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Is that so? I opened up my previous Lunatic file (the Apo file) for kicks and checked out the last chapter to get a feel of what part 3 enemies are like. Hit +20 was everywhere so I assumed as soon as Valm ended Hit +20 showed up.

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I only needed Frederick (early game), Avatar and Chrom. Chrom and Avatar marry, just for the S-support. Chrom gets Dual Guard+ and Dual Strike+. Other stats don't matter much.

Avatar turns into a Sorcerer. She gets Pavise, Vantage, Armsthrift, Galeforce and Luna. Vantage is probably never needed, but it comes in handy to finish off bosses, when you don't seem to kill them on your turn (especially final boss). Needed at least one crit in order to kill off Grima.

I didn't use them, but I would advise a Rally Bot. Especially speed would've come in handy against Grima, wasn't able to double her... But with random "luck", called Dual Guard+, and a crit with the Vantage/Luna counter and I did the job :)

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C21 is also when enemies start sporting Hit +20, I would assume. A flat upgrade to the hit +10 they've been packing. They basically have Hawkeye.

I don't intend to turtle it, just efficiently maximize exp.

If you've been religiously grabbing EXP where you can (safely), Chapter 21 shouldn't be too bad - it's full of relatively squishy units, and Ignis wrecks face here. Learn where the reinforcements show up, and ignore the trolls with Mire who spawn way-over-there.

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Hi, I'm about to begin my first ever Lunatic Run. I've done my homework, but everything I read contradicts itself. I'm using a Male Sorcerer MU (+Mag -Str) and running Vantage, Vengance, Armsthrift, and Tomebreaker for sure, but I need a last skill. Any suggestions? And who should I pair? Anything else I need to know before I start? Thanks!

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You could stop at sorcerer with nothing but Veteran and you'd still be fine because Nosferatu is derp.

Yeah, that's true enough. I almost made Luck my asset just for infinite AN to sweep the board, but there is no guarentee that I'll get an AN, and other than Armsthrift, Luck is a shaky asset at best. I think I might snag Ignis, because I'll build up OK Str. as Tactician, Grandmaster, Merc, and Myrm, or I might get Wrath. I think I'll go with the old standby by marrying Chrom to Sumi for GF Lucy. I don't want to marry a Manakete with a Str. flaw, so I might marry Lucy or something. Maybe even Aversa... (*shudders*)

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So going to start a Lunatic/Casual run soon and was wondering the best way to survive for a bit.I will be grinding vis EXPonential Growth DLC(Like I always do) and was wondering how do I survive till then.

Also MU is gonna be +Mag/-Luk or -Skill and I am marrying Aversa.If you need couples I will post.

Edited by Azz01
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So going to start a Lunatic/Casual run soon and was wondering the best way to survive for a bit.I will be grinding vis EXPonential Growth DLC(Like I always do) and was wondering how do I survive till then.

Also MU is gonna be +Mag/-Luk or -Skill and I am marrying Aversa.If you need couples I will post.

Frederick emblem until the end of C4 then spam Outrealm.

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Yeah, that's true enough. I almost made Luck my asset just for infinite AN to sweep the board, but there is no guarentee that I'll get an AN, and other than Armsthrift, Luck is a shaky asset at best. I think I might snag Ignis, because I'll build up OK Str. as Tactician, Grandmaster, Merc, and Myrm, or I might get Wrath. I think I'll go with the old standby by marrying Chrom to Sumi for GF Lucy. I don't want to marry a Manakete with a Str. flaw, so I might marry Lucy or something. Maybe even Aversa... (*shudders*)

With a support that has at least 30 Lck (even if it's in a class that doesn't give any +Lck) you'll get a +3 bonus, which combined with a Lck tonic (150G) is enough to push your Avatar to 50 Lck. If your support is Chrom/Lucina@GL, all he needs is 10 Lck to automatically give you enough, even without a tonic. Reaching 50 Lck isn't too hard even without an asset that boosts Lck.

Manaketes give +Str/Mag/Def/Res, and apart from not needing the +Str those bonuses are pretty much the greatest thing ever for Sorcs. Your children might have to reclass to something else, but so what? The parents will be too awesome to care.

So going to start a Lunatic/Casual run soon and was wondering the best way to survive for a bit.I will be grinding vis EXPonential Growth DLC(Like I always do) and was wondering how do I survive till then.

Also MU is gonna be +Mag/-Luk or -Skill and I am marrying Aversa.If you need couples I will post.

You could follow Interceptor's strats, which are for Lunatic+ and will thus work on Lunatic, if you really want to be sure you make it through. But since this is just Lunatic, this would also be complete overkill ("like bringing a nuclear missile to a knife fight"- his own words) as you can just get away with letting Fred be awesome.

Anyway, if you're not familiar with the basic framework of earlygame Lunatic survival...

Pro: Have Fred kill the top Myrm unpaired, and put Chrom@Rapier with Avatar and Lissa standing nearby in range of just the bottom Myrm. Fred will battle two Barbs on EP and Chrom will battle the Myrm, reset if Fred misses either. Turn two pair up Chrom and Avatar and blast the nearest Barb with Bronze Sword for a KO, and have Fred kill the Myrm Chrom fought. Have Lissa heal Fred if she can reach him safely, otherwise pair up with him. Avatar will kill the other Barb on EP. Depending what Avatar's HP looks like and if a Barb survived (both Avatar and the Barbs have very shaky hitrates), either have Avatar kill the last barb and Fred impale the mage, or try to kite the Mage, fighting with Thunder and healing with Lissa until Avatar x Fred can get the KO with Bronze Sword.

Then heal everyone to full, trade all the Vulneraries to Avatar and pair up Avatar x Lissa and Chrom x Fred. Have Avatar x Lissa walk out on the water on one side and Chrom x Fred walk out on the other- make sure Avatar gets into the Mage's range first (Thunder equipped). Battle the Mage on EP, healing with Vulneraries on PP. Get the KO with Thunder on PP if you have enough HP to risk a miss, or are feeling confident. Then manipulate the positioning of the enemies by moving Avatar and Chrom withing one tile of the shore and back out again until they're in range of Thunder, and blast away for lots of exp. For the Boss, heal to full and have Avatar x Fred fight him on EP with Thunder, healing with Lissa on PP. Keep both Chrom and Lissa adjacent for more support to get +3 Dge, which gives the boss 0 listed crit (depending on your asset/flaw and growths, he may be able to OHKO you with a crit).

Cht.1: Have Avatar x Fred tank on a Fort with Bronze Sword. Keep it out until you really need Thunder to polish off the Archer and Boss- it really helps to lower enemy hitrates and damage. Try not to leave the Fort, and once you're fighting just the Boss feel free to equip Bronze Sword to lower hitrates if you want an extra turn to heal. Try to trade Avatar the Elixir for Cht.2.

Cht.2: Charge Avatar x Fred into the enemies. Try to split up the number you fight as evenly as possible between the first three turns, and use Elixir liberally. Go for a Fort if you can. Have the squishies rush to the left corner, and pick off anything that comes to get them using Miriel and Virion to soften and Chrom/Vaike to get the KO. Spread your pairups and positioning so Lissa and Miriel are protected and none of the leads get doubled. Once the bottom is gone, you can either follow Interceptor's strat for the top or, if you've got good Def and the Elixir still has a use or two left, try to tank on a Fort again.

Cht.3: Use Interceptor's strat for the LHS. Rush the Knight at the top of the stairs and form a chokepoint so only one unit and the Archer can reach you. Take out the Archer first so it can't hit anyone behind you, and then start tanking. Have Lissa trade away all your weapons for EP and heal you, then trade them back to kill someone on PP (prioritize the Knight, don't go after the one attacking you unless he is the Knight, as otherwise the strongest one will step in to fill the gap), repeat until you can handle everyone at once and then take an EP with Fire equipped. For the top, heal up and rush everyone who won't be fighting to the bottom RHS. Have Avatar and Lissa (with Fred and Miriel pairups) aggro the top and fight them while retreating, killing one or two things per EP and healing up each time.

Cht.4: Sell Supreme Emblem, recruit Travant, stomp everything. Or give Avatar x Fred the Celica's Gale and stomp everything. Use Naga's Tear on Avatar to make it even more of a mauling.

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I just started my first Lunatic run after a way too min-maxxy run on Hard (both on classic, of course) and I'm getting curb stomped on chapter 1. I can't get through it, and I don't want anyone to die. MU is male and the asset/flaw is SPD/LCK. I cannot figure out how to make it through. WHAT DO

Edited by Closerhenry
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Paralogue 10 complete. Severa get!

I used to fucking loathe this map, but now that I'm not scrubbing through it I see all the nuances in the enemy design. Like every map in Lunatic mode, the enemies are positioned in a way where you are constantly pressured, but never overwhelmed. 1-2 Range on this map is god. I went up the right side because you have to guard Severa's dumb ass. Okay so the main thing about this map is there are berserkers everywhere. They hit fucking hard too but can't hit the broad side of a barn. They are more of a coin flip enemy where you're screwed if they hit and alright if they don't as opposed to everything else on the map which has respectable accuracy. Even better is that there are 2 types of thief enemy on this map which means both tricksters and assassins give bonus exp like thieves so a few characters got a lot of levels.

Because of the high density of Swords and Axes, this was the perfect opportunity to second seal Cynthia to Cavalier and grind her sword rank with discipline. She was dodging left and right like her mommy Sumia due to Great Lord's high speed bonus + WTA against axes and the Sages could barely pull 49% displayed hit on her as well.

The strategy was pretty much to slowly proceed up the right side side, hugging the right wall because the left wall would pull the Assassins in the middle of the map which would be bad, all while trying to create enough space for Severa to move without over exposing herself (if she did end up over exposing herself I'd rescue staff her). I killed shit dead with 1-2 range via Manaketes, tomes, and Cynthia's javelins. Sumia killed almost every assassin that approached because those were the biggest threat on this map. After the reinforcements were taken care of I pulled the middle assassins, then the northern portion of the map with Sumia and Cynthia dodge tanking the zerkers and sages. After they were wiped I cleared the corridor to Holland because I needed that master key for the Bullion chest. Somewhere along the line Robin learned Rally spectrum finally (I know I know he should have had it waaaaay earlier cut me some slack) which was quite a boon. After the corridor to Holland was cleared I rescued Severa further back one last time to near the entrance in order to give Sumia some time to get the Bullion without Severa triggering the reinforcements, I block the middle reinforcement zone and waited. After Severa finally recruited herself, it was time to train her in any way I could. I rescued her with Maribelle because Severa cannot outrun the reinforcements which is bullshit especially since a Mov +1 Assassin came out of the reinforcement hole (there is literally no way for her to outrun that one which isfucking stupid)

Vaike is hitting the bench, so he clogged up a staircase untiil the chapter ended. I had Severa kill a few of the reinforcements luckily and the pulled the last 2 Zerkers by the boss with Sumia in an attempt to weaken them for Severa to kill one. She's untouchable anyway (after rally speed + spectrum they had 27% displayed lol). She weakened one then ended up getting a 13% crit on the other which pissed me off why are you so good Sumia argh. Severa killed the weakend Zerker then the boss afer Sumia weakend him. She got 4 levels.

Post chapter analysis: Cynthia is an absolute fucking monster. During her 11 levels of training she went up a weapon rank and capped Str Spd and Def as a cavlier at level 12. Morgan is spanking Nah in literally every stat by a 3-5 point difference despite them being only 3 levels apart. Nah pls. Severa's few levels were a good sign. She got Str on each of her levels and Spd on 2 of them. Vaike!Severa has disgustingly good offensive growths. Combining the growths of a fighter and a pegasus knight? Oh yeah. Unfortunately she didn't inherit Galeforce because Cordelia hasn't got it yet. Severa's got an energy drop and a speedwings (Anna sold one) with her name on it. The goal is to promote her to bow knight so she can grow even more in Tiki's paralogue. How I'll do that? I don't know. My Robin is the fastest man on my team with 33 Spd. He can double most enemies even without a pair up boost. Lucina is also a monster, with less spd than Cynthia (29 Spd) but more Str (30 Str, she's tied with Cherche!). Vaike's gonna retire. He's earned it. Even though he hasn't grown in a while, his Silver Axe offense was surprisingly potent. Since Severa's going to go Bow Knight she won't have need of Vaike's axes which means Cherche now holds a monopoly on all axes.

So now I'm wondering if I should do C19 and train Severa there as a Merc or promote her and do P17 to train her as a bow knight. Hmm...

I just started my first Lunatic run after a way too min-maxxy run on Hard (both on classic, of course) and I'm getting curb stomped on chapter 1. I can't get through it, and I don't want anyone to do. MU is male and the asset/flaw is SPD/LCK. I cannot figure out how to make it through. WHAT DO

Did you water trick the prologue? It would enable Robin to solo C1 with Fred pair up and a sword equipped. Just sit on the fort and try to give Virion's elixir to Fred at some point since Fred or Robin will need it for C2
Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I just started my first Lunatic run after a way too min-maxxy run on Hard (both on classic, of course) and I'm getting curb stomped on chapter 1. I can't get through it, and I don't want anyone to do. MU is male and the asset/flaw is SPD/LCK. I cannot figure out how to make it through. WHAT DO

Literally one post above you. I'm the best ninja in the world.

If your Avatar isn't strong enough you'll have to solo it with Fred, and if you can't pull that off then restart. Fortunately you're one chapter in and Pro shouldn't take more than 30 mins even with really bad luck.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Warning. The following post is mostly just me rambling and talking to myself about dumb shit.

Libra has been periodically quite useful to deal with magical orientated classes in my run so far, since their defence is quite weak, he uses a strong weapon type, and his resistance is high. It's made better by the fact his wife is currently FalcoKnight Lissa who gives him even more res, weakening magic attacks further and speed so he can double/not get doubled. However, I do wonder about whether or not he can continue to fufill this niche as the game goes on in his base class, or whether it's even relevant. Paladin Cynthia and Morgan have pretty ample resistance right now and far more strength, and can preform more duties. It's more a thought about whether or not having a spare pair to do this that I don't actually really combat train that much will come in handy.

I'm contemplating sealing him into a Sage so his Mag bonuses are more significant for Lissa (more rescue range, I'm totally not entering overkill territory!) and potentially getting an extra Rally Magic user, and hypothetically if the situations allow for it, even E tomes raw mag chip is going to be better than using a handaxe vs most enemy types. Although I know bolt axes EXIST, I'm not using spotpass shops and the like so I don't know when they show up. Ehhh....

Leaning towards the reclass if only for probably having another rally magic user since if I pass it down to Owain I can't pair him into Lissa for Dark Knight +1 mov without wasting a dance on the same turn for MAXIMUM RESCUE RANGE.

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Libra will get a little outclassed later on but by virtue of having Staves and good Mag he can stay relevant for a long time even with very little investment. You should probably start scaling him down once you recruit Owain. If you have a Seal for him, Sage is probably a good choice, but more for his own higher Mag than Lissa's (a high range Rescue is nice. Two medium range Rescues are much nicer).

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I don't really plan to combat focus on Lissa, Owain or Libra, they're basically pure utility. Owain is basically just going to be shunted through 10 levels of Dark Mage and immediately promoted to Dark Knight so he can provide Magical and +Mov pair up bonuses for his parents and Robin (if I need them, although Anna fufills that niche already...), and potentially help negate evasive bosses with his Dark Mage skills without being mostly dead weight (like an instant promoted Henry or Tharja would be). He'd also have some Rally Skills.

Statistically Libra only gains a 1 extra staff range from War Monk to Sage as well and a 0.5% growth increase. Eh.

Maybe it's not even worth bothering to raise Owain lol. Upon further examination I probably could just instant promote Henry if I ever desperately need Anathema/Hex vs a boss since 10/10/10 Owain is really not going to be thaaat much better (he'll give like 1 more mag and speed probably, big whoop) and Anna theoretically does the same thing for pairup in terms of mag and mov. The only real purpose is that I can have another Rally Luck (lol who cares), Rally Speed (already got 4 units with that...), or Rally Mag user. If I make Libra a Sage then the last one isn't even a big deal anymore unless I desperately need the biggest rescue range ever on Lissa. Heck I can actually just deploy base Myrmidon Owain with Rally Mag passed down if I wanted to do that anyway lol.

Edited by Irysa
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Damn it C19 I have no idea how your reinforcements spawn. I was one turn away from victory, with a bunch of amazing level ups only for Olivia to get ambushed spawned by a Paladin and Great Knight. My 4 turn clear, gone before my eyes. I need to cool down for a bit. That loss was debilitating.

In other news, Anna went and found me a Superior Edge in the barracks which will be put to use in dodging Wal-mart. Cherche with a hammer rapes every armor symbol on the map, ORKOing all of them with the same hammer she started with in C12. Everything else is just a matter of Galeforce + Kiting and Rally Spamming.

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Idk if you want to play with reinforcement spoilers but http://www.gamefaqs.com/3ds/643003-fire-emblem-awakening/faqs/64260seems to be pretty accurate about the reinforcements. I've only found 2 mistakes with it (21 he doesn't list the top enemies on turn 9 and the middle/bottom enemies on turn 10, and from what I can tell there were no turn 6 reinforcements from the bottom of 25 even though he says there should be).

All the enemies have spawned on 25 for me, now I just need to kite them in circles and then 2 turn Grima. 19 and 16 (The tree chapter) were really the hardest for me (Outside of chapter 2 because I decided to not look up the actual way to do it thinking I was smart enough to figure it out on my own). Kind of frustrating because I feel like all the interesting hard parts of the game in dealing with reinforcements can be skipped by just killing bosses. 25 was really fun and didn't even really have reinforcement bullshit since they mainly spawn out of range of suicide counter, but I'm sure like 4 people have actually bothered to play it :/

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All the enemies have spawned on 25 for me, now I just need to kite them in circles and then 2 turn Grima. 19 and 16 (The tree chapter) were really the hardest for me (Outside of chapter 2 because I decided to not look up the actual way to do it thinking I was smart enough to figure it out on my own). Kind of frustrating because I feel like all the interesting hard parts of the game in dealing with reinforcements can be skipped by just killing bosses. 25 was really fun and didn't even really have reinforcement bullshit since they mainly spawn out of range of suicide counter, but I'm sure like 4 people have actually bothered to play it :/

I tried! My units weren't quite strong enough to kill the reinforcements outright/survive more than three hits, so I had to end the map one turn before the final wave showed up.

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In what can only be described as a very lucky run, I got past C19 in 5 turns. The forts are nothing but false hope.

God I hate this map. I hate it oh so much. Almost everything having 7-8 Mov is nothing but a pain in the ass, and the reinforcements show up in packs of 4 in Lunatic. So much for fort tanking. My strategy was much cleaner this time, though the middle segment was dicey.

Robin and Maribelle use their rallies (spectrum and speed) on Cherche, who flies and ORKOs a General. Cordelia kills the lower paladin with a beastkiller. Sumia kills the left-middle paladin and switches to Chrom to kill the left Dark Knight. Olivia dances Chrom who switches back to Sumia to kill the lower-middle Paladin. The Falchion sisters pair up and KO a dark knight and 2 paladins, ending heir turn just outside the range of the upper right Bow Knight. If you pull just one then that whole squad comes crashing down on you which is baaaaad. Morgan parks in a forest with a Dragonston+ equipped to weaken the 2 Generals. EP happens and Cherche kills 2 Great Knights and 2 Generals by her lonesome, Robin was parked in a forest with Elwind and killed the third General with a lucky Ignis proc.

Turn 2 was very positioning heavy. Lucy/Cynthia take down 2 dark knights and a great knight, while ending their turn next to one of Morgan's weakened Generals. Sumia kills both weakened Generals while ending up in a spot that would have her take on 2 Wyverns, a Paladin, a dark knight, and a great Knight. It was obviously a very dangerous position which needed as much Avo stacking as possible, with Forseti equipped to increase reliability. Some of the paladins that attacked her had outdoor fighter which boosted their hit to 51% displayed and some of the Wyverns had Quick Burn which boosted them to 54% displayed. I really should have reset until they didn't have those skills and used a speed tonic but it's whatever because Chrom ended up dual guarding over 9000 times anyway.

Severa killed the Bow Knight which was pulled and got rescued by Maribelle. Cherche moved up to a position that would have her take on 2 Wyverns, a Great Knight, and a Paladin. Cherche's rush was far more reliable because the girl really just doesn't die with her staggering 51 HP/30 (35 after Fred pair up) Def combined with Axe > Lance WTA + a defense boost of +2 from Hector's axe. Hector's axe has a surprising 15 crit as well which gave it killer axe offense after I parked Robin w/ Solidarity next to her.

Turn 3 is where I really needed to act fast because the upper middle and top most groups were still sitting around and I had until the next turn to get rid of a lot of them at once. This is where I had a crazy idea. A short lance (1 Mt, 55 hit, 35 Crit, 1-2 range) had been sitting in my inventory since literally the beginning of the game, and I knew one day it would have a purpose. This was that day. Cynthia equipped the short lance and had Sumia next to her for extra avo. With it Cynthia somehow turned into Othin, crit killing approximately half of the upper middle squad (a Pally, a Dark Knight, a Bow Knight, and a Great Knight) while dodging everything because Cynthia has absurd speed after a rally from Maribelle. Cherche moved up to a fort to kill one of the 3 Wyverns that didn't get killed on turn 2 and Robin moves with her to kill a Bow Knight. Turn ends with nothing else happening.

Turn 4, it's time to pull Walhart. I wanted to do it without having to deal with his mounted cronies. Funny enough, Cynthia was 9 spaces away from the paladins. Totally unintentional, totally awesome. Cordelia used Rally Movement, Cynthia rushes to one paladin and switches to Lucina who kill him then with galeforce switch back to Cynthia to kill the other then Cynthia used the rest of her Galeforce Mov to run all the way to the edge of Walhart's range and within 3 spaces of Chrom so she can get Charm boost. Looking back on it Cynthia was already getting charm from Lucina so it didn't stack but it's cool. Cynthia with Ephraim's lance and Lucina with P. Falchion brought Walhart to 16 HP after a lucky Aether proc. I actually wanted to have Cynthia get the Luna lance from the convoy to greatly increase reliability but since I had no idea how far the reinforcements could move or if they had 1-2 range I didn't risk it. The aether proc was a godsend. Chrom was too wimpy to deal any damage to Walhart so Cynthia took the kill and learned defender, awesome. I fed Severa some last minute kills.

Post chapter notes: I.... legitimately could not have done this strat without galeforce. It is so integral to my strategy at this point. It's truly a shame that I never got it to Severa and Cordelia is still kind of far away from it too but eh. By far the most annoying enemies were the Dark Knights because of their damn Res targetting. Sumia can still do some part time dodge tanking against some of the less accurate classes which is surprising. Lucina and Cynthia both have obscenely high speed and moderate durability so they can dodge tank and normal tank which is cool. Oh and Cherche finally S supported with Fred which unlocked Gerome's paralogue. Maybe I'll try to get some kills for Cordelia there?

Paralogue 11 at a glance: Hey look it's Gerome! His bases are shockingly Similar to Fred's current stats (-1 Speed, +1 everything else). Unfortunately I don't think he'll be worth a team spot due to time constraints. Perhaps I could instant seal him to Cavalier...? Now's not really the time to be fed kills anymore though... The enemies all look pretty tough. The difficulty of this map will greatly depends on if all the enemies immediately mass aggro. If not then it will be a cakewalk.

Chapter 20 at a glance: Cherche can ORKO Cervantes, along with every other armor on the map, lol. Cervantes is not even that much stronger than the other generals on the map. With a speed tonic, Ephraim's lance, and Fred support, Cherche can ORKO the 64 HP Sword Heroes too (if they spawn with HP +5 or use axes it becomes tougher). The enemies aren't particularly tough, just numerous. Save for like, Cordelia and Severa all of my units are sufficiently above the curve (and even Cordy and Sev are doing well). Walhart isn't that much harder (identical stats to C19) except now he has a 1-2 range axe. I sure hope he can be pulled from that throne because I sure as sugar don't want to deal with throne + RFK PavGis bullshit. Almost to the finish line~

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Walhart moves, I promise~!

Check the Warriors - sometimes, they spawn with Counter, and it sucks. Otherwise, get everyone the hell away from the bottom of the map ASAP, because that's where the first wave of reinforcements spawn from. Good luck~!

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Hey there!

Vicky of the old 'i own this game' thread. I threw caution to the wind and I'm jumping from normal/casual to lunatic/classic. Fun times ahead!

I've made it to chapter 2 without too much trouble thanks to Frederick, but I hate relying on the pre-promote so much. My first loss was trying to hold him back, and that went as poorly as expected. The others are so squishy, it can't be helped. Still, I worry if i'm using him too much. I've gained two levels on my avatar (guy named Glenn) and that's it. Frederick's rampage will have to end sometime, and right now the others couldn't keep up. With me getting slaughtered on chapter 2, I know I need to build them up more if I want any of them to survive. That leaves me to conclude I will need to grind when the option opens up.

Still, I wanted to see if there was another way, something I might be missing. Should I restart, taking more risks and using Frederick less? Is it possible to not grind some exp on the lunatic modes, or is that the norm?

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Damn it C19 I have no idea how your reinforcements spawn. I was one turn away from victory, with a bunch of amazing level ups only for Olivia to get ambushed spawned by a Paladin and Great Knight. My 4 turn clear, gone before my eyes. I need to cool down for a bit. That loss was debilitating.

For future reference, the way I remember it without having to look it up is that for all except the final wave, they spawn in squares of four on each side, starting at the top, then descending two forts at a time. This wraps around once, such that the bottom two and the top two forts spawn a square. For the final wave, all forts spawn units for a whopping 16 new challengers.

Hey there!

Vicky of the old 'i own this game' thread. I threw caution to the wind and I'm jumping from normal/casual to lunatic/classic. Fun times ahead!

I've made it to chapter 2 without too much trouble thanks to Frederick, but I hate relying on the pre-promote so much. My first loss was trying to hold him back, and that went as poorly as expected. The others are so squishy, it can't be helped. Still, I worry if i'm using him too much. I've gained two levels on my avatar (guy named Glenn) and that's it. Frederick's rampage will have to end sometime, and right now the others couldn't keep up. With me getting slaughtered on chapter 2, I know I need to build them up more if I want any of them to survive. That leaves me to conclude I will need to grind when the option opens up.

Still, I wanted to see if there was another way, something I might be missing. Should I restart, taking more risks and using Frederick less? Is it possible to not grind some exp on the lunatic modes, or is that the norm?

Grinding is not necessary at all. You missed out on the water trick, which basically boils down to Robin and Chrom being able to walk on water tiles during the Prologue, while the enemies cannot. This allows Robin to have it out with the second Mage in a 1v1, then laugh and pick off all the enemy melee as they sit there confused with their thumbs up their butts.

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Good to know about the water trick, though I'm not sure how that's different from grinding. If anything, that's exploiting something the game didn't even intend to give you to avoid a resource the game does give you. Not sure if I follow that, to be honest.

Either way, I managed to get by chapter two with a little more experience, but Frederick is still doing all the heavy lifting. I keep hoping for more chances to let the others get EXP, but with the enemy so close together, it's usually suicide to use anyone else. Maybe with Kellam's support boost a unit can survive long enough to kill something. Only one way to find out. Charge!

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