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I started my playthrough on Lunatic Casual. Marcus (My avatar) has already had 4 game overs as tactician an I'm on the prologue. He ain't a very good tactician. Can I have some general pointers on what to do?

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I started my playthrough on Lunatic Casual. Marcus (My avatar) has already had 4 game overs as tactician an I'm on the prologue. He ain't a very good tactician. Can I have some general pointers on what to do?

1) Avatar is your best growth unit, so focus your efforts on him.

2) Keep Avatar Paired-up at all times for Veteran.

3) Frederick is good for taking out tough units like Mercs and Mages.

4) But don't over-use Frederick.

I can give you a few starting moves for Prologue if you need it.

Edited by Interceptor
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I started my playthrough on Lunatic Casual. Marcus (My avatar) has already had 4 game overs as tactician an I'm on the prologue. He ain't a very good tactician. Can I have some general pointers on what to do?

What asset/flaw did you go with? Personally I always do + def/ - luck on my avatar. Ofcourse, you can do it many different ways.

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What asset/flaw did you go with? Personally I always do + def/ - luck on my avatar. Ofcourse, you can do it many different ways.

I cannot remember exactly what I did- I think that I made luck an asset though?

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1) Avatar is your best growth unit, so focus your efforts on him.2) Keep Avatar Paired-up at all times for Veteran.3) Frederick is good for taking out tough units like Mercs and Mages.4) But don't over-use Frederick.I can give you a few starting moves for Prologue if you need it.

Yeah- Frederick has been Naga-sent in the game thus far- I finished the prologue after a 15 turn slog. :D I know that if I can hold out to chapter 4 or somethin, then I have the DLC maps to grind with (such as EXPotential growth) which would make things much easier. :)

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Yeah- Frederick has been Naga-sent in the game thus far- I finished the prologue after a 15 turn slog. :D I know that if I can hold out to chapter 4 or somethin, then I have the DLC maps to grind with (such as EXPotential growth) which would make things much easier. :)

If you're just going to grind with DLC, you can use Frederick as much as you want. He's your best earlygame character, and even though he falls off in late Lunatic, you can raise your other guys to compensate. Use different Pair-Up partners with him to get different results for whatever you need (Sumia is good for the +SPD, Kellam for the +DEF, etc).

Edited by Interceptor
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If you're just going to grind with DLC, you can use Frederick as much as you want. He's your best earlygame character, and even though he falls off in late Lunatic, you can raise your other guys to compensate. Use different Pair-Up partners with him to get different results for whatever you need (Sumia is good for the +SPD, Kellam for the +DEF, etc).

Yeah- the DLC maps are Naga sent also. Also- how do you do chapter 2?

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Yeah- the DLC maps are Naga sent also. Also- how do you do chapter 2?

If you have a +DEF Avatar that you've over-leveled by focusing on him/her in the prior chapters, just pair with Frederick and go to town. Once you make it to a fort, they are pretty hard to kill. Virion's Elixir helps, so take it from him before you move out.

Chapter 2 is hard if you don't have a decent Avatar.

Edited by Interceptor
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If you have a +DEF Avatar that you've over-leveled by focusing on him/her in the prior chapters, just pair with Frederick and go to town. Once you make it to a fort, they are pretty hard to kill. Virion's Elixir helps, so take it from him before you move out.Chapter 2 is hard if you don't have a decent Avatar.

... I'm screwed.... My avatar is only lvl 2. :(

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... I'm screwed.... My avatar is only lvl 2. :(

If you can't figure anything out, you might as well restart as a +DEF Avatar. You can get him/her to level 6 or 7 by the end of Prologue if you use the Water Trick, you can beat Chapter 1 just with Avatar/Fred on a Fort, and then Ch. 2 will be easy.

Even if you don't abuse the Water in Prologue, you can get a lot of levels for Avatar just by feeding him/her as many of the kills are you are able to, plus the boss.

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On Chapter 12 right now. Lunatic Classic isn't as bad as I feared after playing over 700 hours on Normal Casual. But I have boatloads of Logbook units to choose from to get rid of those pesky Risen skirmishes.

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I only recently started a game on Lunatic (Casual because I'm too much of a noob for Classic on Lunatic mode, even if I reset all the time anyway). I'm up to Chapter 2 so far... isn't it meant to be the hardest chapter on Lunatic? I'm a little hesitant to start it, in case I screw everything up or something. >_<

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I only recently started a game on Lunatic (Casual because I'm too much of a noob for Classic on Lunatic mode, even if I reset all the time anyway). I'm up to Chapter 2 so far... isn't it meant to be the hardest chapter on Lunatic? I'm a little hesitant to start it, in case I screw everything up or something. >_<

Interceptor has a guide for the chapter on lunatic+ which I would imagine works just as well on regular lunatic.


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Interceptor has a guide for the chapter on lunatic+ which I would imagine works just as well on regular lunatic.


It will work just as well, but for vanilla Lunatic Casual it's like bringing a nuclear missile to a knife fight. For that mode, I'd just suggest throwing Robin/Frederick on a Mountain or Fort, and just letting people die (or hiding them in the southwest corner) if they aren't being trained for that Chapter.

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For Lunatic+, which Asset/Flaw combo would be recommended if I were to marry Cordelia? I'm contemplating +Spd/-Lck, +Def/-Lck, and +Def/-Skl. Is there such a combination that wouldn't screw me over entirely before I pair up with her?

(ATM, I'm on Lunatic Classic.)

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For Lunatic+, which Asset/Flaw combo would be recommended if I were to marry Cordelia? I'm contemplating +Spd/-Lck, +Def/-Lck, and +Def/-Skl. Is there such a combination that wouldn't screw me over entirely before I pair up with her?

(ATM, I'm on Lunatic Classic.)

I can't really comment on the eugenics part, but generally speaking you should be able to handle Lunatic+ with just about anything that has +DEF/+SPD, or at the very least something that avoids a -DEF flaw. Also, you can brute-force just about anything as long as you are willing to replay Prologue and Ch. 1 until you get a lot of stat-blessed level-ups.

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Hello Lunatic Club. Mind if I join? I've recently beaten no-grind Lunatic Classic for the first time; here's a playlog of it that contains mostly (a lot of) numbers and some comments, but I'm summarizing this right here now anyway. My initial strategy was to go for an Avatar/Chrom family solo. I didn't want to just "lol Sorcerer Nosferatu press Start etc." though after the things I heard about it in places like this here thread, so I went in with full Galeforce instead, literally. Turned out somewhat similar to Nosferatu soloing though, because Morgan was pretty solid at tanking and then could easily heal up with Lifetaker -- but it was quite helpful anyway, for I kept my Avatar a Dark Flier forever and that class is just too frail to be left in range of more than 2 guys a lot of the time. Also, I spontaneously decided to add the T.I.K.I. + Say'ri pair -- turned out to be a good decision in terms of guaranteeing to beat the game. Got very boring soon though, she was just as ridiculous as the Nowi that saved my blind Hard playthrough a year ago! :P Oh, and I forgot... I also had a bunch of Staff-bots and Olivia. I literally used all that could hold a Staff the instant they joined. Libra and Anna were good, Lissa and Maribelle were trash till the very end, especially Maribelle no way in hell has a 60% Mag growth on my game, haha. And Rescue spamming does drain funds pretty consistently...

Here's a bunch of more interesting comments and things I learned along the road: (Ugh, huge wall of text actually. Hiding it away it is.)

~ Not counting the hell of Chapter 2, Chapter 7 turned out to be the hardest map for me in this playthrough. That's because I entered it with my Avatar as Pegasus Knight, having neglected Frederick hard and thus having no 1-2 range attacker that I could put into the range of Archers. I would so not have these issues with just a Grandmaster, that's the big irony of it, and that's also why I'll make sure to never go into that map without magic again. I used Chrom for the fighting for the most part, and the multitude of ranged mooks along with the need to heal prevented me from even clearing this mess before the reinforcements would arrive. In the end, I took like half an hour to beat the reinforcements (I literally scoured Let's Plays to find where exactly they spawn to know their ranges lol) and it involved praying for Ricken to hit an 80% Elwind or something, and I would have lost the attempt without it.

~ Chapter 9 is one I always disliked, but this time with a magical Dark Flier in my lineup, I took my revenge on it. I had issues with the one Killer Bow guy on Hard already, now seeing two of them on Lunatic sounds like good news then... Well, I left the Avatar at the start, sent the rest to fetch Libra, waited for the Wyverns, moved them up, used Avatar to kite the southern rush, picking off the Killer Bows with the help of Rescue and doing all that almost moved the whole party back to the starting spot, haha, but it was very manageable and satisfying to actually pull it off without ever having to pray to the RNG.

~ I was fearing Chapter 11 as well, but a 9 Mov magical Dark Flier with Olivia to help literally goes a long way in keeping everyone safe. I continued to let her cover crazy distances per map till, well, Morgan arrived and just walled stuff standing still...

~ Oh right, it was not only Chapter 7 but Chapter 12 as well what challenged me. In fact, I gave up on 12 for the lack of Galeforce and defensive units to properly wall the raiders, to go right into the unused Paralogues in order to grind for Galeforce. After getting that, it was very manageable though, and a pair of Rescues off Anna shops eased my way too. Also, it was the last map with Frederick doing battles, and he was relying on having Cordelia to not be doubled by the Paladins...

~ Chapter 16 was fun. It's actually a boss-kill map, but I interpreted is a a rout map just for the hell of it. Was gonna 4-turn it that way, then the RNG royally fooled me with not giving me a single Dual Strike out of 4 tries, which then let Cervantes survive at 1 HP. And then? I took revenge on this atrocity and even 3-turned it, again killing absolutely everything. That's what 3/4 Galeforce, Rescue and Dance does for you!

~ Chapter 17 is no real difficulty spike when you have a Lucina/Morgan pair that's completely invincible if you have walls to help, haha. The hardest part about it were the first turns, where I tried to rush for the Thief and then immediately retreat everyone to the narrow part. Press the win button afterwards, easy. Oh, also, this was the last map where I had Chrom do something despite using him regularly all the way up to it. He almost died to the magic users and after that I never used him at the front again. Chrom is bad, Lucina is God, end of story.

~ Tiki's Paralogue. I was playing it for the very first time and I immediately managed to 2-turn it with my (Gale)forces. Every single move was necessary to get it and also some Dual Strikes that I got were crucial.

~ Chapter 19 is stupid. Non-combat units basically have no place in it on Lunatic if you don't go for a quick Walhart kill. My goal was to get Tiki going, so I sat it all out. Tonics, Confects, the fort, some RNG and the obvious Say'ri Pair-up (Armorslayer equipped might help too; at least that's what I did end up doing) and she's good to go! Scariest thing I've seen was a Great Knight with Luna.

~ Did I talk stupid maps? Well, Chapter 21 is the fucking worst. I see no realistic way for me doing that with full deployment while also collecting all the treasures ever. Really, I'm fine with how like C19 is designed, but for this single map here someone at Intelligent Systems should be done very nasty things, haha. I would really have liked FE7-style switches to remove the Mire madness or something so that my Thief is safe... However, easy map obviously when you just bring your good units and/or don't care for the treasures. Because I did care, though, I still had to pray for Anna not to take that one hit too much, and I might have gotten statistically lucky indeed.

~ I won Chapter 23 with full deployment first try. Had the weakings huddle where Chrom/Avatar started, went in with the good ones, worked. 6 turns, where is LTC here usually?

~ Chapter 24 feels like it could be one of the stupid ones as well, but I didn't care enough to bother much with it -- and just beat it the easy way. Naturally, I also didn't have much of 25, and will probably never play it "legit", ever. Donking Aversa like a fucking worm to unlock the final chapter feels absolutely great though. Man, I also really liked the music there!!

~ But then Grima. I must say, this is a pretty good final boss. I had to sit for a bit to figure out how to T1 him, and I possibly even absolutely needed Tonics (or forges, but my funds were already drained from Rescue and Tiki usage) despite (mostly) maxed out stats! Idiot of the day was none less than the drunk Lucina who missed her Dual Strikes a lot -- the humble girl simply didn't want to be an all-around awesome unit! :3

Well, so much about what has been done... I feel like I'm not ready for L+ yet, so I do want to play Lunatic vanilla again -- new challenge being to remove the Avatar and consequently Morgan from it, while also having a "real" party to the extent that is reasonable in this mode, rather than just one family doing everything. Will take it slowly there however; close to a full week has already passed just planning it (a thing I didn't do at all before, regrets were had) and there's still some stuff to do before I even get to starting it, and then there's this early-game again etc., you know it well. But in case someone is interested in that challenge and how I'm gonna approach it, I've set up yet another G-doc, which now also contains all my theoretical thoughts.

Anyhow, there's already one question I can't quite answer without simply having experienced it: How good/bad of an idea is it to produce and use children that come off a front-line mother but also a father that hasn't seen much use after getting to unpromoted Lv. 10? Specifically, Lon'qu and Gaius are intended to be involved in creating Laurent and Severa respectively, but I think they (the fathers) suck so I don't want to baby them forever if I don't must.

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As for your last question, you can try it but since you're fielding them anyway, they might as well get some exp. It usually takes 8-10 chapters to go from nothing to S, that's a long time to lug around a support that doesn't do anything. If you are going to do that, it would be much better to carry defensive units since they give more useful boosts than dodgetanks (especially since Cordelia and Miriel are squishy). Gregor is a strong candidate to go over Lon'qu, he comes later but gives +Def and comes at Lv.10. If you want to use Stahl, he can work well on Cordelia on Lunatic.

Planning is very well and good, but hard experience is worth hundreds of plans (up to a point). This is especially true as far as money management goes.

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I'm doing a run that's mostly the same rules, with the addition of full-deployment, Second Seal only allowed into first-tier, and routing every chapter (Except for Ch21 Mires and Endgame).

Chapter 21 was a big reset fest for me as well, mostly from Ruin. Eventually I got through with Donnel!Noire using Longbows (as an archer! And lacking Tomebreaker!) against any threatening Socrerers while the front liners handled everything else. Anna/Tiki were able to get all the chests while tanking the Mire hits. While annoying as hell, I do appreciate this chapter since it's the last place for bow users to have decent Enemy Phases.

On Chapter 23 right now, I'm pretty much ready for endgame. Overall, I've really enjoyed this run so far since I went in mostly without a plan, plus I don't think I've ever paid more attention to Pair-Up bonuses before this run.

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I understand now why people say Paralogue 6 is one of the hardest chapters in the game, but I'm out of second seals, so I've got to power through somehow. Currently I'm in the process of leveling everyone up as much as I can and I'm just gonna try and power through it. I'm hoping that Kellam as a General with a few Tomahawks and paired with his waifu Nowi can act as kind of a plug for the units coming out of the fort while I try and deal with the flying units outside.

Virion!Inigo is going to inherit Galeforce and Lancebreaker.

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Aaaaand I just warned about the dangers of mismanaging resources two posts before you.

Go get Nah first, her paralogue gives Second Seals as well and it sounds like you're grinding so you won't miss the EXP from cheesing it (kill the boss with Mire). If Kellam and Nowi are married, it should already be unlocked. Don't worry about inheritance.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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