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Try as I might, I can't outrun the Longbow guys on foot (9 effective range versus 7-8 movement), and fliers are in danger. They also split if you're not careful, which sucks.

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The enemies are very spread out and there's the hallways so the enemy density isn't that high (until turn 15 or whenever, the soft turn limit, when they seriously all aggro).

I would recommend against rushing, unless your team can specifically handle it (pretty much if you're just using Robin+children) as the stat curve doesn't let up. Honestly while the difficulty jumps a bit in C17 since the enemy is now all promoted, the enemies are relatively tame still (I remember Panne facing like 0/0/0 in that chapter. >_>). Go to some more children paralogues for the exp if necessary. Between Rally, Pair Up, and such, you shouldn't need to rig crits and such.

Use forged Beastkillers for the Valks, which are probably the hardest enemies there.

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It's possible to troll the Longbows into standing within 2 range of your units by pulling them on the very edges of their range- this doesn't work everywhere on the map but can allow you to safely dispatch them in places where it does.

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Depends how fast you're playing. Around the fastest known pace, with proper exp allocation, a Veteran child barely has enough to beat 23/24 with self-healing.

At a slower pace, you shouldn't need them anyway. Rally spam, Manaketes, Avoid-stack, Gale/Rescuebombs (hit-and-run), grinding, and more can all similarly facilitate clears Lunatic isn't hard anyways.. Nosferatu/Sol, always an option, of course.

So if Gale/Rescuing skipping chapters, yeah probably will need some more specific stuff. If not, then do fairly standard tactical stuff.

Edited by XeKr
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Is one excluding nosferatu tanking and other forms of... circumventing the game?

There are no specific restrictions aside from no grinding. I really just haven't needed Nos. I chose not to invest in Tharja and Henry's base Spd is awful. I'm trying to get rally spectrum on Robin before second sealing him to anything.

Edit: Did a test run. If seems the thief only goes for the seraph robe which leaves the bullion and the boots up for grabs.

Also, the enemy mass aggros on turn 9 when Excellus shows up. Bleh. If you block the reinforcements for that specific turn, will that negate the Excellus cutscene? If I can prevent the turn 9 mass aggro, then the chapter will be much more manageable. The turn count won't be pretty, but eh.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Chapter 17's map has a few good points in the wall that make it possible to divide and conquer, so long as you have one or two units who are decent enough tanks. The door on the right of the central hall is probably the best, although the section of wall between the left treasure room and the left exit of the central hall is okay too. Both of those are in places where masses of enemies go by, but the long lips of the same walls (so long as you don't open the door in the first's case) will make the enemy melee have to take the long way around. This is a very long way around for the right side. The ranged will then aggro onto the tank and dogpile waiting for their opportunity to attack. If you can eliminate the Longbow Snipers, it's possible to engage the ranged over the wall by themselves while your ranged safely gets heals. Once the melee arrive, swap to focus firing them—and this should be relatively safe if your tank could handle the ranged enemies; once the melee is weakened, blast them away with your ranged. Meanwhile, if you don't have a tank to spare to keep the ranged enemies where they were, they'll start coming around the wall. However, they'll also need to take the same path the melee did, causing them to also stream piecemeal into the jaws of death. Depending on army setup, may require other tricks like Gale/Rescue bombing to supplement it.

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Trying to stop the Excellus cutscene is really weird. Standing where the reinforcements appear does nothing. Standing where Excellus will appear, though, is... Interesting.

Not enough to stop the mass aggro, though.

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Cleared it. 7 turns. MVP was Chrom x Sumia but do I really need to even say that at this point?

I will have to give another shout out to Cherche. The girl can really take some punishment. W/ Paladin Fred pair up she has 48 HP/32 defense making her my bulkiest unit. She has enough speed to not get doubled too and she hits like a truck. If the day ever comes where we do an RTU for Awakening, expect me to be the guy that goes crazy for Cherche.

Anyway, I went up the Right side because it is a much more clear cut route to the boss. I kited the left group with Cherche and Cordelia while Lucy, Robin, Sumia took the right with some help from Olivia and Maribelle. I actually boxed in the archer on the right, lol. Eventually the initial waves are cleared out and everyone proceeds pull the enemies 3 at a time. I disregarded the boots and Seraph robe because they would have been more trouble than they're worth. I got the bullion though. Thanks to some fortify spam Maribelle is a level 9.98 Valkyrie. I'll second seal her to Falco soon enough.

Some good level ups here. Out of like, 7 attempts, Cordelia got strength each time. That's pretty crazy. On my successful attempt Cherche got Str Spd and Def because she's awesome like that. My manaketes got level ups to def and Spd but neither got Strength sadly. Sumia hit level 20 so I second sealed her back to Dark flier mid chapter. Her speed is like, through the roof. Chrom got Skl luck and res wtf Chrom pls. Robin got Str Spd Skl and something else. Nice.

C18 at a glance: Oh my. Beastkillers will be pretty awesome here. Still, this is quite the welcoming party. These guys look tough, the swordmasters being especially frightening. Yen'fay looks scary too. However, Sumia with a Spd tonic, Chrom support, and Forseti hits 47 Speed. Enough to double Yen'fay. <3 Sumia.

Before that, however, I'll go get Cynthia at last.


I got Cynthia! It was on hell of a doozy. The AI in this map is quite a pain. Basically, the enemies all mass aggro on turn 4. If you pull either side of the top enemies, the other side will aggro. So you've gotta basically wipe out almost 1 entire wave per turn for the first 2 turns then slowly handle the top half on turn 4. Ugh.

My successful attempt was pretty hilarious since it basically started with Henry getting a 70% displayed hit, 3% crit with Mire on one of the RHS Snipers. Sumia's dodge tanking days aren't entirely over, since low skl classes like Great Knight and Zerker still struggle to hit her. Sumia taking 1 Sniper shot left her at exactly 1 HP after an HP tonic so she had to dodge 2 Zerkers and the Great Knight. But the RNG goddess smiled upon me and Sumia dodged a 56% displayed Sniper shot which boosted the reliability of turn 1 significantly. So Sumia x Chrom killed 2 Zerkers, a Sniper, and a Great Knight all on turn 1 which was my saving grace. The Heroes are just ugh. I had Cherche equipped with a killer lance and parked Henry w/ Anathema + Robin with Solidarity on her left and right side. The result was 56% crit which cleanly KO'd one or two of the enemies. Oh yeah, Henry with Flux attacking at 1 range with Hexathema was pulling 55% crit on his own with pretty high hit since his skill stat is good so he OHKO'd a sniper.

I parked Chrom in a forest with Lucina's charm and Maribelle's demoiselle nearby, along with Robin next to him. Chrom was 3HKO'd. 3 enemies attacked, I flubbed but then a dual guard saved me. The result was Chrom killing two Heroes and Robin gravely wounding a sniper with Levin Sword. Cherche kills one of the people in front of Cynthia (Cherche can double now. Her offense is monstrous). I switch to Chrom to recruit Cynthia because pega pony princess :P: and then switch back to Sumia, get a kill, then use galeforce to kill another enemy. I cleaned up the stragglers then prepared for the third wave. Sumia pulled a Sniper which brought her to 1 HP, she kills with a counter. From there on it was simply a matter of fancy EP positioning to maximize kills while minimizing damage. It took me about 6 turns to get rid of the whole crew minus the mercenaries. I can't tell you how good it felt to kill that fucker. I forgot the turn count, but you can most likely guess the MVP by now.

Notes: Cynthia now has 25 base spd lol. Her str is still 15 but I've been saving an energy drop for her. Out of the approximately 6 or so attempts Cherche leveled up speed every time which is very impressive considering her class.

Onwards to C18. I dunno if I'm gonna get Severa at all during this playthrough. Eh, I'll see.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I got kind of a cool idea for a Lunatic run last night while I was lying in bed. Because of course I have nothing better to do when trying to fall asleep to think of weird Fire Emblem shit. I know there are all sorts of gimmicky runs that people have likely done, so I'd be really surprised if no one thought of this before, but I thought I'd get some opinions and feedback anyway.

The concept is Fire Emblem: Awakening - Girls Only. Female characters (including FAv) will be the stars of the show. Male characters will only be allowed to join in maps where they are forced to deploy and are not allowed to perform any action that would gain them EXP. In addition, no male/female supports are allowed*, only female/female.

* - I'm not actually sure about this, but if Chrom has a forced marriage at Chapter 11, does he automatically gain an S support with his wife? Or do they just get the husband/wife banners at the bottom without the accompanying supports? Strategy very likely hinges on this, since there's a very large difference between pairing up with an S support character and a no support character.

The funniest thing about this (and what makes Female Emblem more appealing than Male Emblem), is that Chrom is a forced deploy in every chapter, which effectively turns the game into an escort mission.

There are some specific strategic points that I'd like some feedback/advice on, though:

1. Is this actually feasible? I assume yes, but if there's some weird quirk or mechanic that I'm forgetting about, please let me know.

2. Opening Chapter Strategies: I know that once I get to Chapter 4 it should be smooth sailing, since 2 and 3 are really the hardest, but those early chapters might be tricky. I suppose the Prologue should be easy enough by pairing up FAv with either Freddy or Chrom for stat boost and water-walking (though I've never actually used that strategy myself yet), and giving her all of the EXP, but the other chapters I'm not sure how to approach. Should I just cheese everyone with FAv? I suppose it would get harder the more I want to level up Sully, Miriel, and Sumia.

3. Chrom's Role: Obviously Chrom is going to be a dead weight. His biggest role is showing up and not dying, and also fathering Lucina, but he's still going to be there for every single map, and that needs to be accounted for. There's really two main ways I can think of to handle him, either leave him alone protected and/or surrounded by other units, as if he were a healer or RallyBot or whatever that can't take a hit, or let him be paired up in the back with someone else.
As a paired partner, He has his DS+, but without a weapon (since he's not allowed to gain any EXP), he can only Dual Guard (which is too rare to really count on in battle), and provide his passive stat and combat bonuses. If his forced marriage actually does become an S support, Chrom as a pair up becomes more enticing, but even then, his lack of Dual Strike means that he won't be as good of a partner as one of the other girls, so you're making the most use of Chrom, but lowering the overall use of his wife (or whoever else he gets paired with). On the other hand, protecting Chrom makes him completely worthless and vulnerable, though it opens up all of the other deployed characters to fight at maximum efficiency.

Personally, I'm leaning towards pairing Chrom up, though I'm really hoping he gets that S support so the pair up is at least useful; if not, I might go the other route.

However, another option worth considering (whether the S support happens or not) is simply pairing Chrom up with a very strong character who doesn't necessarily need the benefit of a stronger pair-up partner.

4. Lucina & Her Mother: Lucina is very notable in this playthrough for being the old child character you can get, since no male/female pairings are allowed, but Chrom and Lucina are special because lolplot. As a mother, I'm leaning towards Sumia for easy Galeforce, though I suppose Olivia could work as well. Unlike a regular run, I'm actually not thinking of having FAv as a mother because both Lucina and Chrom may want the wife/mother as a possible pair-up, and FAv is a very in-demand support partner in this game because same-sex support partners are very limited. Speaking of support partners...

5. Characters & Supports: This is the big one. There are 17 playable in-game females in FE:A, including FAv. Most of them have a possible two female support partners, though some only have one, Tiki surprisingly has 3, and of course FAv can support everyone. Flavia's only female support is FAv, but she comes so late that she's not a serious contender for main party anyway.

[spoiler=Full Support List]
Avatar - Everyone
Sumia - Sully, Cordelia
Lissa - Maribelle
Sully - Sumia, Miriel
Miriel - Sully, Cherche
Maribelle - Lissa, Olivia,
Panne - Cordelia, Olivia
Cordelia - Sumia, Panne
Nowi - Tharja, Cherche
Tharja - Nowi
Anna - Tiki
Olivia - Maribelle, Panne
Cherche - Miriel, Nowi
Lucina - Mother, Tiki
Say'ri - Tiki
Tiki - Anna, Say'ri, Lucina
Flavia - N/A

What's interesting is that since we're only going to be getting A supports at best, some of the non-mother characters suddenly become more feasible. For example, I know I'm going to be taking Anna onto my main team; I won't have Gaius for any more chests than C6, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to waste a second seal on making someone a Thief, so Anna becomes invaluable and will probably end up being FAv's main support. Tiki also joins pretty late in the game, but can support with Lucina (whose only other female support is her mother, and said mother may be pairing up with Chrom instead) and/or Anna (potentially freeing up FAv to pair up with someone else), and/or Say'ri, if I decide I'd like to use Say'ri (unlikely, but possible).

So, I need to decide how many characters I'm going to train, who they are, and who their support(s) will be. Though, I don't really have too many choices when it comes down to it. If I choose to use Lissa (early availability and Galeforce access), her only support is Maribelle, and so if I use one, I kind of have to use both, and that kind of creates a cascade until we get this:

Olivia/Panne (if Olivia isn't PU with Chrom/Lucina)
Cordelia/Sumia (if Sumia isn't PU with Chrom/Lucina)
... and Tharja can only support Nowi, so that chain ends there.

We can also use Tharja as a choke point and see where that gets us:

Sully/Sumia (if Sumia isn't PU with Chrom/Lucina)
Olivia/Maribelle (if Olivia isn't PU with Chrom/Lucina)
... ending at Lissa this time, since Maribelle is taken.

The 6 females not on these lists (FAv, Anna, Lucina, Say'ri, Tiki, Flavia) are the ones with goofier and more intermingled support possibilities.

Of course, it's not a flat give that you'll only be able to use Lissa OR Tharja; there's still some variation that can be done, especially once you realize that Sumia or Olivia are likely going to be paired up with Chrom and/or Lucina. Another option (as I mentioned above) is to have a particularly strong character in their own right be paired up with Chrom. FAv seems like the ideal person for that, but she's also my only support option for Anna, at least until Tiki shows up which is fairly late anyway.

I've put some thoughts into who I'd like to use, but there's a lot that depends on Chrom's wife and if they get that S support automagically or not, so it's just idle theorycraft at this point. Once I know for sure, I can pin down my plans and such a bit more firmly.


So, what do you guys think of this? Who would you choose and what would you do, if you were to attempt such a run? Would be interesting to see your thoughts.

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When Chrom gets auto married he does get S support with his wife.

But man, all girls means no Fred. That's a scary thought. How are you even going to get through the prologue?

Way I see it you'll have to rig +def on almost every level HP using the water trick then Sully x FeMU will take on C1 and C2. C3 would probably be Sully x Sumia and Miriel x FeMU. Then Cordelia would replace Miriel. I dunno, but best of luck to you.

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Alright, S Support definitely does make things easier. He and his wife wouldn't have anything up until C12, but I figure that most other people would still be working on building their supports and stuff, and (if I'm remembering correctly, anyway) reinforcements and such are less of a thing in those early chapters, so it would be easy enough to leave Chrom on his own and let the girls duke it out.

I've only done Lunatic once before, which is why I specifically mentioned the earlier chapters potentially being problematic. Freddy, Chrom, and FAv were my stars for those early levels... and suddenly I'm only down to 1/3 of those. Water trick for sure with the Prologue and just getting as many levels as possible onto FAv, I suppose. At least the guys can still be used for Pair Up bonuses in those early chapters (so long as their weapons are taken away so they can't accidentally DS), so I'll probably be more likely to make use of that rather than pairing the girls up right away. It's not a firm plan for sure, but I'll probably end up with FAv doing the brunt of the work as feeding as many kills as possible to Sully, Miriel, and Sumia and Lissa spamming Heal at every opportunity.

I was thinking -Lck/+Spd for FAv, but +Def could work, too.

Edited by Kirie
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Actually, Lucina won't necessarily be the only child character, unless you can manage to force Chrom to marry Maiden. Otherwise, the forced marriage will potentially bring Chrom's wife's kid into play too (assuming said kid is Cynthia or Kjelle, anyway).

The first few chapters early on are going to be brutal, maybe even unbeatable without Fred. Prologue starts in such tight quarters and even a +Def Robin won't be tanky enough to take all those enemies down (at least not without astronomically good dodging and Dual Guard luck), especially without any Dual Strike opportunities (Fred and Chrom unequipped and Lissa doesn't have a weapon).

This survival issue, even with +Def on every level up, is going to continue into chapter 1. Sully is only going to provide nominal stat boosts and pretty awful Dual Strike damage.

Chapter 2 pulls out Steel, so enemy attack goes way up. The healing item stock is probably nearly out by this point and Robin/Sully will have to take on everyone, since Miriel won't be able to tank anything.

Chapter 3 is maybe where Robin is leveled enough that she and Sully can just steamroll anything. There might be some issues keeping Lissa, Sumia and Chrom out of danger, but Lissa's gonna be more or less necessary for healing, since even with Kellam's and Sumia's vulneraries, enemies still have pretty high attack.

If you can make it to chapter 4, you can probably finish the game. Both Robin and Sully will snowball quite a bit. The idea then would be to get to Lucina while conserving the early paralogues. Feed the early paralogues to Lucina while also building Robin and her support to A. Getting a few support points with Chrom will assist in this, because Robin can pass Lucina Veteran and also pick up a free C support after recruitment. Sully may be able to front line a bit with help from Sumia, but at this point, the surest way to finish is probably just to Robin/Lucina duo while Cordelia picks up Chrom and plays evasively. There will probably be quite a few maps where Robin will need to Galeforce rush a boss kill in order to keep Chrom and Cordelia from getting picked off.

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...I don't see how getting just Robin to kill all of two Barbs, two Myrms and one Mage within the first two turns of the Prologue is possible at all. They come from multiple directions and there's nowhere to run Lissa to- she'd have to get like 60 perfect DGs in a row to survive while Robin cleans up the rest (doing maybe 1/4 of one's HP per turn, and everything doubles Lissa). Even a TAS likely wouldn't be able to manage that.

If all the force deployed males were allowed to participate, though, it would be pretty easy- no males -> limited children -> Robin does more heavy lifting, and we all know she's more than capable of doing that, especially with a Nostank build.

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maybe by allowing Fred to facetank or to sit on Robin during Prologue, while making a 2-man Formation against the outline of the map on turn 1, and quickly making their way to an earlier water trick. or just allowing him to attack on prologue because it's prologue. still, it is probably hard to execute with former restriction, so I'd really allow him to be used on Prologue.

Edited by Gradivus.
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You can try to turtle, but Robin just doesn't have the stats to do that. Barbs 2HKO her and Myrms double without a Chrom support. She is, quite frankly, toast.

Fred isn't much better off once the Mage arrives. It falls just shy of 2HKOing him with Mag+2 and a Lissa support, but even chip damage from a Myrmidon will push him over the KO threshold.

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Hey all. I'm doing my third Lunatic+ run right now. It's a no galeforce/no grind/low magic/several other stipulations playthrough. I finished the planning a while ago, and now I'm onto actually completing it.

Problem is, I'm using +Spd/-Mag as my asset/flaw. I'm still on the prologue, trying to do the water trick, but the mage at the top of the map is giving me issues. Normally, I have -luk as my flaw. With -mag, I have 4 magic, which means it takes me 5 hits to kill the mage, as opposed to the 4 it takes otherwise. I'm going to see if I can manage to only use 2 vulneraries before that point, but if not I don't think I'm going to be able to do the water trick on this playthrough.

Does anyone know of a method to allow Lissa to heal you once? If such a method exists, it would potentially make my life much easier for exactly one chapter.

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Yes, have Chrom/Fred pull on the left side and Robin/Lissa fight the Mage on the right. There's a much bigger moat there so you can easily move back a square, drop Lissa, have her heal you, pair back up and move to the center again in three turns, which is faster than the Mage can reach her. This works indefinitely, so as long as you don't get critted you can kill him without using any Vulneraries.

On the other hand, doing this makes it slightly harder to wrangle the Barbs and Myrms into a position where you can blast them- you'll probably have to take a hit unequipped to get them to crowd around the edge. This is fairly safe too, though, as Robin can survive a Luna+ hit from a Barb even with -Def.

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Yes, have Chrom/Fred pull on the left side and Robin/Lissa fight the Mage on the right. There's a much bigger moat there so you can easily move back a square, drop Lissa, have her heal you, pair back up and move to the center again in three turns, which is faster than the Mage can reach her. This works indefinitely, so as long as you don't get critted you can kill him without using any Vulneraries.

On the other hand, doing this makes it slightly harder to wrangle the Barbs and Myrms into a position where you can blast them- you'll probably have to take a hit unequipped to get them to crowd around the edge. This is fairly safe too, though, as Robin can survive a Luna+ hit from a Barb even with -Def.

I really don't know why I haven't tried that. I always go on the left, I guess, and the barbs are always able to run there before Lissa can pack herself back up and scram.

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Actually, Lucina won't necessarily be the only child character, unless you can manage to force Chrom to marry Maiden. Otherwise, the forced marriage will potentially bring Chrom's wife's kid into play too (assuming said kid is Cynthia or Kjelle, anyway).

The first few chapters early on are going to be brutal, maybe even unbeatable without Fred. Prologue starts in such tight quarters and even a +Def Robin won't be tanky enough to take all those enemies down (at least not without astronomically good dodging and Dual Guard luck), especially without any Dual Strike opportunities (Fred and Chrom unequipped and Lissa doesn't have a weapon).

This survival issue, even with +Def on every level up, is going to continue into chapter 1. Sully is only going to provide nominal stat boosts and pretty awful Dual Strike damage.

Chapter 2 pulls out Steel, so enemy attack goes way up. The healing item stock is probably nearly out by this point and Robin/Sully will have to take on everyone, since Miriel won't be able to tank anything.

Chapter 3 is maybe where Robin is leveled enough that she and Sully can just steamroll anything. There might be some issues keeping Lissa, Sumia and Chrom out of danger, but Lissa's gonna be more or less necessary for healing, since even with Kellam's and Sumia's vulneraries, enemies still have pretty high attack.

If you can make it to chapter 4, you can probably finish the game. Both Robin and Sully will snowball quite a bit. The idea then would be to get to Lucina while conserving the early paralogues. Feed the early paralogues to Lucina while also building Robin and her support to A. Getting a few support points with Chrom will assist in this, because Robin can pass Lucina Veteran and also pick up a free C support after recruitment. Sully may be able to front line a bit with help from Sumia, but at this point, the surest way to finish is probably just to Robin/Lucina duo while Cordelia picks up Chrom and plays evasively. There will probably be quite a few maps where Robin will need to Galeforce rush a boss kill in order to keep Chrom and Cordelia from getting picked off.

Hah, good point about the kids. Dunno why I didn't think of that. Probably because I wasn't sure about the S support thing and so I wasn't thinking much about that relationship because I didn't know if I could count on it or not.

...I don't see how getting just Robin to kill all of two Barbs, two Myrms and one Mage within the first two turns of the Prologue is possible at all. They come from multiple directions and there's nowhere to run Lissa to- she'd have to get like 60 perfect DGs in a row to survive while Robin cleans up the rest (doing maybe 1/4 of one's HP per turn, and everything doubles Lissa). Even a TAS likely wouldn't be able to manage that.

If all the force deployed males were allowed to participate, though, it would be pretty easy- no males -> limited children -> Robin does more heavy lifting, and we all know she's more than capable of doing that, especially with a Nostank build.

I had a feeling that if anyone would be able to find the crack in this plan, it would be you. I was considering tossing Lissa onto Freddy and having him tanking with no weapons, but I guess there's only so much he can take, especially with that Mage, and I probably just don't have enough time to get over to the water and swap Lissa onto Chrom and Freddy onto Avatar and get into the water.

Allowing force-deployed males to participate does greatly simplify things. It does remove the amusement factor of the ladies escorting a Lv. 1 Chrom around, but the rest of it is still interesting enough to me that I'll probably still give it a go.

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How 'bout using force-deployed units until Chapter 4 or so? That's when you get all the other features unlocked, and Chrom can go back and be an escort.

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Yeah, I was thinking about that, or even just making special rules for Chrom. I could fit it into the plot by not having him able to fight from C6 onwards, as if he really were seriously injured by that Assassin attack.

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You can try to run to the water but that Mage can cover everywhere but the very bottom left corner in two turns- he'll maul you.

Simply having Chrom banned from the start is also a thing- even with just Fred helping, it's possible to get a good Pro clear. The only problematic thing would be rigging a miss from a Barb on Robin@Thunder if you wanted to have her get some chip exp from the Myrmidon- and even that could be skipped, though it's free exp that I don't recommend wasting (usually it goes to Chrom).

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Bleh, I'm really really tempted to just 1 turn C18 because this map is really fucking awful and just not fun at all. Lol, after Forseti, Spd tonic, and Chrom support, Sumia only faces 42% displayed hit from Yen'fay. Chump. I really hate how you're cluttered on this map and there are a bunch of high Mov classes swarming you with Lightning fast Swordmasters littered about for shits and giggles. #endrant

But the Paladins are also total pegasus lunch for Cynthia and with Galeforce she can weave in and out of enemy territory. Hmm....

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