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Every time I try to start Lunatic+ I give up on chapter 2 and start vanilla lunatic again. Restarting both because of bad level ups and unbeatable levels is too hard to me. And I can't sacrifice anyone because I refuse to play on casual =/.

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Just a question, after you get access to wireless features, does lunatic get easier? (or at least easier than the start) I'm starting off on Lunatic casual.

Yes because you can buy items from spotpass teams and get renown items.

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Every time I try to start Lunatic+ I give up on chapter 2 and start vanilla lunatic again. Restarting both because of bad level ups and unbeatable levels is too hard to me. And I can't sacrifice anyone because I refuse to play on casual =/.

+Def/-Lck or -Skl allows you to feed a lot of kills to the Avatar in Prologue and C1. A high-level Avatar can take a lot of pressure of Frederick in C2 and beyond. I suggest you have a look at the playlogs of Walhart and/or Interceptor if you have tried this and are still having trouble.

Just a question, after you get access to wireless features, does lunatic get easier? (or at least easier than the start) I'm starting off on Lunatic casual.


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+Def/-Lck or -Skl allows you to feed a lot of kills to the Avatar in Prologue and C1. A high-level Avatar can take a lot of pressure of Frederick in C2 and beyond. I suggest you have a look at the playlogs of Walhart and/or Interceptor if you have tried this and are still having trouble.

The problem is that I already do that, I guess the only thing I'm lacking is patience... By chapter 2 my avatar is level 8 with 14 Def and 12 Speed. But I'll look at walhart playlog, thanks

EDIT: mixed the SPD and the level. Avatar is actually level 8

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Many thanks, Interceptor. Sorry about my horribly late reply, I really do appreciate your quick reply though. *Follows thread* (That strat in prologue was pretty sweet by the way.) And yes I am playing Lunatic+ Casual mode. I started to scapegoat units it when I got annoyed. I wanna play Lunatic+ Classic now though(even though I haven't beaten Casual mode). Is something wrong with me?!

No problem.

There's no shame in a blood sacrifice in Ch2, imo; that chapter is just all kinds of stupid in Lunatic+. Other maps will usually only have a couple of key enemies you need to reset on, but this one has about half a dozen or more. You can play "sort of Classic" and only allow units deaths just that once in a Casual mode run. It will result in less headache.

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^ Yeah, I feel like the OP randomized skills kinda push you to into doing it just to get the heat off of other characters. I'm going to do what you suggested, and just write down units that have died on a notepad or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I decided to start my Lunatic run recently. I need advice, kind of.

Now i'm in Chapter 4. My avatar, Martin is level 15 with stats 16 10 11 16 11 14 10

The problem, no other unit beside Lissa and Martin have level above 4. Am I screwed and become avatar-dependent or am I still able to secure some EXP for other unit in Chapter 4?

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If you get the positioning right, you could start feeding Chrom some kills to get him good as well. He'll get some exp from dual strike anyway, but he won't get it fast enough if you want to use Lucina.

FeMu or MaMu btw? Since personally, FeMu >>>>> MaMu for Loony since you get a great Lucina and a Morgan that starts with Veteran.

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So far, he is speed blessed. With the right pair up and tonics, he'll probably able to double some units.

I use MaMU because I'm manly crazy enough to challenge myself. FeMUxChrom saved for Lunatic+ run, if I ever gonna do that.

Edited by Shengar
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So, I decided to start my Lunatic run recently. I need advice, kind of.

Now i'm in Chapter 4. My avatar, Martin is level 15 with stats 16 10 11 16 11 14 10

The problem, no other unit beside Lissa and Martin have level above 4. Am I screwed and become avatar-dependent or am I still able to secure some EXP for other unit in Chapter 4?

Chapter 4 is not a good place to train underleveled units, because it's wide open and there are no choke points. Chapter 5 is not much better, although at least you have some forts there.

Who do you want to raise? If it's a Sword-user like Chrom, Paralogue 1 and Ch7 are both excellent, due to axes and defensive tiles.

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Chapter 4 is not a good place to train underleveled units, because it's wide open and there are no choke points. Chapter 5 is not much better, although at least you have some forts there.

Who do you want to raise? If it's a Sword-user like Chrom, Paralogue 1 and Ch7 are both excellent, due to axes and defensive tiles.

I want to train Chrom as I want to use Lucina later game. Also Miriel for later chapter 7 to OHKO the Wyvern Rider.

Is Lon'qu and Gaius recommended for Lunatic?

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Unfortunately you've missed you best Miriel training ground (Chapter 3), and you might find it difficult to train her in Ch5 because of the fliers (depends on her stats), but Paralogue 1 is rather excellent for her because of the choke points and the ability to fire over walls. Ditto for Chapter 6 if she has a good meatshield in front of her.

But do you only want her for Ch7? You don't need a mage for that chapter. It's full of physical attackers, and almost everyone has an Axe. You can put a Sword-user (like Chrom or Lon'qu) on a Mountain with a good partner and they are pretty unlikely to be hit. Chrom even does effective damage with Falchion.

Lon'qu is pretty good, I used him heavily on my first run. He doubles easily and the Killing Edge helps get his offense going, although his defenses are always going to be made of paper. I don't have any experience with Gaius in Lunatic, I typically just use him as a chest bot.

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Like was said, Chapter 3 and Paralogue 1 are the main good early chapters to train. Chapter 3 because you can kite in a circle around the stage. Paralogue 1 has lots of non-aggressive enemies that you can lure one at a time. Taking some time to train in these chapters can allow characters like Chrom, Lon'qu, Sully, Stahl to fight decently in Chapter 5 and on. Other than that, Chapter 7 or so begins a string of fairly tame chapters until Chapter 12, so that's another good opportunity. For anyone you want to use long term, reclass early and stay unpromoted as long as possible for the fast exp gain.

Lon'qu is very good early on because he can dodge the early Axes and Dark Magic fairly easily. His low defenses mean he can have trouble later on, especially if kept in the Myrmidon tree. Gaius is like a worse Lon'qu, imo, except he can get Sol later on and has thieving utility.

Edited by XeKr
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so i ended up doing lunatic classic with +str/-res avatar pretty much soloing the game with pocket chrom (wyvern panne w/ pocket fred and nosferatharja pocket lonk helped some but for the most part MU and daughter!Lucina were doing all of the heavy lifting)

it wasn't that bad once i cleared chapter 2, but I'm curious as to what are most of the other methods people use? this was my first attempt at the game period (you can check my thread) but in the future i'm thinking of going a far saner +def or +spd build? idk

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+DEF Avatar definitely makes Chapter 2 more bearable, yeah.

Well at least, it did for me. As well as Frederick having 15 SPD (10 SPD + 5 from Avatar after a C support), meaning he could double the fighters.

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it wasn't that bad once i cleared chapter 2, but I'm curious as to what are most of the other methods people use?

I prefer using a unit like Nowi. Takes a few chapters to get going, but then she just never dies due to her massive DEF/RES, and stays good all the way until the end. Nosferatanking works pretty well, also, on a variety of people including Avatar.

Also did a nice "balanced" clear, with a little bit of everything (Cavalier, Swordguy, Flier, mage, etc).

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Part of me doesn't understand how tanking without some form of self-healing (Sol/RK!Aether/Nosferatu) works, since in my experience enemies had enough attack to leave sizeable dents in my units anyway (well, panne, and i'll admit freely that i didn't use her full potential by stacking avoid on her).

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Part of me doesn't understand how tanking without some form of self-healing (Sol/RK!Aether/Nosferatu) works, since in my experience enemies had enough attack to leave sizeable dents in my units anyway (well, panne, and i'll admit freely that i didn't use her full potential by stacking avoid on her).

Nowi has a DEF cap of 43, which she can easily reach because of a 65% growth rate. She gets another +10 DEF from a Dragonstone. There are very few enemies that can seriously threaten 53+ DEF (more from supports and tonics, or another +3 from a Dragonstone+). The biggest badass Berserker in the game might have 72-76ish mt by the end, and ordinary enemies are basically tinking. Then you factor in that she has decent avoid from SPD/LCK and Odd. Keep an Elixir for an emergency, that's about all it takes.

EDIT: and as for Pannecake, she doesn't quite have the raw concrete stats, but hers are still pretty good as a Wyvern Lord, and she has more options in the way of Avoid.

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Unfortunately you've missed you best Miriel training ground (Chapter 3), and you might find it difficult to train her in Ch5 because of the fliers (depends on her stats), but Paralogue 1 is rather excellent for her because of the choke points and the ability to fire over walls. Ditto for Chapter 6 if she has a good meatshield in front of her.

But do you only want her for Ch7? You don't need a mage for that chapter. It's full of physical attackers, and almost everyone has an Axe. You can put a Sword-user (like Chrom or Lon'qu) on a Mountain with a good partner and they are pretty unlikely to be hit. Chrom even does effective damage with Falchion.

Lon'qu is pretty good, I used him heavily on my first run. He doubles easily and the Killing Edge helps get his offense going, although his defenses are always going to be made of paper. I don't have any experience with Gaius in Lunatic, I typically just use him as a chest bot.

I tried to follow your playthrough actually, but apparently my avatar is mag and def screwed that even the Knight won't die after receiving two dual strike from Frederick. For clearing the left side, I reliant on Frederick dual strike to make the enemies squishy enough for other unit to finished them off. When I'm set up the formation, my avatar can tank just fine until he get swarmed and the Archer decides to put an arrow through his face.

Its either a good or bad luck since two units unintentionally fell on Frederick's critical strike when I'm just about to squish them up. I can't really reset because Both Chrom and my avatar stats really good and the heavy RNG factor to clear to left side already put too much stress on me (I played through all the chapter without rest).

Maybe I'll max out the level of my avatar first so he can reclassed to mercenary (hopefully Marth can do the job) and then feed kills to Miriel and Chrom in Chapter 5 and Paralogue 1. I need magical attacker because I'm gonna built my unit mainly as physical attacker.

Lon'qu is very good early on because he can dodge the early Axes and Dark Magic fairly easily. His low defenses mean he can have trouble later on, especially if kept in the Myrmidon tree. Gaius is like a worse Lon'qu, imo, except he can get Sol later on and has thieving utility.

Then should I reclass Lon'qu to something else for later level?

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Then should I reclass Lon'qu to something else for later level?

If you want to use Lon’qu long-term, he’s probably better as a Myrm->Wyvern->Wyvern Lord. He can stack Avoid+10, Tantivy, Quick Burn, and especially Swordbreaker (remember Wyverns use Axes) for lots of avoid. Vantage can help a little too. Nearly anyone who can become a Wyvern can do this such as Sully or Panne (or even Virion). Panne is probably the strongest statistically of those who can go Wyvern though. Lon’qu isn’t that special in this regard, he’s just relatively easy to train because of his Sword rank, Avoid+10,and high base Spd early on.

If you want to do so, reclass early with the Renown/C8/Anna shop Second Seals for the best results.

Lon’qu can also work in his other classes, but the Valm arc has tons of Lances and other accurate stuff that hits really hard.

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I tried to follow your playthrough actually, but apparently my avatar is mag and def screwed that even the Knight won't die after receiving two dual strike from Frederick. For clearing the left side, I reliant on Frederick dual strike to make the enemies squishy enough for other unit to finished them off. When I'm set up the formation, my avatar can tank just fine until he get swarmed and the Archer decides to put an arrow through his face.

Its either a good or bad luck since two units unintentionally fell on Frederick's critical strike when I'm just about to squish them up. I can't really reset because Both Chrom and my avatar stats really good and the heavy RNG factor to clear to left side already put too much stress on me (I played through all the chapter without rest).

Maybe I'll max out the level of my avatar first so he can reclassed to mercenary (hopefully Marth can do the job) and then feed kills to Miriel and Chrom in Chapter 5 and Paralogue 1. I need magical attacker because I'm gonna built my unit mainly as physical attacker.

That's a bummer about getting screwed. Also kinda crazy that you couldn't kill the Knight; it doesn't require much MAG for a 3HKO. Hopefully some more levels on Avatar will fix it up for you.

My Lunatic+ walkthrough is actually pretty conservative, so since you are doing vanilla Lunatic without the crazy skills, you have a bit more latitude with your tactical choices. Much easier to set up choke points, for example, since nobody has Pass. You also don't have to worry about Counter, so having to 2RKO is not a huge deal.

Miriel is a pretty solid choice as a mage, especially if you're looking to go the Nosferatu route. She's never going to be super-tanky, though, and will always rely on either evasion or healing to stay alive.

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Consider myself really lucky. The first risen to pop-up is a normal Wyvern Rider without any noticeable unit. And to add that, the merchants who first appear bring HP Tonics, Blessed Lance, and a Second Seal. After soloed the skirmish with AvatarxFrederick, he and Frederick got some really good growth with my avatar max out his level. So, the question is, should I reclass him immediately or should I keep him as tactician for a while for the pairup bonus to ease up the training procces in Paralogue 1?

Edited by Shengar
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