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TWO Zelda games for 3DS?!


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I tell ya, today's Nintendo Direct WOW'd me!

Two Zeldas are coming up for the Nintendo 3DS, Zelda fans! This is all we know really, but I bet we can expect to see footage come E3 and/or the next Nintendo Direct!

What do you all think they'll be like? It's an easy guess to say the Oracle games from the Gameboy Color, and I'm definitely inclined to assume that too. But who knows what Miyamoto and his team are cooking up! I can't wait to learn more!

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Please PLEASE be a Majora's Mask remake. PLEASE

I doubt it. Besides, we need an ORIGINAL title for the 3DS already. We already got a remake. I'd rather ALttP be remade anyway.

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Personally I am not really hoping for Majora's Mask. The game is awesome and all but I'm not going to pay full price for a game I already played.

If it was at least ALttP, the third dimension would allow a complete re-imagining of it.

And I think that they are kinda overdoing it with remakes at this point. We have Ocarina 3D and Wind Waker HD already.

Edited by BrightBow
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I know it was stated a while back that an original 3DS title would be produced, but two is even better. I'd prefer them both to be new games, but I'd be satisfied if one turned out to be a remake. I'd be curious to see if the games(s) would feature touch screen-based controls like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks ore more classic button controls, using the touch screen to navigate menus. OoT's remake made stellar use of both, so I'd be happy to see that game engine recycled for this.

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Uh, I'm pretty sure it was 2 3DS titles, not Wii U titles. They already said earlier this year that ONE Wii U title was in production anyway (not the Wind Waker HD) and that it would be shown at E3.

Edited by Anacybele
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Been digging around the web a bit, and I'm not seeing anyone mention anything about any 3DS Zelda games. And looking at the Direct, Iwata only mentions the 2 Zelda games from the previous Direct, so there's no Zelda announcements it looks like.

Yeah, two Zelda games, that's it. We already know about Wind Waker HD, so why didn't he mention it by title? I'm also sure he said they're for 3DS.

Besides, we don't have an original title for 3DS yet! They'd be stupid not to tell us about one.

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Don't know why it wasn't mentioned by title, but I'm positive they only brought up the 2 Zelda games coming up for Wii U to announce the Miiverse community. Plus, the lack of activity on other message boards (like GameFAQs) kind of gives it away that it wasn't a new Zelda 3DS announcement, since such an announcement would inevitably create an explosion of activity.

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So, lemme get this right. We're getting an HD WInd Waker revamp for Wii U to tide us over until the actual Zelda Wii U comes out, this much we know. And NOW they're telling us there's gonna be two Zelda games for 3DS as well? HOLY F***ING SH*T YES!! Be they new titles or revamps of older games, I DON'T CARE! Personally, though, I hope it's either going to be another Four Swords installment, a Majora's Mask remake, or two new games akin to Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons. That would be fun.

This is shaping up to be a good Valentine's Day (despite my forever alone status XD). New Super Luigi U, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Mario Gold 3D, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, the new Awakening DLC, the announcement of Sylveon for Pokemon X and Y, and now two new Zelda 3DS games. This is shaping up to be a good year so far. Don't let me down, Nintendo!

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Don't know why it wasn't mentioned by title, but I'm positive they only brought up the 2 Zelda games coming up for Wii U to announce the Miiverse community. Plus, the lack of activity on other message boards (like GameFAQs) kind of gives it away that it wasn't a new Zelda 3DS announcement, since such an announcement would inevitably create an explosion of activity.

I'm positive Iwata said 3DS. Some people must not have heard him correctly. I know what I heard and I listened closely. And as I said, they'd be fools not to announce a 3DS Zelda at this point. It's been too long since we heard one was in development at all.

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I'm positive Iwata said 3DS. Some people must not have heard him correctly. I know what I heard and I listened closely. And as I said, they'd be fools not to announce a 3DS Zelda at this point. It's been too long since we heard one was in development at all.

Just listened to the Legend of Zelda just a couple of minutes ago closely, and not once was the word 3DS even dropped in that segment, only Wii U, so sorry, no 3DS Zelda announcements just yet.

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Just listened to the Legend of Zelda just a couple of minutes ago closely, and not once was the word 3DS even dropped in that segment, only Wii U, so sorry, no 3DS Zelda announcements just yet.

That must be a mistake. I could've SWORN I heard 3DS. And AS I SAID, they would be fools not to announce one now. We learned one was in development AGES ago. Why would they keep us waiting like this?!

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That must be a mistake. I could've SWORN I heard 3DS. And AS I SAID, they would be fools not to announce one now. We learned one was in development AGES ago. Why would they keep us waiting like this?!

You probably heard wrong, and I won't deny that they would be fools to not announce it, but somethine as big as a new Zelda game isn't going to make an appearance until E3. As has been said already, we know that it's in development, and that is all they are going to say about the game until then. This year's E3 is looking to be huge since Sony and Microsoft are likely to be showing off their next-gen consoles then, and Nintendo is going to have to bring their heavy hitters to the show just to keep up with them, so they're holding their cards close to their chest. I'm awaiting a Zelda 3DS announcement as much as you are, but I know that they won't announce anything as big as that before E3.

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You probably heard wrong, and I won't deny that they would be fools to not announce it, but somethine as big as a new Zelda game isn't going to make an appearance until E3. As has been said already, we know that it's in development, and that is all they are going to say about the game until then. This year's E3 is looking to be huge since Sony and Microsoft are likely to be showing off their next-gen consoles then, and Nintendo is going to have to bring their heavy hitters to the show just to keep up with them, so they're holding their cards close to their chest. I'm awaiting a Zelda 3DS announcement as much as you are, but I know that they won't announce anything as big as that before E3.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I got my hopes up a bit too high. But at least we KNOW we're getting more 3DS Zelda. And they better show it at E3, lol. Along with Smash Bros. and Mario. I'd say a Wii U FE too, but it's a BIT too soon for that since we've got that crossover coming up and we just got Awakening and all.

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Yeah, I guess you're right. I got my hopes up a bit too high. But at least we KNOW we're getting more 3DS Zelda. And they better show it at E3, lol. Along with Smash Bros. and Mario. I'd say a Wii U FE too, but it's a BIT too soon for that since we've got that crossover coming up and we just got Awakening and all.

Yeah, I'm hoping for them to announce Zelda at E3 as well, since as I said they'll need heavy hitters. A Wii U Fire Emblem, I would like that, but I also think it's a bit soon for that because of the crossover, but I also think it'll take them a bit of time to figure out what to do with the series from here.

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Speaking of Zelda: I would like to note that the European E-shop has Ocarina of Time 3D currently lowered by 20€. So it's at 30€ now.

I figured that it's noteworthy since Zelda games rarely get cheaper and I've never seen full games at the E-Shop become cheaper either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I rather hope for a for a Four Swords game. Adventure was the best mutliplayer fun ever and the handy DS screams for it's own installment.

I agree because I miss Vaati.

Also the first 4 Zelda games in a remake like with 3D figures would be really.............like imagine ALTTP like OoT how would Link look like but I know Nintendo will make alot of money.

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