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Can anyone tell me...


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...why Awakening automatically goes to the top of the file list when you save, instead of the file you're currently using?

I just overwrote my completed classic normal run with several maxed characters for a chapter 3 Hard casual run.


I'm in the shock stage of the five stages of grief, I think (if thats one of them?). 40 hours. Gone.


obligatory /firstworldproblems but still

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...why Awakening automatically goes to the top of the file list when you save, instead of the file you're currently using?

Because it doesn't? Unless you're starting a new game, it defaults to the file you're playing. I've done it multiple times because of getting S support conversations with the backup save file. Double-checked just now too.

Sorry for your loss though, but you can't blame the game on this one.

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Because it doesn't? Unless you're starting a new game, it defaults to the file you're playing. I've done it multiple times because of getting S support conversations with the backup save file. Double-checked just now too.

Sorry for your loss though, but you can't blame the game on this one.

That makes no sense then. I loaded up a map save of chapter 2, finished the map (this is from my bottom file) and when it went to save it defaulted to the top(the completed file). I don't use the circle pad ever either, so there's no chance I could've accidentaly flicked up or something like that.

It's never happened to me in any other game but it's happened to me twice in this one (first file was a test run so I was just mildly confused when it happened)

EDIT: Maybe it only happens if you load it from a map save? I think I'll test that out.

Yeah, I figured out what triggers it. Basically, if you play your first file, load a map save from your last file, and complete the map, it defaults to the top.

No more using map saves for me, thanks.

Edited by Swift sword
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I guess it's because map saves aren't tied directly to a save file.

It reminds me of back when I played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance when I would use the Suspend saves to effectively have three save files instead of 2 - I suppose I could do the same with this game as well...

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I guess it's because map saves aren't tied directly to a save file.

It reminds me of back when I played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance when I would use the Suspend saves to effectively have three save files instead of 2 - I suppose I could do the same with this game as well...

Yeah, it's partially on me for not thinking that through properly. And yup, that'd probably work out just fine.

Ah well, the overwritten file was normal mode anyways, I probably wasn't going to keep it forever.

I am miffed that I lost a couple days of progress for Sacred Stones SpotPass characters, but no big deal.

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