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I've been making good headway in my Lunatic run, currently on Ch19. My only small issue is what to do with Nah. Avatar is her father, and since i had Morgan earlier, i took him out of manakete to get Luna and Sol, before switching back. But i got Nah last out of all the children, and used that chapter to farm some levels for Chrom and Sully, since it was impossible to train Inigo there, who i trained in Ch17. In Ch18 i fed Nah some kills, but I'm unsure if its safe to take her out of manakete for a few skills or if i should just stick with that forever.

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okay whoops I just beat Chapter 11 and Chrom married the Maiden. I'm not restarting, but how screwed is Lucina?

oh btw
Chrom - 39hp, 25str, 1mag, 20skl, 19spd, 18lck, 23def, 11res - Level 16->2 GreatLord.
Avatar - 64hp, 30str, 26mag, 22skl*, 25spd, 27lck, 29def**, 16res. Level 19tactician->level19Grandmaster->Level1 Dark Knight.
Sumia*** - 37hp, 19str, 10mag, 25skl, 27+2spd, 19lck, 13def, 19res. Levelsomething->Level3Darkflier.

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I've been making good headway in my Lunatic run, currently on Ch19. My only small issue is what to do with Nah. Avatar is her father, and since i had Morgan earlier, i took him out of manakete to get Luna and Sol, before switching back. But i got Nah last out of all the children, and used that chapter to farm some levels for Chrom and Sully, since it was impossible to train Inigo there, who i trained in Ch17. In Ch18 i fed Nah some kills, but I'm unsure if its safe to take her out of manakete for a few skills or if i should just stick with that forever.

Manakete 4 lyfe.

okay whoops I just beat Chapter 11 and Chrom married the Maiden. I'm not restarting, but how screwed is Lucina?

Damn, Chrom has to have been 50 miles away from every eligible bachelorette for like 10 straight chapters for that to happen. Lucina might be kind of screwed, unless Chrom is statistically strong enough to give Lucina good bases. Lucina still has a ridiculously strong Prf sword and dual strike+ meaning she should not be put to waste.

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YEAH I thought he accidentally got paired up with Sully but I guess not.

He had C rank with Sumia but she's taken.

I edited my first post with my current stats if you need it, btw.

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Dat avatar.

If the listed calculation for Children's bases here is correct, Lucina's bases will be something like 27 HP, 13 Str, 13 Skl, 9 Spd, 9 Def. That's quite the rut.

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The generic maiden cutscene is nothing special. Her face isn't even seen.

But! Turns out I had a save from the middle of Chapter 11. I'm dancegrinding Olivia rn, gonna have her marry Chrom. Should help out Lucy a little more.

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hahaha no. @epicbreakfastcereal

Also. If Chrom marries the maiden, Lucy will only get his class sets, right? Regardless, Olivia has to be the better option, so that's what I'm going with. Thank the lawody I had that chapter save.

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Oh, and ownagepuffs, I couldn't get Severa anywhere near lvl 15 on brady's prologue (she's lvl 12). I'm dropping her before she drags down anyone else.

Will I really be fine with MU, Morgan, Nah, and Lucina for endgame? I'm out of options...

Yeah dropping her is a good idea, then. Hopefully you used the opportunity to bring some other units up to par. You'll be fine with those units. Chrom is a good choice too, since he really doesn't have to be that strong to contribute in the Endgame. His weapon gets 45 Mt against Grima. That's impressive no matter which way you look at it.

hahaha no. @epicbreakfastcereal

Also. If Chrom marries the maiden, Lucy will only get his class sets, right? Regardless, Olivia has to be the better option, so that's what I'm going with. Thank the lawody I had that chapter save.

Yeah Lucy only has Chrom's class sets if Chrom marries the street girl. That's actually not that bad because Chrom's natural class sets are all really good anyway. Cavalier, Lord, and Archer all branch off into good classes.

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oh, btw, which calculator did you use to find out what Lucy's base stats would be? I'm grinding Olivia and I'd like to know when to stop, when I get the stats I'd like.


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I calculated it manually. The calculation is listed here in the children section. Because Lucy's mother was Maiden, the [Mother] part of the calculation was 0 which is why her bases suffered so much.

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Alright, Olivia is now trained. Avatar's and Chrom's stats should be mostly unchanged, but some stats are about 1-2 lower than before.

Olivia - Level 30 Dancer -> Level 1 Dark Flier
47hp, 20str, 13mag, 31skl, 31spd, 25+4lck, 13def, 19res.

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I calculated it manually. The calculation is listed here in the children section. Because Lucy's mother was Maiden, the [Mother] part of the calculation was 0 which is why her bases suffered so much.

I think we found out that it actually takes the higher of Lucina's absolute bases or the (Father/Mother stats - bases) in the calc, so her stats aren't quite that bad. We noticed some discrepancies when parent characters aren't trained (like my efficiency run had Chrom barely trained) and I think this was the conclusion.

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Coincedentally, I just finished Chapter 6 on my "vanilla" Lunatic + run. Whoo, I think I'm over the main hump of the difficulty now. The Renown beastkiller was incredibly clutch for having Fred oneshot Cavaliers in C6, and Robin barely had enough mag with a Ricken pair up to oneshot Wyverns in C5 with Elwind. Robin got to level 20 at the end of Chapter 4, then reclassed to Dark Mage before killing Marth, and took just about every single kill possible from then on.


Post Chapter 6 stats as 20/16 (and married to Chrom). :awesome:

Now all I have to do is not die horribly until I get to Chapter 13 to buy Nosferatu.

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Are chapters 7-10 as much of a feeding ground on Lunatic+ as they were on Lunatic? Chapter 9 was the only one that presented even a slight semblance of difficulty, and even that wasn't that much.


they also were the chapters where no promoted enemies but the boss are present and if your MU is strong enough you can just oneshot everything (pavise/aegis aside) and give no fucks at all

It's beautiful

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Day 5 still stuck on chapter 3 on Lunatic + a weakling always dies and thats no good. Losing hope with every restart

If you look in my sig, the thread with my guides also has some supplementary information for and a link to Interceptor's guide for C3. Together, they address most of the scenarios the chapter will throw at a player.

Coincedentally, I just finished Chapter 6 on my "vanilla" Lunatic + run. Whoo, I think I'm over the main hump of the difficulty now. The Renown beastkiller was incredibly clutch for having Fred oneshot Cavaliers in C6, and Robin barely had enough mag with a Ricken pair up to oneshot Wyverns in C5 with Elwind. Robin got to level 20 at the end of Chapter 4, then reclassed to Dark Mage before killing Marth, and took just about every single kill possible from then on.


Post Chapter 6 stats as 20/16 (and married to Chrom). :awesome:

Now all I have to do is not die horribly until I get to Chapter 13 to buy Nosferatu.

Grats. Yeah, C7-8 is pretty easy. The Master Seal should put your so ahead of the curve that you'll be nigh impervious to enemy attacks. Counter will be your main concern. Still, there is a bit of a secondary hump, depending on your goals. C9 can be frustrating if you're not prepared and want to save Libra. Same with P4. Even if you're just using Robin/Chrom, you'll want to be careful in C10, since you're on foot and can't dictate the pace of incoming melee as easily (I usually have a Dark Flier, who can troll all the ground units by hanging out on the Bone tiles). C12 is a very similar situation to C10. Once you're past that, you should be fine, though. There's so much EXP to be had that the enemy stat curve won't be able to keep up with Robin for a very long time (it'll get to the point where only Luna+ enemies can deal more than 1-3 damage and those without Hawkeye will have a terrible hit chance, anyway).

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Thanks. I was thinking of going Dark Flier anyway since like, a lot of my strategy as it stands has ended up revolving around dealing with counter, so it only makes sense to get a skill like Galeforce that lets you pick off those really high priority enemies then reposition for a nice clean and safe EP. Nosferatu wont even matter for a long time since I don't end up taking damage except from counter, as you've said. Although following that, I have no idea on classes or skills. Right now I was thinking Tact > Dark Mage > Sorc > Dark Flier, but given there'll still be plenty of EXP, I dunno what to aim for next. Mounted movement seems good, so Dark Knight or Valkyrie maybe? Dark Knight has Swords again, but Valkyrie has DSp+ which IIRC, works at the front too, so she'd be getting even more bonuses, and still have Tome Access. There is the hilarious proposition of attempting to Arms Scroll dump and transition into a Bow Finish as well I guess.

As for Libra, I'm confident that Lissa will be able to Rescue him out of harm's way in Chapter 9.

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I'd recommend against Valkyrie just because its Def cap is so low, even with +Def. Dark Knight is a very good choice, though, especially after you get boots. What I normally run, myself, is: Tact -> Dark Mage -> Sorc -> Dark Flier -> Hero -> Dark Knight

Also, a thing to keep in mind with Dark Knight, is that it has a versatility that Valkyrie doesn't: the ability to bypass Aegis+ with magic damage. Levin Swords are obviously a very finite resource (between Gangrel and Renown, you should have two; a third comes from C25, but that's a tad late to matter), but if you only use it on Aegis+ targets that must die right that moment, you should be okay.

Arms Scrolling into a Bow finish could work too, but if you're just duoing it, you probably want to go Assassin -> Sniper. Since the pair will be solo, even with Galeforce, Pass is an important consideration, especially in some of the maps with tighter quarters. Sniper because even with +Def, Bow Knight Def cap is too weak to be taking into the late game (not to mention Longbows and Bowfaire are both very strong selling points).

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Ahhhh, right. I almost forgot about Sol on Hero. And Levin Sword on Dark Knight. I had considered the use of Swords to bypass Aegis+, but not with Levin, which definitely would be pretty awesome.

Though, the idea of finishing up on Sniper with Pass and all does sound fun, I can't buy longbows on this playthrough, so I'd be stuck with the few the game gives you. Although I suppose thats probably enough to get by considering Bows aren't exactly getting a stellar EP. Lethality sounds like a laugh too. All good points, thanks again. I'll have to mull it over. I've also been considering potentially throwing Chrom some kills and maybe making him a Great Knight for DG+ but that's probably an unrealistic amount of EXP, if it happens it would be rather late. Plus it's not like I need much more damage migitation.

Also I smiled at your new avatar.

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Well, "vanilla" Lunatic+ is still going swell, at Chapter 14 and Robin has now just about capped all her stats at 20 Tact/20 D.Mage/15 Sorc/15 D.Flier/8 Hero and for fun, I think I WILL go Assassin next to get Pass and then finish on Sniper. Besides the 3 villagers in that one paralogue I've not missed any items or characters so far either, although Anna had to do some heavy lifting with a Levin Sword to make sure I could actually get the Arms Scroll in her Paralogue.

However...I've been thinking about Tiki's paralogue. Technically I could just skip it, but it doesn't quite feel like a "full recruitment" if I do, and I'm quite sure Robin alone won't be able to pull it off. Fortunately, I can pass Galeforce down to both Lucina and Morgan, and combine that with a Chrom who can probably muster up the strength to kill a Wyvern by himself and it should be 2 turnable. But at the same time I don't particularly want to have to put in the effort of training kids (although their bases are hilariously good), and there is a deficit of Second Seals to use on the children. Decisions decisions...I suppose considering their bases are all in the 20s that I could probably get away with minimal training and then promote and still pull it off, then bench the kids again, lol.

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Well, keep in mind that you're only two chapters away from being able to buy Second Seals. If you want to do it that way, I recommend doing something like SSing Lucina to get into BK and Morgan into Warrior and getting them to at least B Bows. Even unforged Silver Bows completely wreck fliers through Aegis+. If you still need extra firepower and want to put it off a bit, base Basilio easily has the Str and weapon rank to contribute to the bow team of doom.

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Oh right. Hmm. If I reset for skills enough, Say'ri and Flavia should be able to Forged Wyrmslayer two Wyverns unassisted on turn 2, Chrom can get a third w/Exalted Falchion. Robin can get some combination of 4 total gryphons, boss inclusive. Basilio kills a Falco, maybe two of them if I can get the right kind of positioning via rescue. That leaves like 1 Gryphon and 1 Falco. Olivia can let Robin kill an extra Gryphon maybe, then, IDK, Forged Beastkiller Frederick (loool) and all my staffbots (or untrained instant promoted kids) chip in on the last one. This might be doable without much training at all!

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