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Of no relation to another of the same name


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To start: I'm *NOT* the Sheth that apparently has a name for himself playing... I believe it's starcraft? Anywho, I've had the moniker since 2002 or so; the other guy can stuff it. :X I don't even play starcraft.

I'm not sure how active I'll be on the forum itself. I've used the main SF website for information on playing various FE games for a few years. When awakening came out, I made this account primarily to make use of the chat, since SF doesn't use an IRC. Haven't played that far into it yet, but it's been a blast. I've also played fire emblem 7 and 8, and started a bit of 6; never really been interested in trying the console games, just given the nature of the genre. I know that FE9 is very difficult to acquire anyway; I'll likely only ever play it if a much more series-dedicated friend picks up a copy.

I'm a big casual player of Magic: The Gathering as well. I used to play competitive smash bros. Brawl, but lost a lot of interest in the game. I keep active in seeing new things in the fighting game community, but I'm not particularly great at any one game. Still play brawl from time to time (Luigi, DK) and play P4 Arena (Labrys, Mitsuru,) but I still need time in training mode for both. Really intrested in the jojo fighter that's in the works, as a long time fan of the series. Hopefully it ends up legit enough to garner FGC respect. I'm *just* far enough away from Xanadu in Baltimore to not really have a convenient venue for fightan games. Close enough that Xanadu sucks up all the activity and concentrates the playerbase into one venue, but far enough that I'm not willing to drive on the highway to get there on a regular basis.

So uh, cool. I guess that's an introduction thread.

Edited by Sheth
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But green's enemy colors are black and blue not black and red.

Rules checked over, a little specific on FE matters but nothing I've never overheard before, in the end. Just got Chrom married in awakening; evidently I have the supersoldiers mother? Married pairs are seriously absurdly powerful.

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Sorry, I was around when red burn decks were too popular

I also missed your love of JoJo. There's a small group of people that think it is awesome; find us all~!

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Imp and Nightmare love Jojo.

And no, not a fan.

Also, welcome, and yeah SF has IRC channels. But the only one well run is by Hikarusa and Nightmare. The thread for it is in fftf.

Oh and try TRS, and you'll loose time to it and fe13.

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Are you a Timmy, Johnny or Spike?

I came up with a white/blue deck idea called "lame duck congress" that was focused on effects that skip your own turn. Past decks include ways to burn in response to split second.


So, definitely a johnny. Little bit of timmy. I mostly play EDH, but I make 60s now and then for fun.

Found the IRC, added to the list of "places to talk about nothing in particular."

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