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I turtled C18. The flying units can only reach so many squares, and if you dogpile all the delicate units in the middle, you'll be okay (I hope). This is one of those weird maps where filling out every deployment slot sort of works in your favor. Just make sure to keep everyone's HP above 10, as you WILL be taking lava damage.

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God I had no galeforce on this map (went bows instead) on L+ and that was all kinds of awful and I needed an elixir restock immediately after

My hero I bow to you. That must have been a terrible experience.

I turtled C18. The flying units can only reach so many squares, and if you dogpile all the delicate units in the middle, you'll be okay (I hope). This is one of those weird maps where filling out every deployment slot sort of works in your favor. Just make sure to keep everyone's HP above 10, as you WILL be taking lava damage.

You can turtle the map? I didn't think it would work out because lava and all the high mov classes that swarm you :huh:

I'll try that, thanks. I do have a possible 1 turn and I'd like to finish this map as soon as possible because it's just ugh but the training opportunities are pretty epic here and I'd like to milk them. I'll report back later!

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It's totally possible to do a rolling turtle. The pattern of lava actually moves pretty slowly. I usually take the right side, as it's easy to gum up the platform there. Each time you can push down to the next platform, you buy 3 more turns to turtle. It requires some offensive power, but only a pretty nominal amount. Once in the middle, one can turtle indefinitely. The lava will never actually kill anyone (just take them down to 1) and most enemies will lose the majority of their HP just reaching the party.

One tanky pair will actually have an easier time turtling overall, though, provided you have enough healing items. There's tiles that never turn into lava. They'll generally be single, maybe double, tiles where the adjacent squares end up being lava. Now, just so long as the lead unit is tanky, unequip everything and sit there on the safe tile ending turn a whole bunch and drinking healing items as necessary. After a handful of turns, the enemy should be pretty cooked and the tank can then throw on a weapon. Thanks to the lava, Counter will now be a non-issue because every blow said unit lands should be a killing blow.

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I've finally cleared Lunatic +. After that hell run I let Chrom finish Grima so that the Avatar could actually not die for once. Now to train in the paralougues for ApotheosisT-T

I really hope they can increase the difficulty in FE:If without resorting to Lunatic + measures.

Edited by TearsForFears
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An hour of good level ups down the drain because I didn't realize Nah was in range of a Gryphon rider. I just want to quit life right now.

Edit: Just so you know, everything was set. Sumia was in range of Yen'fay and I was going to kill him next turn. I'm really really sad right now and I don't want to touch Awakening for like a decade.

I'm gonna play go SS to ease my frustration or something.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Man I hadn't thought about just sitting a super tanky dude on the lava but it would work wouldn't it. That's clever. A little disappointing I guess since I thought that level forced you to play in a really smart but I guess it's no more disappointing than the water glitch.

On an unrelated note chapter 19 for me was further proof of the Vaikes irreconcilable greatness. Only character who could can tank/kill a blind paladin reinforcement with luna+counter without depending on a double attack (Granted if they roll Pavise he might need a double to kill). The HP/Strength spread is to strong.

Granted my Vaike is pretty beefy but I had to avoid paring him up to get his damage at the right level. Even with shitty stats he could do it with a forged wep.

On related grants this isn't relevant if you are puny man in robes who does not fight reinforcements.

Edited by T-Bone
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Man I hadn't thought about just sitting a super tanky dude on the lava but it would work wouldn't it.

Sitting a super tanky dude in the middle of anywhere on Lunatic stomps all chapters aside from Pro-3 (because you don't have any super tanky dudes) and Cht.6 (because it's a Protect map), so that's kind of a moot point.

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On any map? I feel like it wouldn't work on any map where you couldn't aoe down the entire enemy army with lava, if you had to draw off enemies one at a time you'd eventually get two enemies with Luna that would kill your tank.

Actually thinking about this it would require a lot of resets to get the 12 units attacking your dude to only have 1 or 2 luna's between them.

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I'm specifically talking about vanilla, but on L+ stacking HP recovery amounts to quite a lot in the way of EP tanking.

The effect of Luna+ can be partially mitigated through dodgetanking, as it takes quite a while for the +Hit skills to begin showing up.

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Man I hadn't thought about just sitting a super tanky dude on the lava but it would work wouldn't it. That's clever. A little disappointing I guess since I thought that level forced you to play in a really smart but I guess it's no more disappointing than the water glitch.

The map is smart as fuck. The Gryphon Riders can never overwhelm anyone because they can't fly around as they please. They have to land on the rocks. It's setup in such a way that you will always engage the mounts before infantry.

Awakening has bland maps but the enemy design is pretty baller. Noif pear uhp!!1!

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The super tanky unit can even do Lunatic+ with just itself and a support partner, provided it's a tank with Galeforce. Basically, kill a high priority target, get Galeforce, unequip weapon, use healing item. Wash, rinse, repeat. And that's just the brute force way. Veteran+Galeforce kiting laughs at Lunatic+.

But aren't there things like Hawkeye, Pass, and Luna+ to throw a wrench into that?

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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The straight face-tanking version can be problematic against Luna+. Hawkeye enemies actually aren't much of an issue (for +Def Robin, anyway). Basically, Hawkeye is only a real issue when the enemy also has Luna+ or an effective weapon (and there's only maybe a dozen non-anti-flier effective weapons in the game in total). Although, after a while, Hawkeye becomes irrelevant because enemy Hit is so high that even a dedicated Avoid tank is getting hit a lot. If using this method, there will probably be a point where Robin will be eating Elixirs like candy (or need Sol/Lifetaker/Nos to supplement).

With the kiting variation, as long as one is careful to only end the turn within range of 2-4 enemies with Robin (dependant on enemy skills and Robin's stats, since Robin only wants to fight what she can 100% survive when everything hits if possible), then she should have little difficulty surviving. It may involve scarfing down a lot of healing items on that second player phase action, depending on how aggressive one wants to be, but it's generally a really safe way of doing things. And it can only get safer because this strategy reliably works under no grind, no DLC, no Renown, no life steal/regen constraints too.

Basically, once it gets going, a Robin/Chrom duo (even with male Robin, although it gets dicier without Galeforce) can bend any difficulty over its knee. For more of a challenge, use a full deploy such that now Robin has to keep all those other schmucks alive. :P

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What I did on my L+ run was with MU, Lucina, Morgan as front units, didn't go for galeforce, full on bowmode. MU married Chrom for convenience, and Chrom was levelled to Paladin with 20s in relevant stats for support purposes (I wasn't gonna get him to 30s) I consolidated Lucina and Morgan as a support group in 23, but prior to that I had Morgan just take Fred, Lucina take Chrom, and MU swapped between Anna and Cherche from 14 and on. Since I put all three next to each other (though two would suffice), they cover each other in terms of which enemies they can hit on PP. I make sure to set it up so I'm surrounded by enemies that don't do too much damage by priority targeting enemies with one or both of Hawkeye and Luna. Counter and Vantage+ is pretty much a nonissue, and Pavise+ is entirely ignorable. Aegis+ means it may be tougher to kill, but other than Hawkeye and/or Luna it isn't an actual threat either. Being +str isn't /as/ tanky as +def but the +2 def modifier still helped. Heading over to Hero to grab Sol helped as well, since while you still have to deal with EP exposure you can't heal up, if you minimize the damage on that by using terrain, the 2 range enemies that try to go at you will still be fair game for regen.

Basically I just killed dangerous things first

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yay I did it. C18 is cleared and I'm kinda mind blown because the red gem Basilio gave Chrom was fake, right? So why did Chrom say he felt power resonating through it?

Oh yeah, actual update.

Kinda funny how this chapter played out. So many wtf RNG moments like a bunch of improbable dual guards and 70+ displayed hits missing from the enemy's side. What a blessed run. Except all the growths in this chapter where shit but fuck it I'm not resetting over lame growths. Cynthia went from 10 to 18 and got some Str along the way. Noice.

I turtled this map in order to maximize exp gain. To keep a long story short, Sumia is still amazing Galeforcing all over the place and killing key targets and what not. Dodge tanking is still sort of a thing! Gryphons, Warriors, and some Paladins are still in the 45%ish hit range against Sumia. Kills didn't have to he fed to Cynthia because even at base level her combat is very potent with Lucy pair up. At this point enemies give quite a lot of exp so everyone got a lot of levels except Sumia of course.

I'm kinda strapped for cash so I'm sad I didn't make it to the bullion. Got the energy drop though! Once everyone was cleared... guess who staff abused Maribelle to level 5 Falco :awesome: I made some characters wait on a hazard tile and Maribelle healed them over and over. She now has both Rally res and Rally speed. This is very important for C21 Mire bombs I would imagine.

Killing Yen'fay was hilarious. Sumia w/ Holsety (Forseti is a lame name >_>) doubled him and after a rally speed from Maribelle she faced 31% displayed hit. Killed him with a 4% crit. I actually didn't want to kill him since I wanted to feed that kill to Cynthia but eh, Vantage would have probably screwed me over anyway.

So like, I haven't done Severa's paralogue yet. That is 100% coming next. I am going to seal Cynthia to Cavalier and train her on the Berserkers of Sevvy's paralogue with a sword equipped. Severa will take the energy drop I just acquired. Gonna have to blow some cash on rescue staves because Severa is a pain in the ass.

Obligatory Cherche appreciation section. Her offenses and defenses are staggering. She doubles shit now which means things die. 30 Str coupled with 30 Def/50 HP is just... :wub: She hit A support with Freddy. I used to think their support was boring, but I appreciate their little analysis on what it means to be a knight now.

Just for kicks though, I'll preview the next chapter.

C19 at a glance: WHY CAN'T I HOLD ALL THESE HORSES? Sheesh. This may be a doozy. Or not. Who knows. Beast killer is gonna put in some work here.

Oh hey, Tiki's paralogue opened up!

P17 at a glance: Effective weaponry will be king here. Wyrmslayers are sorta out since the Wyverns here are using lances + sword breaker. Those pegs are the biggest threat.

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Yay I did it. C18 is cleared and I'm kinda mind blown because the red gem Basilio gave Chrom was fake, right? So why did Chrom say he felt power resonating through it?

Because Chrom's a scrub because Basilio actually did give him the real one and swapped it for a fake along with the rest of them while meeting in secret with Robin sometime. At least I hope he did, he'd have to be an idiot to keep the real one hidden and bank the fate of the world on being able to survive getting mauled by Walhart.

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This is very important for C21 Mire bombs I would imagine.

P17 at a glance: Effective weaponry will be king here. Wyrmslayers are sorta out since the Wyverns here are using lances + sword breaker. Those pegs are the biggest threat.

Rally usefulness in chapter 21 will largely depend on how much you want to turtle and how badly you want the treasure. A strong Galeforcer can rush down a map end in about 2-3 turns if you don't feel like dealing with it.

Effective weaponry can will work on Wyverns. Bows by default are pretty good (forged Silver wrecks them) and while I don't think you've been using Nowi, Dragonstone+ with Dragonbane is pretty potent. Also, Wyrmslayer and the Falchions can still work out if the character either has Axebreaker (I routinely have Robin!Lucina with Axebreaker go toe-to-toe with the chapter 24 Wyverns, who have much higher stats, and it keeps her Hit around a pretty reliable 80 displayed) or even just some other way of compensating, like Hit+20 or Hex and Anathema from another unit.

Because Chrom's a scrub because Basilio actually did give him the real one and swapped it for a fake along with the rest of them while meeting in secret with Robin sometime. At least I hope he did, he'd have to be an idiot to keep the real one hidden and bank the fate of the world on being able to survive getting mauled by Walhart.

As I recall, it's explicitly stated that Basilio went ahead and swapped the gems around after everyone thought he was dead. So yeah, he initially gave Chrom the real deal.

Quick question since I'm a scrub curious. Do fliers get fort bonuses? If they don't C19 will get dicey.

They don't get the Avoid or Def, but they'll still regenerate.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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My Robin married Nowi so my Morgan and Nah both have Wyrmsbane. I'm not worried about the Wyverns at all. I've actually been looking forward to them. The pegs on the other hand are pretty fast and somewhat strong due to Lancefaire. Cherche will make mince meat out of them but she won't double them.

Sucks about fliers not getting the Avo from the forts. Sumia would be basically untouchable with it. Oh well.

Also I don't plan to blitz through C21. Would like to milk exp out of it.

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Well if it's the pegs you're worried about, Bows can really help there (forged Beast Killers are nothing to scoff at, either). Base Basilio with a Silver Bow and no pair-up can one-shot most of them if they don't have Aegis+. Since that's not a particularly high bar to match, most trained bow users should make mincemeat out of them.

Yeah, unfortunately, fliers in the series almost never get terrain bonuses. The only instance I can recall it happening is Radiant Dawn's 2-P where clouds basically act like thickets.

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I have no bow users, lol. Kinda sucks since I have a bunch of cool bows in my inventory and no one can use them. The beastkillers will be enough for them, anyway.

I want to use this map to train Severa after I get her. Maybe promoting her to Bow Knight wouldn't be a bad idea for it.

I know fliers don't get terrain bonuses usually but I sorta hoped forts wouldn't count.

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Also I don't plan to blitz through C21. Would like to milk exp out of it.

Just as a warning, that chapter is when Silver++ weapons show up en masse. You'll be facing a very good deal more offense, as most of the enemies are very fast and there are quite a few Bows. Turtling could get dicey.

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C21 is also when enemies start sporting Hit +20, I would assume. A flat upgrade to the hit +10 they've been packing. They basically have Hawkeye.

I don't intend to turtle it, just efficiently maximize exp.

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