PavGis.

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Basically done (just grima now) with zerging down lunatic with 4 units (FeMU/Chrom/Kids) just to unlock classic+.

Dunno what to do then.

+Mage would be ideal. but I think +Spe would make it easier to get through the early bleh.

I know I asked this before, but how doable is post game on Lunatic+? I know apothesis is one difficulty, but what about paralogues etc, will "wasting" Aversa!Morgan be viable?

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Postgame Lunatic+ will be just the same as postgame Lunatic: perfectly viable as long as you have the patience to deal with the IL cap of 50. I don't think there are any DLC maps that change between Lunatic and Lunatic+ (maybe FP3). Paralogues will have Lunatic+ skills, but if you have LB and lots of Galeforce you should still be able to mop the last five up.

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If you're grinding early, you can do whatever you like as long as you're good/patient enough to get through the first 4 chapters (with lots of help from Frederick). If you're not, Spd is still a very good postgame asset. Remember that +Mag will give you a little Spd early on as well.

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I will be grinding.

But having to slog through 1-3/4 (4 isn't that bad since you can get renown stuff/are basically OP by then anyway) But 2 and 3 are a bitch.

Speed makes the early slog that made me put the game down for months last time easier. Mage gives me my best kid.

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Le sigh.....* bangs head on table* It's horrible! I'm stuck on chapter 16: Naga's voice My poor lil Tiki keeps getting head smashed :'( it's on Lunatic classic (of course xD) and my older sister (a retired awakener) pats my back saying " it's okay if you want I could do it for you!" And me being mad I say " thats because you beat apotheosis on lunatic plus! instead go back to studying!" And then furiously punch that sweat A and B button XD h~ help the depressed Grace ~

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Again, +Mag raises your Spd a bit. Especially if you're willing to manipulate for desirable level-ups on the prologue and Cht.1, it's very possible. And then there's Frederick, who is a boss.

^^Do you mean Cht.16 (Cervantes' chapter) or Paralogue 17 (Tiki's recruitment map)?

If it's Cht.16, grab a pile of Rescue staves and sort of hang out on the island in the bottom right corner until all the reinforcements have stopped coming, then send guerrillas to pick off the force on the mainland one by one (none of them can swim). Bring the guerrillas back with Galeforce or Rescue.

If it's Par.17, Rescue Tiki against the back wall, then form a wall of five pairs around her (concentrate your defensive units toward the center, they'll face most of the pressure). Celica's Gales and Rexcalibur are great for this map. If you have a lot of Galeforce, you can kill everything on Player Phase and not worry about a wall, but that's almost impossible without grinding/skirmishes.

...Lunatic+ Apo is essentially the same as Apo on Normal.

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Playing with the calc, I think I'll go +Speed -Skill.

Lets Aversa!Morgan hit 60 mage(SpeedLuck is 59, which is ugly to look at, and MageLuck Or MageStr would gimp req more early game resets/Gimp avatar going phys) , and doesn't completely gimp Avatar if I need to go Str

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Fair enough. But consider this: with an Avatar x Aversa pairing, how many times will you actually want to go physical?

Right, but you don't get aversa until post game, so I'll have to A-Support or Einhar pair up until then most likely, and I haven't totally planned out every kid yet past Aversa and probably OliviaxChrom, so who knows if I'll notice I need to go physical for a while.

And also going MageLuck Or Mage Str would require more resets to not screw my def. (If possible I'm going to do an avatar carry to ch4 and not frederick emblem)

Trying to balance a Shadow Morgan I'll be happy with as well as not killing myself before I can get there



Going +mage -skill

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Well, I've just gotten this game for Christmas! And...man, as someone who's playing this almost completely blind (I never even looked at anyone's growths until Chapter 9, and even then, only my Avatar's, just to see if changing his class also changed his growth rates) it really is amazing just how badly they mucked up the difficulty curve. The first few chapters? Totally balls to the war insane and hard, causing me constant resets.

Then of course, I have the brilliant idea of "what if I exploit his Veteran skill, pair him with Frederick for +4 Strength and Defense, give him Defense as an asset, and have him solo Chapter 2 with it?". Then I saw my Veteran slowly turn into a fricken monster until finally, by Chapter 7, the time he promoted, the guy was practically a giant among men. Then, I was pumping up Chrom, and the next thing I know, the game went from being insane to being a complete joke within a blink of an eye :blink:...

Really though, I'm only up to Chapter 13, but even now, my Avatar is so absolutely, ludicrously, stupidly broken, that at this point, it's almost like I'm playing a parody or a rom hack of a Fire Emblem game rather than an actual, official game. Literally the ONLY reason there's ANY challenge whatsoever in any chapter is because I want to recruit everyone rather than just blow through the game, and sometimes, that's not always easy. Plus, I'm nervous about leaving the endgame all up to only two guys (Chrom and Avatar), so in my efforts to raise up a third beatstick (Gregor paired with Anya), sometimes I accidently get them killed as well by surprise reinforcements or something.

But it seriously has gotten to the point where it seems like someone purposely made the Avatar haxed to death just to make fun of Fire Emblem's absurd balancing issues...

EDIT: Also, maybe it's just me, but...does it seem like the females in this game are even more sexualized than usual? Sumia, in addition to having really large breats, has circles on her bra ornaments that seem to be around where her nipples would be, Nowi is dressed in just about the skimpiest thing you could have while still maintaining a T rating (despite her being basically a CHILD!!), Panne's walking around in her underwear, and then of course, there's Aversa...maybe it's just my mind being fixated on women right now, but, it really does seem that way to me...and it's rather bothersome.

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...Well, as I said, I was playing this BLIND! How was I supposed to know the game didn't adequately adjust for the Avatar? Or that it was possible to not only max out your level, but actually reset it back to level 1 WHILE KEEPING YOUR STATS? Or that he would gain an ability that gave an instant 4+ stat boost to everyone around him? Or that I could change his class into a mounted one while keeping his weapon ranks and stats? Or that I could automatically give him an instant +4-6 points in Strength and Defense just by pairing someone with him, at almost no cost to me? I always hunt for the most efficient ways to beat my games without grinding, but I never knew this game was so much of a pushover!

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