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Hey look! Another bug!


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Most people already knew about this from either GameFaqs or from Rey's topic:


Here's the reverse of this bug.

After beating the game (with English voices on), go directly to theater, watch a clip and viola, Japanese voices is automatically switched on. I tested this after starting the game from 3DS main menu, and even soft resetting does this when checking the theater. A tad bit annoying if someone wants to see the clips in English.

Anybody found any other bugs out there? :O

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There is another bug I encountered. Sometimes when I'm playing the DLC maps, the music that plays in the background is whatever skirmish music I have set, rather than the music that's suppose to play on the map.

I've had that happen, too.

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Man, this sounds really messy. I mean, how difficult can this be? Personally I don't imagine it to be more complicated then a multidimensional array.

I guess they added the feature late during localization when they were pretty much done with playtesting. Still, I usually expect higher standards from Nintendo.

Anyway, Nintendo should really patch this one. After all, they can do this these days.

And if nothing else I expect this to be fixed by the time of the EU release. :rolleyes:

Edited by BrightBow
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There is another bug I encountered. Sometimes when I'm playing the DLC maps, the music that plays in the background is whatever skirmish music I have set, rather than the music that's suppose to play on the map.

That happened in the Japanese version too. I don't think it's a bug. It only seems to happen during replays, never the first playthrough.

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There is another bug I encountered. Sometimes when I'm playing the DLC maps, the music that plays in the background is whatever skirmish music I have set, rather than the music that's suppose to play on the map.

Happens more than often even in the JP version. It happens because the music is not loaded properly (duh). To prevent it from happening, try not to skip the "Objective: Rout enemies" text you see right before the battle.

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