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Things in Awakening you thought were weird, yet funny?


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Kellam invisibility even wih his size and armor. His C support with Olivia is hilarious.

Also, Ricken being able to marry and make kids with women like Cordelia, Panne or Cherche....

The ''brilliant'' plan on the Ship map, where the plan is to everyone jump in the sea....while wearing full ARMOR... Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Sumia tripping on everything...when she dual attacks, she sometimes say ''Don't trip...'' even when she is on a pegasus and can't trip.

Altough it's funny to hear that when you reclass her to a Knight. It would be awesome if they made special animations of her tripping or falling of the pegasi on dual attacks and then recomposing.

Gaius addiction to sugar.

The moment Lucina tells she is Chrom's daughter, cries and they hug each other while speaking in private. Then you and Chrom's wife appear, see the scene and have ''those thoughts''...

Each wife reacts differently, so i won't spoil it, but Sully and Sumia, the two pairings i made so far, are pretty funny.

Edited by Lanko
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Another weird thing I noted was the fact that the bandit brothers you face in Paralogues 2 and 4 are obsessed with each other (the game itself says this!). Also, clear Paralogue 4 before Paralogue 2 for a hilarious event. Also, poor Kellam just can't get noticed (for crying out loud, he joins in the chapter after most of the other Shepherds did). And there's the part where Vaike is described as "A scatterbrained Shepherd who insists he's in control". Considering that he forgot his axe (and the fact Miriel threatened to use a spell to fasten his axe to his hands; the lady's creepy, but definitely not on Tharja's level of creepy; just pit her against Lilina in the first DLC map and you'll see why), I'd say scatterbrained fits.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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"Hey! Who left this crap lying around?!"

You found a Superior Sword.

In other words, that the useless garbage all over the world contains the powerful and often legendary items of past heroes. Especially if it's just lying in the middle of the street in a popular city or in Ylisse's own castle. You'd think somebody else would have noticed.

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"Hey! Who left this crap lying around?!"

You found a Superior Sword.

In other words, that the useless garbage all over the world contains the powerful and often legendary items of past heroes. Especially if it's just lying in the middle of the street in a popular city or in Ylisse's own castle. You'd think somebody else would have noticed.

My Sully found a Log.

So that was fitting.

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My Sully found a Log.

So that was fitting.

Poor Rey

"Hey! Who left this crap lying around?!"

You found a Superior Sword.

In other words, that the useless garbage all over the world contains the powerful and often legendary items of past heroes. Especially if it's just lying in the middle of the street in a popular city or in Ylisse's own castle. You'd think somebody else would have noticed.

Which reminds me, the stuff the characters say when landing on sparkling spots or in the Barracks can be hilarious at times. Like Cordelia's "I just finished my copy of "Make Him Fall For You in a Fortnight." So embarassing..."

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Poor Rey

Which reminds me, the stuff the characters say when landing on sparkling spots or in the Barracks can be hilarious at times. Like Cordelia's "I just finished my copy of "Make Him Fall For You in a Fortnight." So embarassing..."

Made even more awkward when your Cordelia is already married...and the Severa finds it lying around sometimes...

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Virion and Libra's supports. Oh lord.

My Avatar: .oO(Ohhhhh....this is getting good...)

The above is a thought bubble.

Henry. His personality was something i was not even close to expecting for a Nintendo game. Let alone a youthful looking chap like him! Gods i love Henry.

Battle Clerics. Very much.

Tiki on a Griffon. wut.

Virion smacking Validar to his death....

With a log.


"What rolls down stairs

comes only in pairs

rolls over your neighbor's dog

Whats good for a snack

what fits on your back

Its Log log log.

Its Log

Its Log

Its big

Its Heavy

Its wood.

Its Log

Its Log

Its better than bad

Its good!

Everyone wants a Log

Come on and get your Log!

"Quick and dirty...i like it!" Oh Sully.

Tharja. Just Tharja.

Owain. Hes kinda out there but holy crap did i laugh like hell at "BY THE RED HAIR OF ELIWOOD!"

I have to agree, Henry's personality surprised me XD "Im gonna kill you!" He's one of my favorite characters from the series now.

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Chrom: "Damn them! I... Forgive me, Your Grace. That was... indelicately put."

Flavia: "Ha! Damn then and damn delicacy! Here in Ferox, we appreciate plain speech."

Chrom: "In that case, you should have a word with your damn border guards..."


Also, when Chrom asked if my name was foreign, and my name is Iyxxl (which, I'm SURE no one else has.).

That (supposedly)AWFUL dress that Lucina bought for Sumia...

I just wonder what it looks like... (I bet I'd like it XD) >_>

The Vaike.

Those weird brothers in the Paralogues...

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Kellam? I never saw him.

Henry. 'Nuff said.

There were quite a few other funny moments,

and there were some legit wtf moments. Ch 23

when you first beat "the boss". Holy cow.

Also, Nowi can have kids?

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It just occurred to me how bizarre it is to marry Ricken to someone. His kid is probably older than him!

Henry of course is the awesomest.

Anna S support got a bit of "Ok, sure! Let's go with that!" out of me.

When asked what his dreams are in the barracks, Gaius mentions "I used to have the blueprints to a gingerbread house. Did I really just say that out loud?"

Really though, the whole localization has been hilarious.

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Man... the liberties they took with Henry in the English localization were just the best.

Everything about Henry is the best.

You just couldn't handle how Handsome and Georgy they were.

Hahahaha. Those two were made of win.

*Severa's partner kills the enemy*

Severa: That was mine!

*Severa gets a level up*

Makes me laugh.

Severa actually bugs me. I got a support with her and Gerome and she was a total twat to him. All judging his mask and stuff. Im trying to understand how this character becomes endearing because im not seeing it. Shes a snot to everyone! D:<

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The swordmaster sprite has it swinging 2 swords, but battle animations still have them use 1.

And when they are using one sword, the other two are in their sheathes, which is really odd.

Obligatory Miriel and Henry.

Kellam, especially his paired endings.

They just did a good job in general. There's a funny part in every scene until it starts getting really serious near the end.

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