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Golden Gaffe


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I was about to roll when I saw just how rich dirt poor Frederick and Lissa were. XD I mean, damn. Even I've had greater savings than them before. But hey! I get lots of gold now, so. I just really can't wait to abuse the tar out of the other two in this pack. MHMYES.

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Chrom references A Song of Ice and Fire when he invokes the "seven hells".

Yiss. In fact, theres a lot of little references to that series. I wonder if the localizers are fans....Either way, its hella awesome! I fangirl'd pretty hard.

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So what exactly is the benefit of getting the The Golden Gaffe

Funds. Lots and lots of delicious funds. The enemies with the most gold are the hardest to kill, but it gives a good payoff in the end. I managed to rake up $50,000 in my first run. My second run...not so much. But hey, at least I'm STACKED with Master Seals at this point. Good thing they're inexpensive. XD

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Funds. Lots and lots of delicious funds. The enemies with the most gold are the hardest to kill, but it gives a good payoff in the end. I managed to rake up $50,000 in my first run. My second run...not so much. But hey, at least I'm STACKED with Master Seals at this point. Good thing they're inexpensive. XD

guess i can get it since i have $6.50 for the whole package and then buy another prepaid card

Edited by Xeroix
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I got all of the gold the first run. It was great. Looking forward to the latter two DLCs in this pack quite a bit, though.

can you only play the Golden Gaffe once or anytime u want

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Would've been a whole lot more useful if I didn't already have 100,000+ surplus gold...

Leif's Blade forged on MU with Armsthrift and 44 luck. Pair with anyone basically and you have infinite uses of it, smash some faces in skirmishes, average ~5-10 bullions per skirmish. This makes it even freakin' easier hahaha.

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Yiss. In fact, theres a lot of little references to that series. I wonder if the localizers are fans....Either way, its hella awesome! I fangirl'd pretty hard.

The localization teams, I'd assume, had a lot of room to maneuver with changing the content like with Kid Icarus... and a great sense of humor.

For goodness sake "EXPonential Growth" for Entombed Heaven. XD

And man, Henry. I never remembered Henry being THAT punny in Japanese.

Also, have a video when it finishes processing:

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