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My favorite is to fight all the Risen without Einherjar or DLC. You could also try full deployment, though that's funner if you either allow one DLC map per normal chapter or use Einherjar to get all your units Paragon (otherwise it's just a headache). No Second Seals can be interesting, but requires a good bit of planning in advance. Similar to that is No Promoted Classes, which is mostly very interesting except for Grima who's borderline impossible without LB.

EDIT- On an unrelated note, I was just messing around on the Lunatic+ Prologue and found a way to do the Water Trick with Chrom. There's a good bit of RNG involved in getting good skill rolls, but I might be able to tweak the method to make it more reliable (or at least replace RNG deaths with RNG Vulnerary uses). I'm going to test more tomorrow and if it's possible to do a variation on Frederick Emblem using Chrom instead of Frederick, that could be incredible for clearing Lunatic+ earlygame with any asset/flaw.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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^ Congrats, welcome to the club. How did you generally approach the game, out of curiosity? Any challenges that were particularly difficult?

I actually used your guide for the first few chapters. Afterwards, I used my overlevelled Avatar as an Assassin and used 2 sorcerors with nosferatus. my avatar had lower defense, and the enmies often targeted my avatar over the sorcerors, so counter wasnt too much of a problem. The most challenging/frustrating part was probably the very beginning, and the amount of soft reseting I had to do (my R button is pretty much broken)

That's awesome, what are you doing next?

About time this thread got bumped, I was worried people had forgotten that Lunatic exists...

I'm getting ready for Apotheosis. However, during the game I got Inigo and Owain, and I didn't pass down Galeforce, since I didn't have a chance to since I didn't really train Lissa and Olivia.


During the game, I was wondering if I should just dance Olivia a gajillion times to get her up to max stats and use her like that. But then I figured it was like grinding, and would take way too much time.

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Dancing Olivia for high stats is a possibility, but I don't usually do it because Dancer has fairly low growths and it'll take several Second Seals for her to cap. I don't have that many Second Seals to spare prior to Cht.16, and by that point all my units will be promoted and Dancer's low caps will make her not that strong. Also, repeated reclasses will ruin her IL, so I won't be able to get any other skills for her and she'll have trouble leveling up normally in a class with higher caps (she also has no classes with good Def).

The two times it is worth it is if you need Special Dance early, and if you're marrying Olivia to Chrom and want to give Lucina good bases. It's possible to get Inigo Galeforce as well, but you have to go straight from Dancer to Dark Flier and that's usually more trouble than it's worth (I just postpone getting Inigo until postgame in that case).

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So I've started a Lunatic Classic run and my word, I did not expect this kind of difficulty after my Normal/Hard Classic runs. I get the feeling from reading these boards that Lunatic is what FE should be but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

So far I'm at Ch. 11. I will admit, I needed a guide for Ch. 2 because that was just unfair, and Ch. 3 needed about 30 restarts before I realised the issue was that a) I'd wasted the Silver Lance and b) I hadn't been lucky with the shiny drops. So I restart the whole save and cruise through Ch. 3 after saving the Lance and picking up Eirika's Blade.

I'm now at the point where things are starting to get easier, although Ch. 9 needed a few restarts until I learned to not stick Maribelle in dodgy positions and Ch. 10 was close after I decided I needed that Master Seal and ended up rushing my army far more aggressively than I normally do. For anyone that is interested I'm doing full deployment and allowing myself a smidge of DLC, although I try not to abuse it (I know that sounds cheap, but I'm keeping the levels capped in my mind to keep the challenge) and it's a no-death run.

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The difficulty jump from Hard to Lunatic is a little much; I think that they could have used one more step between them for the people who are completing them in sequence.

Full deployment for first-run Lunatic is probably the biggest drag on your performance. You might be doing OK now, but you're in for a rude awakening once the Valm arc lands (and particularly once promoted enemies start showing up). FYI.

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The difficulty jump from Hard to Lunatic is a little much; I think that they could have used one more step between them for the people who are completing them in sequence.

Full deployment for first-run Lunatic is probably the biggest drag on your performance. You might be doing OK now, but you're in for a rude awakening once the Valm arc lands (and particularly once promoted enemies start showing up). FYI.

it's funny. i never really thought of bringing less than the maximum amount of units to the map before lunatic mode in awakening (and i've played for nearly a decade). but once you start to do that, it sort of trivializes the game...

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Am I allowed to count myself a member of the elite Lunatic+ club if I cheat and play Semi-Casual? (Suicide people in chapter 2 to make my life easier, and once past the stupidly RNG based chapters treat it like Classic, resetting if someone dies.)

Oh and this would definitely be grinding. I'm not masochistic enough to do no-grind.

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Am I allowed to count myself a member of the elite Lunatic+ club if I cheat and play Semi-Casual? (Suicide people in chapter 2 to make my life easier, and once past the stupidly RNG based chapters treat it like Classic, resetting if someone dies.) Oh and this would definitely be grinding. I'm not masochistic enough to do no-grind.

Is it really cheating if you tip the odds to beat a mode that's already unfair? I say no. You can even do this on Classic, just throw away some useless unit in Ch. 2 like Stahl or Sully.

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Made it past Chapter 5. Golden Gaffe grinded and then because I didn't feel like spending forever train my units to bet the next level I bought two of my OP limit broken avatars. Feels like cheating but it is Lunatic+

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Is it really cheating if you tip the odds to beat a mode that's already unfair? I say no. You can even do this on Classic, just throw away some useless unit in Ch. 2 like Stahl or Sully.

I'm a fan of the 'no man left behind' mode. Also because this will likely be my final serious playthrough, I was going to max out absolutely everyone and attempt Apotheosis for lulz.

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Minmaxing on Lunatic+ is very difficult because pulling an optimal Avatar (usually -Def) through the earlygame is a nightmare. If you want to make your main file be Lunatic+/Cla, prepare for pain early on.

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Still ingame, or postgame now?

Postgame depends on your pairing. Ingame, be something with a Bow (preferably Warrior or Sniper) and AT, Sol/Bowbreaker, Counter/Bowfaire, Veteran if your stats aren't capped, and anything else you can get your hands on (suboptimal classes are dangerous and the IL bites hard when grinding for skills ingame). Rallies are always nice.

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Minmaxing on Lunatic+ is very difficult because pulling an optimal Avatar (usually -Def) through the earlygame is a nightmare. If you want to make your main file be Lunatic+/Cla, prepare for pain early on.

I gave up on minmaxing to the degree of changing my asset/flaw to match. I'm literally just struggling to get past chapters 2-4, so once that is done I can grind to a degree where Lunatic+ isn't RNG based but instead just relies on thinking. Hopefully.

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Reached chapter 7 on my no dlc/no grind Lunatic+ run (+Str/-Def Avatar). Avatar reached the cap for mercenary and I am now deciding on which class I should promote him to. Should I promote him to Bow Knight for the use of bows against counter? Or should I promote to Hero for Sol? I am also curious as to what I should second seal to after I am done with BK/Hero. Would Tact>Merc>Hero/BK>Hero/BK>Sniper work?

Edited by Zoro
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I gave up on minmaxing to the degree of changing my asset/flaw to match. I'm literally just struggling to get past chapters 2-4, so once that is done I can grind to a degree where Lunatic+ isn't RNG based but instead just relies on thinking. Hopefully.

One does not simply clear the Lunatic+ earlygame.

I'd go BK first if you're going to use it at all, BK's caps are pretty bad and you'll probably bump them for a while if you don't promote directly there. BK will also let you start building up Wexp for Bows earlier and the extra Mov helps in Cht.9 and 10.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished my lunatic+ classic no grind. Kind of mad at myself for delaying getting Morgan and Laurent. Both of them definitely would of made the later chapters easier had I focused on them.

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After I finish my latest Hard/Casual playthrough, I am going to do Lunatic/Causal. (Classic really stresses me out, and I don't wanna through my 3DS out of a window....so....) Any tips? I know I'm gonna do Chrom/Olivia, as that pairing works for me. Inigo was badass as hell. Lucina/MaleMU is also gonna happen.

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BEat Apotheosis on my Lunatic + Classic woot.

btw whats the best option for streetpass teams?

I'm thinking about going with Warriors and Assassins equipped with Brave Bows, with Counter, Lethality, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, and Luna/Aether.

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